IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA Re cent meta-anal y ses have sug gested that the risks as so ci ated with rosiglitazone may be higher than those as so ci ated with pioglitazone, par tic u larly when used in el derly pa tients. In No vem ber 2008, a ret - ro spec tive study pub lished in the Ar chives of In ter nal Med i cine, which looked at about 14,000 pa tients on Medicare (i.e., older than 65) who were pre scribed Avandia be tween 2000 and 2005, and com pared these pa tients to 14,000 who were get ting Actos, found that the pa tients who started on Avandia had a 15% higher ‘deaths from all-cause’ rate than the Actos group. The Avandia group had a 13% higher rate of CHF, but no dif fer ence in the in ci dence of strokes and MI (Avandia in pre vi ous stud ies was linked with an in creased in ci dence of MI). The au thors con cluded that al though pre vi ous stud ies have in di cated that the in creased risk with rosiglitazone use re sides pre dom i nantly in car dio vas cu lar out comes, the above study sug gests that dif fer ences in all-cause mor tal ity risk may be even more im por tant to con sider in el - derly pa tients. Re gard ing the fact that no dif fer ence in MI be tween the two groups was ob served, the re - search ers said that since 75% of di a bet ics die from heart-re lated causes, the re search ers think MIs and strokes likely contributed to the overall increased deaths in the Avandia group In Oc to ber 2008, new rec om men da tions from ex perts at the Eu ro pean As so ci a tion for the Study of Di a - be tes and the Amer i can Di a be tes As so ci a tion no lon ger backed the use of Avandia for treat ing Type 2 di a - bet ics: the rec om men da tions have re tained a ref er ence to the use of Actos, how ever. In the same month, there was a call by the US ad vo cacy group Pub lic Cit i zen for Avandia to be banned due to a high num ber of re ports of liver fail ure and death in patients taking the drug. In creased risk of frac tures in women was also re ported in 2007 with Actos in anal y sis of data con cern ing over 15,000 pa tients; fur ther anal y sis re ported in 2008 re vealed that the drugs could dou ble this risk. GSK had pre vi ously warned the FDA of sim i lar risk with Avandia. Fur ther ev i dence in 2007 has as so ci ated Avandia with links to os teo po ro sis from a com bi na tion of de creased bone for ma tion and in creased bone re sorp tion al though re sults are in con clu sive to date. As such, the FDA has ad vised healthcare pro fes sion - als to con sider the risk when pre scrib ing these prod ucts. Re sults of an other study in 2008 showed a dou - ble or tri ple in crease of bone frac ture in pa tients tak ing the thiazolidinediones over con trol pa tients and re search ers be lieve that as well as sen si tiz ing the body to in su lin, these drugs also stim u late bone resorption, making the bones vulnerable to fracture. Byetta’s (exenatide) im pact on blood glu cose con trol, and par tic u larly its weight re duc ing prop er ties, gives it a pro file that is very at trac tive to doc tors. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts think that the DPP-IV in hib i tors are more likely to be used in ear lier stage dis ease and there fore should not be seen as di rectly com pet i tive with drugs like Avandia/Byetta. How ever, MS be lieves that the DPP-IV class has sec tor re shap ing po ten - tial in the same way as PPIs did in the GI field and ACE in hib i tors did in car dio vas cu lar and statins did in cholesterol. The FDA is now call ing for higher safety stan dards in ap prov ing di a be tes drugs and the risk ben e fit pro file of other di a betic drugs is also in ques tion, in clud ing Merck & Co’s DPP4 in hib i tor Januvia (sitagliptin),which was the first in class fol low ing its US launch in Oc to ber 2006, and is now the ‘gold stan - dard’ for this class and has had a sig nif i cant im pact. Merck & Co has also launched a com bi na tion prod uct Janumet (sitagliptin + metformin) in some mar kets. Januvia has been launched in the USA and across Eu rope and is pend ing ap proval in Ja pan and many other mar kets. Januvia has per haps bene fited from the neg a tive pub lic ity for Avandia, par tic u larly as it is re ported to have a better side ef fect pro file than TZD drugs and is as so ci ated with a lack of weight gain. How ever, on the neg a tive side, the DPP-IV path - way is com plex and long-term prod uct use is as yet un tested. If ap proved, Takeda’s SYR 322 will be the sec ond DPP-4 in hib i tor af ter Januvia. Novartis’ Galvus (vildagliptin) has been ap proved in the EU where it is now be ing rolled out, but has faced safety con cerns in the US and fol low ing safety stud ies, fil ing may now be de layed un til 2010. Galvus was filed for ap proval in Ja pan in April 2008A fil ing in Ja pan is ex pected in April 2008. In 2007, an ar ti cle in the New Eng land Jour nal of Med i cine ques tioned the safety data avail - able for the drugs Januvia and Galvus writ ing that it was surprising the FDA decided to clear Januvia given the questionability of safety data. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 26

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA In April 2007, the Brit ish Med i cal Jour nal warned of ‘turn ing healthy peo ple into pa tients’ through use of drugs such a s rosiglitazone in the pre ven tion of di a be tes when life style changes can be just as ef fec tive as well as safer and cheaper. Re sults of one Takeda-spon sored, 600-pa tient study showed that ‘pre-di a - betic’ sub jects tak ing pioglitazone were much less likely to de velop di a be tes than placebo patients. Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In the year to March 31, 2008, ac cord ing to Takeda, do mes tic sales of Actos were Yen41.6 bil lion, up 23.6%. To tal global sales were up 17.8% to Yen396.2 bil lion. In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, Actos was Takeda’s sec ond lead ing in ter na tional phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct, mak ing up 26.7% of cor po rate sales, with sales up 10% in fixed rate dol lar terms, ac cord ing to IMS. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts, (Au gust 2008), ex pect to tal sales to peak at Yen513.5 bil lion by the year to March 2011, fall ing steeply to Yen321.5 billion two years later. ALINAMIN vi ta min and tonic prod ucts: Alinamin is Takeda’s best-sell ing OTC brand. The range in cludes Alinamin A25 (vi ta min B1 tab lets), Alinamin EX (a vi ta min E-for ti fied vi ta min B1, B6 and B12 com - pound), Alinamin V, a 50ml vi ta min B com plex health tonic drink, launched in 1987, Alinamin Dy - namic, a 100ml tonic drink, launched in 1996, and New Alinamin A, which con tains more vi ta min B6 and B12 than the orig i nal prod uct, launched in 1999. AMITZA (lubiprostone), a func tional fatty acid and chlo ride chan nel opener for the treat ment of cer tain mo til ity-as so ci ated gas tro in tes ti nal dis or ders like Ir ri ta ble Bowel Syn drome (IBS), launched in the USA in April 2006. Takeda Pharmaceuticals Amer ica and Sucampo (USA) jointly mar ket the drug in the US. The prod uct should be taken twice-daily with food help ing to pre vent nau sea, one of the re ported side ef fects (along with head ache, di ar rhea, ab dom i nal pain and dis ten sion) and safety in preg nancy is not yet es tab - lished. It was orig i nally de vel oped by Sucampo and li censed-out to Takeda for the USA and Canada. Lubiprostone was ap proved by the FDA in April 2008 in the USA in adults (fe male) for con sti pa tion-pre - dom i nant ir ri ta ble bowel syn drome (IBS-C) fol low ing the fil ing of a sNDA in July 2007. The sNDA was based on the re sults of three stud ies in volv ing over 1,500 adults dem on strat ing that a sta tis ti cally sig nif i - cant re sponse was twice as likely in pa tients re ceiv ing 8 mcg lubiprostone twice daily over pla cebo over 12 weeks and this ef fi cacy was con tin ued over 52 weeks with sim i lar adverse events to the placebo group. Li cens ing: Un der the terms of a 2004 deal, Takeda ac quired rights to mar ket lubiprostone in the USA and Can ada, with Sucampo hav ing an op tion to jointly mar ket in these coun tries. Takeda also ac quired an op tion to mar ket lubiprostone in other ter ri to ries such as Ja pan and Eu rope. Sucampo will re ceive from Takeda ini tial and mile stone pay ments worth up to $210 mil lion, and post-launch roy alty pay ments. Takeda will fund a ma jor part of costs to de velop the agent for chronic con sti pa tion, con sti pa tion-pre - dom i nant ir ri ta ble bowel syn drome and other gas tro in tes ti nal in di ca tions. The fil ing in July 2007 ini ti ated a pay ment from Takeda to Sucampo. Ex clu sive man u fac tur ing and sup ply of the prod uct will be carried out by Sucampo’s subsidiary R-Tech Ueno. In Feb ru ary 2007, Takeda and TAP agreed to jointly pro mote the prod uct in the USA; the TAP (jv with Abbott) was con cluded in May 2008. Lifecycle Man age ment: In De cem ber 2008, Takeda/Sucampo con firmed that en rol ment for phase III tri als in the USA in Opioid-In duced Bowel Dys func tion (OBD), had com pleted with a to tal of 875 patients. Clin i cal Data: The NDA, filed in March 2005, in cluded data from two piv otal, dou ble-blind, pla cebo-con - trolled phase III tri als of lubiprostone, which dem on strated that ap prox i mately 60% of pa tients ex pe ri - enced spon ta ne ous bowel move ment within 24 hours of treat ment with the agent. Sucampo re ported in Oc to ber 2008 data from three open-la bel, long-term (six and 12 months) clin i cal tri als of lubiprostone in pa tients with chronic id io pathic con sti pa tion (CIC). The tri als were con ducted be - tween No vem ber 2001 and Jan u ary 2005: the first trial was a 24-week, 308-pa tient, open-la bel ex ten - © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 27

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

In April 2007, the Brit ish Med i cal Jour nal warned of ‘turn ing healthy peo ple into pa tients’ through use of<br />

drugs such a s rosiglitazone in the pre ven tion of di a be tes when life style changes can be just as ef fec tive<br />

as well as safer and cheaper. Re sults of one Takeda-spon sored, 600-pa tient study showed that ‘pre-di a -<br />

betic’ sub jects tak ing pioglitazone were much less likely to de velop di a be tes than placebo patients.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In the year to March 31, 2008, ac cord ing to Takeda, do mes tic sales of Actos<br />

were Yen41.6 bil lion, up 23.6%. To tal global sales were up 17.8% to Yen396.2 bil lion. In the 12-month<br />

pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, Actos was Takeda’s sec ond lead ing in ter na tional phar ma ceu ti cal<br />

prod uct, mak ing up 26.7% of cor po rate sales, with sales up 10% in fixed rate dol lar terms, ac cord ing to<br />

<strong>IMS</strong>. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts, (Au gust 2008), ex pect to tal sales to peak at Yen513.5 bil lion by the year<br />

to March 2011, fall ing steeply to Yen321.5 billion two years later.<br />

ALINAMIN vi ta min and tonic prod ucts: Alinamin is Takeda’s best-sell ing OTC brand. The range in cludes<br />

Alinamin A25 (vi ta min B1 tab lets), Alinamin EX (a vi ta min E-for ti fied vi ta min B1, B6 and B12 com -<br />

pound), Alinamin V, a 50ml vi ta min B com plex health tonic drink, launched in 1987, Alinamin Dy -<br />

namic, a 100ml tonic drink, launched in 1996, and New Alinamin A, which con tains more vi ta min B6<br />

and B12 than the orig i nal prod uct, launched in 1999.<br />

AMITZA (lubiprostone), a func tional fatty acid and chlo ride chan nel opener for the treat ment of cer tain<br />

mo til ity-as so ci ated gas tro in tes ti nal dis or ders like Ir ri ta ble Bowel Syn drome (IBS), launched in the USA in<br />

April 2006. Takeda Pharmaceuticals Amer ica and Sucampo (USA) jointly mar ket the drug in the US. The<br />

prod uct should be taken twice-daily with food help ing to pre vent nau sea, one of the re ported side ef fects<br />

(along with head ache, di ar rhea, ab dom i nal pain and dis ten sion) and safety in preg nancy is not yet es tab -<br />

lished. It was orig i nally de vel oped by Sucampo and li censed-out to Takeda for the USA and Canada.<br />

Lubiprostone was ap proved by the FDA in April 2008 in the USA in adults (fe male) for con sti pa tion-pre -<br />

dom i nant ir ri ta ble bowel syn drome (IBS-C) fol low ing the fil ing of a sNDA in July 2007. The sNDA was<br />

based on the re sults of three stud ies in volv ing over 1,500 adults dem on strat ing that a sta tis ti cally sig nif i -<br />

cant re sponse was twice as likely in pa tients re ceiv ing 8 mcg lubiprostone twice daily over pla cebo over<br />

12 weeks and this ef fi cacy was con tin ued over 52 weeks with sim i lar adverse events to the placebo<br />

group.<br />

Li cens ing: Un der the terms of a 2004 deal, Takeda ac quired rights to mar ket lubiprostone in the USA<br />

and Can ada, with Sucampo hav ing an op tion to jointly mar ket in these coun tries. Takeda also ac quired an<br />

op tion to mar ket lubiprostone in other ter ri to ries such as Ja pan and Eu rope. Sucampo will re ceive from<br />

Takeda ini tial and mile stone pay ments worth up to $210 mil lion, and post-launch roy alty pay ments.<br />

Takeda will fund a ma jor part of costs to de velop the agent for chronic con sti pa tion, con sti pa tion-pre -<br />

dom i nant ir ri ta ble bowel syn drome and other gas tro in tes ti nal in di ca tions. The fil ing in July 2007 ini ti ated<br />

a pay ment from Takeda to Sucampo. Ex clu sive man u fac tur ing and sup ply of the prod uct will be carried<br />

out by Sucampo’s subsidiary R-Tech Ueno.<br />

In Feb ru ary 2007, Takeda and TAP agreed to jointly pro mote the prod uct in the USA; the TAP (jv with<br />

Abbott) was con cluded in May 2008.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: In De cem ber 2008, Takeda/Sucampo con firmed that en rol ment for phase III<br />

tri als in the USA in Opioid-In duced Bowel Dys func tion (OBD), had com pleted with a to tal of 875 patients.<br />

Clin i cal Data: The NDA, filed in March 2005, in cluded data from two piv otal, dou ble-blind, pla cebo-con -<br />

trolled phase III tri als of lubiprostone, which dem on strated that ap prox i mately 60% of pa tients ex pe ri -<br />

enced spon ta ne ous bowel move ment within 24 hours of treat ment with the agent.<br />

Sucampo re ported in Oc to ber 2008 data from three open-la bel, long-term (six and 12 months) clin i cal<br />

tri als of lubiprostone in pa tients with chronic id io pathic con sti pa tion (CIC). The tri als were con ducted be -<br />

tween No vem ber 2001 and Jan u ary 2005: the first trial was a 24-week, 308-pa tient, open-la bel ex ten -<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 27

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