Antony Gormley Horizon Field KUB Projekt

Antony Gormley Horizon Field KUB Projekt

Antony Gormley Horizon Field KUB Projekt


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<strong>KUB</strong> <strong>Projekt</strong><br />

Eine Landschaftsinstallation<br />

im alpinen Hochgebirge<br />

Vorarlbergs, Österreich<br />

A Landscape Installation in the<br />

High Alps of Vorarlberg, Austria<br />

Presented by<br />

Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

<strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong><br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

August 2010 – April 2012

08 09<br />

English<br />

The Kunsthaus Bregenz and the British artist <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> (born<br />

in 1950) are realizing a unique project in the mountains of Vorarlberg.<br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> will be the first art project of its kind erected in the<br />

mountains and the largest landscape inter vention in Austria to date.<br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> consists of 100 life­size, solid cast iron figures of the<br />

human body spread over an area of 150 square kilometers in the<br />

communities of Mellau, Schoppernau, Schröcken, Warth, Mittelberg,<br />

Lech, Klösterle, and Dalaas. The work forms a horizontal line at 2,039<br />

meters above sea level. This height has no specific metaphorical or<br />

thematic relevance in the placement of the figures. It is an altitude<br />

that is readily accessible but, at the same time, lies beyond the realm<br />

of ever yday life. Some of the figures will be installed in places one<br />

can hike to or ski past in the winter. Others will be unapproachable<br />

though visible from certain vantage points. The works are neither<br />

representations (statues) nor symbols, but represent the place where<br />

a human being once was, and where any human being could be.<br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> engages the physical, perceptual, and imaginative<br />

responses of anyone coming within its relational field. Over the 2<br />

years during which this installation will be in place, the work will be<br />

exposed to the elements, to different lighting conditions, and to the<br />

changing seasons, thus enabling constantly new perceptions and<br />

impressions.<br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

<strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong>’s radical actuality as an artist derives from his<br />

desire to place an apparently completed classical theme, the<br />

human figure, into a new, universal context. Since the 1980s, when<br />

<strong>Gormley</strong> created the foundations for his oeuvre with figures cast<br />

from his own body in lead and iron, his principal concern has been<br />

to open up new artistic and social realms through a wide range of<br />

strategies.<br />

Going beyond the mere search for a further chapter in aesthetic<br />

investigations of form, <strong>Gormley</strong> is constantly preoccupied with the<br />

role of the human being–as an individual or mass and as a social<br />

being–and with its simultaneous role as object and subject represented<br />

by his sculptures. By reducing the human form to a trace or<br />

index, <strong>Gormley</strong> is able to release his figures from the bounds of traditional<br />

sculpture, set up on plinths in self-contained isolation and<br />

in accordance with their perceived function. He exposes his figures<br />

to modern perceptions of life, art, and space. Chief among these<br />

are a critical engagement with mass as a constitutive formal and<br />

emotional element of sculpture, an exploration of the sculptural<br />

and existential significance of space in contained and extended<br />

modes and, finally, the crucial issue (of special significance in the<br />

artist’s landscape projects) of human jeopardy and self-assertion<br />

in the world. <strong>Gormley</strong>’s art revolves around these three concerns,<br />

each of which varies in importance from work to work but is always<br />

present, if only latently.<br />

<strong>KUB</strong>­<strong>Projekt</strong> <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong>

His projects with and in the context of urban and natural landscapes<br />

in particular show his attempt to extend the radical approaches<br />

of early Land Art from the 1960s and 1970s into a new dimension.<br />

Even though there are many isolated sculptural interventions by<br />

<strong>Gormley</strong>, measured against his own ideas, the great “field experiments”<br />

comprising multiple figures represent the real challenge.<br />

These consist of three key types: the first, the <strong>Field</strong> series, is<br />

involved with the idea of a mass of figures immeasurably potentiated,<br />

emanating from the social commitment of many lay-people<br />

to the production of the figures. The second, Event <strong>Horizon</strong>, works<br />

with a defined number of castings of the artist’s body sited in individual<br />

contexts. These figures link specific locations on buildings<br />

in a city and interact with an urban network. With <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong>,<br />

the third concept, starting with Another Place (1997), continuing<br />

with Inside Australia (2002) and Time <strong>Horizon</strong> (2006), <strong>Gormley</strong> proposes<br />

that critical engagement does not take place in value-neutral<br />

spaces of art determined by aesthetic laws, such as museums,<br />

galleries, and public places, but in and with nature. <strong>Gormley</strong> thus<br />

situates his work within a context that is meaningful for ever y individual,<br />

where beauty and the sublime are paired with the knowledge<br />

that nature’s resources are in danger of being exhausted at<br />

an ever faster rate.<br />

Another Place and <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> demonstrate <strong>Gormley</strong>’s strategic,<br />

conceptual thinking. The few rules that define the artistic system<br />

are decisive, opening up time to a multiplicity of planes for seeing,<br />

thinking, and interrelating. These include the relationship between<br />

the individual figure and the series; between constructed space<br />

and natural space; and between the factors of movement and time.<br />

The multilateralism of a mass exponentiated into a series tends<br />

toward a dissolution of the center and is thus an important factor in<br />

the democratization of the relations between space, sculpture,<br />

and viewer. <strong>Gormley</strong> has always been fascinated by this since it<br />

gives him the opportunity to extend his work into the open spaces<br />

of nature. <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> presents a bold attempt to bring art and<br />

nature into a state of empathy. The idea of installing 100 figures at<br />

a height of 2,039 meters is captivating, not so much as a logistical<br />

challenge, but as a vision of a large-scale experiment to conceive<br />

of art and culture as an integral part of nature and to encourage a<br />

revised awareness about our role as cultural beings. <strong>Gormley</strong>’s<br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> unites all his basic artistic concerns on a large scale.<br />

Removed from the influential context of a museum, it opens up new<br />

fields of interrelations by locating art in a socialized natural landscape.<br />

The mountain landscape of Vorarlberg, with its specific mix<br />

of natural beauty, urbanity, and socialization of old valley communities,<br />

is for <strong>Gormley</strong> the ideal experimental field for a new determination<br />

of the relationship between nature and culture.<br />

A comparison with the work of an earlier artist will make clear the<br />

paradigm shift accomplished by <strong>Gormley</strong>. Walter De Maria’s Land<br />

Art project The Lightning <strong>Field</strong> (1977) proclaims in almost heroic

<strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong><br />

Another Place | 1997<br />

Gusseisen<br />

100 Elemente,<br />

je 189 × 53 × 29 cm<br />

Installationsansicht,<br />

Cuxhaven<br />

Seite 12/13<br />

<strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> | <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

August 2010 – April 2012<br />

Eine Landschaftsinstallation im<br />

alpinen Hochgebirge Vorarlbergs,<br />

Österreich<br />

100 lebensgroße Abgüsse eines<br />

menschlichen Körpers aus massivem<br />

Gusseisen, verteilt über ein<br />

Gebiet von 150 Quadratkilo metern<br />

(Detailaufnahme)<br />

Presented by Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

© <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> und Kunsthaus<br />

Bregenz; Foto: Markus Tretter<br />

10 11<br />

terms the autonomy of art and, by extension, of all culture. The<br />

Lightning <strong>Field</strong> lies at a height of 2,195 meters on a plateau in<br />

west-central New Mexico. It consists of 400 polished, stainless<br />

steel poles, 5.2 centimeters thick and 6.2 meters long, placed<br />

6.7 meters apart to stake out a grid measuring a mile on one axis<br />

and a kilometer on the other. The poles are arranged so that their<br />

tips define an absolutely level plane, echoing the terrain. Nature<br />

here forms a grandiose backdrop for a demonstration of sublimity,<br />

evoked by the machine-made uniformity and beauty of the poles<br />

and by the mathematical exactitude of the grid. The work represents<br />

an act of unconditional freedom and self-assertion on the<br />

part of art vis-à-vis nature, made visible through the serial anonymity<br />

of the poles and their ordered configuration. The spectator<br />

experiences a value-free coexistence of two systems, their individual<br />

beauty enhanced by the dramatic form of their conjunction.<br />

With his work, De Maria increased awareness of the sublimity of<br />

a self-contained system called “art” by heightening its logical<br />

consistency through confrontation with nature.<br />

In contrast, <strong>Gormley</strong> integrates and almost loses his human shaped<br />

masses within a field determined by a given topography that links<br />

the palpable, the perceivable, and the conceptual in a seamless<br />

way. He aims to address issues relating to natural freedom and<br />

social embedment. Each of his 100 figures embodies a striving<br />

for both individuality and society. They face in ever y direction, but<br />

never towards one another. The distance between them, which<br />

varies according to the terrain, ranges from 60 meters to several<br />

kilometers. Together, they form a horizon that can be apprehended<br />

<strong>KUB</strong>­<strong>Projekt</strong> <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong>

* <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> in an e­mail to<br />

Kunsthaus Bregenz, April 2010<br />

visually in separate sections and mentally as a whole, engaging the<br />

viewer’s capacity for both physical and imaginative perception.<br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> does not aim to show humanity at the mercy of an<br />

omnipotent divine order, in the way familiar from some medieval<br />

images; neither does it seek to evoke the potential sublimity of<br />

socialized individuals in the isolated contemplation of natural<br />

sublimity, in the Romantic manner of a Caspar David Friedrich,<br />

or to establish an ideal artistic order in distinction to nature à la<br />

De Maria. Instead, <strong>Gormley</strong> literally comes down to earth in his<br />

project, to the reality of post-industrial landscape and society.<br />

But in no way has he lost sight of his original vision, which he<br />

describes thus: “<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> is a clear indicator of a paradigm<br />

shift in art; that Culture which always used to be seen in distinction<br />

to Nature now has to be seen as integral to it (…). As with much of<br />

my work, <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> asks an open question as to where the<br />

human project fits within the evolution of life on this planet. (…) It<br />

asks basic questions: who are we, what are we, where do we come<br />

from and to where are we headed? The work does this by engaging<br />

the physical, perceptual, and imaginative responses of anyone<br />

coming within its relational field.”*<br />

Eckhard Schneider, General Director of the PinchukArtCentre, Kiev

<strong>KUB</strong> <strong>Projekt</strong><br />

CH<br />

St. Gallen 35 km<br />

Zürich 120 km<br />

Basel 200 km<br />

Bodensee<br />

14 15<br />

Feldkirch<br />

FL<br />

Kunsthaus<br />

Bregenz<br />

Dornbirn<br />

Vorarlberg<br />

Bludenz<br />

D<br />

Ulm 120 km<br />

München 190 km<br />

Stuttgart 210 km<br />

<strong>KUB</strong>­<strong>Projekt</strong><br />

Schoppernau<br />

Lech<br />

Warth<br />

Mellau<br />

Über <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> besteht aus 100 lebensgroßen Abgüssen<br />

eines menschlichen Körpers aus massivem Gusseisen.<br />

Jede Figur wiegt 640 kg. Die Figuren sind verteilt über<br />

ein Gebiet von 150 Quadrat kilometern in den Gemeinden<br />

Mellau, Schoppernau, Schröcken, Warth, Mittelberg,<br />

Lech, Klösterle und Dalaas. Das Werk bildet eine horizontale<br />

Linie auf 2.039 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel.<br />

On <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> consists of 100 life-size, solid cast iron figures<br />

of the human body. Each Bludenz figure weighs 640 kg. The<br />

figures are spread<br />

A 14<br />

over an area of 150 square kilometers<br />

in the communities of Mellau, Schoppernau, Schröcken,<br />

Warth, Mittelberg, Lech, Klösterle, and Dalaas. The work<br />

forms a horizontal line at 2,039 meters above sea level.<br />

L 200<br />

Damüls<br />

A<br />

Innsbruck 190 km<br />

Salzburg 330 km<br />

Wien 620 km<br />

Holenke<br />

Kanisfluh<br />

L 193<br />

Mittagsfluh<br />

S 16<br />


Dalaas<br />

Diedamskopf<br />

Schoppernau<br />

Hochkünzelspitze<br />

Rothorn<br />

Vorarlberg<br />

Üntschenspitze<br />

Zuger Horn<br />

Hoher Ifen<br />

Schröcken<br />

Mohnenfluh<br />

Klösterle<br />

Krieger<br />

Horn<br />

Omeshorn<br />

Widderstein<br />

Lech<br />

Mittelberg<br />

Karhorn<br />

Stuben<br />

Warth<br />

L 198<br />

Zürs<br />

Rüfikopf<br />

D<br />

Ochsenbodenkopf<br />

1000 m<br />


<strong>KUB</strong> <strong>Projekt</strong><br />

Deutsch/englisch<br />

Hg. Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

Essays von Eckhard Schneider,<br />

Mar tin Seel and Beat Wyss<br />

Gestaltung: Neil Holt,<br />

Typographie/Entwurf, Köln<br />

Ca. 176 Seiten, 22,5 × 30 cm<br />

Hardcover, Leinen mit<br />

Schutzumschlag<br />

Erscheinungstermin:<br />

Januar 2011<br />

Preis: 48 €<br />

German/English<br />

Ed. Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

Essays by Eckhard Schneider,<br />

Mar tin Seel, and Beat Wyss<br />

Graphic design: Neil Holt,<br />

Typographie/Entwurf, Cologne<br />

Approx. 176 pages, 22.5 × 30 cm<br />

Hardcover, cloth with<br />

dust jacket<br />

Due to be published:<br />

Januar y 2011<br />

Price: € 48<br />

Online-Shop<br />

www.kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

Publikation<br />

Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

<strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

Der für seine spektakulären <strong>Projekt</strong>e in archetypischen Naturlandschaften<br />

bekannte <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> realisiert sein jüngstes<br />

Werk <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> in der Region des Bregenzerwaldes und des<br />

Arlbergs. <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> stellt eine Beziehung zwischen dem Greifbaren,<br />

dem Wahrnehmbaren und dem Vorstellbaren her. Die Arbeit<br />

wirft die Frage auf, wie die Pläne der Menschen zur Evolution des<br />

Lebens auf diesem Planeten passen, und thematisiert den kulturellen,<br />

natürlichen und historischen Hintergrund einer Landschaft.<br />

Vor allem diesen Aspekt greifen die Autoren des Katalogbuchs –<br />

Martin Seel, Beat Wyss und Eckhard Schneider – aus unterschiedlichen<br />

Perspektiven auf und verorten dieses singuläre Werk in der<br />

zeitgenössischen Ästhetik. Großzügig präsentierte Aufnahmen<br />

der Landschaftsinstallation und Abbildungen früherer Werke des<br />

Künstlers begleiten die Essays.<br />

<strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong>, famous for his spectacular projects in archetypal<br />

natural landscapes, is realizing his latest work <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> in the<br />

Bregenzerwald and Arlberg regions. <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> sets up a relationship<br />

between the palpable, the perceivable and the imaginable.<br />

The work questions where the human project fits within the evolution<br />

of life on this planet and addresses the cultural, natural, and<br />

historical background of a landscape. It is above all this aspect that<br />

the authors of this catalogue–Eckhard Schneider, Martin Seel, and<br />

Beat Wyss–examine from different perspectives, positioning this<br />

unique work within the field of contemporar y aesthetics. Accompanying<br />

the essays will be sweeping photographs of the landscape<br />

installation alongside images of the artist’s previous works.<br />

24 25 <strong>KUB</strong>­<strong>Projekt</strong> <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong>

<strong>KUB</strong> <strong>Projekt</strong><br />

Entwurf für die<br />

Edition <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

Sketch for the edition<br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

Radierung auf Büttenpapier<br />

Rives Natural, 280 g/m 2<br />

57 × 76 cm<br />

Limitierte Auflage von<br />

80 Exemplaren + 6 A.P.,<br />

nummeriert und signiert<br />

Preis: 950 € (inkl. 10% MwSt.)<br />

zzgl. Versand- und<br />

Verpackungskosten<br />

Etching on handmade paper<br />

Rives Natural 280 gsm<br />

57 × 76 cm<br />

Limited edition of 80 pieces<br />

+ 6 A.P.,<br />

numbered and signed<br />

Price: € 950 (incl. 10% VAT),<br />

plus forwarding expenses<br />

Weitere Informationen<br />

und Bilder im<br />

For further information<br />

and images go to<br />

Online Shop<br />

www.kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

Künstleredition<br />

Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

Aus der Werk- und Produktionsnähe zu den Künstlern entstehen<br />

exklusiv für das Kunsthaus Bregenz spezielle Editionen.<br />

Close cooperation with the artists results in special editions<br />

designed exclusively for the Kunsthaus Bregenz.<br />

<strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> | 2010<br />

Anlässlich des Landschaftsprojekts <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> hat <strong>Antony</strong><br />

<strong>Gormley</strong> eine limitierte Edition entworfen. Die Radierung,<br />

gedruckt auf schwerem Büttenpapier, erscheint in einer Auflage<br />

von 80 Exemplare und zeigt das für die Arbeit charakteristische<br />

Motiv des Menschen in einem archetypischen Naturraum,<br />

aufgefordert zur Neubestimmung des Verhältnisses von Kultur<br />

und Natur.<br />

In conjunction with the landscape project <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> <strong>Antony</strong><br />

<strong>Gormley</strong> has designed a limited edition. The etching, which will<br />

be printed on heavy handmade paper, will appear in a edition<br />

of 80 pieces and depict the motif characteristic of <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong>:<br />

man in an archetypal natural space challenged to re-define the<br />

relationship between culture and nature.

2006 2009<br />

Michael Craig-Martin<br />

Signs of Life | 2006<br />

Johanniterkirche Feldkirch<br />

Jan Fabre<br />

From the Feet to the Brain | 2009<br />

Biennale Venedig,<br />

53. Kunstausstellung | Vaporetto<br />

<strong>KUB</strong>’s Projects in the <strong>Field</strong><br />

With its exhibitions and projects the <strong>KUB</strong> addresses current challenges<br />

in the international art scene. Moreover, its work and especially<br />

its projects in Vorarlberg contribute strongly to promoting the<br />

cultural identity of the region. Former field projects in Vorarlberg<br />

included Anish Kapoor (2003), Jenny Holzer (2004), Janet Cardiff<br />

(2005), and Michael Craig-Martin (2006) in the Johanniterkirche<br />

in Feldkirch, as well as Gottfried Bechtold’s work at the Silvretta<br />

Dam—Signatur 02—, which the <strong>KUB</strong> has since purchased for its<br />

collection, and the xenon projections by the American artist Jenny<br />

Holzer (2004). The latter consisted of a series of large-format<br />

texts which the artist projected onto architectural and natural<br />

monuments (e. g. the Old Parish Church in Lech or the rock face<br />

Kanisfluh). With Inside the Work, the Kunsthaus Bregenz presented<br />

itself as an institution in an international context at the Austrian<br />

Cultural Forum in New York in 2005.<br />

The project <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> is in keeping with the <strong>KUB</strong>’s series of<br />

already initiated artistic interventions in public space in Vorarlberg<br />

and, at the same time, represents a climax because this field<br />

of figures is being installed in one of Vorarlberg’s most beautiful<br />


<strong>KUB</strong> <strong>Projekt</strong><br />

<strong>KUB</strong> Foto © Hélène Binet<br />

Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

Karl-Tizian-Platz<br />

6900 Bregenz, Austria<br />

Phone (+43-55 74) 4 85 94-0<br />

Fax (+43-55 74) 4 85 94-408<br />

kub@kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

www.kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

Prospekte und persönliche<br />

Tipps erhalten Sie bei:<br />

For brochures and personal<br />

suggestions, contact:<br />

Vorarlberg Tourismus<br />

Poststraße 11, 6850 Dornbirn<br />

Phone (+43-5572) 377033-0<br />

Fax (+43-5572) 377033-5<br />

info@vorarlberg.travel<br />

www.vorarlberg.travel/horizonfield<br />

Informationen<br />

Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

<strong>KUB</strong> – ein starkes Stück Kunst aus Vorarlberg<br />

Das Kunsthaus Bregenz ist ein starkes Stück Kunst aus Vorarlberg<br />

in Österreich. Basierend auf seinem spezifischen internationalen<br />

Kunstprofil, ist das <strong>KUB</strong> eingebettet in einer landschaftlich<br />

reizvollen und wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen europäischen Region,<br />

vernetzt im internationalen Diskurs.<br />

<strong>KUB</strong>–A Strong Art Force From Vorarlberg<br />

The Kunsthaus Bregenz is a strong Austrian art force from Vorarlberg.<br />

Based on its international art profile, <strong>KUB</strong> is not only embedded<br />

in a region in Europe that is both stimulating for its landscape<br />

and successful economically, but it is also well integrated in the<br />

international discourse of contemporar y art and current themes.<br />

Vorarlberg<br />

Vorarlberg ist ein kunstsinniges Land im Westen Österreichs.<br />

Gelegen zwischen Bodensee und Arlberg, in Nachbarschaft<br />

zur Schweiz, zu Deutschland und Liechtenstein.<br />

Wenn Sie <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> besuchen möchten, Informationen<br />

über Wanderwege, Bergbahnen, Unterkünfte, das gastronomische<br />

Angebot und weitere Veranstaltungstipps wünschen,<br />

dann gibt Ihnen die Website www.vorarlberg.travel einen guten<br />

Überblick. Dort können Sie Unterkünfte auch direkt buchen.<br />

Situated in Austria’s very west, between Lake Constance and<br />

the Arlberg mountains, neighboring Switzerland, Germany,<br />

and the Principality of Liechtenstein, Vorarlberg is a region with<br />

a fond liking for the arts.<br />

If you want to visit <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong>, need nuts-and-bolts information<br />

about hiking trails, cable cars and lifts, accommodation,<br />

restaurants and inns, or tips and hints about what to do, please<br />

visit www.vorarlberg.travel. There, you can also directly book<br />

your accommodation.

Hauptsponsor<br />

Partner-Sponsoren<br />

Sponsoren und Partner<br />

Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

Partner bei der <strong>Projekt</strong>umsetzung und Sachsponsoren<br />

Das Kunsthaus Bregenz bedankt sich bei seinen Partnern und<br />

Sponsoren für die großzügige finanzielle Unterstützung und die<br />

tatkräftige Mitarbeit und Einbringung von Sachleistungen bei<br />

der sehr komplexen Umsetzung des <strong>Projekt</strong>es. Die Realisierung<br />

ist nur durch die vielen Partner und Unterstützer möglich gewesen,<br />

die damit hohes kulturelles Engagement bewiesen haben.<br />

The Kunsthaus Bregenz would like to thank its partners and sponsors<br />

for their generous financial support, their active cooperation,<br />

and the materials they donated to ensure the success of this<br />

highly complex project. Without the help of the many partners and<br />

supporters, who have all shown their strong cultural dedication,<br />

this project would not have been possible.<br />

ATT Industrie high access work GmbH | Bergrettung Klösterle | Bergrettung Lech |<br />

Die Arlberg Wanderer | die.wildbach Vorarlberg | Doppelmayr Seilbahnen GmbH |<br />

Bauhof der Gemeinde Lech | Hilti Foundation | Militärkommando Vorarlberg |<br />

Norm Beton | Rüfikopf-Seilbahn AG | Seillifte Oberlech GmbH | Skilifte Lech GmbH |<br />

Skilifte Schröcken Strolz GmbH | Skilifte Warth GmbH & Co. KG | Ski Zürs AG | SOLA |<br />

Stubner Bergbahnen | Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG | WUCHER Helicopter GmbH<br />

30 31<br />

<strong>KUB</strong>­<strong>Projekt</strong> <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong>

<strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> | <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

August 2010 – April 2012<br />

Eine Landschaftsinstallation im<br />

alpinen Hochgebirge Vorarlbergs,<br />

Österreich<br />

100 lebensgroße Abgüsse eines<br />

menschlichen Körpers aus massivem<br />

Gusseisen, verteilt über ein<br />

Gebiet von 150 Quadratkilo metern<br />

(Detailaufnahme)<br />

Presented by Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

© <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> und Kunsthaus<br />

Bregenz; Foto: Markus Tretter<br />

Kulturträger<br />

Unser besonderer Dank gilt<br />

Grundbesitzer: allen 34 Grundbesitzern und Grundbesitzer-Gemeinschaften der 100 Standorte |<br />

Gemeinden: Dalaas | Klösterle | Lech | Mittelberg | Mellau | Schoppernau | Schröcken | Warth |<br />

Ronald Brugger (Dr. Brugger & Partner ZT GmbH) | Eckhard Schneider | Ewald Schneider (VKW) |<br />

Willi Sieber (Ökologie Institut) | Marcell Strolz (Alpine Ibex Consulting GmbH) |<br />

Kooperationspartner<br />

Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourismus | Bregenzerwald Tourismus | Kleinwalsertal Tourismus |<br />

Lech Zürs Tourismus | Vorarlberg Tourismus | Bregenzer Festspiele<br />

Medienpartner<br />

ORF | Ö1 | Vorarlberger Nachrichten

<strong>KUB</strong> <strong>Projekt</strong><br />

Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

Karl-Tizian-Platz<br />

6900 Bregenz, Austria<br />

Phone (+43-55 74) 4 85 94-0<br />

Fax (+43-55 74) 4 85 94-408<br />

kub@kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

www.kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

Cosima von Bonin<br />

18.07. – 03.10.2010<br />

raumlaborberlin<br />

18.07. – 03.10.2010<br />

Harun Farocki<br />

23.10.2010 – 09.01.2011<br />

Öffnungszeiten | opening hours<br />

Dienstag – Sonntag 10 – 18 Uhr<br />

Donnerstag 10 – 21 Uhr<br />

Tuesday – Sunday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.<br />

Thursday 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.<br />

18.07. bis 22.08. tägl. 10 – 20 Uhr<br />

18.07. until 22.08. daily 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.<br />

Kasse | counter<br />

Phone (+43-55 74) 4 85 94-433<br />

Eintrittspreise | admission<br />

Erwachsene | adults 8 €<br />

Ermäßigungen | reductions 6 €<br />

Freier Eintritt für Kinder und<br />

Jugendliche bis 19 Jahre |<br />

free admission for children<br />

and youths 19 or under<br />

Schüler und Lehrlinge ab 20 | school<br />

students and trainees 20 or older 1,50 €<br />

Jahreskarte | annual ticket 29 €<br />

Jahreskarte ermäßigt | annual ticket<br />

reduced 21 €<br />

10% Ermäßigung für Ö1-Club-<br />

Mitglieder | 10% reduction<br />

for Ö1 Club members<br />

Gruppen ab 15 Personen |<br />

15 people and more 6 €<br />

Führungen für Gruppen ab<br />

15 Personen | guided tours<br />

for 15 people and more 5 €<br />

Information und Anmeldung<br />

zu Führungen | information and<br />

registration for guided tours<br />

Kirsten Helfrich, DW | ext. -415<br />

k.helfrich@kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

Sekretariat | office<br />

Margot Dörler-Fritsche, DW | ext. -409<br />

m.doerler-fritsche@<br />

kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

<strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong><br />

<strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

August 2010 – April 2012<br />

Direktor | director<br />

Yilmaz Dziewior<br />

Kaufmännischer Direktor |<br />

chief executive<br />

Artur Vonblon<br />

Kurator | curator<br />

Rudolf Sagmeister<br />

Kuratorin <strong>KUB</strong>-Arena |<br />

curator of the <strong>KUB</strong> Arena<br />

Eva Birkenstock<br />

Kommunikation | communications<br />

Birgit Albers, DW | ext. -413<br />

b.albers@kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

Assistentin | assistant<br />

Melanie Büchel<br />

Kunstvermittlung | art education<br />

Winfried Nußbaummüller, DW | ext. -417<br />

w.nussbaummueller@<br />

kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

Assistentin | assistant<br />

Kirsten Helfrich<br />

Publikationen/Editionen |<br />

publications/artist editions<br />

Katrin Wiethege, DW | ext. -416<br />

k.wiethege@kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

Assistentin | assistant<br />

Antje Roth<br />

Verkauf Editionen | sales editions<br />

Caroline Schneider, DW | ext. -444<br />

c.schneider@kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

Assistentin des Direktors |<br />

assistant to the director<br />

Beatrice Nussbichler, DW | ext. -418<br />

b.nussbichler@kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />

Veranstaltungsmanagement |<br />

event management<br />

Mirjam Steinbock<br />

mirjam.steinbock@kulturhaeuser.at<br />

Phone (+43-55 74) 531 06-911<br />

Technik | technical staff<br />

Stephan Moosmann | Markus Tembl |<br />

Markus Unterkircher | Stefan Vonier |<br />

Helmut Voppichler<br />

Initiator <strong>Projekt</strong> <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong> |<br />

initiator project <strong>Horizon</strong> <strong>Field</strong><br />

Eckhard Schneider<br />

Copyright<br />

© 2010 by Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

Konzeption | concept<br />

Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />

Text | text<br />

B. Albers | W. Nußbaummüller |<br />

A. Roth | E. Schneider | K. Wiethege<br />

Redaktion | editorial work<br />

Birgit Albers | Melanie Büchel<br />

Übersetzung | translation<br />

Kimi Lum | Michael Eldred<br />

Lektorat | copy editors<br />

W. Astelbauer | A. Roth |<br />

C. Wagner | K. Wiethege<br />

Abbildungen | illustrations<br />

Courtesy of <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong><br />

Bildrechte | picture credits<br />

© <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> | Hélène Binet |<br />

James Ewing | Benjamin Katz |<br />

Helmut Kunde | Ashley de Prazer |<br />

Clare Richardson | Markus Tretter<br />

Basiskonzept Grafik-Design |<br />

basic graphic design<br />

Clemens Theobert Schedler<br />

Büro für konkrete Gestaltung<br />

Gestalterische Ausführung |<br />

graphic design<br />

Bernd Altenried | Stefan Gassner<br />

Unser besonderer Dank gilt |<br />

special thanks to<br />

<strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong> | <strong>Antony</strong> <strong>Gormley</strong><br />

Studio, Lisa Maddigan, Bryony<br />

McLennan | Eckhard Schneider

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