IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Clin i cal Data: Voglibose acts by im prov ing glu cose tol er ance and re duc ing the in crease in blood glu cose<br />

fol low ing su crose or starch in take. The drug’s mech a nism is unique in that it de lays/in hib its glu cose ab -<br />

sorp tion in the small in tes tine, and thereby re duces the rapid rise of blood glu cose lev els af ter meals. It<br />

acts by block ing an en zyme re spon si ble for de ac ti vat ing a fur ther en zyme in volved in glu cose me tab o -<br />

lism. It does not di rectly cure di a be tes but is ex pected to im prove blood glu cose lev els and hence slow the<br />

prog ress of the dis ease and pre vent the de vel op ment of chronic di a betic com pli ca tions, such as neu rop a -<br />

thy. Basen’s mech a nism is ex pected to al low the drug to be used by pa tients un der go ing dietetic<br />

treatment as well as those on drug therapies, such as insulin.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: Voglibose was filed for ap proval in Ja pan in De cem ber 2007 for im paired glu -<br />

cose tol er ance (IGT); no drug in Ja pan is cur rently ap proved for this indication.<br />

Com pe ti tion: In the year end ing Sep tem ber 2008, Basen was Ja pan’s lead ing oral di a betic ac cord ing to<br />

<strong>IMS</strong> with 28% share of do mes tic sales, down 6% (fixed dol lar rate) over the pre vi ous year. Takeda’s<br />

Actos (pioglitazone) took sec ond place with 25.1% and 22% growth while Amaryl (glimepiride) took<br />

third place with 13.3% (up 10%).<br />

Novartis re leased re sults in May 2008 show ing that its DDP-IV in hib i tor Galvus (vildagliptin), await ing ap -<br />

proval in Ja pan, was twice as likely to re duce HbA1c lev els to 6.5% of less in Jap a nese di a betic pa tients<br />

than voglibose, which is avail able ge ner i cally in Ja pan and is one of the lead ing first-line ther a pies for type<br />

2 diabetes.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In the year to March 31 2008, ac cord ing to Takeda, do mes tic sales of Basen<br />

were Yen52.8 bil lion, down 5.2%, partly due to ge neric in fil tra tion. In the 12-month pe riod to the end of<br />

Sep tem ber 2008, Basen was Takeda’s num ber five in ter na tional phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct, mak ing up<br />

3.1% of cor po rate sales, with sales down 6% in fixed rate dol lar terms, ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>. Mor gan Stan ley<br />

an a lysts (Au gust 2008), fore cast that do mes tic sales have peaked and will grad u ally de crease to Yen37<br />

billion by the year ending March 2013.<br />

DUETACT (pioglitazone + glimepiride) a com bi na tion of pioglitazone with the sulfonylurea com pound,<br />

glimepiride, was ap proved by the FDA for the treat ment of Type 2 di a be tes in July 2006, and launched in<br />

the USA in No vem ber 2006. The prod uct is avail able in two dos ages con sist ing of 30mg/2mg and<br />

30mg/4mg of pioglitazone and glimepiride, re spec tively. Glimepiride acts to in crease pan cre atic in su lin<br />

pro duc tion. In Jan u ary 2007, EMEA ap proval of the fixed com bi na tion for the treat ment of Type 2 di a be -<br />

tes was re ceived for the prod uct, to be named Tandemact in Eu rope. A com bi na tion of pioglitazone and<br />

glimepiride was launched in Mex ico un der the name Diaberil by Rimsa (Mex ico) in June 2006. Phase III<br />

tri als of this fixed-dose com bi na tion, Duetact (pioglitazone + glimepiride) were underway in Japan in<br />

2009.<br />

GASMOTIN (mosapride ci trate) is a 5HT4 ag o nist with gastroprokinetic prop er ties. It was orig i nally de -<br />

vel oped by Dainippon (now Dainippon Sumitomo) and launched in Ja pan in 1998, as Gasmotin, for re -<br />

duc ing the symp toms of chronic gas tri tis, such as heart burn. Dainippon de scribes mosapride as the first<br />

se lec tive se ro to nin 5-HT4 re cep tor ag o nist that en hances gas tro in tes ti nal mo til ity. It has been launched<br />

in Ar gen tina un der the trade names Mosar and Intesul by Phoe nix and Deta, re spec tively. Mosapride<br />

was also launched in Cen tral Amer ica, and China by Dainippon Sumitomo in 2001. In 2001, it was<br />

launched in Peru by Tecnofarma as Reflucil.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2001, Takeda gained rights to de velop and mar ket mosapride world wide, ex clud ing Ja -<br />

pan, China, Tai wan and South Ko rea (where it is sold by Daewoong). Mosapride was pre vi ously li censed<br />

to AstraZeneca (UK) for the USA and Eu rope, but this deal was ter mi nated. In April 2006, Dainippon<br />

Sumitomo and Eisai signed an agree ment un der which Eisai ac quires de vel op ment, man u fac ture and<br />

mar ket ing rights to mosapride in 10 Asian coun tries, in clud ing coun tries be long ing to the As so ci a tion of<br />

South East Asian Na tions (ASEAN) where it is await ing approval and being rolled out.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 29

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