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IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

ten tion def i cit hy per ac tiv ity dis or der (ADHD) in chil dren and ad o les cents. Li censee Cephalon (USA) has<br />

dis con tin ued fur ther development of modafinil for this indication.<br />

Li cens ing: Lafon (France) holds pat ent rights to modafinil, and Cephalon has li censed rights to the prod -<br />

uct in the USA, UK, Ire land, Ja pan, It aly, Mex ico, Latin Amer ica and sev eral Asian coun tries. In June<br />

2006, Cephalon and Takeda an nounced that they had en tered into an agree ment, un der which Takeda<br />

will co-pro mote Provigil in the USA. The three-year deal will have an op tion to re new an nu ally, and<br />

Cephalon will also have an op tion to use Takeda to pro mote Nuvigil (armodafinil). Cephalon will pay<br />

Takeda a roy alty based on cer tain sales cri te ria for both prod ucts. Cephalon will re tain all re spon si bil ity for<br />

de vel op ment, dis tri bu tion and sales of modafinil.<br />

ROZEREM (ramelteon), a melatonin ag o nist de vel oped by Takeda, was launched in 2005 in the USA for<br />

in som nia char ac ter ized by dif fi culty with sleep on set. Rozerem is the first and only non-sched uled pre -<br />

scrip tion sleep med i ca tion to be ap proved (thus al low ing phy si cians to pre scribe for long-term use in<br />

adults) and also is the first pre scrip tion in som nia med i ca tion with a novel mech a nism of ac tion to be<br />

approved in the last 35 years.<br />

Phase III tri als were on go ing in Ja pan and in Feb ru ary 2008, Takeda sub mit ted an NDA in Ja pan for ap -<br />

proval of ramelteon in the treat ment of pri mary insomnia.<br />

In March 2007 Takeda sub mit ted a Mar ket ing Au tho ri za tion Ap pli ca tion to the Eu ro pean Med i cines<br />

Agency (EMEA) for this in di ca tion. Takeda’s ap pli ca tion was sub mit ted through the cen tral ized pro ce dure<br />

and is sup ported by clin i cal trial data from 8100 pa tients aged 18 to 93. Takeda an nounced in Sep tem ber<br />

2008 that it has with drawn its MAA for ramelteon in the EU, seek ing ap proval for the treat ment of pri mary<br />

in som nia. The de ci sion fol lows the anal y sis of ad di tional clin i cal data, col lected af ter Takeda’s re quest for<br />

re-ex am i na tion of the CHMP’s neg a tive opin ion in May 2008. Takeda re mains com mit ted to gain ing EU<br />

ap proval of the agent, and plans to submit a new MAA to the EMEA in the future.<br />

In March 2007, the FDA called for stron ger warn ings for 13 sleep ing pills in clud ing Rozerem of dan ger ous<br />

po ten tial side ef fects like al ler gic re ac tions and sleep driv ing. The same month, the FDA also said that TV<br />

ad ver tise ments of Rozerem that in cluded im ages of chil dren vi o lated rules as Takeda does not have ap -<br />

proval for pe di at ric use and it is not known if Rozerem is safe in ad o les cents due to po ten tial ef fects on re -<br />

pro duc tive hor mones. Fur ther more, Takeda failed to sub mit the ad ver tise ment be fore run ning and while<br />

the FDA does not have to sign off be fore run ning, companies are required to submit beforehand.<br />

Clin i cal Data: The FDA ap proval was backed by data from more than 4,200 pa tients aged 18 to 93, in -<br />

clud ing a 472 pa tient trial with sin gle doses daily for up to a year. Rozerem was ad di tion ally shown to be<br />

safe in adults with COPD or mild-to-mod er ate sleep apnea as well as el derly adults. Clin i cal stud ies also<br />

re vealed that Rozerem had no more po ten tial for abuse or be hav ioral im pair ment than pla cebo, even at<br />

up to 20 times the pro posed therapeutic dose.<br />

In May 2007, a new study pre sented by TPNA showed that ramelteon did not im pair mid dle-of-the-night<br />

bal ance, mo bil ity or mem ory per for mance in older adults with in som nia over pla cebo un like the zolpidem<br />

treated pa tients who dem on strated im paired per for mance in these mea sures com pared with placebo.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: Phase II tri als are be ing con ducted in the USA for sleep/cir ca dian rhythm dis -<br />

or ders/jetlag. Ramelteon spe cif i cally tar gets melatonin ML-1 re cep tors within the hy po tha lamic re gion of<br />

the brain.Takeda had ex pressed in tent to ex tend the use of Rozerem to treat Alz hei mer’s dis ease (TAK<br />

375) but phase III tri als were dis con tin ued in 2007 fol low ing in suf fi cient num bers of pa tients re cruited<br />

meeting inclusion criteria.<br />

Com pe ti tion: The US in som nia mar ket is fore cast to grow sub stan tially but Takeda is not the only one<br />

hop ing to tap into this growth. In 2005, Sepracor’s in som nia treat ment, Lunesta (eszopiclone), hit the<br />

mar ket, around six months ahead of Rozerem. Lunesta of fers the ad van tage of long du ra tion of ac tion<br />

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