IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA (one-quar ter the low est ap proved dose) as the side ef fects are dose de pend ent, along with the two most commonly used doses of candesartan (4 and 8mg). Com pe ti tion: Novartis also ob tained ap proval in Ja pan for its Co-DIO, com bin ing its Diovan (valsartan) with hy dro chlo ro thi a zide in Jan u ary 2009. Both join Banyu’s losartan + hy dro chlo ro thi a zide com bi na tion Preminent al though this is avail able in one strength only com pared with two strengths for Takeda’s Ecard and Novartis’ Co-DIO. Co-DIO how ever uses two dos ages of hy dro chlo ro thi a zide (6.25mg and 12.5mg) along with the same dose of valsartan which it says will en able cli ni cians to se lect the more ap - pro pri ate one con sid er ing the risk of ad verse events due to hy dro chlo ro thi a zide. Takeda con firmed that data from clin i cal tri als re vealed com pa ra ble hypotensive ef fi cacy with Ecard (4mg candesartan + 6.25mg hy dro chlo ro thi a zide) to candesartan 8mg and a more po tent hypotensive ef fect using Ecard (8mg + 6.25mg hydrochlorothiazide) to candesartan 8mg. Takeda’s Blopress was the third best sell ing AIIA in its class (C9C, To tal An gio ten sin II An tag o nists, Plain) in the 12 months to Sep tem ber 2008, with 11.4% mar ket share and 6% dol lar growth, ac cord ing to IMS. Novartis’ (Swit zer land) Diovan (valsartan) is mar ket leader with a 26.3% mar ket share and 12% dol lar growth; Merck & Co’s (USA) Cozaar (losartan) is sec ond with a 16.3% mar ket share, down 5% over the pre vi ous year, and in fourth place, Boehringer Ingelheim’s (Ger many) Micardis (irbesartan), with a 8.9% mar ket share and 16% dol lar growth. Benicar (olmesartan medoxmil) took fifth place with 8.5% and 24% growth. Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In the year to March 31 2008 (fis cal 2007) ac cord ing to Takeda, con sol i - dated Blopress global sales were up 8.2% to Yen223.1 bil lion. In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep - tem ber 2008, Blopress Comp was Takeda’s num ber nine in ter na tional phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct, mak ing up 1.3% of cor po rate sales, up 7% in fixed rate dol lar terms, ac cord ing to IMS. An a lysts at Mor gan Stan - ley (Au gust 2008) fore cast con sol i dated Blopress sales of Yen246.8 bil lion by the year ending March 2013. CALSLOT (manidipine), a once-daily cal cium an tag o nist, was launched in Ja pan in 1990 for hy per ten - sion. Li cens ing: Manidipine was li censed-out to Chiesi (It aly) for mar ket ing in Eu rope and Brazil. Takeda co-mar kets the prod uct in It aly with Chiesi as Vascoman. Chiesi first launched it in It aly as Iperten in 1996. In 2000, Chiesi launched it in Brazil as Manivasc. Chiesi com pleted the Eu ro pean mu tual rec og ni - tion pro ce dure in 2001, and in 2003, launched manidipine in Spain as Artedil and in Greece as Manyper. It was launched in Ger many as Manyper in and in Tu ni sia as Iperten in 2004. In 2005, it was launched in France as Iperten. Iperten was launched in Mo rocco in March 2006. Lifecycle Man age ment: Li censee Chiesi has de vel oped a com bi na tion of the Takeda ACE in hib i tor delapril and manidipine, with the trade name Vi vace. It was launched in Aus tria in 2005 and in Ger many in Feb ru ary 2006. In March 2006, it was launched in Brazil as Hipertil. Delapril, and manidipine were orig i nally de vel oped by Takeda, and li censed by Chiesi for Eu rope and Brazil. Takeda does not ap pear to be de vel op ing this com bi na tion product in Japan, however. Sales/An a lyst Com ment: With sales of Yen5 bil lion in fis cal 2007 (end ing March 2008), an a lysts at Mor gan Stan ley (Au gust 2008) fore cast a drop in sales to Yen3.5 bil lion by the year end ing March 2013. NIASPAN (ni a cin ex tended re lease) is ap proved a treat ment of mul ti ple lipid dis or ders, and was first launched in 1997. It is the only once-daily ex tended-re lease for mu la tion of ni a cin avail able in the USA for this indication. Li cens ing: Takeda (through TPNA) signed an agree ment with Kos (now Abbott, USA) in No vem ber 2003 to co-pro mote the prod uct in the USA from Jan u ary 2004. An iden ti cal agree ment was signed for Kos’s other cho les terol prod uct, Advicor (ni a cin/lovastatin ex tended re lease). Both agree ments are due to last © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 44

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA three years, but can be ex tended. If the com pa nies do not re new the part ner ship, Takeda will be el i gi ble to re ceive de clin ing tail pay ments for a pe riod of three years fol low ing 2006. Un der the agree ment, TPNA’s 1,000-strong US sales force will co-pro mote the prod ucts and Takeda will re ceive an un dis closed per cent age of net sales for the Kos’s (now Abbott’s) cur rent cho les terol franchise above a specific baseline level. Lifecycle Man age ment: Kos an nounced in July 2006 that it had sub mit ted a sup ple men tal NDA to the US FDA, seek ing the ap proval of a com plete dos age range of Niaspan CF, a caplet for mu la tion of the prod uct. The Niaspan CF range in cludes an op ti mized 1000mg caplet formulation. � Central Nervous System Agents ANPEC TAKEDA (mor phine hy dro chlo ride) was launched in Ja pan in 1991. It was co-launched with Tanab (now Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharm), Sankyo (now Daiichi Sankyo), Shionogi and Dainippon (now Dainippon Sumitomo, all Ja pan), which mar ket it as Anpec Tanabe, Anpec Sankyo etc. A con cen trated high-dose ver sion of mor phine hy dro chlo ride has been filed in Ja pan by Takeda and its joint de vel op ment part ners (with the lab o ra tory code MH 200), for the treat ment of se vere pain due to cancer. EURODIN (estazolam), an in ter me di ate-act ing benzo diaz epine, has been mar keted world wide for the short-term man age ment of in som nia since 1967. It was orig i nally de vel oped by the Takeda/Abbott joint ven ture, TAP (USA), dis solved in May 2008. In 2003, estazolam was launched in Tai wan, Rus sia and Lat - via as a treat ment for insomnia. HIRTONIN (protirelin), a thyrotropin-re leas ing hor mone, has been on the mar ket for some years as a di ag nos tic and ther a peu tic agent and was launched by Takeda in Ja pan as Hirtonin in 1978 as a nootropic. In 1988, Takeda Italia launched it as a nootropic un der the name Irtonin. MS CONTIN TAKEDA (mor phine sul fate) is a slow-re lease mor phine prod uct, orig i nally de vel oped by Mundipharma (Swit zer land). It was li censed out to Takeda for Ja pan and launched there in 1989. It was co-de vel oped with Tanabe (now Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma), Sankyo (now Daiichi Sankyo), Shionogi and Dainippon (now Dainippon Sumitomo), which co-mar ket the prod uct in Ja pan as MS Contin Tanabe, MS Contin Sankyo etc. A high-dose con cen trated ver sion was launched in Japan in 1995. NICHOLIN (citicoline), an oral neuroprotective is avail able in more than 70 coun tries for the treat ment of ischemic stroke. Takeda sells the drug in Ja pan. OPSO TAKEDA (mor phine hy dro chlo ride) is an oral for mu la tion pre-pre pared in dos age units of 5mg and 10mg. It is in di cated for mod er ate to se vere pain in can cer, and was launched in Ja pan in 2003. OXYCONTIN TAKEDA (oxycodone) is a re tard-film coated tab let for mu la tion used for mod er ate to se - vere pain in var i ous types of can cer. It was launched in Ja pan in 2003. PREPENON TAKEDA (in ject able mor phine hy dro chlo ride) was launched in Ja pan in 2001, through a part ner ship with Terumo (Ja pan). It is in di cated for the re lief of pain in can cer pa tients. Takeda is re spon - si ble for sales and Terumo for de vel op ment and pro duc tion. Prepenon is sold in pre-filled sy ringes, in - creas ing con ve nience for pa tients treat ing themselves at home. PROVIGIL (modafinil), a non-am phet amine psychostimulant for narcolepsy and id io pathic hypersomnia. It was first launched in France in 1994 for the treat ment of narcolepsy and id io pathic hypersomnia, and has sub se quently been launched in most mar kets world wide, in clud ing the USA, Eu - rope, Can ada and Aus tra lia, and is await ing ap proval in Ja pan for this in di ca tion. In Au gust 2006 the US FDA is sued a non-ap prov able let ter for Cephalon’s s NDA for the use of modafinil in the treat ment of at - © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 45

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

(one-quar ter the low est ap proved dose) as the side ef fects are dose de pend ent, along with the two most<br />

commonly used doses of candesartan (4 and 8mg).<br />

Com pe ti tion: Novartis also ob tained ap proval in Ja pan for its Co-DIO, com bin ing its Diovan (valsartan)<br />

with hy dro chlo ro thi a zide in Jan u ary 2009. Both join Banyu’s losartan + hy dro chlo ro thi a zide com bi na tion<br />

Preminent al though this is avail able in one strength only com pared with two strengths for Takeda’s<br />

Ecard and Novartis’ Co-DIO. Co-DIO how ever uses two dos ages of hy dro chlo ro thi a zide (6.25mg and<br />

12.5mg) along with the same dose of valsartan which it says will en able cli ni cians to se lect the more ap -<br />

pro pri ate one con sid er ing the risk of ad verse events due to hy dro chlo ro thi a zide. Takeda con firmed that<br />

data from clin i cal tri als re vealed com pa ra ble hypotensive ef fi cacy with Ecard (4mg candesartan +<br />

6.25mg hy dro chlo ro thi a zide) to candesartan 8mg and a more po tent hypotensive ef fect using Ecard<br />

(8mg + 6.25mg hydrochlorothiazide) to candesartan 8mg.<br />

Takeda’s Blopress was the third best sell ing AIIA in its class (C9C, To tal An gio ten sin II An tag o nists, Plain)<br />

in the 12 months to Sep tem ber 2008, with 11.4% mar ket share and 6% dol lar growth, ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>.<br />

Novartis’ (Swit zer land) Diovan (valsartan) is mar ket leader with a 26.3% mar ket share and 12% dol lar<br />

growth; Merck & Co’s (USA) Cozaar (losartan) is sec ond with a 16.3% mar ket share, down 5% over the<br />

pre vi ous year, and in fourth place, Boehringer Ingelheim’s (Ger many) Micardis (irbesartan), with a<br />

8.9% mar ket share and 16% dol lar growth. Benicar (olmesartan medoxmil) took fifth place with 8.5%<br />

and 24% growth.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In the year to March 31 2008 (fis cal 2007) ac cord ing to Takeda, con sol i -<br />

dated Blopress global sales were up 8.2% to Yen223.1 bil lion. In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep -<br />

tem ber 2008, Blopress Comp was Takeda’s num ber nine in ter na tional phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct, mak ing<br />

up 1.3% of cor po rate sales, up 7% in fixed rate dol lar terms, ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>. An a lysts at Mor gan Stan -<br />

ley (Au gust 2008) fore cast con sol i dated Blopress sales of Yen246.8 bil lion by the year ending March<br />

2013.<br />

CALSLOT (manidipine), a once-daily cal cium an tag o nist, was launched in Ja pan in 1990 for hy per ten -<br />

sion.<br />

Li cens ing: Manidipine was li censed-out to Chiesi (It aly) for mar ket ing in Eu rope and Brazil. Takeda<br />

co-mar kets the prod uct in It aly with Chiesi as Vascoman. Chiesi first launched it in It aly as Iperten in<br />

1996. In 2000, Chiesi launched it in Brazil as Manivasc. Chiesi com pleted the Eu ro pean mu tual rec og ni -<br />

tion pro ce dure in 2001, and in 2003, launched manidipine in Spain as Artedil and in Greece as Manyper.<br />

It was launched in Ger many as Manyper in and in Tu ni sia as Iperten in 2004. In 2005, it was launched in<br />

France as Iperten. Iperten was launched in Mo rocco in March 2006.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: Li censee Chiesi has de vel oped a com bi na tion of the Takeda ACE in hib i tor<br />

delapril and manidipine, with the trade name Vi vace. It was launched in Aus tria in 2005 and in Ger many<br />

in Feb ru ary 2006. In March 2006, it was launched in Brazil as Hipertil. Delapril, and manidipine were<br />

orig i nally de vel oped by Takeda, and li censed by Chiesi for Eu rope and Brazil. Takeda does not ap pear to<br />

be de vel op ing this com bi na tion product in Japan, however.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: With sales of Yen5 bil lion in fis cal 2007 (end ing March 2008), an a lysts at<br />

Mor gan Stan ley (Au gust 2008) fore cast a drop in sales to Yen3.5 bil lion by the year end ing March 2013.<br />

NIASPAN (ni a cin ex tended re lease) is ap proved a treat ment of mul ti ple lipid dis or ders, and was first<br />

launched in 1997. It is the only once-daily ex tended-re lease for mu la tion of ni a cin avail able in the USA for<br />

this indication.<br />

Li cens ing: Takeda (through TPNA) signed an agree ment with Kos (now Abbott, USA) in No vem ber 2003<br />

to co-pro mote the prod uct in the USA from Jan u ary 2004. An iden ti cal agree ment was signed for Kos’s<br />

other cho les terol prod uct, Advicor (ni a cin/lovastatin ex tended re lease). Both agree ments are due to last<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 44

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