IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA con trolled sub stance; the mech a nism of ac tion of Silenor is not fully un der stood but works by block ing the re lease of his ta mine at the H1 re cep tor (most approved insomnia medications act via GABA receptors). New in som nia ther a pies in de vel op ment in 2008 in cluded sanofi-aventis’ eplivanserin and volinanserin, 5-HT2A re cep tor an tag o nists both in phase III tri als. Reg u la tory fil ings for eplivanserin were ex pected dur ing the sec ond half of 2008. Also at the phase III stage is Akzo No bel’s (Neth er lands) esmirtazapine, an other 5-HT2A an tag o nist. An a lysts ap pear to have high hopes for Vanda’s tasimelteon (VEC-162), a melatonin MT1/MT2 ag o nist that be gan phase III tri als in 2006, and like Rozerem (which af fects just the MT1 re cep tor), should not be a con trolled sub stance. Vanda an nounced pos i tive top-line re sults from one phase III study in June 2008, where tasimelteon showed good ef fi cacy at treat ing chronic in som nia over a four-week pe riod. The com - pany be lieves that the com pound may also have po ten tial as a ther apy for cir ca dian rhythm sleep disorders. Lilly is de vel op ing pruvanserin, a 5-HT2A an tag o nist li censed from Merck KGaA, in phase II tri als, and in March 2007 an nounced the ac qui si tion of Hypnion, which fo cuses on in som nia ther a pies. Its lead com - pound, HY10275, also in phase II tri als, tar gets 5-HT2A and the his ta mine H1 re cep tor. Lilly hopes nei - ther drug would be a controlled substance. At the end of 2007, Actelion (Swit zer land) ini ti ated a phase III study with almorexant, a first-in- class orexin OX1/OX2 re cep tor an tag o nist, in chronic pri mary in som nia. In 2008 GlaxoSmithKline en tered a $3.3 bil lion deal over this drug with Actelion. GSK is also de vel op ing an orexin an tag o nist, in phase II tri - als: the neuropeptide plays a key role in main tain ing wake ful ness and reg u lat ing the sleep-wake cy cle, and these new drugs are gar ner ing a lot of attention. A num ber of com pa nies are de vel op ing novel for mu la tions of zolpidem. In De cem ber 2008, the FDA ap - proved NovaDel’s Zolpimist, an oral spray prod uct for the short-term treat ment of in som nia. In May 2008, Orexo (Swe den) sub mit ted a 505(b)(2) NDA for Sublinox, which uses the com pany’s sublingual tab let tech nol ogy, also as a short-term in som nia ther apy; Meda (Swe den) has the global rights to com - mer cial ize Sublinox, which Orexo claims takes ef fect 30% faster than Ambien. In Oc to ber 2008, Transcept filed a US NDA for In ter mezzo, an other sublingual formulation of zolpidem. Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Backed by an ag gres sive Yen25 bil lion ($231.6 mil lion) sales cam paign, with a di rect-to-con sumer (DTC) com po nent that started in 2006, Takeda aims for Rozerem to be come its fifth block buster. Sales jumped 25% in the US to $111 mil lion in the year end ing March 2008; Yen12.6 bil lion, from Yen10.3 bil lion in the year to March 2007) and Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore - cast sales ris ing to Yen33.5 bil lion by the year end ing March 31 2013. Some Jap a nese an a lysts have es ti - mated that peak global sales for Rozerem could reach Yen60-100 billion. � Genitourinary System/Sex Hormones IXENSE/UPRIMA (sublingual apomorphine), a do pa mine ag o nist, is in di cated in the treat ment of erec - tile dys func tion (ED). It acts on the CNS and has a mech a nism of ac tion com pletely dif fer ent from that of ex ist ing ED prod ucts. The drug has shown ef fec tive ness in men with erec tile dys func tion of or ganic, psy - cho genic, and mixed eti ol ogy. Cau tion is rec om mended in pa tients us ing antihypertensive agents, ni - trates or other drugs which might lower blood pres sure. Apomorphine has been used for many years in the treat ment of Par kin son’s dis ease. It was launched in France, It aly and Ger many as Ixense by Takeda in 2001, and in Thai land in 2002. In the UK, it was co-pro moted by Takeda and Abbott as Uprima. In the rest of the EU, Takeda will use the Ixense trade name and Abbott Uprima. Li censee Abbott has launched the prod uct as Uprima in a num ber of mar kets in Eu rope and Latin America, as well as New Zealand. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 48

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA In the USA, the prod uct was in de vel op ment with TAP Pharmaceuticals, the Takeda Abbott jv which was con cluded in May 2008 with Takeda re tain ing rights to this prod uct. TAP started mar ket ing the drug in the USA in 2003. Li cens ing: Apomorphine was li censed to TAP by Pentech. TAP holds ex clu sive world wide rights to apomorphine for the treat ment of Par kin son’s Dis ease. An agree ment be tween TAP and Takeda giv ing Takeda rights to the prod uct out side Eu rope and the USA was ter mi nated in 2001. Pharmacia (now Pfizer, USA) has held rights to an intranasal for mu la tion for erec tile dys func tion and fe male sex ual dysfunction since 2002. Com pe ti tion: Abbott has stated that it has high hopes for Uprima and be lieves that it will of fer pa tients a prom is ing new op tion. The ED mar ket is now dom i nated by a bat tle be tween the PDE-V in hib i tors Pfizer’s Viagra (sildenafil), Bayer’s Levitra (vardenafil) and Lilly’s Cialis (tadalafil). In the year end ing Sep tem - ber 2008, Viagra was still the world’s lead ing ED drug with 44.5% mar ket share, up 4% (fixed dol lar growth) over the pre vi ous year, fol lowed by Cialis with 33.4% share (up 18%) and then Levitra with 13% (up 10%). � Musculoskeletal System Agents BENET (risedronic acid), a bisphosphonate com pound, was launched in Ja pan in May 2002 by Takeda for the treat ment of postmenopausal os teo po ro sis. Sanofi-aventis (France) is co-mar ket ing the prod uct in Ja pan as Actonel. In June 2004, the Jap a nese side-ef fect warn ing state ments for risedronic acid were re vised fol low ing lo cal re ports of ADRs. The list of se ri ous po ten tial side-ef fects for the prod uct, along with Pfizer’s Cardenalin (doxazosin), has been ex panded to in clude hepatic dys func tion and jaun dice, as well as hep a ti tis for Cardenalin. A once-a-week for mu la tion of risedronic acid is avail able in the USA, Can ada and a num ber of other coun tries, now in clud ing Japan following approval in April 2007. Li cens ing: Orig i na tor Procter & Gam ble (USA) li censed it out to Aji no mo to (Ja pan) for Ja pan in 1992, where it was co-de vel oped with sublicensees Takeda and Aventis (now sanofi-aventis). Risedronic acid pre vents bone cal cium from be ing re ab sorbed by the body. Risedronic acid was launched in the USA in 1998 as Actonel for the treat ment of Paget’s dis ease by P&G and Aventis. It is now widely avail able for the treat ment of Paget’s dis ease and the pre ven tion and treat ment of os teo po ro sis. In 1997, P&G and Aventis agreed to co-de velop and co-mar ket risedronic acid worldwide. Clin i cal Data: In 2004, Aventis re ported re sults from a five-year pla cebo-con trolled paired bi opsy study of risedronic acid in 86 postmenopausal women with os teo po ro sis. Pa tients were treated with risedronic acid or pla cebo, and bone tis sue bi op sies taken from 21 and 27 pa tients in each treat ment group were histologically ex am ined at base line and af ter five years of treat ment. Re sults showed a sig nif i cant mod er - ate and sus tained de crease in bone turn over in pa tients treated with risedronic acid, with no sig nif i cant de crease in pla cebo. New bone was nor mal and of good qual ity. Bi opsy data showed a mod er ate sup pres - sion of bone re mod el ing, in line with es ti mated sup pres sion of bone turnover in patients treated with risedronic acid. Lifecycle Man age ment: The prod uct was filed for ap proval in Paget’s dis ease in Ja pan in July 2007 and ap proval granted in July 2008. Com pe ti tion: Benet was the world’s num ber 10 bone cal cium reg u la tor in the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, ac cord ing to IMS, with a mar ket share of 1.5% and 2% de cline in fixed rate dol - lar growth. Procter & Gam ble’s risedronic acid prod uct Actonel led the class with a 18.4% mar ket share but a sales de cline of 1% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Novartis’ Zometa (zoledronic acid) was num ber two with 16.1% mar ket share and up 14% over the pre vi ous year. Num ber three was Merck & Co’s Fosamax (alendronate), with a 15.2% down 47% over the previous year. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 49

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

con trolled sub stance; the mech a nism of ac tion of Silenor is not fully un der stood but works by block ing<br />

the re lease of his ta mine at the H1 re cep tor (most approved insomnia medications act via GABA<br />

receptors).<br />

New in som nia ther a pies in de vel op ment in 2008 in cluded sanofi-aventis’ eplivanserin and<br />

volinanserin, 5-HT2A re cep tor an tag o nists both in phase III tri als. Reg u la tory fil ings for eplivanserin<br />

were ex pected dur ing the sec ond half of 2008.<br />

Also at the phase III stage is Akzo No bel’s (Neth er lands) esmirtazapine, an other 5-HT2A an tag o nist.<br />

An a lysts ap pear to have high hopes for Vanda’s tasimelteon (VEC-162), a melatonin MT1/MT2 ag o nist<br />

that be gan phase III tri als in 2006, and like Rozerem (which af fects just the MT1 re cep tor), should not be<br />

a con trolled sub stance. Vanda an nounced pos i tive top-line re sults from one phase III study in June 2008,<br />

where tasimelteon showed good ef fi cacy at treat ing chronic in som nia over a four-week pe riod. The com -<br />

pany be lieves that the com pound may also have po ten tial as a ther apy for cir ca dian rhythm sleep<br />

disorders.<br />

Lilly is de vel op ing pruvanserin, a 5-HT2A an tag o nist li censed from Merck KGaA, in phase II tri als, and in<br />

March 2007 an nounced the ac qui si tion of Hypnion, which fo cuses on in som nia ther a pies. Its lead com -<br />

pound, HY10275, also in phase II tri als, tar gets 5-HT2A and the his ta mine H1 re cep tor. Lilly hopes nei -<br />

ther drug would be a controlled substance.<br />

At the end of 2007, Actelion (Swit zer land) ini ti ated a phase III study with almorexant, a first-in- class<br />

orexin OX1/OX2 re cep tor an tag o nist, in chronic pri mary in som nia. In 2008 GlaxoSmithKline en tered a<br />

$3.3 bil lion deal over this drug with Actelion. GSK is also de vel op ing an orexin an tag o nist, in phase II tri -<br />

als: the neuropeptide plays a key role in main tain ing wake ful ness and reg u lat ing the sleep-wake cy cle,<br />

and these new drugs are gar ner ing a lot of attention.<br />

A num ber of com pa nies are de vel op ing novel for mu la tions of zolpidem. In De cem ber 2008, the FDA ap -<br />

proved NovaDel’s Zolpimist, an oral spray prod uct for the short-term treat ment of in som nia. In May<br />

2008, Orexo (Swe den) sub mit ted a 505(b)(2) NDA for Sublinox, which uses the com pany’s sublingual<br />

tab let tech nol ogy, also as a short-term in som nia ther apy; Meda (Swe den) has the global rights to com -<br />

mer cial ize Sublinox, which Orexo claims takes ef fect 30% faster than Ambien. In Oc to ber 2008,<br />

Transcept filed a US NDA for In ter mezzo, an other sublingual formulation of zolpidem.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Backed by an ag gres sive Yen25 bil lion ($231.6 mil lion) sales cam paign,<br />

with a di rect-to-con sumer (DTC) com po nent that started in 2006, Takeda aims for Rozerem to be come<br />

its fifth block buster. Sales jumped 25% in the US to $111 mil lion in the year end ing March 2008; Yen12.6<br />

bil lion, from Yen10.3 bil lion in the year to March 2007) and Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore -<br />

cast sales ris ing to Yen33.5 bil lion by the year end ing March 31 2013. Some Jap a nese an a lysts have es ti -<br />

mated that peak global sales for Rozerem could reach Yen60-100 billion.<br />

� Genitourinary System/Sex Hormones<br />

IXENSE/UPRIMA (sublingual apomorphine), a do pa mine ag o nist, is in di cated in the treat ment of erec -<br />

tile dys func tion (ED). It acts on the CNS and has a mech a nism of ac tion com pletely dif fer ent from that of<br />

ex ist ing ED prod ucts. The drug has shown ef fec tive ness in men with erec tile dys func tion of or ganic, psy -<br />

cho genic, and mixed eti ol ogy. Cau tion is rec om mended in pa tients us ing antihypertensive agents, ni -<br />

trates or other drugs which might lower blood pres sure. Apomorphine has been used for many years in<br />

the treat ment of Par kin son’s dis ease. It was launched in France, It aly and Ger many as Ixense by Takeda<br />

in 2001, and in Thai land in 2002. In the UK, it was co-pro moted by Takeda and Abbott as Uprima. In the<br />

rest of the EU, Takeda will use the Ixense trade name and Abbott Uprima. Li censee Abbott has launched<br />

the prod uct as Uprima in a num ber of mar kets in Eu rope and Latin America, as well as New Zealand.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 48

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