IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Com pe ti tion: In the year end ing Sep tem ber 2008, Gasmotin was the world’s lead ing Gastroprokinetic<br />

ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong> with 13.7% of global sales, up 5% over the pre vi ous year. John son & John son/Kyowa<br />

Hakko’s Motilium (domperidone) was in sec ond place with 13.3% (down 1%) fol lowed by<br />

Pfizer/Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma’s Debridat (trimebutine) with 5.9% (down 11%).<br />

GLUFAST (mitiglinide), an antidiabetic po tas sium chan nel in hib i tor de signed to sup press post-pran dial<br />

hyperglycemia. In May 2004, Kissei and li censee Takeda launched Glufast in Ja pan for the treat ment of<br />

Type 2 diabetes.<br />

Li cens ing: Mitiglinide was li censed-in from Kissei in 2002 for co-mar ket ing in Ja pan.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: The com pound was filed for ap proval in Ja pan in April 2007 as a con com i tant<br />

ther apy with an in su lin sensitizer.<br />

Com pe ti tion: In the year end ing Sep tem ber 2008, Glufast was Ja pan’s sixth lead ing oral antidiabetic<br />

with 4.3% of do mes tic sales, and growth of 23%. Takeda’s Basen (voglibose) was Ja pan’s lead ing oral<br />

di a betic ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong> with 28% share of do mes tic sales, down 6% (fixed dol lar rate) over the pre vi -<br />

ous year. Takeda’s Actos (pioglitazone) took sec ond place with 25.1% and 22% growth while Amaryl<br />

(glimepiride) took third place with 13.3% (up 10%). Glufast also com petes with Astellas’ (Ja pan) Starsis<br />

(nateglinide), which is also mar keted by Daiichi Sankyo (Ja pan) un der the name of Fastic, which ranked<br />

just be hind Glufast with Fastic in sev enth place hold ing 2.9% mar ket share (down 1%) and Starsis in<br />

eighth po si tion with 2.4% mar ket share (up 1%). There is a cer tain amount of pos i tive in ter play be tween<br />

the prod ucts in that Glufast will help heighten aware ness of short and fast-act ing in su lin sectretagogues,<br />

ac cord ing Astellas. There is also syn ergy with Takeda’s established brands like Basen and Actos.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: With sales of Yen3.2 bil lion in fis cal 2007 (end ing March 2008) an a lysts at<br />

Mor gan Stan ley (Au gust 2008) fore cast sales of Yen12 bil lion by the year end ing March 2013.<br />

LANSAP/PREVPAC (lansoprazole + amoxicillin + clarithromycin) is a sin gle tri ple ther apy pack de -<br />

signed for the erad i ca tion of H. pylori. The prod uct, de signed to im prove com pli ance, com prises in di vid ual<br />

packs con tain ing all the med i ca tion with lansoprazole, Abbott’s Biaxin (clarithromycin) and amoxicillin,<br />

re quired for a sin gle day. In the USA, TAP mar kets the tri ple ther apy as Prevpac, and the com bi na tion<br />

has also been launched in a num ber of other mar kets, in clud ing the UK and France. In 1999, Takeda,<br />

Taisho (Ja pan) and Dainabot, Abbott’s Jap a nese jv with Dainippon (Ja pan), filed the reg i men in Ja pan,<br />

and it was launched in 2002 in Japan.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In the year end ing Sep tem ber 2008, Prevpac be came Takeda’s 10th lead ing<br />

in ter na tional prod uct ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong> with 1% mar ket share down 1% (fixed dol lar growth rate).<br />

TAKEPRON/PREVACID/OGASTRO (lansoprazole), a sub sti tuted benzimidazole pro ton pump in hib i -<br />

tor with po tent and long-last ing antisecretory ac tiv ity, was pat ented and de vel oped by Takeda, and was<br />

launched in Ja pan in 1992. It was first launched in France in 1991, and is now avail able in most coun tries<br />

world wide via Takeda and a num ber of li cens ees. Lansoprazole is used and ap proved for a va ri ety of in di -<br />

ca tions in a num ber of coun tries, in clud ing gastroesophageal re flux dis ease (GERD), pep tic ul cers,<br />

NSAID-as so ci ated gas tric ul cers (phase III tri als on go ing in Ja pan in 2008), acid-re lated dys pep sia,<br />

Zollinger-Ellison syn drome, main te nance ther apy af ter ul cer heal ing, and main te nance ther apy for<br />

GERD. In De cem ber 2006, Takeda launched an in tra ve nous for mu la tion of lansoprazole (Takepron iv) for<br />

the treat ment of bleed ing as so ci ated with gastrointestinal ulcers in patients unable to take the drug<br />

orally.<br />

Prevacid of fers a va ri ety of ad min is tra tion modes: an oral sus pen sion form and an orally dis in te grat ing<br />

tab let. Prevacid SoluTab is a for mu la tion which dis in te grates quickly in the mouth, usu ally less than 60<br />

sec onds, and can be taken with or with out wa ter. In 2004 the FDA has ap proved this for mu la tion of<br />

lansoprazole to be given us ing an oral sy ringe or nasogastric tube. An orally dis in te grat ing tab let,<br />

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