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Untitled - TRS-80 Color Computer Archive

Untitled - TRS-80 Color Computer Archive


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The Word on Print Master<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

by Bobby Ballard<br />

ease of use documentation<br />

performance error handling<br />

I I I I<br />

I<br />


Application Software<br />

Print Master is manufactured by Dataman In­<br />

ternational, 420 Fergueson Ave. North, Hamil­<br />

ton. Ont., L8L 4Y9, Canada, 41 6-529-1 319. The<br />

product requires 32K and a mouse or joystick. It<br />

sellsfor $29.95 on cassette or disk plus $2.50for<br />

shipping. The Canadian price is $39.95.<br />

F irst there came Graphic Master and<br />

Text Master. Now comes Print Master.<br />

This entry packs the same power of the other<br />

Master series programs, offering a versatile<br />

and adaptable printer driver that will work<br />

with any printer on the market.<br />

Print Master was written by Scott Nudds<br />

and is actually two programs incorporated in<br />

one package. The first part, Print Master.<br />

handles the basics of loading, moving, and<br />

printing graphics. The second part. called<br />

the Customizer. allows you to set up Print<br />

Master for any printer. It customizes Print<br />

Master to match your brand of printer and<br />

lets you make other changes in the way the<br />

utility prints your files.<br />

I was im pressed with the professional<br />

packaging that Dataman provides with Print<br />

Master. It comes with a small three-ring vinyl<br />

binder that has an inside pocket for the disk.<br />

The software is equally impressive. By<br />

"pointing and clicking" with a joystick or<br />

mouse. you move through the program<br />

quickly and effiCiently. All features are menu<br />

driven and lightning fast. Keyboard entry in<br />

Print Master is kept to a minimum.<br />

On startup. the program displays a colorful<br />

title screen. It also makes good use of the<br />

CoCo's sound capabilities. There are four<br />

menus: Main Menu. File lIO . Image Dump,<br />

and Dump-a-Screen. Each of these is piC­<br />

tured and explained in the manual. and<br />

some are self-explanatory.<br />

Problems<br />

Despite what seems to be a well-organized<br />

package. Prin t Master has some problems.<br />

26 HOT CoCo February 1986<br />

I<br />

I<br />

There are times when it becomes confUSing to<br />

use. For example, in Main Menu. the first se­<br />

lection is "dump a picture." However. when<br />

you click this selection you get the Image<br />

Dump menu. This kind of inconSistency<br />

should be cleared up with more careful titling<br />

of menus and instructions that mean something<br />

to the user. The Image Dump menu<br />

might better be termed the the Dump Options<br />

menu. You don't really dump an image from<br />

it, you just set the options for the dump.<br />

The manual is not much help. It shows the<br />

Image Dump screen. but the text beside it<br />

calls it the Dump Menu. The explanation in<br />

this section states "The Image Dump menu<br />

is available from both the Main Menu and the<br />

File lIO menu. If the listed parameters are<br />

correct you may click on the menu title (Im­<br />

age Dump) and proceed to the next level."<br />

There is no indication in the manual what<br />

the next level is or why you might want to<br />

proceed there. What the authors are trying<br />

to say is that when you are in the Image<br />

Dump menu, you can take a shortcut to the<br />

Dump-a-Screen menu by positioning the cur­<br />

sor directly on the words "Image Dump" and<br />

pressing the button. It is important to read<br />

the manual thoroughly before getting<br />

started. Although operation is simple, you<br />

will find the options and features confusing<br />

without doing so.<br />

Screens are sent to the printer from the<br />

Dump-a-Screen menu. In this section you are<br />

given many options on how much of the<br />

screen you want printed. For example. you<br />

might dump a working screen. a stored<br />

screen. or part of a screen: view the working<br />

screen: select PMODE; choose text size; go<br />

back to the File lIO menu; or return to the<br />

Image Dump menu. If you have a 64K CoCo.<br />

you can also save and retrieve screens from<br />

high memory or print several screens from<br />

high memory together. Features in Print<br />

Master that don' t require 64K inc I ude 90-<br />

degree rotation of pictures, the option to cus­<br />

tomize text titles for pictures. expandable<br />

height for handling CoCo Max files (a graph­<br />

ics program from <strong>Color</strong>ware Inc.), setting of<br />

pixel size in both height and Width. and the<br />

modulus mode. The last option permits<br />

shading and changing patterns for achieving<br />

different gray scales.<br />

The Customizer<br />

Print Master comes with a list of several<br />

prin ters in its disk directory. If yours is listed<br />

there. you will not have to customize Print<br />

Master to work with your printer. If. however.<br />

you own a printer the program does not list,<br />

you'll have to use the Customizer to set up a<br />

driver. The printers listed in the program 's<br />

directory include the CGP-1 15, CGP-220,<br />

DMP- I05. DMP- l 10, DMP-200 from Tandy:<br />

Star Micronics' Gemini; and the Apple Image<br />

Writer among others.<br />

The Customizer has features that let you<br />

do the fo llowing: change the baud rate. set<br />

the number of wires (pins) in the print head.<br />

remap the print head. add bytes to the out­<br />

put. set bits to remain on during output. re­<br />

set the graphics mode, define a color set.<br />

define tab strings. define custom strings, iso­<br />

late and replace bad output. and test or save<br />

your custom fi le. Although the manual<br />

touches upon each of these features. it could<br />

explain them better.<br />

The customize feature can also be used by<br />

both 32 and 64K CoCo owners to design cus­<br />

tom strings for producing various effects.<br />

You need a thorough working knowledge or<br />

the printer in question and a little patience<br />

to get through these features. The Custom­<br />

izer makes Print Master the most versatile<br />

driver on the market. It works on some of the<br />

most difficult printers to drive, including the<br />

Okidata 92/93 and color printers such as the<br />

Tandy CGP- I I5.<br />

Although it is not easy to set up a custom<br />

file in Print Master, it is difficult to endow a<br />

program with powerful features and also<br />

make it easy to use. One point in the pro­<br />

gram's favor is that Dataman is helpful and<br />

courteous when you have questions or prob­<br />

lems. I was often able to reach the author of<br />

the program directly by telephone. I've fo und<br />

few companies that offer Dataman's high<br />

level of service after a sale. They win my At­<br />

las Award for the best customer support I've<br />

come across.<br />

The Last Word<br />

I have mixed feelings about Print Master.<br />

With a few improvements in documentation<br />

and menus, it would be easy to give this pack­<br />

age a very high overall rating. But because of<br />

the confusion of the documentation and the<br />

lack of consistency in the menu titles. I'll re­<br />

serve that rating for later versions. Despite the<br />

program's problems, however. I have never<br />

seen a more powerful or versatile printer<br />

driver for the <strong>Color</strong> <strong>Computer</strong>. If you have sev­<br />

eral printers or one to which it is difficult to<br />

dump graphics, this may be the solution. You<br />

might also consider that if you buy new print­<br />

ers. owning Print Master means that you<br />

won't have to write your own driver or wait<br />

for one to be developed. And given the level of<br />

customer support from Dataman. you are<br />

likely to get this program working whatever<br />

the printer or conditions .•

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