IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES TAKEDA<br />

Takeda an nounced that it was in te grat ing its two wholly-owned agro chemi cal sub sid iar ies, Tohoku<br />

Takeda Kasei Chem i cals and Takeda Agro. As of April 1, they formed the new com pany Takeda Agro Man -<br />

u fac tur ing.<br />

• Year: 1998<br />

Takeda an nounced plans to ex pand its clin i cal test ing op er a tions in the US. It al ready has two R&D bases<br />

in the coun try through its joint ven ture with Abbott (USA), TAP, and Takeda Amer ica R&D Cen ter, a<br />

wholly-owned subsidiary.<br />

Takeda Eu rope Hold ings, a wholly owned sub sid iary of Takeda, es tab lished its own de vel op ment unit,<br />

Takeda Eu rope R&D Cen ter, in Lon don. Takeda planned to close its R&D cen ter in Frank furt, Ger many.<br />

The new en tity will be re spon si ble for over see ing Eu ro pean de vel op ment of Takeda’s new drugs and im -<br />

prov ing the ef fi ciency of the R&D process.<br />

Takeda Pharma GmbH (Ger many), the 50:50 jv with Gruenenthal (Ger many), es tab lished a<br />

wholly-owned sub sid iary, Takeda Pharma AG (Swit zer land).<br />

Takeda an nounced plans to es tab lish an in de pend ent, wholly owned phar ma ceu ti cal mar ket ing com pany<br />

in the US, Takeda Pharmaceuticals Amer ica. It will be cap i tal ized at $100 mil lion, and mar ket Actos<br />

(pioglitazone) in con junc tion with Lilly (USA), as well as co-pro mote se lected Lilly insulin products.<br />

Takeda an nounced a pro posal to change com pany rules to al low it to buy back up to 80 mil lion of its is -<br />

sued shares.<br />

The Jap a nese au thor i ties told Takeda to halt man u fac tur ing and sale of Avan (idebenone), a ce re bral me -<br />

tab o lism improver. A num ber of sim i lar prod ucts from other man u fac tur ers were also delisted. Orig i nally<br />

ap proved in the 1980s for the im prove ment of brain me tab o lism in pa tients who had suf fered a stroke or<br />

hem or rhage, they were later ap proved for use in con di tions such as se nile de men tia. Re-eval u a tion of<br />

these drugs showed them to be in ef fec tive. An a lysts noted that sales of these prod ucts had been fall ing<br />

and that the withdrawal would simply accelerate the process.<br />

Takeda Italia ac quired a man u fac tur ing plant in Cerano, It aly from Societa Prodotti Antibiotici (SPA).<br />

Takeda es tab lished Takeda Eu rope Hold ings in Lon don. This fol lowed the 1997 es tab lish ment of Takeda<br />

Amer ica Hold ings in the US. The es tab lish ment of these two com pa nies was aimed at help ing Takeda ac -<br />

cel er ate its in de pend ent busi ness de vel op ment over seas. The new com pany (which has cap i tal of<br />

STG60.7 mil lion) was es tab lished by in vest ing shares of Takeda’s five ex ist ing Eu ro pean subsidiaries and<br />

jv companies in kind.<br />

Takeda an nounced that its food and vi ta min di vi sion had merged with the bulk vi ta min pro duc tion sub -<br />

sid iary Takeda Chem i cal Prod ucts USA and the mar ket ing sub sid iary Takeda USA to cre ate Takeda Vi ta -<br />

min & Food USA.<br />

• Year: 1997<br />

The US De part ment of Jus tice be gan a probe of TAP’s mar ket ing of Lupron, for pros tate can cer. Takeda<br />

es tab lished Takeda Amer ica Hold ings, cap i tal ized at $118 mil lion, which will man age all the US ac tiv i ties<br />

of Takeda. TAP has es tab lished Takeda in the US to some ex tent, but not hav ing a ma jor ity share has ap -<br />

par ently made draw ing up mar ket ing strat e gies dif fi cult. Takeda was also re ported to be plan ning a move<br />

to quar terly set tle ment of ac counts and seek ing a list ing on the NYSE. Shoji Isahaya, Pres i dent of Takeda<br />

Amer ica, be came Pres i dent of TAH. The com pany was cap i tal ized through stock trans ferred from TAP<br />

Holdings and Takeda America R&D Center.<br />

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