Rubik's Magic Cube

Rubik's Magic Cube

Rubik's Magic Cube


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12. Rubik’s <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Cube</strong><br />

Robert Snapp<br />

snapp@cs.uvm.edu<br />

Department of Computer Science<br />

University of Vermont<br />

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Rubik’s <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Cube</strong><br />

Ernö Rubik invented this celebrated puzzle in 1974.<br />

When completed, each of the six faces displays a<br />

common color, usually white, yellow, red, orange, blue<br />

and green.<br />

Questions:<br />

1 How many different ways can six<br />

colors be assigned to the six faces?<br />

2 How are the colors of each pair of<br />

opposite faces related at right?<br />

The cube actually consists of 26 visible cubies, consisting of<br />

6 single faced, centers, which are stationary.<br />

12 double faced, edges.<br />

8 triple faced, corners.<br />

Rubik’s standard color<br />

arrangement.<br />

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David Singmaster’s Notation<br />

David Singmaster 1 published one of the first analyses of the <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Cube</strong>. He<br />

introduced the following notation:<br />

U , for the Upper face,<br />

F , for the Front face,<br />

D, for the Down face,<br />

B, for the Back face,<br />

L, for the Left face, and<br />

R, for the Right face.<br />

Note that the <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Cube</strong> can be oriented 24 ways within this coordinate system:<br />

the upper face can be chosen 6 different ways.<br />

for each upper face, the front face can be chosen 4 different ways.<br />

6 4 D 24.<br />

1. David Singmaster, Notes on Rubik’s <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Cube</strong>, Enslow, Hillside, NJ, 1981.<br />

L<br />

F<br />

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D<br />

U<br />

B<br />


Singmaster’s Operations: U<br />

Once the cube has been positioned, we define a<br />

set of rotation operations that maintain the<br />

orientation of the center cubies.<br />

For example, U denotes a quarter turn of the<br />

Upper face in the clockwise direction.<br />

U 2 denotes a half turn of the Upper face. (N.B.,<br />

U 2 D U U .)<br />

U 0 denotes a quarter turn of the Upper face in<br />

the counter-clockwise direction. (N.B.,<br />

U 0 D U 3 .)<br />

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U<br />

U 2<br />

U 0

Singmaster’s Operations: F<br />

F denotes a quarter turn of the Front face in the<br />

clockwise direction.<br />

F 2 denotes a half turn of the Front face. (N.B.,<br />

F 2 D FF .)<br />

F 0 denotes a quarter turn of the Front face in the<br />

counter-clockwise direction. (N.B., F 0 D F 3 .)<br />

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F<br />

F 2<br />

F 0

Singmaster’s Operations: D<br />

D denotes a quarter turn of the Down face in the<br />

clockwise direction.<br />

D 2 denotes a half turn of the Down face. (N.B.,<br />

D 2 D DD.)<br />

D 0 denotes a quarter turn of the Down face in<br />

the counter-clockwise direction. (N.B.,<br />

D 0 D D 3 .)<br />

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D<br />

D 2<br />

D 0

Singmaster’s Operations: B<br />

B denotes a quarter turn of the Back face in the<br />

clockwise direction.<br />

B 2 denotes a half turn of the Back face. (N.B.,<br />

B 2 D BB.)<br />

B 0 denotes a quarter turn of the Back face in the<br />

counter-clockwise direction. (N.B., B 0 D B 3 .)<br />

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B<br />

B 2<br />

B 0

Singmaster’s Operations: L<br />

L denotes a quarter turn of the Left face in the<br />

clockwise direction.<br />

L 2 denotes a half turn of the Left face. (N.B.,<br />

L 2 D LL.)<br />

L 0 denotes a quarter turn of the Left face in the<br />

counter-clockwise direction. (N.B., L 0 D L 3 .)<br />

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L<br />

L 2<br />

L 0

Singmaster’s Operations: R<br />

R denotes a quarter turn of the Right face in the<br />

clockwise direction.<br />

R 2 denotes a half turn of the Right face. (N.B.,<br />

R 2 D RR.)<br />

R 0 denotes a quarter turn of the Right face in the<br />

counter-clockwise direction. (N.B., R 0 D R 3 .)<br />

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R<br />

R 2<br />

R 0

Restore the <strong>Cube</strong>: Outline<br />

Part I: Restore the upper face.<br />

1. Restore the upper edges.<br />

2. Restore the upper corners.<br />

Part II: Restore the middle layer.<br />

3. Turn the entire cube upside<br />

down.<br />

4. Restore the middle edges.<br />

Part III: Restore the final face.<br />

5. Invert the upper edges.<br />

6. Reposition the upper edges.<br />

7. Reposition the upper corners.<br />

8. Twist the upper corners.<br />

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Part I: Step 1 — Restore the Upper Cross<br />

1a Select a color for the upper face (e.g, green), and<br />

an adjacent color for the front face (e.g., white).<br />

1b Identify the cubie that belongs in the upper-front<br />

(uf ) edge, e.g., the green-white edge. It should<br />

be easy to bring this cubie to the correct<br />

location.<br />

1c If this colors of the uf edge need to be flipped,<br />

then apply the sequence<br />

F 0 UL 0 U 0 :<br />

1d Rotate the entire cube one-quarter turn, and<br />

repeat the above until all four upper edges are in<br />

place. You should see a green cross.<br />

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Part I: Step 2 — Restore the Upper Corners<br />

2a For each corner cubie in the Down layer that<br />

belongs in the Upper layer:<br />

i Rotate the Down layer (using the D operation) until<br />

this cubie is directly below its desired postion.<br />

Rotate the entire cube so that the desired position<br />

is under your right thumb (upper-right-front<br />

position).<br />

ii Apply the operation R 0 D 0 RD one, three, or five<br />

times, until this corner cubie is in the correct<br />

position, with the correct orientation. (This will not<br />

destroy the cross, obtained in Step 1.)<br />

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urf<br />


Part I: Step 2 — Restore the Upper Corners (cont.)<br />

2b For each Upper layer corner cubie that is<br />

incorrectly placed, or incorrectly rotated,<br />

i Rotate the entire cube until the misplaced cubie is<br />

under your right thumb.<br />

ii Place the cubie in the Down layer using R 0 D 0 RD:<br />

iii Then apply step 2a (above) to move this cubie in<br />

the correct position.<br />

2c Apply the above steps until the entire upper layer<br />

is complete.<br />

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Part I: Step 2 — Restore the Upper Corners (cont.)<br />

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Part II: Step 3 — Turn the <strong>Cube</strong> Upside Down<br />

Turn the entire cube upside down, so that the completed<br />

green layer is the bottom (or down) layer. The<br />

new upper layer should have a blue center.<br />

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Part II: Step 4 — Restore the Middle Layer<br />

The key operation is RU 0 R 0 FR 0 F 0 RU 0 which swaps and inverts ul and fr.<br />

4a Rotate the entire cube until a front-right (fr) edge<br />

is incorrect, or flipped. (Assume the right edge of<br />

the white face is incorrect.)<br />

4b Locate the correct edge (e.g., the red-white<br />

edge).<br />

Case A: If the correct edge is in the middle<br />

layer:<br />

i Rotate the entire cube so that<br />

the correct edge is a front-right<br />

(fr) edge. (Note, the red-white<br />

edge is in the middle layer.)<br />

ii Perform the sequence<br />

RU 0 R 0 FR 0 F 0 RU 0 which will<br />

place the correct edge in the<br />

upper layer (at ul ).<br />

iii Apply Case B.<br />

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ul<br />


Part II: Step 4 — Restore the Middle Layer (cont.)<br />

Case B: If the correct edge is on the top layer:<br />

i Ensure that the misplaced edge<br />

is still the front-right (fr ) edge.<br />

ii Rotate the upper layer (using U<br />

operations) so that the correct<br />

edge is an upper-left (ul ) edge.<br />

iii Apply the operation<br />

RU 0 R 0 FR 0 F 0 RU 0 .<br />

iv If the correct edge needs to be<br />

flipped, apply Case C.<br />

Case C: If a middle edge is flipped in the<br />

correct location:<br />

i Apply the operation<br />

RU 0 R 0 FR 0 F 0 RU 0 twice.<br />

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Part II: Step 4 — Restore the Middle Layer (cont.)<br />

The top row illustrates two successive occurrences of Case B. The left two diagrams show how<br />

the red-yellow edge is moved into its correct position with RU 0 R 0 FR 0 F 0 RU 0 . The right two,<br />

show how the orange-yellow edge is moved into its correct position by the same operation.<br />

The bottom row illustrates an occurrence of Case B, that leads to a Case C. First the<br />

orange-white edge is moved into its correct position, but with an incorrect orientation. Applying<br />

RU 0 R 0 FR 0 F 0 RU 0 moves it back into the top layer, but flipped. A third application, brings<br />

the orange-white edge into the correct position and orientation.<br />

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Part III: Restoring the Upper Layer<br />

Now that the bottom and middle layers are complete, every cubie in the upper layer<br />

has a single blue face. In order to restore the upper face, one needs to<br />

5. Flip the edge cubies so that the blue face of each<br />

faces upwards.<br />

6. Move the edge cubies to their final locations,<br />

without destroying their orientation.<br />

7. Move the corner cubies to their final locations.<br />

8. Rotate the corner cubies (in place) so that the<br />

blue face of each faces upwards.<br />

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Part III: Step 5 — Flip the New Upper Edges<br />

5. Orient the cube so that it matches one of the four orientations:<br />

“Blue Dot” “Blue Corner” “Blue Line” “Blue Cross”<br />

a. If the ”Blue Cross” is displayed, move on to Step 6.<br />

b. If the ”Blue Cross” is not displayed, apply the maneuver<br />

FRUR 0 U 0 F 0<br />

and repeat Step 5 as many times as required.<br />

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Part III: Step 6 — Restore the New Upper Edges<br />

At this point of the solution, the bottom two layers should be solved, and a blue cross,<br />

should appear on the top face. If you are very lucky, the red, white, yellow and orange<br />

sides of the blue cross match all four of the corresponding center cubies. (Twist the<br />

upper layer using a succession of U operations, to see if this occurs. If so procede to<br />

Step 7.) If you are not so lucky, twist the upper layer until exactly one of the sides of<br />

the blue cross matches its center cubie. Rotate the cube so that the matching side<br />

cubie is in the front face. In the figures below the matching cubie happens to be red.<br />


Apply the sequence RUR 0 URU 2 R 0 until the sides of the four top edge cubies match.<br />

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Part III: Step 7 — Place the Upper Corners<br />

We shall now ensure that each upper corner is in the<br />

correct position. (Don’t worry now about their orientations;<br />

those will be restored in Step 8.)<br />

Compare the colors of each upper corner with those of<br />

the adjacent centers. If all three match, even if the orientation<br />

is wrong, then this piece is in the correct position.<br />

In the diagram at right, the upper-left-front (ulf)<br />

corner (red-white-blue) is in the correct position. The<br />

upper-right-front (urf ) corner (yellow-orange-blue) is<br />

not.<br />

ulb urb<br />

ulf<br />

The key sequence of Step 7 is L 0 URU 0 LUR 0 U 0 , which rotates (or cycles) the upper<br />

three corners (ulf, ulb, urb ), in a clockwise direction, while maintaining the positions<br />

and orientation of the remaining 23 cubies.<br />

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Step 7 — Place the Upper Corners (cont.)<br />

7a. If no upper corners are in their correct positions, apply L 0 URU 0 LUR 0 U 0 (once<br />

or twice) until one is. Then continue.<br />

7b. If one corner is in its correct position, then rotate the entire cube so that the<br />

correctly placed corner is near your right thumb, in the upper-right-front (urf )<br />

position. Then apply L 0 URU 0 LUR 0 U 0 (once or twice) until all four upper corners<br />

are correctly placed.<br />

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Part III: Step 8 — Twist the Upper Corners<br />

At this point every cube is in the correct position. However, two or more corners may<br />

have an incorrect orientation.<br />

The key sequence of Step 8 is R 0 D 0 RD, which you already practiced in Step 2.<br />

8a. Rotate the entire cube until an incorrectly<br />

oriented (twisted) corner is located near your<br />

right thumb. (It should be in the urf position.)<br />

8b. Apply the sequence R 0 D 0 RD (two or four times)<br />

until this corner cube has the correct orientation.<br />

Don’t worry about the middle and bottom layers:<br />

they are temporarily messed up.<br />

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urf<br />


Part III: Step 8 — Twist the Upper Corners (cont.)<br />

8c. Now rotate only the upper layer, by applying one<br />

or more U operations, until the next twisted cube<br />

is near your right thumb in the urf position.<br />

8d. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until every corner is<br />

correctly oriented.<br />

8e. Finally, restore the cube using one or more U<br />

operations.<br />

8f. Fix yourself an ice-cream cone.<br />

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urf<br />

urf<br />

urf<br />


Summary<br />

Step Operations Goal<br />

upper<br />

(green)<br />

cross<br />

upper<br />

(green)<br />

corners<br />

flip<br />

entire<br />

cube<br />

middle<br />

edges<br />

Use the six basic operations to move the desired edge immediately below<br />

its home, without moving the other upper edges. Then rotate that<br />

face one-half turn.<br />

To flip an inverted edge, apply F 0 UL 0 U 0 .<br />

Use R 0 D 0 RD to swap (and twist) the urf and drf corners. After each<br />

misplaced corner has been moved to the down (blue) layer, use the D<br />

operator to move it immediately below its home. Then apply R 0 D 0 RD<br />

a sufficient number of times, so that it is correctly placed and correctly<br />

oriented.<br />

Easy as pie! Turn the entire cube upside down so that the blue center<br />

on top and the completed green face is the new down layer.<br />

Use RU 0 R 0 FR 0 F 0 RU 0 to swap and flip the ul and fr edges, without<br />

displacing the other cubies on the lower two layers.<br />

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Summary (cont.)<br />

Step Operations Goal<br />

orient<br />

upper<br />

edges<br />

restore<br />

upper<br />

edges<br />

place<br />

upper<br />

corners<br />

twist<br />

upper<br />

corners<br />

If the blue facets on the upper face form a corner, rotate the cube so<br />

that the corner is at ul, u, and ub. If the upper facets of the upper edges<br />

form a blue line, rotate the cube so that the blue line runs from left to<br />

right (ul, u, ur). Apply FRUR 0 U 0 F 0 until a blue cross is displayed.<br />

Apply U until the the uf edge matches the color of the front face. Then<br />

apply RUR 0 URU 2 R 0 until every upper edge matches the side faces.<br />

If an upper corner is correctly placed, rotate the entire cube so that<br />

this becomes the urf corner. Then apply L 0 URU 0 LUR 0 U 0 until each<br />

corner is correctly placed.<br />

Apply U until urf is twisted. Then apply R 0 D 0 RD until this urf is correct.<br />

Repeat until every corner is untwisted. Apply U to restore the<br />

cube.<br />

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How Many States are in the <strong>Cube</strong>?<br />

Claim: A 3 3 3 Rubik’s cube can be placed in exactly<br />

N D 43; 252; 003; 274; 489; 856; 000<br />

different configurations, using a sequence of legal moves based on L, R, U , D, B<br />

and F , more than the number of seconds in 10 billion centuries.<br />

Counting this number is sort of like counting the number of anagrams that can be<br />

formed from a given set of letters. We thus count permutations.<br />

Recall that there are three kinds of cubies: 8 corners, 12 edges, and 6 centers. First<br />

note that it is impossible to exchange a three-sided corner with a two-sided edge,<br />

and likewise we can’t exchange a center with either a corner or edge.<br />

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How Many States are in the <strong>Cube</strong>?<br />

We will use the multiplication principle to count the number N of configurations that<br />

can be obtained by a sequence of the operations, L, R, U , D, B and F .<br />

Let,<br />

Then, our first estimate of N is<br />

What is the value of N1?<br />

N1 D number of configurations of the 6 centers<br />

N2 D number of configurations of the 12 edges<br />

N3 D number of configurations of the 8 corners<br />

N D N1 N2 N3:<br />

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Estimating N1<br />

Since the locations of the centers are unchanged by each of the six basic operations,<br />

they are also unchanged by any sequence of these operations. Thus,<br />

Thus,<br />

What is the value of N2?<br />

N1 D 1:<br />

N D 1 N2 N3:<br />

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Estimating N2<br />

Since there are 12 locations (cubicles) for each edge, there are 12Š ways to order the<br />

edges. In addition, each edge can be flipped in two different ways: e.g., the red-blue<br />

edge can be red-side up, or blue-side up. This suggests that there are at most<br />

ways to arrange the 12 edges.<br />

What can we say about N3?<br />

N2 D 12Š 2 12 D 1; 961; 990; 553; 600<br />

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Estimating N3<br />

Since there are 8 corner cubicles (locations for the corners), there are 8Š ways to<br />

order the corners. In addition each corner can be twisted three different ways. This<br />

suggests that, at most,<br />

N3 D 8Š 3 8 D 264; 539; 520<br />

ways to arrange the eight corners.<br />

Does<br />

N D 1 .12Š 2 12 / .8Š 3 8 /‹<br />

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Counting the Configurations of Rubik’s <strong>Cube</strong><br />

This number,<br />

1 .12Š 2 12 / .8Š 3 8 / D 519; 024; 039; 293; 878; 272; 000<br />

actually represents (exactly) the number of different ways that Rubik’s cube can be<br />

reassembled, assuming that the centers are not rearranged.<br />

Anne Scott (cf., Berlekamp, Conway, Guy, 2004), showed that this value<br />

overestimates the correct value of N by a factor of 12.<br />

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Invariants<br />

Consider a “puzzle” that concerns the value of a variable x. Initially, x D 0. Every<br />

second a coin is tossed. If the coin lands heads then we add 4 to x. If the coin lands<br />

tails, we subract 2. Here is a sample sequence.<br />

time (s.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />

coin toss H T H H T T T T T H<br />

x 0 4 2 6 10 8 6 4 2 0 4<br />

Question: Can x ever equal 1?<br />

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Invariants<br />

Correct! The answer is no. Since x begins as an even number, and every possible<br />

operation (adding 4 or subtracting 2) preserves evenness, x will always be even.<br />

In this context, evenness is said to be an invariant property, or an invariant (for short),<br />

of x.<br />

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Invariants and Loyd’s 14-15 Puzzle<br />

Sam Loyd (1841–1911) created many popular puzzles, including the celebrated<br />

14–15 puzzle, shown above. Can you interchange just tiles labeled 14 and 15, by<br />

sliding tiles horizontally or vertically into the space? (Loyd offered a $1000 prize to<br />

anyone who could.)<br />

How many states are realizable?<br />

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Invariants (cont.)<br />

For the space to wind up in the lower-right corner, there must have been an even<br />

number of vertical moves, and an even number of horizontal moves. Consequently,<br />

only permutations that swap and even number of pieces are possible. For Loyd’s<br />

puzzle, only half of the 16Š states are realizable.<br />

Anne Scott used invariants to exactly count the number of possible states for Rubik’s<br />

cube.<br />

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Reexamining the allowed corner twists<br />

Place a 0, 1, or a 2 on each corner face,<br />

as shown at right. The initial sums are then<br />

computed for each face, and recorded under<br />

column I of the table. Sums are also computed<br />

following each legal quarter turn. Note<br />

that ever entry is a multiple of 3. This latter<br />

property is preserved for every sequence of<br />

legal operations.<br />

However, if one were able to twist a single<br />

corner, one-third of a turn, in either direction,<br />

the sums of the adjacent faces change<br />

to numbers that are not multiples of 3.<br />

Consequently, only one-third of the total<br />

number of corner twists 3 8 can be realized<br />

using a sequence of legal operations.<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2 1<br />

0<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

Face Sums<br />

Face I L R U D F B<br />

left 6 6 6 6 6 3 3<br />

right 6 6 6 6 6 3 3<br />

upper 0 3 3 0 0 3 3<br />

down 0 3 3 0 0 3 3<br />

front 6 3 3 6 6 6 6<br />

back 6 3 3 6 6 6 6<br />

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2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />


Reexamining the allowed edge flips<br />

Place a 0 or 1 on each edge, and construct<br />

a stationary blue window for each face, as<br />

shown. The initial sum of the values that appear<br />

in the blue windows is computed under<br />

column I in the table. It can be shown that<br />

the window sum will always be a multiple of<br />

2, and even number, after every sequence of<br />

operations. (After F U , for example, it equals<br />

6.)<br />

However, flipping any single edge results in<br />

an odd window sum. Consequently, it is not<br />

possible to invert a single edge using a sequence<br />

or rotations.<br />

Thus only one-half of the 2 12 edge states are<br />

realizable.<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0 0<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0 0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0 0<br />

1<br />

Blue-Window Sums<br />

I L R U D F B<br />

sum 12 8 8 8 8 8 8<br />

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0<br />

0<br />


How many states are expressible by the cube?<br />

The final reduction factor is obtained by observing that only one-half of the 12Š 8Š<br />

permutations of the locations of the 12 edges and 8 corners are realizable. Each<br />

sequence of operations always moves a multiple of 4 pieces. It is thus impossible to<br />

interchange just two corners, or just two edges.<br />

Thus,<br />

N D 1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

12Š 2 12<br />

8Š 3 8<br />

D 43; 252; 003; 274; 489; 856; 000:<br />

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Some Symmetrical States<br />

Let Fs D FB 0 denote a move called a front slice. Similarly,<br />

let Rs D RL 0 denote the right slice, and Us D UD 0 denote the upper slice.<br />

“Dots” “Chessboard” “Cross”<br />

RmF 0 m R0 m Fm<br />

The definitions of Rm, R 0 m , Fm, and F 0 m<br />

F 2<br />

s R2 s U 2 s<br />

appear below.<br />

R0L2F 2<br />

s U 2R2 2<br />

s Fs D2R0 Robert R. Snapp © 2012 12. Rubik’s <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Cube</strong> CS 32, Fall 2012 41 / 45

Singmaster’s Operations: Rm<br />

Start with yellow on top, blue in front, and red at<br />

right. Rm denotes a quarter turn of the middle<br />

layer (only) parallel to the direction of R. The<br />

easiest way to complete this is to rotate both the<br />

right face, and the middle layer behind the right<br />

face, one quarter turn clockwise, followed by R 0 .<br />

R 2 m<br />

denotes a half turn of the middle layer<br />

behind the right face.<br />

R0 m denotes a quarter turn of the middle layer,<br />

behind the right face, in the counter-clockwise<br />

direction, i.e., parallel to R0 . (N.B., R0 m D R3 m .)<br />

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Rm<br />

R 2 m<br />

R 0 m

Singmaster’s Operations: Fm<br />

Fm denotes a quarter turn of the middle layer<br />

(only) parallel to the direction of F . The easiest<br />

way to complete this is to rotate both the front<br />

face, and the middle layer behind the front face,<br />

one quarter turn clockwise, followed by F 0 .<br />

F 2 m<br />

denotes a half turn of the middle layer<br />

behind the front face.<br />

F 0 m denotes a quarter turn of the middle layer,<br />

behind the front face, in the counter-clockwise<br />

direction, i.e., parallel to F 0 . (N.B., F 0 m D F 3 m .)<br />

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Fm<br />

F 2 m<br />

F 0 m

Singmaster’s Operations: Um<br />

Um denotes a quarter turn of the middle layer<br />

(only) parallel to the direction of U . The easiest<br />

way to complete this is to rotate both the upper<br />

face, and the middle layer behind the upper face,<br />

one quarter turn clockwise, followed by U 0 .<br />

U 2 m<br />

denotes a half turn of the middle layer<br />

behind the upper face.<br />

U 0 m denotes a quarter turn of the middle layer,<br />

behind the upper face, in the counter-clockwise<br />

direction, i.e., parallel to U 0 . (N.B., U 0 m D U 3 m .)<br />

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Um<br />

U 2 m<br />

U 0 m

References<br />

1 Christoph Bandelow, Inside Rubik’s <strong>Cube</strong> and Beyond, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1982.<br />

2 Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway, and Richard K. Guy, Winning Ways For Your<br />

Mathematical Plays, Second Edition, Vol. 4, A. K. Peters, Natick, MA, 2004.<br />

3 John Ewing and Czes Ko´sniowski, Puzzle It Out: <strong>Cube</strong> Groups and Puzzles, Cambridge<br />

University Press, Cambridge 1982.<br />

4 Alexander H. Frey, Jr. and David Singmaster, Handbook of Cubik Math, Enslow, Hillside,<br />

NJ, 1982.<br />

5 Martin Gardner, ed., The Mathematical Puzzles of Sam Loyd, Dover, NY, 1959.<br />

6 David Joyner, Adventures in Group Theory: Rubik’s <strong>Cube</strong>, Merlin’s <strong>Magic</strong> & Other<br />

Mathematical Toys, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2002.<br />

7 Ernö Rubik, Tamás Varga, Gerzson Kéri, Györgi Marx, and Tamás Vkerdy, Rubik’s Cubic<br />

Compendium, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987.<br />

8 David Singmaster, Notes on Rubik’s <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Cube</strong>, Enslow, Hillside, NJ, 1981.<br />

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