IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

In 2001, AstraZeneca an nounced the ini ti a tion of a clin i cal study ex am in ing Atacand as add-on ther apy<br />

with the ACE in hib i tor Zestril (lisinopril) for low er ing blood pres sure. In volv ing 1,000 hy per ten sive pa -<br />

tients from 150 sites across the USA, the study was de signed to re spond to the re sults of re cent health<br />

sur veys sug gest ing that only 27% of hy per ten sive pa tients have their blood pres sure ad e quately con -<br />

trolled at the de sired blood pressure target of 140/90 mmHg.<br />

Com pe ti tion: Blopress was the third best sell ing AIIA in its class (C9C, To tal An gio ten sin II An tag o nists,<br />

Plain) in the 12 months to Sep tem ber 2008, with 11.4% mar ket share and 6% dol lar growth, ac cord ing<br />

to <strong>IMS</strong>. Novartis’ (Swit zer land) Diovan (valsartan) is mar ket leader with a 26.3% mar ket share and 12%<br />

dol lar growth; Merck & Co’s (USA) Cozaar (losartan) is sec ond with a 16.3% mar ket share, down 5%<br />

over the pre vi ous year, and in fourth place, Boehringer Ingelheim’s (Ger many) Micardis (irbesartan),<br />

with a 8.9% mar ket share and 16% dol lar growth. Benicar (olmesartan medoxmil) took fifth place with<br />

8.5% and 24% growth. Blopress led the Jap a nese mar ket in the same pe riod with 30.9% mar ket share<br />

and 4% fixed-dollar growth.<br />

Blopress was also the best sell ing phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct in Ja pan in the year end ing Sep tem ber 2008<br />

ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>.<br />

Takeda is de vel op ing a fixed-dose com bi na tion of candesartan with the cal cium an tag o nist amlodipine in<br />

Ja pan, un der go ing phase III de vel op ment This will be a com bi na tion of two of Ja pan’s best sell ing drugs.<br />

In Ja pan doc tors of ten co-pre scribe an ARB and cal cium an tag o nist to achieve blood pres sure tar gets with<br />

sin gle treat ment said to achieve this in only half of pa tients. Other com pa nies de vel op ing such com bi na -<br />

tions in Ja pan are Daiichi Sankyo with Oletec (olmesartan) + Calblock (azelnidipine), ex pected to be filed<br />

for ap proval in 2009 and Novartis with Diovan (valsartan) and amlodipine. In the US Novartis ob tained<br />

ap proval for its Exforge (valsartan + amlodipine) in the US in June 2007 and Daiichi Sankyo for Azor<br />

(olmesartan + amlodipine) in September 2007.<br />

Hyzaar/Cozaar (losartan) was ap proved by the FDA in April 2005 as the first and only fixed-dose com bi -<br />

na tion hy per ten sion med i cine to help pre vent stroke in pa tients with hy per ten sion and left ven tric u lar<br />

hypertrophy.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In the year to March 31 2008 (fis cal 2007) ac cord ing to Takeda, con sol i -<br />

dated Blopress global sales were up 8.2% to Yen223.1 bil lion. Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, Blopress was Takeda’s<br />

num ber three in ter na tional phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct in the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber<br />

2008, mak ing up 11% of cor po rate sales, up 6% in fixed rate dol lar terms. An a lysts at Mor gan Stan ley<br />

(Au gust 2008) fore cast con sol i dated Blopress sales of Yen246.8 bil lion by the year ending March 2013.<br />

BLOPRESS COMP (candesartan cilexetil+ hy dro chlo ro thi a zide), an AIIA/di uretic com bi na tion for hy per -<br />

ten sion, has been de vel oped by Takeda and was first launched in Swe den in 1998. Takeda has now<br />

launched the com bi na tion prod uct in a num ber of mar kets, in clud ing Ger many (as Blopress R), Aus tria<br />

(as Blopress Plus), It aly (as Blopresid), Swit zer land and Thai land (Blopress Plus) and France (as<br />

Cokenzen). In a num ber of other mar kets, the com bi na tion is mar keted by li censee AstraZeneca (UK)<br />

and in some mar kets, the com bi na tion is co-mar keted by Takeda and AstraZeneca. The com bi na tion was<br />

launched in the USA by AstraZeneca as Atacand HCT.<br />

In Feb ru ary 2009 AstraZeneca re ported that its fil ing for Atacand Plus, 32 mg (candesartan cilexetil) +<br />

12.5 mg (hy dro chlo ro thi a zide) and 32 mg/25 mg for mu la tions, has been ap proved in 11 EU states and<br />

Ice land for the treat ment of hy per ten sive pa tients; Swe den acted as the ref er ence mem ber state.<br />

Takeda and AstraZeneca’s com bi na tion of candesartan cilexetil and hy dro chlo ro thi a zide is avail able in<br />

most mar kets world wide for the treat ment of hy per ten sion. It was filed again in Ja pan with half the dose<br />

of hy dro chlo ro thi a zide in March 2008 and ap proval of Ecard in two dos age forms for the treat ment of hy -<br />

per ten sion was granted in Jan u ary 2009. The dose of hy dro chlo ro thi a zide for both was set at 6.25mg<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 43

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