IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

for the treat ment of MM by the US FDA in June 2006 and by the Eu ro pean Com mis sion in June 2007, by<br />

the Aus tra lian Ther a peu tic Goods Ad min is tra tion in Jan u ary 2008, and in Can ada in Oc to ber 2008. In<br />

June 2007 Celgene launched the agent in the UK and Ger many for the treat ment of MM in pa tients who<br />

have re ceived at least one prior ther apy. In June 2008 pos i tive data from phase III tri als of Revlimid plus<br />

dexa meth a sone in newly di ag nosed MM pa tients was re ported at ASCO. The two stud ies re ported a sur -<br />

vival advantage and improved complete response rates.<br />

In Feb ru ary 2006, Celgene launched Revlimid in the USA for the treat ment of trans fu sion-de pend ent<br />

ane mia due to low or in ter me di ate-1-risk myelodysplastic syn dromes (MDS) as so ci ated with a de le tion<br />

5q cytogenetic ab nor mal ity with or with out other cytogenetic ab nor mal i ties. An MAA was sub mit ted to<br />

the EMEA in Au gust 2005 seek ing ap proval of the drug for the treat ment of trans fu sion-de pend ent ane -<br />

mia due to low- or in ter me di ate-1-risk MDS as so ci ated with a de le tion 5q cytogenetic ab nor mal ity with or<br />

with out ad di tional cytogenetic ab nor mal i ties; the EMEA ac cepted the MAA for re view in Oc to ber 2005.<br />

How ever, in Jan u ary 2008, the EMEA is sued a negative opinion, and in June 2008 Celgene withdrew the<br />

MAA.<br />

In June 2008, Keryx Biopharmaceuticals (USA) re ported re sults from a multicenter, open-la bel US phase<br />

II trial of its drug perifosine (KRX 0401) in pa tients with MM. The trial as sessed the safety and ef fi cacy of<br />

perifosine alone and in com bi na tion with dexa meth a sone in pa tients with re lapsed and/or re frac tory MM.<br />

Other drugs in de vel op ment for mul ti ple myeloma in clude carfilzomib from Proteolix (USA) which in July<br />

2008 was in a phase II trial in pa tients with re lapsed MM in com bi na tion with lenalidomide and dexa meth -<br />

a sone and was granted or phan drug des ig na tion in April 2008.<br />

In the 12-month pe riod to the end of June 2008, Velcade was num ber eight in the ‘All Other<br />

Antineoplastics’ class with a 3.3% mar ket share and 36% fixed rate dol lar growth. This class was led by<br />

MabThera/Rituxan (rituximab) with an 18% mar ket share and 14% dol lar growth, fol lowed by Roche’s<br />

breast can cer drug Herceptin (trastuzumab) with a 15.6% mar ket share and 14% dol lar growth.<br />

Revlimid, Velcade’s di rect com pet i tor, is clas si fied as ‘To tal Immunosuppressive Agents’ in which it has a<br />

mar ket share of 3.9% with 388% fixed dollar growth.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, Velcade was Takeda’s eighth lead ing in ter na tional prod -<br />

uct in the year end ing Sep tem ber 2008 with 2.5% of cor po rate sales, up 40% over the pre vi ous year<br />

(fixed-dol lar growth). Velcade brought Takeda sales of Yen30.3 bil lion in fis cal 2007 (end ing March<br />

2008). An a lysts at Mor gan Stan ley (Au gust 2008) fore cast sales of Yen76.7 bil lion by the year end ing<br />

March 2013 for Takeda.<br />

� Cardiovascular System Agents<br />

ADECUT/CUPRESSIN (delapril), an ACE in hib i tor, was launched in Ja pan in 1989. It has since been<br />

launched in sev eral mar kets in clud ing South Ko rea, Thai land, In do ne sia and the Phil ip pines. It is in di -<br />

cated in the treat ment of es sen tial and re nal hypertension.<br />

Li cens ing: Delapril was li censed-out to Chiesi (It aly) for Eu rope and Brazil and launched by Chiesi in It -<br />

aly in 1995.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: Li censee Chiesi has de vel oped a com bi na tion of delapril and the cal cium an -<br />

tag o nist manidipine, with the trade name Vi vace. It was launched in Aus tria in Sep tem ber 2005 and in<br />

Ger many in Feb ru ary 2006. In March 2006, it was launched in Brazil as Hipertil. Delapril, and the cal -<br />

cium an tag o nist, manidipine were orig i nally de vel oped by Takeda, and li censed by Chiesi for Eu rope and<br />

Brazil. Takeda does not ap pear to be de vel op ing this com bi na tion product in Japan, however.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 39

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