IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

sion to a four-week dou ble-blind, piv otal trial; the sec ond trial was a 48-week, 250-pa tient, open-la bel<br />

trial, 82 of whom were in volved in a seven-week ran dom ized with drawal study pe riod be fore the open-la -<br />

bel phase of the trial; and the third trial was a 48-week, open-la bel trial in 325 treat ment-na ive pa tients.<br />

Pa tients were given twice-daily, oral lubiprostone 24 mcg for six or 12 months, as re quired; they then re -<br />

mained on a daily dos ing sched ule or stopped lubiprostone ther apy de pend ing on their per ceived needs.<br />

Pa tients could re turn to lubiprostone ther apy if re quired, but were to re start dos ing of lubiprostone at 24<br />

mcg twice daily. The daily dose could be al tered by in ves ti ga tors in re sponse to pharmacodynamic events<br />

or treat ment-re lated ad verse events. Pe ri odic res cue med i ca tion use was per mit ted. Re sults from the tri -<br />

als showed that lubiprostone dem on strated good tolerability and sig nif i cantly im proved symp toms (sub -<br />

jec tively as sessed) of CIC. There were sta tis ti cally sig nif i cant im prove ments in sec ond ary end points such<br />

as con sti pa tion se ver ity, abdominal bloating and abdominal discomfort, assessed by patients using a<br />

five-point scale.<br />

Com pe ti tion: Most pa tients with chronic con sti pa tion are treated with di etary fi ber, os motic lax a tives<br />

and bulk ing agents be fore try ing phar ma ceu ti cal treat ments. Amitiza is the first se lec tive chlo ride chan -<br />

nel ac ti va tor to be ap proved and ac cord ing to Takeda, the only one in de vel op ment, work ing to in creased<br />

fluid se cre tion and mo til ity in the in tes tine speed ing up the pas sage of stool and thus re duc ing symp toms<br />

of con sti pa tion. Most other prod ucts in this area are tar geted at opioid-in duced con sti pa tion. Amitiza will<br />

com pete with Novartis’ 5HT4 par tial ag o nist, Zelnorm/Zelmac (tegaserod maleate), ap proved in 2004<br />

in the USA, and the first prod uct tar geted at this mar ket. Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, Zelmac lost its pre vi ous po si -<br />

tion as the lead ing gas tro in tes ti nal sensorimotor mod u la tor in the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem -<br />

ber 2008, with sales down 94% in fixed rate dol lar terms. It now sits in sec ond place, with 45.2 % of the<br />

mar ket, be hind its only ma jor com pet i tor, also launched in the US in 2004, GlaxoSmithKline’s Lotronex<br />

(alosetron) with a 51.7% mar ket share (sales up 43% in fixed rate dol lar terms), and some ge neric ver -<br />

sions of tegaserod sold in In dia, Ban gla desh, Pa ki stan, Chile, Peru and Co lom bia. Due to prob lems with<br />

side ef fects, Zelnorm was with drawn in 2000. It has been re-launched in the USA in 2002 for lim ited use<br />

(in women with se vere di ar rhea-pre dom i nant IBS who have not re sponded to con ven tional treat ment<br />

and whose symp toms can not be ac counted for by other gas tro in tes ti nal dis or ders). Lotronex tar gets di -<br />

ar rhea-pre dom i nant IBS (and is a 5HT3 an tag o nist), while Zelmac tar gets con sti pa tion-pre dom i nant IBS<br />

(and is a 5HT4 agonist). In 2007, Prometheus Laboratories (USA) gained exclusive rights to Lotronex in<br />

the USA.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Sales in the year end ing March 2008 more than tri pled to Yen19.5 bil lion. In<br />

the year end ing Sep tem ber 2008, Amitiza be came Takeda’s eighth lead ing in ter na tional prod uct ac cord -<br />

ing to <strong>IMS</strong> with 1.4% mar ket share and growth of 66%. An a lysts at Mor gan Stan ley, re port ing on Takeda<br />

in Au gust 2008, es ti mates sales of Yen36.8 bil lion in the year ending March 2013.<br />

BASEN (voglibose), an orally ac tive al pha-glucosidase in hib i tor, was launched in Ja pan in 1994 for the<br />

con trol of post-pran dial hyperglycemia in di a betic pa tients. Li censee CJ Corp (for merly Cheil, South Ko -<br />

rea) has launched the prod uct in South Ko rea and the prod uct is also avail able in Thai land and the Phil ip -<br />

pines. In 2004, Takeda launched a fast dis in te grat ing tab let for mu la tion of voglibose in Ja pan. It was also<br />

in phase III tri als in Ja pan for im paired glu cose tol er ance and filed for ap proval in De cem ber 2007. Re sults<br />

re leased in May 2008, dem on strated a 40.5% re duc tion in on set of type II di a be tes and 53.9% in crease<br />

in achieve ment of nor mal iza tion of oral glu cose tol er ance test com pared with pla cebo, al though<br />

Voglibose-treated pa tients were more likely to suf fer ad verse events but none serious and overall safety<br />

was comparable.<br />

In 2003, new warn ings were added at the re quest of the Jap a nese Min is try of Health, Wel fare and La bor<br />

re gard ing the risk of hepatic side ef fects in clud ing fulminant hep a ti tis and jaun dice. Voglibose had been in<br />

phase III tri als in the USA and was pend ing ap proval in Eu rope with li censee Abbott (USA) in 2000, but<br />

Abbott re turned all rights to Takeda in 2002. In June 2006, Takeda an nounced that it had dis con tin ued<br />

de vel op ment of voglibose for the European and US markets.<br />

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