Unilateral Administrative Order - Muskego Sanitary Landfill ...

Unilateral Administrative Order - Muskego Sanitary Landfill ...

Unilateral Administrative Order - Muskego Sanitary Landfill ...


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yiNiiriieiii^^<br />

: REGIONS<br />


CHICAGO, II.. 606044590<br />

IJEC 0 9<br />

RE: <strong>Muskego</strong> <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> Super fund Site,<br />

<strong>Unilateral</strong> <strong>Administrative</strong> <strong>Order</strong><br />

Remedial Design/Remedial Action<br />

Dear Sir or Hada:ni::<br />

(J5)<br />

11355"<br />


Enclosed please find a <strong>Unilateral</strong> <strong>Administrative</strong> <strong>Order</strong> issued by<br />

the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Section 106 of the<br />

Comprehensive Environmental Response , Compensation and Liabi 1 ity<br />

Act of 1980,, aia amended by the Superfund Amendments and<br />

Reauthorization Act of 1986 (CERCLA) , 42 U.S. c. § 9601, et :sec|;.<br />

Please note that the <strong>Order</strong> allows an opportunity for a conference<br />

if requested within ten (10) calendar days after issuance o:l: the<br />

<strong>Order</strong>; and specifies a date and location for the conference.<br />

If you have any questions regarding the Girder, feel free to<br />

contact Thomas Krueger, Assistant Regional Counsel, at. (312) 886-<br />

0562 or Bill Haubold, Remedial Project Manager,, at (312) 353-<br />

6261.<br />

Sincerely yours,<br />

, William E. Huno,<br />

Waste Management D ivls i<br />

Enclosure<br />

cc :: Mark Giesf eldt<br />

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources<br />


cc: Sue Mencohi<br />

Deborah Garber<br />

Tom Xruegei<br />

Tom Marks<br />

Susan Pastor, Public Affairs<br />

Sheila Huff, Department of Interior<br />

Tony Audia (5MF8-14)

ywiiEOjEiniwiis<br />

February 17, 1993<br />

If HI.. Lima S, Seglin<br />

Senior Environmental Counsel<br />

Waste Management,, Inc. „<br />

300::i ButtiEirfield Road<br />

Oak Brook, II. 60521<br />

REGION !ii<br />


CHICAGO,, I'L 80604-3590<br />

Ra: Muskeqo <strong>Landfill</strong><br />

Adiiitinistrative <strong>Order</strong> V-W-92-C173<br />

Dear Ms,. Seglin:<br />

This letter is in response to your January 20,, 1993 letter<br />

regarding deed restrict ions for the Anaiuut: facility property, It<br />

is U.S. EPA's view that the AnamaK: facility property is', at least<br />

partially, a part of the <strong>Muskego</strong> <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> site,, Figure<br />

i-2 of the ReigDueidial DeiEiiign/Renedial Action Work: Plan sh,o«s<br />

portions of the Old, Non-"Contigiiousr and Soiuitlleaet Fill Areas<br />

extiuiiding onto the forhmer Anaiiax: facility property., U.S., EPA<br />

therefore believes that the fEttateiDiient in your letter that this<br />

property is not part of the lldUskego site is mistaken,<br />

Your letter also indicates that a deed restriction was recorded<br />

in the office of the Waukeeha County Register of Deeds on January<br />

11:1,, 1993.. However,, your letter does not discuss wn,at steps Waste<br />

Management of Wisconsin,, Inc. (WIPlfl) has taken to comiply with,<br />

paragraph 32 of the Adiiinistrative <strong>Order</strong>„ wihich required mmi to<br />

record a copy of the <strong>Order</strong> within !:i days of the effective date of<br />

the <strong>Order</strong> (iDeceniLber 29,, 1992;), Please provide me details<br />

concerning WMWI' s cocmpliance with, this XHEiiquirenient as qiuickly as<br />

possible.,<br />

If you have any questions,, please contact xne at (31.2) 353-6261.<br />

Sincerely,,<br />

William J., Haubold<br />

Ruedial Project Manager<br />


cc:: Ton Krueger/ OIRC<br />

Gairy Edeistein/ WDNR<br />

Hike Prattlce/ MWI<br />

Dee Brncfoh/

IN mi<br />

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FILL<br />

DRUM<br />

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PHASE<br />


BASIN<br />

MOD 3 PHASE I<br />

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-pROPERTt<br />

iFORjstR sHasssX ==rjD£r-:NG CO.<br />

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2. TOPOGRAPHY :5 BASED ON U.5.G.5. DATUss<br />











1-2<br />



UNILATEl<br />




Region V<br />

In The Matter Of: )<br />

<strong>Muskego</strong> <strong>Sanitary</strong> Landfi11<br />

Source Control Operable Unit<br />

Muskeqo, Wisconsin<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

Respondents listed in Attachment: 4<br />

Proceeding Under Section 106 (a) of the<br />

)<br />

)<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

Docket, tyo.<br />

v.W- v* r~T"77<br />

!l " " i(l Comprehensive Environmental Response,<br />

Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980,<br />

as amended (42 U.S.C. 9606(a))<br />

)<br />

)<br />

)<br />

" •'• ' J<br />








V. ORDER 19<br />



























Region V<br />

In The Matter Of: )<br />

)<br />

<strong>Muskego</strong> San itary Landf :i. 11 )<br />

Source Control Operable Unit )<br />

<strong>Muskego</strong>, Wisconsin )<br />

)<br />

) U.S.. EPA<br />

Respondents listed in Attachment 4 ) Docket No.,<br />

)<br />

Proceeding Under Section 106(a) of the )<br />

Comprehensive Environmenta1 Response, )<br />

Compensation, and Liability Act of 1.980,, )<br />

as amended (4 2 U. S,. C. 9 6 06 (a}) )<br />




1. This <strong>Order</strong> directs Respondents to perform, a remedial, design<br />

for the remedy described in the Record of Decision dated June :i.2,<br />

1992, and Scope of Work for the <strong>Muskego</strong> <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong>, site,<br />

Source Control Operable Unit, and to implement the design by<br />

performing a remedial action,. This <strong>Order</strong> is issued t.o<br />


State Highway 24 (

Galvanizing, Inc. were present at the Site,.<br />

d., Respondent Aldrich Chemical Company! Inc. arranged,, by<br />

contract, or agreement„ or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment,, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substance::; owned or possessed<br />

by Aldrich Chemical. Company, Inc. at the Site. Those hazardous<br />

substances included flammable liquids and other chemicals.,<br />

Hazardous substances of the sane kind as those owned one: possessed<br />

by Respondent Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc. were present at the<br />

Site. e. Respondent All en- Bradley Company,, Inc. arranged, by<br />

com tract or agreement,, or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment,, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Alien-Bradley Company, Inc., at the Site. Those hazardous<br />

substances included grinding compounds,, liquid waste and slag.<br />

v ; Hazardous substances of the same kind as those owned or possessed<br />

by Respondent Alien •"Bradley Company, Inc. were present at the<br />

Site. f'. Respondent Allied Signal Corporation is a successor in<br />

interest to Bostrom Seating Inc.. Bostrom Seating Inc. arranged,,<br />

by contract or agreement,, or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal, or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Bostram Seating Company at the Site,. Those hazardous<br />

substances included industrial liquid wastes., Hazardous<br />

substances of the sane kind as those owned or possessed by<br />

Bostrom Seating Inc., were present at the Site.<br />

g., Respondent American Motors Corporation arranged ., by<br />

contract or agreement,, or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment,, one: arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment,, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by American Motors Corporation at the site. Those hazardous<br />

v..,.-' substances included waste oils,, paint sludge and other sludges,<br />

and waste liquids-;„ Hazardous substances of the same kind as<br />

those owned or possessed by Respondent American Motors<br />

Corporation were present at. the Site,.<br />

h. Respondent American Can Company is the successor in<br />

interest of Amer icology. Ameri.oology arranged,, by contract or<br />

agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment,, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by<br />

Americology at the Site. Those hazardous substances included<br />

liquid industrial wastes. Hazardous substances of the same kind<br />

as those owned or possessed by Airier icology were present at the<br />

Site. i,. Respondent Ampco Metal Inc., arranged! by contract or<br />

agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment,, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or

treatment,, of hazardous substances owned or possessed toy Ampco<br />

Metal Company at the Site.. Those hazardous substances included<br />

liquid industrial wastes. Hazardous substances of the sane kind<br />

as those owned or possessed by Respondent Ampco Metal Company<br />

were present at the Site.<br />

j. Respondent. Amron Corporation arranged, by contract or<br />

agreement,, or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment., or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment,, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by Amron<br />

Corporation at. the Site. Those hazardous substances included<br />

waste oils, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, zinc stripper,, spent<br />

chemicals and other liquid wastes., Hazardous substances of the<br />

same kind as those owned or possessed by Respondent Anron<br />

Corporation were present at the Site.,<br />

k. Respondent Beatrice Company is a successor in interest<br />

to Pfister and Vogel. Tanning Company., Pfister and V'ogel Tanning<br />

vk \ Company arranged, by contract or agreement, or otherwise, for the<br />

disposal or treatment, or arranged with a. transporter for<br />

transport for disposal or treatment,, of hazardous substances<br />

owned or possessed toy Pfister and Vogel Tanning Company at the<br />

Site, Those hazardous substances included sludges and flammable<br />

solvents, Hazardous substances of the same kind as those owned<br />

or possessed by Pfister and Vogel Tanning Company were present at<br />

the Site„<br />

1. Respondent Beazer East,, Inc.. is a successor in interest<br />

to Theim Corporation. Theim Corporation arranged, toy contract, or<br />

agreement, or otherwise,, for the disposal or treatment,, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by Theim<br />

Corporation at the Site.. Those hazardous substances included<br />

waste chemicals,, powder and glue., Hazardous substances of the<br />

same kind as those owned or possessed by Theim Corporation were<br />

present at the Site.,<br />

V..X in. Respondent Browning Ferris Industries of Wisconsin is a<br />

successor in interest to Town and Country Disposal Service,, Inc.<br />

Town and Country Disposal Service,, Inc. accepted hazardous<br />

substances for transport to, and disposal or treatment, at the.<br />

Site,, and selected the Site for disposal or treatment:. Those<br />

hazardous substances included various industrial wastes.<br />

Hazardous substances of the same kind as tltose disposed of by<br />

Town and Country Disposal Service,, Inc. were present at the Site.,<br />

n. Respondent Brunswick Corporation is a successor in<br />

interest to Ozite Carpet. Ozite Carpet arranged,, by contract or<br />

agreement, or otherwise,, for the disposal or treatment,, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by Ozite<br />

Carpet at the Site, Those hazardous substances included sludges.<br />

Hazardous sutostanoes of the same kind as those owned or possessed<br />

by Ozite Carpet were present at the Site.

,. Respondent Caterpillar, Inc. arranged, by contract or<br />

agreement, or otherwise,, for the disposal, or treatment, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport: for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substance!-; owned or possessed by<br />

Caterpillar, Inc.. at the Site. Those hazardous substances<br />

included corrosive liquids, including paint strippers and other<br />

hazardous wastes., Hazardous substances of the sane kind as those<br />

owned ox possessed by Respondent Caterpillar,, Inc., Mere present<br />

at the site.<br />

p. Respondent Cudahy Tanning Co., Inc., arranged,, by<br />

contract or agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal ox:<br />

treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Cudahy Tanning Co., Inc. at the Site. Those hazardous-!<br />

substances included leather scraps contain ing chromium,, and<br />

sludges., Hazardous substances of the same kind as those owned or<br />

possessed by Respondent Cudahy Tanning Co.,, Inc.. were present at<br />

the site.<br />

q,, Respondent: Dings Company,, Magnetic Group arranged,, by<br />

contract or agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment , or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Dings Company, Magnetic Group at the Site., Those hazardo>us<br />

substances included waste cutting oils,. Hazardous substances of<br />

the same kind as those owned or possessed by Dings Company,<br />

Magnetic Group were present at the Site.,<br />

r., Respondent E,. Z. Paintr Company arranged, by contract or<br />

agreement, ot otherwise, for the disposal or treatment:,, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal, or<br />

treatment,, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by E.,Z.<br />

Paintr Company at the Site. Those hazardous substances included<br />

acetone, alcohol, waste oil,, polyviny 1 acetate and polyviny 1<br />

alcohol. Hazardous substances of the same kind as those owned or<br />

\, .' possessed by Respondent E,.Z., Paintr Company were present at the<br />

Site. s. Respondent Envirex Inc. arranged,, by contract or<br />

agreement,, or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment,, o>f hazardous substances owned or possessed by Envirex<br />

Inc. at the Site. Those hazardous substances included liquid<br />

wastes and paint wastes., Hazardous substances of the same kind<br />

as those owned or possessed by Respondent Envirex Inc., were<br />

present at the Site.<br />

t., Respondent. General Electric Company arranged, by<br />

contract or agreement., or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment,, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment,, of hazardous substances owned our possessed<br />

by General Electric Company at the Site. Those hazardous<br />

substances included acids,, liquid waste and powder, Hazardous

substances of the same kind as those owned or possessed by<br />

Respondent General Electric Company were present at the Site,.<br />

u., Respondent Harn isohfeger arranged,, by contract or<br />

agreement,, or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment„ or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by<br />

Harnischfeger at the Site., Those hazardous substances included<br />

industrial liquid wastes., Hazardous substances of the same kind<br />

as those owned or possessed by Respondent HarniscltiLfeger were<br />

present at the Site,.<br />

v,. Respondent Hydrite Chemical Company arranged,, by<br />

contract or agreement.,, or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment., or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment,, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Hydri te Chemical Company at the Site.. Those hazardous<br />

substances included sodi.urn carbonate,, sodium chloride, sodium<br />

v i metasilcate, phosphates and other chemicals., Hazardous<br />

substances of the same kind as those owned or possessed by<br />

Respondent Hydri te Chemical Company were present at the Site,.<br />

w. Respondent Inryco Corporation arranged, by contract or<br />

agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment,, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by Inryco<br />

Corporation at. the Site, Those hazardous substances included<br />

sludges„ waste paint and lacquer thinners., Hazardous substances<br />

of the same kind as those owned or possessed by Respondent Inryco<br />

Corporation were, present at the Site.,<br />

x,. Respondent Laidlaw Waste Systems,, Inc.. is the successor<br />

in interest to <strong>Sanitary</strong> Disposal Service., <strong>Sanitary</strong> Disposal<br />

Service accepted hazardous substances for transport to, and<br />

disposal or treatment at the Site,, and selected the Site for<br />

disposal or treatment.. Those hazardous substances included<br />

various industrial wastes,. Hazardous substances of the same kind<br />

V...x as those disposed of by <strong>Sanitary</strong> Disposal Service were present at<br />

the site.<br />

y, Respondent Law Tanning Co. arranged,, by contract, or<br />

agreement, or otherwise,, for the disposal or treatment,, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by Law<br />

Tanning Co. at the Site,. Those hazardous substances included<br />

leather scraps containing chromium. Hazardous substances of the<br />

same kind as those owned or possessed by Respondent. Law Tanning<br />

Co,, were present at the Site.,<br />

;>;,. Respondent Louis Alien Division of Magnetix, Inc..<br />

arranged, by contract or agreement, or otherwise,, for the<br />

disposal or treatment,, or arranged with a transporter for<br />

transport for disposal 1 or treatment,, of hazardous substances<br />

owned or possessed by the Louis Alien Division of Magnetix, Inc.<br />

at the Site. Those hazardous substances included industrial

liquid wastes. Hazardous substances of. the same kind as those<br />

owned or possessed by Respondent Louis Alien Division of<br />

Magnetix, Inc. were present at the Site,.<br />

aa» Respondent Master Lock. Company arranged,, by contract or<br />

agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport, for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by Master<br />

Lock Company at the Site., Those hazardous substances included<br />

industrial liquid wastes., Hazardous substances of the same kind<br />

as those owned ox possessed by Respondent Master Lock Company<br />

were present, at the Site.,<br />

bb., Respondent Metals Transport Company,- Inc, accepted<br />

hazardous substances for transport to, and disposal or treatment<br />

at the Site, and selected the Site for disposal or treatment.<br />

Those hazardous substances included metal--bearing slag.,<br />

Hazardous substances of the same, kind as those disposed of by<br />

Metal Transport Company, Inc. were present at the Site.<br />

cc. Respondent Midwest Tanning Company arranged, by<br />

contract, or agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport, for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Midwest Tanning Company at the Site,. Those hazardous<br />

substances included waste liquids and sludges. Hazardous<br />

substances of the same kind as those owned or possessed by<br />

Respondent Midwest Tanning Company were present at the Site.<br />

dd. Respondent PPG Industries arranged, by contract or<br />

agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, o>f hazardous substances owned or possessed by PPG<br />

Industries at the Site. Those hazardous substances included<br />

paint wastes and. sludges. Hazardous substances of the same kind<br />

as those owned or possessed by Respondent PPG Indlustries were<br />

present at the Site.<br />

ee. Respondent Pressed Steel Tank Co.., Inc., arranged, by<br />

contract or agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal, or<br />

treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Pressed Steel Tank Co.., Inc.. at the Site. Those hazardous<br />

substances included sludges and liquid wastes,. Hazardous<br />

substances of the same kind as those owned or possessed by<br />

Respondent Pressed Steel Tank Co.., Inc., were present at the Site,<br />

ff. Respondent PVL Partnership is a successor in interest<br />

to Pfister and Vogel Tanning Company,. Pfister and Vogel Tanning<br />

Company arranged,, by contract or agreement,, or otherwise,, for the<br />

disposal or treatment, or arranged with a transporter for<br />

transport for disposal or t.reatment, of hazardous substances<br />

owned or possessed by Pfister and Vogel Tanning Company at the<br />

Site, Those hazardous substances included sludges and flaiunable<br />

solvents, Hazardous substances of the same kind as those owned

or possessed by Pfister and Vogel Tanning Company were present at<br />

the Site,<br />

gg. Respondent RAPCO Leather Company arranged, by contract<br />

or agreement.,, or otherwise, for the. disposal, or treatment,, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment,, of, hazardous substances owned or possessed by RiHPCO<br />

Leather Company at the Site. Those hazardous substances included<br />

waste liquids and sludges. Hazardous substances of the sarnie kind<br />

as those owned or possessed by Respondent RAPCO Leather Company<br />

were present at the Site,.<br />

hh, Respondent Rexnord Incorporated arranged,, by contract<br />

or agreement., or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment,, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by Rexnord<br />

Incorporated at the Site„ Those hazardous substances included<br />

various industrial wastes., Hazardous substances of the same kind<br />

v j as thO'se owned or possessed by Respondent Rexnord Incorporated<br />

were present at the Site.<br />

i:i.„ Respondent St.. Luke's Hospital arranged, by contract or<br />

agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by St.,<br />

Luke's Hospital at the Site. Those hazardous substances included<br />

medical waste. Hazardous substances of the same kind as those<br />

owned or possessed by Respondent St.. Luke's Hospital were present<br />

at the Site.,<br />

j j., Respondent Star Line Trucking Company accepted<br />

hazardous substances for transport to, and disposal or treatment<br />

at the Site,, and selected the Site for disposal or treatment,.<br />

Those hazardous substances included fly ash., Hazardous<br />

substances of the same kind as those disposed of by Star Line<br />

Trucking Company were present at the Site,. Respondent Star Line<br />

Trucking also arranged, by contract or agreement, or otherwise,,<br />

^.....-' for the disposal or treatment, or arranged with a transporter for<br />

transport for dlsposal o>r treatment, of hazardous substances<br />

owned or possessed by Star Line Trucking Company at the Site..<br />

Those hazardous substances included various industrial wastes.,<br />

Hazardous substances of the same kind as those owned or possessed<br />

by Respondent Star Line Trucking Company were present at the<br />

Site. kk:, Respondent Teledyne Wisconsin Motors arranged, by<br />

contract or aipMiienent, or otherwise,, for the disposal or<br />

treatment,, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or 'fcxeatment,, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Teledyne Wisconsin Motors at the Site.. Those hazardous<br />

substances included liquid wastes and waste oil. Hazardous<br />

substances of the same kind as those owned or possessed by<br />

Teledyne Wisconsin Motors were present at the Site.,<br />

11. Respondent Trinity Hospital arranged, by contract or

agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by Trinity<br />

Hospital at the Site, Those hazardous substances included<br />

medical waste. Hazardous; substances of. the same kind as those<br />

owned or possessed by Respondent Trinity Hospital were present at<br />

the Site.<br />

inm., Respondent Vulcan Materials Company arranged,, by<br />

contract or agreement,, or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport, for<br />

disposal or treatment,, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Vulcan Materials Company at the Site., Those hazardous<br />

substances included metal-bearing slag. Hazardous substances of<br />

the same kind as those owned or possessed by Respondent Vulcan<br />

Materials Company were present at the Site.<br />

nn. Respondent W.A. Krueger Company arranged,, by contract<br />

or agreement, or otherwise!, for the disposal or treatment, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by W.A.<br />

Krueger Company at the Site. Those hazardous substances included<br />

waste ink and glue. Hazardous substances of the same kind as<br />

those owned or possessed by Respondent W.A. Krueger Company were<br />

present at. the Site,<br />

oo., Respondent Wayne Chemical Corporation arranged, by<br />

contract our agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Wayne Chemical. Corporation at the Site. Those hazardous<br />

substances included waste chemicals„ Hazardous substances oof: the<br />

sane kind as those owned or possessed by Respondent Wayne<br />

Chemical Corporation were present, at the Site.<br />

pp., Respondent Wisconsin Bell Telephone Company arranged,<br />

by contract or agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Wisconsin Bell Telephone Company at the Site., Those hazardous<br />

substances included various industria 1 wastes,. Hazardous<br />

substances of the same kind as those owned or possessed by<br />

Respondent Wisconsin Bell Telephone Company were present at the<br />

Site,. qq. Respondent Wisconsin Electric Power Company arranged,,<br />

by contract or agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Wisconsin Electric Power Company at. the Site. Those hazardous<br />

substances included transformers and fly ash.. Hazardous<br />

substances of the same kind as those owned or possessed by<br />

Wisconsin Electric Power Company were present at the Site.<br />

rr,. Respondent Zununach-Peerless Chemical. Coating Co,.

v<br />

arranged,, by contract or agreement, or otherwise, for the<br />

disposal or treatment,, or arranged with a transporter for<br />

transport for disposal or treatment„ of harcardoius substances<br />

owned or possessed; by Zummach- Peer 'less Chemical Coating Co., at<br />

the. Site.. Those hazardous substances included paint dust and<br />

powders. Hazardous substances of the sane kind as those owned or<br />

possessed by Respondent Zi-uniiiach-Peerles-is Chemical Coating Co.<br />

were present at the Site.<br />

ss., Respondent Jack Quigley operated the Site prior to<br />

1970. During the time that the Site was operated by Jack<br />

Quigley, hazardous substances, including some or all of those<br />

described in this Section, were disposed of at the Site.<br />

tt. Respondent Prestige Foods is a successor in interest to<br />

Patrick Cudahy Company., Patrick Cudahy Company arranged, by<br />

contract or agreement, or otherwise, for the disposal, or<br />

treatiient,, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Patrick Cudahy Company at the Site. Those hazardous;;<br />

substances included industrial wastes.. Hazardous substances of<br />

the same kind as those owned or possessed by Patrick Cudahy<br />

Company were present at the Site.<br />

4. The Respondents identified in paragraph 3 are collectively<br />

referred to as "'Respondents „"<br />

5. On September 15, 1985, (50 Fed. Reg.. 37956),, pursuant to<br />

section 105 of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9605, EPA placed the Huskego<br />

<strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> Site on the National Priorities List, set forth<br />

at 40 C.F.R. Part 300,, Appendix B.<br />

6. To study and undertake response activities in phases,, EPA<br />

divided the Site into operable units. The operable units tor the<br />

Site are the Source Control Operable Unit and. the Groundwater<br />

V J Operable Unit. This <strong>Order</strong> addresses the Source Control Operable<br />

Unit,,<br />

7. From August 14, 1937 through November 4, 1992,, Waste<br />

Management: of Wisconsin (WMHI) , under EPA's oversight,, has<br />

undertaken a Remedial Investigation of the Site. WMWI has also<br />

undertaken separate Feasibility Studies for each Operable Unit of<br />

the Site., These activities have been perfooned pursuant to<br />

CERCLA and. the National Contingency Plan, 40 C.F.R. Part 300.<br />

WMWI has perfonned this work under an <strong>Administrative</strong>: Consent<br />

<strong>Order</strong> (AGO) signed, on August 14, 1967.<br />

8. Pursuant, to section 117 of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9617, EPA<br />

published; notice of the completion of the FS and of the proposed<br />

plan for remedial action on November 12,, 1991, and provided<br />

opportunity for public comment on the proposed remedial action.

Similarly, Respoiikllents were given an opportunity to comment on<br />

the proposed remedial action and supplenient, the <strong>Administrative</strong><br />

Record.<br />

9. The decision by EPA on the remedial action to be implemented<br />

for the Source: Control Operable Unit is embodied in an Interim<br />

Action Record of Decision ('"ROD" 1 }, exeouted on June 12,, 199;;!, on<br />

which WDNR had a reasonable opportunity to review and comment, on<br />

and which WDNR has given its concurrence,, The ROD is attached, to<br />

this <strong>Order</strong> as Attachment 1 and is incorporated by reference., The<br />

ROD is supported by the <strong>Administrative</strong> Record which contains the<br />

documents and information upon which EPA based the selection of<br />

the response action. The U.S. EPA's selected response action set<br />

out in the ROD has been determined to provide adequate protection<br />

of public health,, welfare and the environment; meet, all Federal<br />

and State environmental laws;: and be cost effective. The Source<br />

Control Operable Unit is the first of two phases for the project.<br />

This SCOU is consistent with the Final Remedy in that it. prevents<br />

contaminant movement into the ground water from the source areas,<br />

10.. Contaminants were detected in soil, groun.dwat.er and<br />

sediments at. the Site,. Groups of contaminants included. BETXs<br />

(Benzene, EthyIbenzene,, Xylene,, and Toluene) , chlorinated ethenes<br />

and ethanes, inorganics,- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)„ and<br />

pesticides., Specific chemicals are listed in the ROD,, under<br />

Section V (Site Characteristics) and the Remedial Investigation,<br />

Section 4 (Nature and Extent, of Contamination) ,.<br />

11. The Remedial Investigation results indicate that there has<br />

been a release of. hazardous substances into the groundwater and<br />

in the soils at the Site,. There are multiple source areas and<br />

groundwater pathways at the Site in which contaminants are<br />

located. Section 4, Nature and Extent of Contamination, of the<br />

Remedial Investigation report specifically indicates<br />

contaminants,, location of contaminants,, and concentrations of<br />

contaminants at. the Site,. Several, contaminants were found in<br />

exceedance of Federal Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) and WDNR<br />

Enforcement Standards (ESs} including; benzene, 1,2••••<br />

dichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, and vinyl<br />

chloride. A more comprehensive: list can be found in Section 4 of<br />

the RI.<br />

1.2.. Groundwater is the primary migration pathway for<br />

contaminants at the Site. Groundwater flow away from the Site is<br />

predominantly along the Southern and Southeastern flow paths.,<br />

Along the Southern flow path groundwater is potentially affected<br />

by the Old Fill Area, Non-Contiguous Fill Area, and the former<br />

rendering plant lagoons, The Southeastern flow path is<br />

potentially affected by the Non-Contiguous Fill Area, the

Southeast Fill Area, and the former rendering plant lagoons,,<br />

Private wells are located downgradient from these source areas<br />

and could potentially be affected by contaminants., A majority of<br />

these private wells have been converted to public drinking water<br />

supply,, Exposure to landfill gas, through either methane<br />

migration in the soils or Volatile Organic Contaminant (VOC)<br />

iinigration in the air, is also a concern at the Site,. Inhalation<br />

of landfill gas is of concern due to the potential presence of<br />

unacceptable levels of VOCs that may cause a health risk,, Direct<br />

exposure to contaminated soil or waste is currently not a concern<br />

at. the Site, Future exposure nay be a concern if the cover is<br />

not adequately improved and Maintained.<br />

13. There are approximately 130 homes within one-ha HE' mile of<br />

the Site., This converts to a population of 325, assuming there<br />

are 2.5 persons living in each home,. There are approximately a<br />

dozen homes downgradient that potentially could be affected by<br />

groundwater contamination. All of these homes have been or will<br />

be connected to public water for consumptive purposes.. Therefore<br />

these homes do not draw water from the groundwater potentially<br />

affected by contamination, The land surrounding the Site is<br />

currently a mixture of private homes, smal 1 ••••scale agriculture,,<br />

medium-sized farming, and industrial use, Residential<br />

development is progressing westward along Janesville Road toward<br />

the Site,. This is an indicator that future land use of property<br />

nearby the Site could be primarily residential,, Public Health<br />

concerns are expressed in greater detail in the Public Health<br />

Assessment for the Site, in addition the Baseline Risk<br />

Assessment in the El presents current and potential risks to<br />

human health, welfare and the environment.,<br />

14.. There have been two drum removal actions at the Site, The<br />

first was the excavation and removal of free liquid, drums and<br />

contaminated soils in an area east of the Won-Contiguous Fill<br />

Area. The solid materials were transported to the Adams Center<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> in Ft,, Wayne, Indiana while the liquids were transported<br />

to the SCA Incinerator in Chicago, Illinois., This action took<br />

place under the supervision of WDNR officials. The second<br />

removal was in a drum, trench area discovered during the EX in the<br />

Non-Contiguous Fill Area, Through a <strong>Unilateral</strong> <strong>Administrative</strong><br />

<strong>Order</strong> issued on January 4,, 1991, U.S. EPA ordered. WMHI to remove<br />

the drums and surrounding contaminated soils. Excavation of the<br />

drum trench, began in April 1991 and. was completed in May 1991, A<br />

total of 989 drums were excavated along with approximately 2,500<br />

cubic yards of surrounding contaminated soil, The soils were<br />

excavated to a depth of approximately 25 feet below the original<br />

surface grade until ground water was encountered,<br />

15.. The selected remedy for the source control operable unit is

primarily designed to prevent percolation through wastes and into<br />

the groundwater. Included in this remedy is a multi-layer cap<br />

over the source areas, leachate control systems in the Old and<br />

Southeast Fill areas,, landfill gas control in the Old, Non-<br />

Contiguous and Southeast Fill areas, and In-situ Vapor Extraction<br />

(ISVE) in portions of the Non-Contiguous Fill Area,, A more<br />

detailed description, of the remedy can be found under the<br />

Selected Remedy section (IX.) of the ROD,.<br />

1.6. The main component of the source control remedy is the<br />

multi-layer cap over the source areas., The clay component of the<br />

cap is designed to minimize percolation into and through the<br />

waste masses and carry contamination into the groundwater. The<br />

multi-layer cap will ibe designed to direct rainwater and snowmelt<br />

away from the waste masses and protect the clay layer from frost<br />

penetration. The leachate control component of the remedy will<br />

iy i reduce the buildup of contaminated liquids within the waste<br />

masses and minimise seeping of these liquids into the<br />

groundwater.. The landfill gas control and ISVE systems will<br />

remove contaminants within wastes and so 1.1 s respect ive ly.<br />


17. The <strong>Muskego</strong> <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> Site is a "'facility 111 as<br />

defined in section 101(9) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9601(9).<br />

IB., Respondents are "'persons 111 as defined as in section 101 (21)<br />

Of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9601(21).<br />

19., Each Respondent is a ""liable party" 1 as defined in section<br />

107 (a) of CERCLA, 42 U.,S,.C., 9607 (a), and is subject to this<br />

<strong>Order</strong> under section 106(a) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9606(a).<br />

20. '"Hazardous substances 1 " as defined in section 101(14) of<br />

V...-'' CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9601 (14), have been disposed at the Facility,<br />

21. These hazardous substances have been and continue to be<br />

released from the Site into the soil, groundwater, sediment and<br />

air,.<br />

22. The past disposal and current migration of hazardous<br />

substances from the Site are a. '"release" 1 as defined in section<br />

101(22) Of CERCLA,, 42 U.S.C. 9601(22).<br />

23.. The potential for future migration of hazardous substances<br />

from the Site poses a threat of a '"release 11 " as defined in section<br />

101(22) Of CERCLA, 4 2 U.S.C. 9 601(22).<br />

24.. The release and threat of release of one or more hazardous<br />

substances from the facility may present an imminent and

V..,/'<br />

substantial endangerment to the public health or welfare or the<br />

environment.<br />

25. The actions required by this <strong>Order</strong> are necessary to protect<br />

the public health, welfare, and the environment and are<br />

consistent with the National Contingency Plan (NCP) ,, 40 CFR Part<br />

300,, as amended, and CERCLA.,.<br />


26. Prior to issuing this <strong>Order</strong>, EPA notified the State of<br />

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (""WDNR 1 ") , that EPA<br />

intended to issue this <strong>Order</strong>,<br />

31. EPA will consult with the WDNR and the WDNR will have the<br />

opportunity to review and comment to EPA regarding all work, to be<br />

performed, deliverables, and any other issues which arise while<br />

the <strong>Order</strong> remains in effect.<br />

V. ORDER<br />

27. Based on the foregoing, Respondents are hereby ordered to<br />

comply with the following provisions, including but not limited<br />

to all attachments to this <strong>Order</strong>, all documents incorporated by<br />

reference into this <strong>Order</strong>, and all schedules and deadlines in<br />

this <strong>Order</strong>, attached to this <strong>Order</strong>, or incorporated by reference<br />

into this <strong>Order</strong>:<br />


28.. Unless otherwise expressly provided herein., terns used in<br />

this <strong>Order</strong> which are defined in CERCLA or in regulations<br />

promulgated under CERCLA shall have the meaning assigned to them<br />

in the statute or its implementing regulations. Whenever terras<br />

listed below are used in this <strong>Order</strong> or in the documents attached<br />

to this <strong>Order</strong> or incorporated by reference into this <strong>Order</strong>, the<br />

following definitions shal1 apply:<br />

a,. '"CERCLA" shal.1 mean the Comprehensive Environmental<br />

Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1.930, as amended, 42<br />

U, S. C. 9 6 01 e t ....sec|b»<br />

b,. '"Day" 1 shall mean a calendar day unless expressly stated<br />

to be a working day,. ""Working day"" shall mean a day other than a<br />

Saturday, Sunday, Federal, or State holiday. In computing any<br />

period of tine under this <strong>Order</strong>, where the last day would fall on<br />

a Saturday, Sunday, Federal or State holiday, the period shall<br />

run until the end of the next working day,<br />

c. '"EPA" 1 shall mean the United States Environmental<br />

Protect ion Agency.<br />

d. '"WDNR"* shall mean the Wisconsin Department of Natural<br />

Resources.,<br />

e. "National Contingency Plan"" or "NCP 1 " shall mean the<br />

National Contingency Plan promulgated pursuant to Section 105 of

CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9605, codified at 40 C.P.R. Part 300,<br />

including any amendments thereto.<br />

f. '"Operation and Maintenance 1 ' 11 or "O&M" shall mean all<br />

activities required under the. Operation and Maintenance Plan<br />

developed by Respondents pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong> and Task II,. B. of<br />

the Scope of Work, and approved by EPA.<br />

g, '"Paragraph 1 " shall mean a portion of this <strong>Order</strong><br />

identified by an arabic numeral,.<br />

h. '"Performance Standards'" shall mean those cleanup<br />

standards,, standards of control f and other substantive<br />

requirements, criteria or limitat .ions, identified in the Record<br />

of Decision and Scope of Work:, that the Remedial Action and Work<br />

required by this <strong>Order</strong> must attain and maintain,.<br />

:L. '"Record of Decision 1 " or ""ROD 11 " shall mean the EPA Record<br />

of Decision relating to the Site, Source Control Operable Unit,,<br />

signed on June 1.2, 1.992 by the Regional Administrator, EPA Region<br />

^ , V, and all attachments thereto.<br />

j« "Remedial Action" 1 or "RA" shall, mean those activities,,<br />

except for Operation and Maintenance, to be undertaken by<br />

Respondents to implement the final plans and specifications<br />

submitted by Respondents pursuant to the Remedial Design Work<br />

Plan approved by EPA, including any additional activities<br />

required under Sections X, XI, XII, XIII, and XIV of this <strong>Order</strong>,.<br />

k. "Remedial Design 1 " or "ED 1 " shall mean those activities to<br />

be undertaken by Respondents to develop the final plans and<br />

specifications for the Remedial Action pursuant to the Remedial<br />

Design Work Plan,,<br />

1. "'Response Costs" shall mean all costs, including direct<br />

costs, indirect costs, and accrued interest incurred by the<br />

United States and the WDNR to perform or support response actions<br />

at the Site,. Response costs include but are not limited to the<br />

costs of overseeing the Work, such as the costs of reviewing or<br />

developing plans, reports and other items pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong><br />

V.../ and costs associated with verifying the Work.<br />

m,. ""Scope of Work" 1 or '"SOW" 1 shall mean the statement of<br />

work for implementation of the Remedial Design, Remedial Action,<br />

and Operation and Maintenance: at the Site, as set forth in<br />

Attachment 2 to this <strong>Order</strong>, The Scope of Work is incorporated<br />

into this <strong>Order</strong> and is an enforceable part of this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

n. ''" Sect ion"" shall, mean a portion of this <strong>Order</strong> identified<br />

by a roman numeral and includes one or more paragraphs.<br />

o., '"Section 106 <strong>Administrative</strong> Record'" shall mean the<br />

<strong>Administrative</strong> Record which includes all documents considered or<br />

relied upon by EPA in preparation of this <strong>Order</strong>.. The Section 106<br />

<strong>Administrative</strong> Record Index is a listing of all documents<br />

included in the Section 106 <strong>Administrative</strong> Record in addition to<br />

those already included in the administrative record attached to<br />

the ROD, and is attached hereto as Attachment 3.,<br />

p., '"Site" shall mean the <strong>Muskego</strong> <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> Superfund

encompass ingf approximately 56 acres,, located in the city of<br />

<strong>Muskego</strong>, Waukesha County,, Wisconsin, as described in the Record<br />

of Decision,.<br />

q. '"State 11 " shall mean the State of Wisconsin,.<br />

r. "United States 1111 shall mean the United States of AinLerioa,.<br />

s. '"Work 1 " shall mean all activities Respondents<br />

are required to perform under this <strong>Order</strong> t.o implement the ROD for<br />

the Source Control Operable Unit, including Remedial Design.,<br />

Remedial Action and Operation and Maintenance for the Source<br />

Control Operable Unit and any activities required to foe<br />

undertaken pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />


29,. On or before January 15, 1993, EPA must receive written<br />

notice from Respondents stating their unequivocal intention to<br />

comply with the terms of this <strong>Order</strong>, In the event any Respondent<br />

v , fails to provide such notice, that Respondent shall be deemed to<br />

have failed to comply with the terms of this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

Respondent" s written notice shall, describe, using facts that<br />

exist, on or prior to the effective date of this <strong>Order</strong>, any<br />

111 sufficient cause 1 " defenses asserted by Respondents under<br />

sections 106(b) and 1.07(c) (3) of CERCLA, The absence of a<br />

response by EPA. t.a the notice required by this paragraph shall<br />

not be deemed to be acceptance of Respondent's assertions.<br />


30.. This <strong>Order</strong> shall apply to and be binding upon each<br />

Respondent identified in Section I, their successors, and<br />

assigns., Respondents are jointly and severally responsible for<br />

carrying out all activities required by this <strong>Order</strong>., Failure of<br />

one or more Respondents to comply with all or any part of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong> shall not in any way excuse or justify noncompliance by any<br />

other Respondent., No change in the ownership, corporate status,<br />

V...y or other control of any Respondents shall alter any of the<br />

Respondents" responsibi1 i.ties under this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

31.. Respondents shall provide a copy of this <strong>Order</strong> to any<br />

prospective owners or successors before a controlling interest in<br />

Respondent's assets, property rights, or stock: are transferred to<br />

the prospective owner or successor,. Respondents shall provide a<br />

copy of this <strong>Order</strong> to each contractor, sub-contractor,<br />

laboratory, or consultant, retained to perform any Work under this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>, on the date such services are retained., Respondents shall<br />

also provide a copy of this <strong>Order</strong> to each person representing any<br />

Respondent with respect t.o the Site or the Work and shall<br />

condition all contracts and subcontracts entered into hereunder<br />

upon performance of the Work in conformity with the terms of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>, With regard t.o> the activities undertaken pursuant to this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>, each contractor and subcontractor shall be deemed to be

elated by contract to the Respondents within the meaning of<br />

section 107 (b) (3) Of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9607 (b) (3).<br />

Notwithi-itanding the terms of any contract , each Respondent is<br />

responsible^ for compliance with this <strong>Order</strong> and for ensuring that<br />

its contractor s , subcontractors and agents comply with this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>, and perform any Work, in accordance with this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

32.. Within five (5) days after the effective date of this <strong>Order</strong><br />

each Respondent that owns real property comprising all or part of<br />

the Site shall record a copy or copies of this <strong>Order</strong> in the<br />

appropriate governmental office where land ownership and transfer<br />

records are filed or recorded, and shall ensure that the<br />

recording of this <strong>Order</strong> is indexed to> the titles of each and<br />

every property at the Site so* as to provide notice to third<br />

parties of the issuance and terms of this <strong>Order</strong> with respect to<br />

those properties. All such Respondents shall, within 15 days<br />

v i after the effective date of this <strong>Order</strong>,, send notice of such<br />

recording and indexing to EPA.<br />

33. Not later than sixty (60) days prior to any transfer of any<br />

property interest in any real property included within the Site,<br />

Respondents shall submit a true and correct copy of the transfer<br />

document (s) to EPA,, and shall identify the transferee by name,,<br />

principal business address and effective date of the transfer.<br />


34.. All aspects of the Work to be performed by Respondents<br />

pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong> shall be under the direction and<br />

supervision of a Project Coordinator qualified to undertake and<br />

complete the requirements of this <strong>Order</strong>.. EPA. retains the right<br />

to disapprove the Project. Coordinator and any,, or all, of the<br />

contractors and/ or subcontractors retained by the Respondents .<br />

Within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this <strong>Order</strong>,<br />

Respondents shall notify EPA. in writing of the name and<br />

^...../ qualifications of the Project Coordinator, including primary<br />

support entities and staff, proposed to be used in carrying out<br />

Work under this <strong>Order</strong>,. In the event EPA disapproves a Project<br />

Coordinator ,, selected contractor , or selected sub- contractor ,<br />

Respondents shal .1 ret a in an alternative pro j eat coordi nator ,<br />

contractor,, or sub-contractor to perform the work:, and such.<br />

selection shall be made within fifteen (15) days following the<br />

date of EPA's disapproval,. If at any time Respondents propose to<br />

use a different: Project Coordinator, contractor or subcontractor,<br />

Respondents shall notify EPA before the new Project<br />

Coordinator performs any Work under this <strong>Order</strong>.,<br />

_ _ Action<br />

3 5 . Within f orty~~fTve~~(45)~ "days' lii!te¥"THe~""sIgnature Date of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>, Respondents shall submit a Work Plan for the Remedial.<br />

Design/Remedial Action at the Site ("Remedial Design/Remedial

Action Work Plan" 1 or "RD/RA Work Plan") to EPA for review and<br />

approval.. The. RD/RA Work Plan shall include a step-by-step plan<br />

for completing the. remedial design for the remedy described in<br />

the ROD and for attaining and maintaining all requirements,<br />

including Performance standards,, identified in the ROD. The<br />

RD/RA Work: Plan must describe in detail the tasks and<br />

deliverables Respondents will, complete during the remedial design<br />

phase, and. a schedule for completing the tasks and deliverables<br />

in the RD/RA Work Plan, The ED/ISA Work Plan shall be consistent<br />

with, and shall provide for implementing the Scope of Work,, and<br />

shall comport with EPA's '"Superfund Remedial Design and Remedial.<br />

Action Guidance, OSWER Directive 9355.0-4A.'" The'RD/RA Work: Plan<br />

shall include a Sampling and Analysis Plan, Quality Assurance<br />

Project Plan (QAPP) (in conformance with Section XVI of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>),, and Health and Safety Plan for all pre-design sampling<br />

effortsi including treatability studies, and shall, be consistent<br />

is j with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) . The major<br />

tasks and deliverables described in the RD/RA Work: Plan shall<br />

include, but not be limited to,, the following: (1) a preliminary<br />

design; and (2) a final design,. The design phases shall include<br />

final plans and specifications,, operation and maintenance (O&M)<br />

plan,, construction field sampling plan,, construction quality<br />

assurance plan (CQAP) „ and a. contingency plan; and (3) a design<br />

schedule..<br />

36. Upon approval, of the RD/RA Work Plan by EPA, Respondents<br />

shall implement the RD/RA Work Plan and submit all design<br />

deliverables according to the schedule in the approved RD/RA Work<br />

Plan,. Any noncompliance with the approved RD/RA Work: Plan shall<br />

be a violation of this <strong>Order</strong>,. Unless otherwise directed by EPA,<br />

Respondents shall not perform further Work at the Site prior to<br />

EPA's written approval, of the RD/RA Work Plan.<br />

V...y 37, Upon EPA approval,, the Final Design is incorporated into<br />

this <strong>Order</strong> as a requirement of this <strong>Order</strong> and shall be an<br />

enforceable part of this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

38. The RD/RA Work Plan shall be developed in accordance with<br />

the ROD,, and the attached Scope of Work,, and shall be consistent<br />

with the Final Design as approved by EPA,, The RD/RA Work Plan<br />

shall, include methodologies , plans and schedules for completion<br />

of at. least the following: (1) selection of the remedial action<br />

contractor,; (2) implementation of the CQAP; and. (3)<br />

identification of and satisfactory compliance with applicable<br />

permitting requirements. The RD/RA Work Plan shall also include<br />

a schedule for implementing all remedial action tasks identified<br />

in the Scope of Work, a work plan for soil vapor extraction, and<br />

a quality assurance project plan (QAPP). The RD/RA Work Plan<br />

shall also identify the initial formulation of Respondent"s

Remedial Action Project Team (including the Supervising<br />

Contractor) and identify potential borrow sources for cap<br />

construction. Respondents shall also submit to EPA for review,,<br />

as part of the RD/RA Work: Plan,, a Health and Safety Plan for<br />

field activities required by the RD/RA Work Plan.,<br />

39.. EPA, in consultation with WDNR will review and either<br />

approve, disapprovef or conditionally approve, the ED/FA Work<br />

Plan. If the Work Plan is disapproved or conditionally approved,<br />

EPA will provide, in writing, comments or modifications required<br />

for approval. Respondents shall, then, within thirty (30) days of<br />

the date of ERA'S written notification of disapproval or<br />

conditional approval, submit an Amended Work Flan which<br />

incorporates only the requ.ired comments or rnodificat ions,. EFA<br />

shall review the Amended Work: Plan and either approve our<br />

disapprove it, Failure to submit an approvable (Amended) Work<br />

is> /( Flan shall constitute noncompliance with this <strong>Order</strong>,. Upon<br />

approval by EPA, the RD/RA Work Plan is incorporated into this<br />

<strong>Order</strong> as a requirement of this <strong>Order</strong> and shall be an enforceable<br />

part of this <strong>Order</strong>,.<br />

40.. U]pO'i'i approval of the RD/RA Work Flan by EPA,, Respondents<br />

shall implement the RD/RA Work Plan according to the schedules in<br />

the RD/RA Work Plan., Unless otherwise directed by EPA,,<br />

Respondents shall not commence remedial action at the Site prior<br />

to approval of the RD/RA Work Plan. Respondents will be<br />

responsible for obtaining all State and local permits required<br />

for implementati on of this remedy,.<br />

41... 1:1: Respondents seek: to retain a construction contractor to<br />

assist in the performance of the Remedial Action, then<br />

Respondents shall submit a copy of the contractor solicitation<br />

documents to EPA not later than five (5) days after publishing<br />

'--...-'' the solicitation documents..<br />

42.. Selection of the construction contractor shall be subject to<br />

review and approval by EPA,, in consultation with WDNR., Within<br />

ten (10) days after EFA approves the RD/RA Work Plan, Respondents<br />

shall notify EPA in writing of the name, title, and<br />

qua1ifications of any construction contractor proposed to be used<br />

in carrying out work: under this <strong>Order</strong>, If EPA disapproves of the<br />

select iO'ii of any contractor as the construct ion coin tractor,,<br />

Respondents shall submit the name, title and qualifications of a<br />

new contractor to EPA within thirty (30) days after receipt, of<br />

EPA' s disapproval of the contractor previously selected,.<br />

43. The Work performed by Respondents pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong><br />

shall, at a minimum, achieve the Performance Standards specified<br />

in the Record of Decision and in Section II.I. of the Scope of

Work.<br />

44. Notwithstanding any action by EPA, Respondents remain fully<br />

responsible for achievement of the Performance Standards in the.<br />

Record of Decision and Scope of Work. Nothing in this <strong>Order</strong>,, or<br />

in EPA's approval of the Scope of Work,, or in the Remedial Design<br />

or Remedial. Action Work Plans, or approval of any other<br />

submission, shall be deemed to constitute a warranty or<br />

representation of any kind by EPA. that full performance of the<br />

Remedial Design or Remedial Action will achieve the Performanee<br />

Standards set forth in the ROD and in Section II.I. of the Scope<br />

of Work:. Respondent' s conpllance with such approved documents<br />

does not foreclose EPA from seeking additional work to achieve<br />

the appl icable performance s tandards..<br />

45. Respondents shall, prior to any off-site shipment of<br />

v , hazardous substances from the Site to an out-of-state waste<br />

management facility, provide written notification to the<br />

appropriate state environmental official in the receiving state<br />

and to EPA's RPM of such shipment of hazardous substances.<br />

However, the notification of shipments to the State shall not<br />

apply to any off-Site shipments when the total volume of all<br />

shipments from the Site to the State will not exceed ten (10)<br />

cubic yards..<br />

a. The notification shall be in writing, and shall include<br />

the following information! where available: (i) the name and<br />

location of the facility to which the hazardous substances are to<br />

be shipped; (2) the type and quantity of the hazardous substances<br />

to be shipped; (3) the expected schedule for the shipment of the<br />

hazardous substances; and (4) the method of transportation.,<br />

Respondents shall notify the receiving state of major changes in<br />

the shipment plan, such as a decision to ship the hazardous<br />

V...y substances to another facility within the same state, or to a<br />

facility in another state,.<br />

b., All hazardous substances removed from the Facility or<br />

vicinity shall be disposed of or treated at a Facility approved<br />

by EPA's RPM, and in conpl lance with the Resource Conservation<br />

and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), 42 U.S.C. Section 9601, et se

46. Respondents shall cooperate with EPA in providing<br />

information regarding the Work to the public., As requested by<br />

EPA, Respondents shall participate in the preparation of such<br />

infonnation for distribution to the public: and in public meetings<br />

which nay be held or sponsored by EPA to explain activities at or<br />

relating to the Site.<br />

47.. Within thirty (30) days after Respondents conclude that the<br />

Remedial Act ion construct ion has been fully perf orniedl,,<br />

Respondents shall so notify EPA and shall schedule and condluct a<br />

pre-certification inspection to be attended by Respondents and<br />

EPA. The pre-certification inspection shall be followed by a<br />

written report submitted within thirty (30) days of the<br />

inspection by a registered professional engineer and Respondents"<br />

Project Coordinator certifying that the Remedial Action has been<br />

\ ) completed in full satisfaction of the requirements of this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

If, after completion of the pre-certification inspection and<br />

receipt and review of the written report, EPA determines that the<br />

Remedial Action or any portion thereof has not been completed in<br />

accordance with this <strong>Order</strong>, EPA shall notify Respondents in<br />

writing of the activities that must be undertaken to complete the<br />

Remedial Action and shall set forth in the notice a schedule for<br />

performance of such activities. Respondents shall perform all<br />

activities described in the notice in accordance with the<br />

specificat ions and schedules establ ished therein.. If EPA<br />

concludes, following the i initial or any subsequent certification<br />

of completion by Respondents that the Remedial Action has been<br />

fully performed in accordance with this <strong>Order</strong>, EPA may notify<br />

Respondents that the Remedial Action has been fully performed,<br />

EPA's notification shall be based on present knowledge and<br />

Respondent's certification to EPA, and shall not limit EPA's<br />

right to perform periodic reviews pursuant to section 12l(c) of<br />

V...../ CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9621(c), or to take or require any action<br />

that in the judgment of EPA is appropriate at the Site,, in<br />

accordance with 42 U.S.C. 9604,, 9606, or 9607.<br />

48. Within thirty (30) days after Respondents conclude that all<br />

phases of the Work have been fully performed, that the relevant<br />

Performance Standards have been attained, and that all Operation<br />

and Maintenance activities have been operated for at least one<br />

year, Respondents shall submit to EPA a written report by a<br />

registered professiona1 engineer certifying that the Work has<br />

been completed in full satisfaction of the reguirenents of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>,. EPA shall reguire such additional activities as may be<br />

necessary to complete the Work or EPA may,, based upon present<br />

knowledge and Respondent' s certif icat ion to EPA,, issue written<br />

notification to Respondents that the Work has been completed,, as<br />

appropriate. EPA's notification shall not limit EPA"s right to

perform periodic reviews pursuant to section 121 (c) of CERCLA,, 42<br />

U.S.C. 9621(c), or to take or require any action that in the<br />

•jludqment of EPA is appropriate at the Site, in accordance with 42<br />

U.slc. 9604, 9606, or 9607.<br />


49. In the event that EPA determine® that additional response<br />

activities are necessary to meet applicable Performance<br />

Standards , EPA nay notify Respondents that add it 1 onal. response<br />

actions are necessary,.<br />

50. Unless otherwise stated by EPA, within thirty (30) days of<br />

receipt of notice from EPA that additional response activities<br />

are necessary to meet any applicafole Performance Standards,<br />

Respondents shall submit for approval by EPA a Work Plan for the<br />

additional response activities., The work plan shall conform to<br />

the applicable requirements of sections IX„ XVI, and XVII of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>. Upon EPA's approval, of the work plan pursuant to Section<br />

XIV, Respondents shall implement the work plan for additional<br />

response activities in accordance with the provisions and<br />

schedule contained therein.,<br />


51. Under section 121(c) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9621 (c),, and any<br />

applicable regulations,, EPA may review the Site to assure that<br />

the Work performed pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong> adequately protects<br />

human health and the environment,. Until such time as EPA<br />

certifies completion of the Work, Respondents shall conduct the<br />

requisite studies „ invest igat ions„ or other response act ions as<br />

determined necessary by EPA in order to permit EPA to conduct the<br />

review under section 121(c) of CERCLA. As a result of any review<br />

performed under this paragraph,, Respondents may be required to<br />

perform additional Work or to modify Work previously performed.<br />


52. EPA nay determine that modifications to the Work: identified<br />

in this <strong>Order</strong> and attachments to this <strong>Order</strong>, may be necessary to<br />

achieve the performance goals in the ROD or to maintain<br />

consistency with the final, remedy., If EPA determines that<br />

modifications to work are necessary, EPA nay require Respondents<br />

to submit for approval RD/RA Work Plan(s) to include the<br />

additional response activities. EPA nay also require Respondents<br />

to modify any plan, design, or other deliverable required by this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>,, including any approved modifications,<br />

53. Not later than thirty (30) days after receiving EPA' r s notice<br />

that modifications to work are required pursuant to this Section,,<br />

Respondents shall submit a work plan for the response activities<br />

to EPA for review and approval. Upon approval by EPA, the work

plan is incorporated into this <strong>Order</strong> as a requirenient of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong> and shall be an enforceable part of this <strong>Order</strong>. Upon<br />

approval of the work plan by EPA, Respondents shall implement the<br />

work: plan according to the standards, specifications, and<br />

schedule in the approved work: plan. Respondents shall notify EP.A<br />

of their intent to perform such modifications, to work within<br />

seven (7) days after receipt of EPA's request for Modifications<br />

to work.,<br />


54. In the event of any action or occurrence during the<br />

performance of the Work which causes or threatens to cause a<br />

release of a hazardous substance or which may present an<br />

immediate threat, to public health or welfare or the environment,<br />

Respondents shall immediately take all appropriate action to<br />

prevent, abate, or minimize the threat, and shall immediately<br />

v i notify EPA's Remedial Project Manager (RPM). If neither of these<br />

persons is available Respondents shall notify the EPA Emergency<br />

Response Branch, Region 5. Respondents shall take such action in<br />

consultation with EPA's RPM and in accordance with all. applicable<br />

provisions of this <strong>Order</strong>, including but not limited to the Health<br />

and Safety Plan and the Contingency Plan.. In the event, that.<br />

Respondents fail to take appropriate response action as required<br />

by this Section, and EPA takes that action instead, Respondents<br />

shall reimburse EPA for all costs of the response action not<br />

inconsistent with the NCP. Respondents shall pay the response<br />

costs in the manner described in Section XXIV of this <strong>Order</strong>,<br />

within thirty (30) days of Respondent's receipt of demand for<br />

payment and a Itemized Cost Summary of the costs incurred.<br />

55.. Nothing in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to limit<br />

any authority of the United States to take,, direct, or order all<br />

appropriate action to protect human health and the environment or<br />

v....y to prevent, abate, ox: minimise an actual, or threatened release of<br />

hazardous substances on, at,, or from the Site.<br />


56.. After review of any deliverable, plan (other than the RD/RA<br />

Work: Plan(s)), report, or other item which is required to be<br />

submitted for review and approval pursuant, to this <strong>Order</strong>,, EPA.<br />

may: (a) approve the submission; (b) approve the submission with<br />

modifications; (c) disapprove the submission and direct<br />

Respondents to re-submit the document after incorporating EPA"s<br />

comments; or (d) disapprove the submission and assume<br />

responsibility for performing all or any part of the response<br />

action. As used in this <strong>Order</strong>, the terms "'approval by EPA/" "'EPA<br />

approval, 111 or a similar term means the action described in<br />

subparagraphs (a) or (b) of this paragraph,. The WDNR shall, have<br />

the opportunity to review and comment on any deliverable, plan,

eport or other item which is required to be submitted for review<br />

and approval pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong>.,<br />

57.. In the event of approval or approval with mod if ications by<br />

EPA, Respondents shall proceed to take any action required by the<br />

plan, report, or other item, as approved or modified by EPA.<br />

58. Upon receipt of a notice of disapproval or a request for a<br />

modification, Respondents shall, within thirty (30) days or such<br />

longer tine as specified by EPA in its notice of disapproval or<br />

request, for Modification, correct the deficiencies and resubrait<br />

the plan, report, or other item for approval. Notwithstanding<br />

the notice of disapproval,, or approval with modifications,<br />

Respondents shall proceed„ at the direction of EPA, to take any<br />

action required by any non-deficient portion of the submission.<br />

v , 59. If any submission is not approved by 'EPA, Respondents shall<br />

be deemed to be in violation of this <strong>Order</strong>.,<br />


60. In addition to the other deliverables set forth in this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>, Respondents shall provide monthly progress reports to EPA<br />

with respect to actions and activities undertaken pursuant to<br />

this <strong>Order</strong>. The progress reports shall be submitted on or before<br />

the fifteenth day of each month fedlowing the effective date of<br />

this <strong>Order</strong>, Respondents" obligation to submit progress reports<br />

continues, until EPA gives Respondents written notice under<br />

paragraph 47., At a minimum, these progress reports shall: (1.)<br />

describe the actions which have been taken to comply with this<br />

<strong>Order</strong> during the prior month; (2) include all results of sampling<br />

and tests and all other data received by Respondents and. not<br />

previously submitted to EPA; (3) describe all work planned for<br />

the next month with schedules relating sw::h work to the overall<br />

^...../ project schedule for RD/RA completion; and (4) describe all<br />

problems encountered and any anticipated problems,, any actual or<br />

anticipated delay s, and solutions developed and implemented to<br />

address any actual or anticipated problem!-; or delays,<br />


61.. Respondents shall use the quality assurance, quality<br />

control,, and chain of custody procedures described in the "'EPA<br />

NEIC Policies and Procedures Manual,, 1 " May 1978, revised. May 1986,<br />

EPA-330/9-78-001-R, EPA's "Guidelines and Specifications for<br />

Preparing Quality Assurance Program Documentation," June 1, 1987,<br />

EPA's "Data Quality Objective Guidance/" (EPA/540/687/003 and<br />

004), and any aniendnoients to these documents,, while conducting all<br />

sample collection and analysis activities required herein by any<br />

plan.. To provide quality assurance and maintain quality control,<br />

Respondents sha 11::

a. As part of the RD/EA Work Plan, Respondents shall submit<br />

a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) to the U.S. EPA that is<br />

cons 1stent with the SOW,, the Amended Work Plan and EPA's '"Interim<br />

Guidelines and Specifications For Preparing Quality Assurance<br />

Project Plans 1 " (QAM-O05/80) and any subsequent amendments. The<br />

QAPP must: be approved by EPA prior to the comnencement of any<br />

sampling and analysis under this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

b. Prior to the development, and submittal of a QAPP,<br />

Respondents shall attend a pre-QAPP meeting, if determined<br />

necessary,, sponsored by EPA to identify all monitoring and data<br />

quality objectives. U.S.. EPA, after review of the submitted QAPP,<br />

wi 11 either approve, conditionally approve , or disapprove the<br />

QAPP. Upon notification of conditiona 1 or disapproval,,<br />

Respondents shall make all required modifications to the QAPP<br />

within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notification.<br />

v / c., Use only laboratories which have a documented Quality<br />

Assurance Program that complies with EPA guidance document QAMS-<br />

005/80 and subsequent amendments.<br />

d., Ensure that the laboratory used by the Respondents for<br />

analyses, performs according to a method or methods deemed<br />

satisfactory to EPA and submits all protocols to be used for<br />

analyses to EPA at least 15 days before beginning analysis.<br />

e. Ensure that EPA personnel and EPA's authorized<br />

representatives are allowed access to the laboratory and<br />

personnel utilized by the Respondents for analyses,,<br />

f. Ensure provision of analytical tracking Information<br />

consistent, with OSWER Directive Number 9240. 0-2B, '"Extending the<br />

Tracking of Analytical Services to PRP-Lead Superfund Sites."<br />

62. Respondents shall notify EPA not less than fourteen (14)<br />

days in advance of any sample collection activity. At the<br />

request of EPA, Respondents shall allow split or duplicate<br />

k...,/ samples to be taken by EPA or its authorized representatives, of<br />

any samples collected by Respondents with regard to the Site or<br />

pursuant to the implementation of this <strong>Order</strong>.. In addition, EPA<br />

shall have the right to take any additional sample!-; that EPA<br />

deems necessary.<br />


63.. All activities by Respondents pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong> shall,<br />

be performed in accordance with the requirements of all Federal<br />

and state laws and regulations. EPA has determined that the<br />

activities contemplated by this <strong>Order</strong> are consistent with the<br />

National Contingency Plan (NCP).<br />

64.. Except as provided in section 121 (e) of CERCLA and the NCP,<br />

no permit shall be required £or any portion of the Work conducted<br />

entirely on-Site. Where any portion of the Work requires a

Federal or State permit or approval, Respondent):) shall submit<br />

timely application!-: and take all other actions necessary to<br />

obtain and to comply with all such permits or approvals.,<br />

65.. This <strong>Order</strong> is not, and shall not be construed to foe, a<br />

permit issued pursuant, to any Federal, or State statute or<br />

regulation.<br />

66. All materials removed from the Site shall, be disposed of or<br />

treated at a facility approved by EPA's RPM and in accordance<br />

with section 121 (d) (3) of CERCLA, 42 u.S.C. 9621 (d) (3); with<br />

the U.S. EPA "Revised Off-Site policy/" 1 OSWER Directive 9834.11,<br />

November 13, 1987; and with all other applicable Federal, State,<br />

and local requirements,<br />


^ , 67,. All. coMmuni.cati.ons, whether written or oral, from<br />

Respondents to EPA. shall be directed to EPA's Remedial Project<br />

Manager., Respondents shall submit to EPA four copies, and to<br />

WDNR two copies, of all documents,, including plans, reports,, and<br />

other correspondence, which are developed pursuant, to this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

At a Minimum, Respondents shall send one copy of all such<br />

documents to EPA and 'WDNR by overnight or certified mail,<br />

EPA's Remedial Project Manager is:<br />

William J., Haubold<br />

U.S. EPA, Region 5 (HSRW-6J)<br />

77 West. Jackson Boulevard<br />

Chicago,, 11.1 inois 60 604<br />

(312)"353-6261<br />

68. EPA has the unreviewable right to change its Remedial.<br />

Project Manager or Alternate Remedial Project Manager., If EPA<br />

V....X changes its Remedial Project. Manager or Alternate Remedial.<br />

Project Manager, EPA will inform Respondents in writing of the<br />

name, address, and telephone number of the new Remedial Project<br />

Manager or Alternate Remedial Proj ect Manager.<br />

69. EPA's RPM and Alternate RPM shall have the authority<br />

lawfully vested in a Remedial Project Manager (RPM:) and On-Scene<br />

Coordinator (OSC) by the National Contingency Plan, 40 C.F.R.<br />

Part 300,. EPA's RPM or Alternate RPM shall have authority,<br />

consistent with the National Contingency Plan, to halt any work.<br />

required by this <strong>Order</strong>,, and to take any necessary response<br />

action.<br />

70. Within twenty (20) days after the effective date of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>,, Respondents shall designate a Project Coordinator and<br />

shall submit thus name, address, and telephone number of the

Project Coordinator to EPA for review and approval. Respondents"<br />

Pro ject Coordinator shall be responsible for overseeing<br />

Respondenti-i" implementation of this <strong>Order</strong>., If Respondent.!-! wish<br />

to change their Pro;} ect Coordinator ,F Respondent s shal 1 pr ovide<br />

written notice to EPA, five (5) days prior to changing the<br />

Project Coordinator, of the name and qualifications of the new<br />

Project Coordinator,, Respondents selection of a Project<br />

Coordinator shall be subject to EPA approval,<br />


71, If the Site,, the off-Site area that is to be used for<br />

access,, property where documents required to be prepared or<br />

maintained by this <strong>Order</strong> are located! or other property subject<br />

to or affected by the clean up,, is owned in whole or in part by<br />

parties other than those bound by this <strong>Order</strong>, Respondents will<br />

obtain, or use their best efforts to obtain, site access<br />

,s ; agreements from the present owner (s) within 60 days of the<br />

effective date of this <strong>Order</strong>. Such agreements shall provide<br />

access for EPA,, its contractors and oversight officials, the<br />

state and its contractors „ and Respondents or Respondents''<br />

authorized representatives and contractors,, and such agreements<br />

shall specify that Respondents are not EPA's representative with<br />

respect to liability associated with Site activities.<br />

Respondents shall save and hold harmless the United States and<br />

its off id a Is,, agents,, employees , contractors , subco>ntractors, or<br />

representatives for or from any and all claims one: causes of<br />

action or other costs incurred by the United States on behalf of<br />

EPA including but not limited to attorneys fees and other<br />

expenses of litigation and settlement arising from or on account<br />

of acts or omissions of Respondents, their officers, directors,<br />

employees, agents, contractors,, subcontractors, and any persons<br />

acting on their behalf or under their control,, in carrying out<br />

activities pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong>, including any claims arising<br />

V...y front any designation of Respondents as EPA's authorized<br />

representative(s) under section 104(e) of CERCLA. Copies of such<br />

agreements shall be provided to EPA prior to Respondent's<br />

initial:;ion of field activities„ Respondents'' best efforts shall<br />

include providing reasonable compensation to any off-Site<br />

property owner. If access agreements are not obtained within the<br />

time referenced above,, Respondents shall immediately not if y EPA<br />

of their failure to obtain access.. Subject to the United States"<br />

non-reviewable discretion,, EPA may use its legal, authoriti.es to<br />

obtain access four the Respondents, may perform those response<br />

actions with EPA contractors at the property in question, or nay<br />

terminate the <strong>Order</strong> if Respondents cannot obtain access<br />

agreements.. If EPA performs those tasks or activities with<br />

contractors and does not terminate the <strong>Order</strong>, Respondents shall<br />

perform all other activities not repairing access to that<br />

property, and shall reimburse EPA,, pursuant, to Section XXIV of

v<br />

this <strong>Order</strong>, for all costs incurred in performing such activities.,<br />

Respondents shall integrate the results of any such tasks<br />

undertaken by EPA into its reports and deliverables.<br />

Respondents shall, reimburse EPA, pursuant to Section XXIV of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>., for all. response costs (including attorney fees) incurred<br />

by the United States to obtain access for Respondents,<br />


72!, Respondents shall allow EPA and its authorized<br />

representatives and contractors to enter and freely move about<br />

all property at the Site and off-Site areas subject to or<br />

affected by the work under this <strong>Order</strong> or where documents required<br />

to be prepared or maintained by this <strong>Order</strong> are located, for the<br />

purposes of inspecting conditions,. activities,, the results of<br />

activities, records,, operating logs, and contracts related to the<br />

Site or Respondents and its representatives or contractors<br />

pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong>; reviewing the progress of the Respondents<br />

v '"' in carrying out the terras of this <strong>Order</strong>; conducting tests or<br />

sampling as EPA or its authorized representatives or contractors<br />

deem necessary; using a camera, sound recording device or other<br />

documentary type equipment; and verifying the data submitted to<br />

EPA by Respondents. Respondents shall allow EPA and its<br />

authorized representatives to enter the Site, to inspect: and copy<br />

al 1 records , files, photographs ,r documents, sampling and<br />

monitoring data,, and other writings related to work undertaken in<br />

carrying out this <strong>Order</strong>,. Nothing herein shall be interpreted as<br />

limiting or affecting EPA's right of entry or inspection<br />

authority under Federal law,.<br />

73. Respondents may assert a claim of business confidentiality<br />

covering part or all of the information submitted to EPA pursuant:<br />

to the terms of this <strong>Order</strong> under 40 C.F.R. 2.203, provided such<br />

claim is not inconsistent with section 104(e)(7) of CERCLA, 42<br />

V.../ U.S.C. 9604(e) (7) or other provisions of law. This claim shall<br />

be asserted in the manner described by 40 C.F.R. 2.203(b) and<br />

substantiated by Respondents at the time the claim is made,<br />

Information determined to be confidential by EPA will be given<br />

the protection specified in 40 C.,F.R,, Part 2,. If no such claim<br />

accompanies the information when it is submitted to EPA,, it may<br />

be made available to the public by EPA or the State without<br />

further notice to the Respondents. Respondents shall not assert<br />

confidentiality claims with respect to any data related to Site<br />

conditions., sampling, or moini.tori.ng,.<br />

74. Respondents shall maintain for the period during which this<br />

<strong>Order</strong> is in effect, an index of documents that Respondents claim<br />

contain confidential business information., The index shal 1<br />

contain,, for each document, the date, author, addressee,, and<br />

subject of the document. Upon written request from EPA,,

Respondents shall submit a copy of the index to EPA.<br />


75.. Respondents shall provide to EPA upon request, copies of all<br />

documents and information within their possession and/or control<br />

or that of their contractors or agents relating to activities at<br />

the Site or to the implementation of this <strong>Order</strong>„ including, but<br />

not 1 inited to sampling,, analysis, chain of custody records,<br />

manifests f trucking logs, receipts, reports, sample traffic<br />

routing, correspondence, or other documents or information<br />

related to the. Work. Respondents shall also make available to<br />

EPA for purposes of invest igation, information gathering, or<br />

testimony, their employees,, agents,, or representatives with<br />

knowledge of relevant facts concerning the performance of the<br />

Work,<br />

it , 76. Until, ten (10) years after EPA provides notice pursuant to<br />

v '" paragraph 47, each Respondent shall preserve and retain all<br />

records and documents in its possession or control, including the<br />

documents in the possession or control, of their contractors and<br />

agents on and after the effective date of this <strong>Order</strong> that relate<br />

in any manner to the Site., At the conclusion of this document<br />

retention period,, Respondents shall notify the United States at<br />

least ninety (90) calendar days prior to the destruction of any<br />

such records or documents,, and upon request by the United States,,<br />

Respondents shall, deliver any such records or documents to EPA...<br />

77. Until ten (1.0) years after EPA provides notice pursuant to<br />

paragraph 47 of this <strong>Order</strong>, Respondents shall preserve, and shall<br />

instruct their contractors and agents to preserve,, all documents,<br />

records, and information of whatever kind, nature or description<br />

relating to the performance of the Work. Upon the conclusion of<br />

this document retention period,, Respondents shall notify the<br />

V...y United States at least ninety (90) days prior to the destruction<br />

of any such records, documents or information, and,, upon request.<br />

of the United States, Respondent!-; shall deliver all such<br />

documents, records and information to EPA..<br />

78.. Within sixty (60) days after the effective date of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>, Respondents shall submit a written certification to EPA's<br />

RFM that they have not altered, mutilated., discarded, destroyed.<br />

or otherwise disposed of any records, documents or other<br />

information relating to their potential, liability with regard to<br />

the Site since notification of potential liability by the United<br />

States or the State or the filing of suit against it regarding<br />

the Site. Respondents shall not dispose of any such documents<br />

without prior approval by EPA.. Respondents shall, upon EPA's<br />

request and at no cost to EPA, deliver the documents or copies of<br />

the documents to EPA,.


79. Any delay in performance of this <strong>Order</strong> that;, in EPA's<br />

judgment., is not properly justified by Respondents under the<br />

terms of this paragraph shall be considered a violation of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>. Any delay in performance of this <strong>Order</strong> shall not affect<br />

Respondents obligations to fully perform all obligations under<br />

the tenns and conditions of this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

80. Respondents shall, notify EPA of any delay or anticipated<br />

delay in performing any requirement of this <strong>Order</strong>, Such<br />

notification shall be made by telephone to EPA's RPM or Alternate<br />

RFM within forty eight (48) hours after Respondents first knew or<br />

should have known that a delay might occur. Respondents shall<br />

adopt, all reasonable measures to avoid or minimize any such<br />

delay. Within five (5) business days after notifying EPA by<br />

,s< , telephone, Respondents shall provide written notification fully<br />

describing the nature of the delay, any justification for delay,<br />

any reason why Respondents should not be held strictly<br />

accountable for failing to comply with any relevant, requirements<br />

of this <strong>Order</strong>, the measures planned and taken to minimize the<br />

delay, and a schedule for implementing the measures that will be<br />

taken to mitigate the effect of the delay. Increased costs or<br />

expenses associated with implementation of the activities called<br />

for in this <strong>Order</strong> is not a justification for any delay in<br />

performance.<br />


81. Respondents shall demonstrate their ability to complete the<br />

Work required by this <strong>Order</strong> and to pay all claims that; arise from<br />

the performance of the Work by obtaining and presenting to EPA<br />

within thirty (30) days after approval of the RO/RA Work Plan,,<br />

one of the following: (1) a perfornance bond; (2) a letter of<br />

V...,/ credit; (3) a guarantee by a third party; or (4) internal<br />

financial information to allow EPA to determine that Respondents<br />

have sufficient assets available to perform the Work.<br />

Respondents shall demonstrate financial assurance in an amount no<br />

less than the estimate of cost for the remedial design and<br />

remedial action contained in the Record of Decision for the Site.<br />

If Respondents seek to demonstrate ability to complete the<br />

remedial action by means of internal financial information, or by<br />

guarantee of a third party, they shall re-submit such information<br />

annually, on the anniversary of the effective date of this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

If EPA determines that such financial information is inadequate.<br />

Respondents shall,, within thirty (30) days after receipt of EPA's<br />

notice of determination, obtain and present to EPA for approval<br />

one of the other three forms of financial assurance listed above.,<br />

82. At least seven (7) days prior to commencing any work at the

Site pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong>, Respondents shall submit to EPA a<br />

certification that Respondents or their contractors and<br />

subcontractors have adequate insurance coverage or have<br />

indemnification for liabilities for injuries or damages to<br />

persons or property which may result from the activities to be<br />

conducted by or on behalf of Respondents pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong>,<br />

Respondents shall ensure that such insurance or indemnification<br />

is maintained for the duration of the. Work required by this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>.<br />


83. Respondents shall reimburse EPA,, upon written demand, for<br />

all response costs incurred by the United States in overseeing<br />

Respondents' implenientation of the requirements of this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

EPA. nay submit to Respondents on a periodic basis an accounting<br />

of all response costs incurred by the United States with respect<br />

, . to this <strong>Order</strong>. EPA's certified Agency Financial Management<br />

System summary data (Itemized Cost Summary), or such other<br />

summary as certified by EPA, shall serve as basis for payment<br />

demands.<br />

84. Respondents shall,, within thirty (30) days of receipt, of<br />

each EPA accounting, remit a certified or cashier's check for the<br />

amount of those costs,. Interest shall accrue from the later of<br />

the date that payment of a specified amount is demanded in<br />

writing or the date of the expenditure., The interest rate is the<br />

rate established by the Department of the Treasury pursuant to 31<br />

U.S.C. 371.7 and 4* C.F.R. 102.13.<br />

65, Checks shall be made payable to the Hazardous Substances<br />

Superfund and shall, include the name of the Site, the Site<br />

identification number, the account number and the title of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>. Checks shall be forwarded to:<br />

V.y U. S,. Environmental Protection Agency<br />

Superfund Accounting<br />

"P.O. Box: 70753<br />

Chicago,, 111inois 60604<br />

86. Respondents shall send copies of each transmittal letter and<br />

check to'the EPA's RPM.<br />


87.. The United States, by issuance of this <strong>Order</strong>, assumes no<br />

liability for any injuries or damages to persons or property<br />

resulting from acts or omissions by Respondents, or their<br />

directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives,,<br />

successors, assigns, contractors, or consultants in carrying out<br />

any action or activity pursuant to this <strong>Order</strong>. Neither EPA nor<br />

the United States may be deemed to be a party to any contract<br />

entered into by Respondents or their directors, officers,

employees, agents, successors, assigns, contractors, or<br />

consultants in carrying out any action or activity pursuant to<br />

this <strong>Order</strong>..<br />


138. EPA reserves the right to bring an action against<br />

Respondents under section 107 of CERCL&, 42 U.S.C. 9607, for<br />

recovery of any response costs incurred by the United States<br />

related to this <strong>Order</strong> and not. reimbursed by Respondents. This<br />

reservation shall include, but not be limited to past costs,,<br />

direct costs, indirect costs,, the costs of oversight, the costs<br />

of compiling the. cost documentation to support oversight cost<br />

demand,, as well as accrued interest as provided in section 107(a)<br />

of CER.CIA,<br />

89.. Notwithstanding any other provision of this <strong>Order</strong>, at any<br />

is , time during the response action,, EPA may perform its own studies,<br />

complete the response action (or any portion of. the response<br />

action) as provided in CERCIA and the NCP,, and seek reimbursement<br />

from Respondents for its costs,, or seek any other appropriate<br />

relief. -<br />

90.. Nothing in this <strong>Order</strong> shall, preclude EPA from taking any<br />

additional enforcement actions,, including modification of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong> or issuance of additional. <strong>Order</strong>s,, and/or additional<br />

remedial or removal, actions as EPA may deem necessary, or from<br />

requiring Respondents in the future to perform; additional<br />

activities pursuant to CERCIA,, 42 U.S.C. 9606(a),, et_..se«3[«x or<br />

any other applicable law. Respondents shall be liable under<br />

CEJEtCLA section 107 (a), 42 U.S.C. 9607 (a) , for the costs of any<br />

such additional actions.<br />

91. Notwithstanding any provision of this <strong>Order</strong>, the United<br />

V..-'' States hereby retains all of its information gathering,<br />

inspection and enforcement authorities and rights under CERCLA,<br />

RCRA and any other applicable statutes or regulations.<br />

92. Respondents shall, be subject to civil penalties under<br />

section 10is(b) of CERCLA.,, 42 U.S.C. 9606(bj , of not more than<br />

$25,, 000 for each day in which Respondents willfully violates,, or<br />

fails or refuses to comply with this <strong>Order</strong> without sufficient<br />

cause., In addition, failure to properly provide response action<br />

under this <strong>Order</strong>,, or any portion hereof, without sufficient<br />

cause, may result in liability under section 107(c) (3) of CERCLA,,<br />

42 U.,S.C,. 9607(c) (3), for punitive damages in an amount at<br />

least equal to, and not more than three times the amount of any<br />

costs incurred by the Hazardous Substance Superfund as a result<br />

of such failure to take proper action.,

93. Nothing in this <strong>Order</strong> shall, constitute or be construed as a<br />

release from any claim, cause of action or demand in law or<br />

equity against any person for any liability it nay have arising<br />

out of or relating in any way to the Site.<br />

94. If a court issues an order that invalidates any provision of<br />

this <strong>Order</strong> or finds that Respondents has sufficient cause not to<br />

comply with one or more provisions of this <strong>Order</strong>, Respondents<br />

shall remain bound to comply with all provisions of this <strong>Order</strong><br />

not invalidated by the court's order.<br />


95. The Section 1O6 <strong>Administrative</strong> <strong>Order</strong> supporting the above<br />

Findings of Fact and Detenni.nati.ons is available for review on<br />

normal business days between the hours of 9:OO a.,n, and 5:OO p.m.<br />

at the U.S. EPA,, Region V,, 77 West Jackson Boulevard., Chicago,,<br />

v , Illinois. Please contact Janet Pfundheller, <strong>Administrative</strong><br />

Record Specialist, at (312) 353-7626 to review the <strong>Administrative</strong><br />

Record at this location. An Index of the <strong>Administrative</strong> Record<br />

is attached within the ROD hereto as Attachment 1..<br />


9(5.. This <strong>Order</strong> shall be effective 20 days after the <strong>Order</strong> is<br />

signed by the Regional Administrator. All times for performance<br />

of ordered activities shall be calculated from this effective<br />

date.<br />

97. The provisions of this <strong>Order</strong> shall be deemed to be satisfied<br />

when EPA notifies Respondents in writing that Respondents have<br />

demonstrated, to U.S. EPA's satisfaction, that all tennis of the<br />

<strong>Order</strong> have been completed,. This notice shall not, however,<br />

" terminate Respondents obligation to comply with Article XXI of<br />

this <strong>Order</strong> (relating to record preservation),.<br />


98. Respondents nay, within ten (10) days after the date this<br />

<strong>Order</strong> is signed, request a conference with EPA to discuss this<br />

<strong>Order</strong>. If requested, the conference shall occur at U.S. EPA<br />

Region 5 offices,, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois or<br />

a location to be determined at a later date,. This conference is<br />

not an evidentiary hearing, and does not constitute a proceeding<br />

to challenge this <strong>Order</strong>. It does not give Respondents a right to<br />

seek: review of this <strong>Order</strong>, or to seek resolution of potential<br />

liability, and no official stenographic record of the conference<br />

will be made, At any conference held pursuant to Respondent,'s<br />

request, Respondents may appear in person or by an attorney or<br />

other representative,. Requests for a conference must be by<br />

telephone followed by written confirmation mailed that day to<br />

William J. Haubold, Remedial Project Manager, 77 West Jackson<br />

Blvd.,, Chicago, II, 60604, (312) 353-6261.'

So <strong>Order</strong>ed, this<br />

day of December, 1992.,<br />

BY:<br />

William E,, Mono<br />

Acting Director, 'lilaistM-s^.WfiSin.-ij^jiiaiiiSStinit: Division<br />

1.1,.S. Environmental Protection Agency<br />

Region V

v.,/<br />

ATT^CBMINT 4<br />



09 / 2 5 / 8 6 Waste Managaaient, U,. S. ZPA<br />

Inc.<br />

0212 4 / a 7 waste Management, U, S., EPA<br />

Inc.,<br />

o ::i / 2 4 / al waste Management, u. S. EPA<br />

Inc..<br />

10/30/92 waste Management, U.S. EPA<br />

Inc.<br />

11/13/92 Waste Management,, U.S. EPA<br />

Inc..<br />

09/09/136 Carl Wauer U.S.<br />

0 € / 01 / 8 7 Acme Gal. van i z ing ,<br />

Inc..<br />

11/02/92 Aciniai Gtlvanizing, U.S. Elf'A<br />

Inc.,<br />

:.,:;:/!'[!'/i-i(ii Aldrich chemical U.S. EPA<br />

Cnipany<br />

:LO/io/f:i! Aldrich chaiical U.S. EFA<br />

C0inpa:nY<br />

12/1IEI/B6 Allintini lilradley Co. U..S. EPA<br />

11/03/92 Alien Bradley Co. U.S., EPA<br />

Rasponsie t:::: EPA<br />

I nf o rmar i o n Reque s t<br />

SuppIiitiiKiincai<br />

Riiitsponsa co EPA<br />

Information Raquaat<br />

( including 12 drivar<br />

affidavits)<br />

Supiplenental<br />

Riniiiponsdi: to EPA<br />

I nf orniat i o n Re quest<br />

SuppIiitiDnaiintal<br />

Rmisponse to EPJfi,<br />

Information Raquast<br />

(attaching siiteriiitlated<br />

records)<br />

Suppleaantal<br />

Rin HI i;ion!!ii€ to EP'A<br />

I nf oriiat i on RiiMpies t<br />

(attaching liquid<br />

wasta report<br />

summaries)<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Reqruamt<br />

Riiiisponainit to EPA<br />

Information Requamt<br />

Riiiiinponsiit to E;PA<br />

Infoniation Raqminst<br />

Riiiiiiiiponsiiit to EPA<br />

Infoinnation Raqiuast<br />

sniippiaiineinitai<br />

Riasponaiii to EPA<br />

Informiiiition Riiiquaiiit<br />

RAsponsa to EPA<br />

Information Raqwmst<br />

Si.ippl«Biiaiiirital<br />

Rdiifliponse to EPA<br />

Information Regjumtst

Author<br />

12/22/86 American Motors U.S. SPA<br />

Corp.<br />

11/12/92 Ampco Metal Co. U.S. EPA<br />

04/24/87 Aniron Corporation U.S. SPA<br />

11/06/92 Amron Corporation U.S. EPA<br />

11/04/92 Beatrice Company U.S. EPA<br />

11/251B2 aeatrloe company U.S. EPA<br />

07/06/87 Elostrom Seating U.S. EPA<br />

Inc.,<br />

11./12 / 92 Bos tron Seat ing U, S.. EPA<br />

Inc.<br />

11/24/92 Browning Ferris U.S. EPA<br />

Indus tries<br />

06/04/87 Caterpillar Tractor u.S. EPA<br />

Company<br />

11./12 / 9 2 Catintrpil Lar Tractor U.. S. l-IFA<br />

Connpany<br />

12/04/ill€ Cudahy Tanning Co., U.S. EPA<br />

11/12/92 cudahy Tanning Co. U..S, EPA<br />

11/20/92 GudaJhy Tanning Co,. u,.s,, EPA<br />

Response to EPA<br />

I n f o r:ix a t i c n R e qu e s t<br />

Res pains; e to EPA<br />

Informat i a n Request<br />

Response t::i EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Rasponiiie to EPA<br />

I nf orma t, i o n Requein t<br />

Response to EPA<br />

In^oncnation Requeet<br />

Suppleinnnintal<br />

Rioiinponse to EPA<br />

Infooiacion Request<br />

Reimponse to EPA<br />

Infonnation Reqiunitst<br />

Suppleiniental<br />

Ruiijiiponse to EPA<br />

Infonnation Riiiqunimit<br />

Raiisponsiiii to EPA<br />

Infonnation Request<br />

Responsnii to EPA<br />

Infonnation<br />

Suppliiinantai<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Infooution Request<br />

Suppleiniental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Suppliraiental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

IniElornation Request

V.,./<br />

06/30/87 Dings e-^-in Response ~::: £?<br />

r.e ernes'<br />

10/26/92 Dings company U.S. EPA<br />

06/15/87 E.Z. Paintr Co. U.S. EPA<br />

11/06/92 S.Z. Paintr Co. U.S. EPA<br />

10/29/92 Envirax, Inc. U.S. EPA<br />

11/18/92 Envirisx, Inc. U.S. EPA<br />

05/05/87 Gditniiiral Electric U.S. EPA<br />

Company<br />

12 /1.2 / S 6 Hw:-n i. in ch I! diigiii r<br />

10 / :i! 0 / 92 Haoiiischf eger<br />

u.s.<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

11/02/92 Hydritai Chwnical U.S. EPA<br />

Company<br />

09/24/86 LmidlW !'laili-l:.iii: U.S.. EPA<br />

syintmis, Inc.<br />

11/12/92 Law Tanning Co, U.S. EPA<br />

12/2:3I/S6 Loiliill Alliiil U.S.. EPA<br />

oa/0!!!/B7 Hastiiitr Lock: Co.<br />

11/05/92 IttJllltillir Lock CO.<br />

U.S.,<br />

U.S. EFA<br />

Supplemental.<br />

Response t::: EPA<br />

I n IE: o rma t i o n iR e q u e s T:<br />

Rmsponse to EPA<br />

Information Requesr<br />

Supplemental<br />

Rin mponi!!! in to EPA<br />

Information Requmtst<br />

Raiiiiponse to EPA<br />

Infornation Request<br />

Supplemental.<br />

Reniponse to EPA<br />

I nf croat i o n Reqwiis t<br />

RiiiiinpoiniiiNiit to EPA<br />

Infonnation iRiiiiq[M,iniii.t<br />

Riiiiinponsiiit to<br />

Information Rwqiieint<br />

Suppieiniiiitntal<br />

Riiitfliponsnii to EPA<br />

Information Rinquaint<br />

Riiiuiiiponsiiit to EPA<br />

Infonnation Riitqueiiit<br />

to EPA<br />

Information. Ruitqiiaint<br />

Riiiisponsnit to EPA<br />

Information Rinquiiniit<br />


11/12/92 Master Lock Co, U. S. EPA<br />

12113 / 8 6 MetaIs Transport U.S. EPA<br />

Co., Inc.<br />

11/01/92 Metals Transport U.S. £?A<br />

Co., Inc.<br />

12 /10 / 86 Midwiast Tanning Co. U. S,. EPA<br />

10/28/92 Midwest Tanning Co. U.S. EPA<br />

11/ 0::i /92 Patrick Cudahy<br />

Company<br />

12/17/86 PPG 1ndustri es<br />

11 /04/92 PPG Industries<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

U.S. HPA<br />

11/11/92 Pressed Steel Tank: U.S. EPA<br />

coapany<br />

06/30/87 PVL Limiti!td<br />

Partnership<br />

07/17/87 Rexnordl Inc.<br />

11 /1 a / 9 2 RMcnord,, :i: nc.<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

11/09/92 St. Luke's Hospital U.S. EPA<br />

0:31/27/137 Star Line<br />

Trucking Co.<br />

.10/14/92 Star Line<br />

Trucking Co.<br />

U.S.<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response '::::: EPA<br />

I n f oma t i ;:: r. Requ (•> s t<br />

Response to EPA<br />

I nf ornat i c n Request<br />

Suppleniental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

I n f o r an a c i o n Requ e s t<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Inf conation Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Reiiiponse to EPA<br />

Infonnation Request<br />

I<br />

Response to EPA<br />

I n :l: o rma t i o n Reques t<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

SuppJiemental.<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to<br />

Infonnation Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Infbnnation Request<br />

Response to EPA \..,''<br />

Infonniation Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information R.equest<br />

Reimponse to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

»<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Rinquest<br />

Supplementel<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information R«ic[uest

V.../<br />

...„.,/ „ . y

. .<br />

lb"/27/92 Wisconsin Electric '.<br />

Power Co.,<br />

11/05/92 Wisconsin Electric U.S. 1PA<br />

Power Co.<br />

v<br />

U.S. :i.r-M -(=...,<br />


Suppieiciencai<br />

Response to i-iPA<br />

Infcraaticn Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to 'EPA<br />

Informat i on ReqrueiEit


REGION V<br />

In the Natter Of : )<br />

<strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> )<br />

aiir Operable Unit }<br />

WlincoBinin ) U.S., HI PA<br />

) Docket No. V-W-' 95-C-295<br />

Proceeding Under Section 106 (a) of )<br />

the Comprehensive Environmental )<br />

Response „ Compensat ion , and )<br />

Liability Act of 191:10, as amended )<br />


FOB li!fij[llJT)JAL JHIIiJ'ji'n'jM MIT) 1 FDIEIIED1E Mi ATTTO!!!!<br />

'"•"'' On June 6, 1995, the Acting Director of the Waste Management<br />

Division , Reg ion V, Uni t ed States Environmental Protection Agency<br />

(U.S. EPA) issued an <strong>Administrative</strong> <strong>Order</strong> (the "<strong>Order</strong>") in this<br />

matter to 56 named Respondents., Since the time of issuance, U.S.<br />

EPA has identified minor factual errors in the <strong>Order</strong>,, and has<br />

decided to amend the above -referenced <strong>Order</strong> to correct those<br />

errors. The <strong>Order</strong>, and this Amendment to the <strong>Order</strong>,, are issued<br />

to Respondents by the U,,S. EPA under the authority vested in the<br />

President of the United States by Section 106 (a) of the<br />

Comprehensive Environmental. Response, Compensation and Liability<br />

Act 'of 1980, as amended ("CERCLA") , 42 U.S.C. § 9606 (a). This<br />

authority was delegated to the Administrator of the U.S. EPA on<br />

January 23, 1987, by Executive <strong>Order</strong> 12580 (52 Federal Register<br />

2 9 2 6) ,. and was further delegated to the Regional Administrator on<br />

September 13, 1987 by EPA Delegation NOB. 14-14 and 1.4 - 14 -A, and<br />

to the Director,, Waste Management Division, Region V, by Regional<br />

\,..y Delegation. Nos. 14-14 and 14 -14 -A.<br />

The <strong>Order</strong> issued in this matter on June 6, 1995, is hereby<br />

amended as follows :<br />

I,, Paragraph 4, on pages 2 and 3 of the <strong>Order</strong>,, is amended to<br />

read :<br />

4. Within ten (10) dlays after the issuance of this<br />

Amendment to the <strong>Order</strong>,, each Respondent that owns real property<br />

comprising any part of the Site shall record a copy of the <strong>Order</strong><br />

and the Amendment thereto in the appropriate governmental office<br />

where land ownership and transfer records are filed or recorded,<br />

and shall ensure that the recording of this <strong>Order</strong> and Amendment<br />

is indexed to the title of each and every property owned by said<br />

Respondent at the Site, so as to provide notice to third parties<br />

of the issuance and tennis of this <strong>Order</strong> and Amendment with

V..y<br />

respect to those properties. All such Respondents shall,, within<br />

20 days after the issuance of the Amendment to this <strong>Order</strong>, send<br />

notice of such recording and indexing to U.S. EPA.,<br />

II. Paragraph 8.a., on page 6 of the <strong>Order</strong>, is amended to read:<br />

a. Respondent. Waste Management of Wisconsin,, Inc.<br />

("WMWi"), formerly known as Acme Disposal Company, is now, and<br />

has been since approximately 1970, the operator of the Site,.<br />

Since 1991, WMWI has also been the owner of the Anamax Plant<br />

property that is part of the Site. Daring the time that the Site<br />

has been operated by NMWI, by its corporate affiliates and by<br />

Acme Disposal. Company, hazardous substances, including some or<br />

all. of those described in this flection, were disposed of at the<br />

Site. HMHI is also a successor in interest to Best Disposal<br />

Service Company and United Waste Systems. Best Disposal Service<br />

Company, Acme Disposal Company and United Waste Systems accepted<br />

hazardous substances for transport to, and disposal or treatment<br />

at the Site, and selected the Site for disposal or treatment.<br />

III. Paragraph 8.b., on page 6 of the <strong>Order</strong>, is amended to read:<br />

b. Respondent Carl Wauer is now, and has been from about<br />

1965, the owner of the Site. Mr. Wauer operated the Site from<br />

approximately 1965 until approximately 1,970, when Acme Disposal<br />

succeeded Mr.. Wauer as operator of the Site., During the period<br />

in which Mr, Wauer operated the Site,, and during the time in<br />

which he has owned the Site, hazardous substances„ including some<br />

or all of those described in this section, were, disposed of at<br />

the Site.<br />

IV.. Paragraph 8.o., on page 10 of the <strong>Order</strong>, is amended to read:<br />

o. Respondent 1-1 lack-hawk Leather, Ltd. arranged, by<br />

contract or agreement or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

I , treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

'"••"' disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Blackhawk Leather, Ltd.,, at the Site,. Those hazardous<br />

substances included various process-related liquid wastes.<br />

Hazardous substances of the same kind as those owned or possessed<br />

by Blackhawk Leather, Ltd, are contained at the Site.<br />

V. Paragraph 8.ff., on page 14 of the <strong>Order</strong>, is amended to<br />

read:<br />

ff., Respondent Babcock & Wilcox Company arranged, by<br />

contract or agreement or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment, or"arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Babcock & Wilcox Company•, at the Site„ Those hazardous<br />

substances included cutting oils, and drums containing other<br />

liquid industrial wastes., Hazardous substances of the same kind<br />

as those owned or possessed by Babcock: & Wilcox Company are<br />

contained at the Site.

VI., Paragraph 8.pp., on page '16 of the <strong>Order</strong>, is amended to<br />

read:<br />

pp. Respondent Envirex, Inc.. arranged, by contract or<br />

agreement or otherwise, for the disposal or treatment, or<br />

arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal or<br />

treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed by Envirex:,,<br />

Inc. /'at the Site,, Those hazardous substances included liquid<br />

wastes and paint wastes. Hazardous substances of the same kind<br />

as those owned or possessed by Envirex, Inc., are contained at the<br />

Site „<br />

¥i:i:,. Attachment 1 to the <strong>Order</strong> is amended to substitute Babcock &<br />

Wilcox: Company for McDermott, Inc., (as Respondent number 32) and<br />

to substitute Envirex, Inc. for Rexnord Corporation fas<br />

Respondent number 42} .,<br />

VIII. Paragraph S.zz., on page 19 of the <strong>Order</strong>, is amended to<br />

read:;<br />

zz,. Respondent Vulcan Materials Company arranged, by<br />

contract or agreement or otherwise, for the disposal or<br />

treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport for<br />

disposal or treatment, of hazardous substances owned or possessed<br />

by Vulcan Materials Company„ at the Site., Those hazardous<br />

substances included aluminum slag and other waste by-products of<br />

the aluminum recycling process. l-Iazardous substances of the same<br />

kind as those owned or possessed by Vulcan Materials Company are<br />

contained at the Site.<br />

The June 6, 1995, <strong>Order</strong> is otherwise unchanged in all respects.<br />

Unless expressly stated herein,, none of the requirements or<br />

deadlines in that <strong>Order</strong> are in any way affected by the issuance<br />

of this Amendment.<br />

\^' SO ORDERED this __(..___ day of July,, 1995.<br />

BY: £ /h~<br />

William E, Muno<br />

Acting Director, Waste Management Division<br />

United States Environmental. Protection. Agency,, Region V

v../<br />



December 1, 199:!!<br />

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I • EEffiKiiiili!<br />

The purpose of this Remedial Design/ltaMdial Action at the<br />

Nuskego <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> National Priorities List (NFL) site<br />

(Site) „ referred to in Figure 1, is to fully implement the<br />

Record of Decision (BOD) for the Source Control Operable Unit<br />

remedy which was signed 'by the Regional Administrator on June<br />

\ y 12, 19 92. The iRespondeiriits shall follow the U.,8, EPA superfund<br />

Remedial Design and Rmedial Jkstion Guidance „ the RODIP the<br />

approved Remedial ]:>esi

Contiguous Fill Ax: mas .. The length ,<br />

location,, and sdhieduls for coiuitruction of<br />

tha fenca will be determined during the<br />

design of the landfill cap, Additional<br />

pay be ,jr«quir«d by U.S. EPA to<br />

the nioititpce annas from the stone<br />

Ridge Recycling ejwil Disposal Center, if open<br />

to th* : public. Sates shsill ba installed to<br />

provide access for expected vehicular<br />

traffic. Waning signs shall be posted at<br />

2 00- foot intervals along the fence and<br />

points of entry (gates) to that site. The<br />

warning aigna ailull advise that the area is<br />

a Supiicrfttnd Sitnit or that tha area is<br />

hazardous duw to irastae buried within the<br />

soil which pomie a ritiik to people through<br />

diract contiuit. tha signs shall also<br />

provide a local contact " a telephone nuiggllMir<br />

to call for further information,.<br />

B.. :i;:iutitntio:uil icointtrols<br />

€.,.<br />

Within 60 da,ys af t«r tha affective date of the<br />

Adiiini«trat iv» <strong>Order</strong> , the RaapondainUit shall<br />

:jjiiiliinent hibit fuittinre<br />

dewelopneBt ( iiiKSluding,, o]iii->site excawatiotniii ,<br />

building co:nsil±n:ictioin ,, drilling, installaLtioint of<br />

drinking water walls ,, or other use* of tha Site<br />

would ba iiuioitwistent with LmiiKljisiiiiiiiiinl^iiLtiiciini<br />

long tann inuntinteiniance of the renedial action]!<br />

fov all of the Site proparty which any of thin<br />

cixiereinitly owirt. Tha iftaspoindenta , also vrithin 60<br />

day s aftwr tha af:i!!(iitetiva date of the <strong>Order</strong>, shall<br />

u in in their best efforts to iiiplaiment thoae suie<br />

dated restrictioinia on thoee portions of the Site<br />

property which are owned by persons other thnin<br />

tha Reapondants . Tha deed r estr ictions regarding<br />

future developniieinit of the site shall be<br />

oaiciiigtidared paniianent.<br />

upon receipt of that order r the<br />

RetiiipondantB ahall pxtnrida acceaa to thoae<br />

pojirtions of tlw Site controlled by the<br />

Respondents . :i::n addition r tha Reapondants shai 1<br />

use their baniit; effort!!! to obtain access for the<br />

piuirpome of iBiplenenting Wo>r]lc required by the<br />

Ordatr and this SOI on thoae portions of tha Site<br />

not presantiy oinmed or controlled by the<br />

Resppndeitnte „ ttiis Hqrk inoiludea without<br />

1 limit: at ion tlu installatidn and maintenance of a<br />

cap over the Fill Areas, coinBtruction of a fence<br />

to limit access to the source areas,

sstahlishBient of a leach ate control system in the<br />

old Fill Area and inprdvittMnt of the existing<br />

leecihate control system in the Southeast Fill<br />

Area, inpl«Mntation of an active landfill, gas<br />

control systsis. within these waste masses and<br />

those of the Non-contiguous Fill Area, and<br />

construct ion of an In-situ ( in- place ) vapor<br />

extraction (XSVE) system in soils of the Non-<br />

Contiguous Fill Area., Access , when obtained ,,<br />

shall be provided for representatives of the<br />

Respondents , as well as for the U.S. EPA and the<br />

Wisconsin Department of Natural. Resources (WDNR)<br />

and their contractors or authorized<br />

representatives ,<br />

D. LmBdfill Clip<br />

\v / The Respondents shall design and reconstruct a<br />

landfill cap covering the Old, Southeast,, and<br />

Non-Contiguous Fill areas that will meet or<br />

exceed the ic^e^uirfiments of Section MR S 04.07 ( l)-<br />

(7) „ Wisconsin <strong>Administrative</strong> Code (WAG) . The<br />

Respondents shall , during the remedial des ign<br />

phase, propose a cap design that will include<br />

construct ing the cap either as separate noncontiguous<br />

units or as one continuous cover., The<br />

proposed design shall also designate the source<br />

of materials to be used for the new cap., The new<br />

cap design may include reusing (i.e. ,- picking up<br />

and replacing) existing cover materials that mieet<br />

the standards specified in Chapter NR 504,, tote,<br />

presently covering the Old and Southeast. Fill<br />

Areas. If existing material is not to be reused<br />

in oonstraction of the clay layer, then new<br />

material shall be utilized in construction of the<br />

final clay layer on the existing fill areas,, The<br />

II. S.. EPA, in consultation with the HONE, will<br />

approve the final configuration of the cap and<br />

the materials ussd in its construction,, The cap<br />

shall be constructed to meet the mininuini slope<br />

rec|uirain.ent specified in s,, NR 506, 08(3 ) (C)(, MAC,.<br />

The Respondents shall iniaintain the cap for 30<br />

years following construct ion of the cap „<br />

The landfill cap shall be constructs^ to minimi:t:e<br />

leachate generation by limiting percolation of<br />

rainwater and snowmelt through the cap system,,<br />

waste naterial,, and into the groundwater. This<br />

ci!i.|;j shall inciude,, at a iiinimum (from top to<br />

bottom) :

A i-ioil. layer consisting o£ at least six<br />

inches of topsail that vill sustain plant growth.,<br />

Seed and fertilizer shall be applied to this<br />

layer to establish a vegetative cover. The<br />

vegetation shall be a persistent species with<br />

roots that will not pensitrate into lower lay are;<br />

An IB to 30-inch thick frost protect ion and<br />

rooting zone layer. This layer shall bin of<br />

sufficient diinpth to protect the underlying<br />

c:o:ni]i;>acl;:ii!i.08 (6) „ WM!« The nraiibai:!!:Ir spacing and location<br />

of gas extraction wells within each fill aniita,<br />

and the nrathod of gas condinnsate nanageiient shall<br />

be detsniinsd in the reiniedial design and shall be<br />

approved by the U.S. EWi., in consultation with<br />

the WDNR., Construetion p lans a nd docmentation<br />

for a landfill gas extraction system shall be<br />

prepared in accordance with ch, NR 516, His. Adm.<br />

Code. Debris or refuse generated by the<br />


installation of the extraction system may be<br />

cimsolidated within the fill areas.,<br />

The extracted landfill cjfaiil shall be mana.ged in<br />

a manner consistent with ch. MR 445 r MAC<br />

requirements..<br />

F - Luidf ill

each fill area, and thsi method of leechate<br />

management shall Iba determined in the nnsdial<br />

deimigitii and shin 11 bun approved by the U.S., EPA, in<br />

conwltfttion with the mm. U.S.. EPA, in<br />

consultation with WDI1 „ may raquire addit ional or<br />

sapplsiffiental laachatsi axtraction measures,, if<br />

needed to n»ixi«gd:i:e the amount of leschate<br />

withdrawn! ancll minimfz*, to the extent<br />

practicable, the amount of leachate collected on<br />

thin base of the Old Fill and Southeast Fill<br />

annas „<br />

LniAChate 'Mill be traatund and dispoi-iad of in<br />

cooinpliuiciih with all applicable d ischarga and / or<br />

printraatniiiinit staBdinrds ,. If any laachate<br />

ibraatinient or pontraatiinainit is necessary „ any<br />

slwilga or residualni frann that traatinent vill be<br />

iianaEtraction<br />

Spiiteii „ to rsainaitdiate the contaiminatad s-i ul:i- isioiliii<br />

IB the vicinity the HonEtraction<br />

wells ,r and a sysitea for trmtating of f -gas from the<br />

extraction wells ,, Raicspointdents shall per f one a<br />

Pilot-scale Test: prior- to full-scale<br />

iBplasantatioiiri to iggiininidiBe the potential for air<br />

intrusion into the waste masses,<br />

li, Pilot-Scale Test Work Plan<br />

After cu:>nstri;|,ction of the landfill cower<br />

{pnrsuaintt to Section II,,Dir above, of the SOW),<br />

tout prior to full- scale Implemiiintat.lan of the<br />

:[:E¥1 systeiii, the Rsspondfliints shall design and<br />

iiniplsciment a pilot-scale test of IS VI:; in the Mon-<br />

Conticruous Pill Area (the "'Pilot-Scale Test" 1 ) .<br />

Tbe Raspondsnts , puriiruiant to the tiiietable<br />

eetablished in Section Pi',, below,, of the SOW,,<br />

shall siil:nit« to .U.S. El'A and WDMR,, a work: plain<br />

for design and iBplnientation of the Pilot->Scale<br />

Test for ISVEt which is subject to approval by

U.S. EPA, in consultation with WDNR. The Work<br />

Plan shall incltuta, at a minimua, the location<br />

within the 'Non-Contiguous Fill Area where the<br />

Pilot-Scale Test is to be conducted,, the<br />

operation parsanieteoi, IjiJiiu.,, number and location<br />

of extract ion vslls, pumping rate,, etc,,, to be<br />

used during than Pilot -Scale Teat, and the time<br />

necessary to conduct and, complete the Pilot-Scale<br />

Test. At the conclusion of the Pilot-Scale Test,,<br />

the Respondents shall present the results<br />

developed during ths Pilot-scale Test to the U.S.<br />

EPA, and WDNR. The underlying data developed<br />

during the Pilot-Scale Test shall be made<br />

available to the U.S., EPA and. WDHR within 30 days<br />

of the request of the II,!:!,. EPA or WDNR.<br />

The Respondents shall conduct sampling to<br />

characterize the physical parameters of tlfta sub-<br />

; . soils in the iNton-Contiguous Fill Area, including,,<br />

but not limited to,, moisture content, grain siii:e<br />

distribution,, and total organic carbon. As part<br />

of the Pilot-Scale Test Work Plan,, Respondents:<br />

shall include the saiipling plan necessary to<br />

conduct this sampling,<br />

2 „ Full-scale I!:!¥E jjiiplenentation<br />

After, the coiipletion of the Pilot-Scale Test,, the<br />

IMinrpondents lEibnill iiiKplemwnt the full-scale IS¥E<br />

of the sub-moils in the Mpn

•Feasibility Twit" 1 ) „ The Feasibility Test shall<br />

bin subject to tha supervision and review of thin<br />

U, .S., EPA, in consultation with WDNR. The<br />

objective o>f tha Feasibility Test is to determine<br />

the optimum uuwmtm of putrients to be added to<br />

tlcMii siuilbr soils in order to promote than natural<br />

microbial activities ,, without deer eas ing the<br />

effiiiictiviniiwiiiiii of tte reiio'ptl of the VOCs by XSVE.<br />

At tlui. concluinioini of the Feasibility Test period.,,<br />

tte Baspondeiriits shall present the results of this<br />

study to thin U.S., EPA' and WDNR in a written<br />

report. Tte data danvslopad during the<br />

HMiiiiMiiiLbilJ, (::•!!' Tiiwt slb|all te :iu

the Respondent* shall notify the U.S. EPA and<br />

HOUR of such Interruption or cessation of<br />

of Miiration after learning thereof., Such<br />

notification may initially be given orally, but<br />

mast be confirmed in writing within five days<br />

after the data on which tha oral notification iisi<br />

given,, The Respondents shall notify the U.S.. EPA<br />

and wan, of the nature and causa of the<br />

interruption or cassation of operation,, as wall<br />

as tha estiaated length of time before the<br />

operation of tha ISVB system will, be resumed.<br />

Recipients shall propose an operation and<br />

Maintananca (Oil) schadule, aa dcitscribed in Tanilc<br />

lI.Bo r to liiinit syiiitaiin interruptions. Any<br />

deviations froiin tha ischdidule which result in<br />

syatam internxptions lallwll. ba raportad aa<br />

describad above., In all eamas where there is an<br />

v f intarruption or cassation in tha oparation of the<br />

ISYE systemi!, whether dua to nechanical failure,<br />

huiian error, or to parfornii routine laiaintananoe,,<br />

as wall aa any other reason, tha Respondents<br />

shall repair„ complete maintenance, or take any<br />

other etspa iMicaemary to expaditiously rasiaia the<br />

oparation of the IBM'E system.<br />

5 „ femination of Operation<br />

The Riiitspondants shall opare.te the IS¥E systai<br />

until rsceipt of written approval tram E'PA for<br />

shutdoirn,, aftar dtuionstration that tha soil^gas<br />

Cleanup Standards deterinLined under Section I „ I.E.,<br />

are mat, Upon adhiaving the soil-gas Cleanup<br />

Standards,, Reepondants shall submit to U.S. EPA<br />

and HDilt for review and approval by U..S, EFA, in<br />

conaultation with WD:RIP a Draft Rinadial Action<br />

Report containing the data establishing that tha<br />

Boil-gas Cleanup Standards have been achieved and<br />

will ba maintained, Mtspondents shall take<br />

iEimplas of t:;i:uiii si;iJI:i-»sdils to d.ocu»Biant the<br />

concentrations of cicmtaiiniiniants. The Respondents<br />

nay taniinata the operation of the :i:s¥E systeii<br />

only upon the exprass written approval of the<br />

U.S., EPAIP in oonsultation with MOPE,, Upon<br />

complete tannination of tha ISVE syatem,<br />

Raspondents shall ramove all equipMiimt usiiitd at<br />

the Site in connaction with the XSV'E systeii,, and<br />

shall fill and grade all eiictraction points,,<br />

tranches,, ate,.,, cdnstructed in connection with<br />

the operation of the I.SVE systan.

I, cleanup<br />

1 . Establishing Cleanup S tandards for soil-»gas<br />

A,, AM set forth, in Section H above, Una<br />

]R(iiiiii;|;>oii]id,i!UTl::in: aha 11 design „ construct ,, operate ,.<br />

implement and! maintain aim I]i:::jiEi:l»i Vapor<br />

Extraction cleanup action in the contaminated<br />

sali-soils of the Non-Contiguous Fill Area,<br />

Except as provided above in Section H.5., the<br />

Respondents shall opinrate the ISVE system until<br />

tlui soil -gas Cleairop Standards specified pursuant<br />

to paragraph I.,1,,1I!L ,, bnilowr! are mat in tbm<br />

co«l::aiiiLinatind fflULb-Miioilm „ The iftespondants snail<br />

use tlla iiiioil-gas anlyiiiiis to nodal grouxndwihtaKr<br />

leivels and determine how the groundwater ciaaiiraip<br />

Standards can be achieved ,.<br />

I:) , 'Ilhiiin Riiitiii:|;Ki:rii:![iiml:::ii! slball f-ally opsrats,,<br />

maiBtaln, and iiniplttiiieimt tbe :i:S¥E systm for at<br />

isaiiiit two (2) years based on the design<br />

paraLmeteriii: approved Iby U,.j9:, EP1. after the Pilotiiicale<br />

Test.. Witbiini nixnstty (90) days after the<br />

two year aitm:hrarsa:nr of tlte coaencament of fullscale<br />

opNsratioink of the ISYE system,, the<br />

:R«inipoi:i4ents sluill siLiilbnniit to U.S., EPA a state-oftbe-art<br />

G:i^E>untemt.er/Sdil RI wl ) or thiiininailltiiir, to provide u .,:;;, EEli vitb<br />

the data on ipihlcb to base soil-gas Cleanup<br />

Standards „ TlEyiunxa soil-gajS Cleanup Standards will<br />

provide aim iriMpator of the level of sub-soil<br />

cleanup „ The |i:dtel. shall be ussd to dsteonina<br />

the soil-gas eleanujp standards for vocs in the<br />

soil-gas necessary to achieve and inaintain<br />

protective levels of yiOpm in the igro>und«rater,,<br />

The Groundnrater Cleanup Standards will be set in<br />

the qround Watejr opiiirabla Unit ROD,, The<br />

]ResipHi»n«tante shall utiliii:e all of the data<br />

produced during the Pilot-Scale Test,, the twoyear<br />

period of full-scale IS¥E operation,, as well<br />

as all previous! sampling and. nnonitoring<br />

acctivities to d»veloip tha Model.. The soil-gas<br />

Cleanup Standards dasignihtad by the U,. S., EP.ht, to<br />

be dsiteniiined Ibnuined upi;m the Model „ and the<br />

underlying data dsvelopad in connection with the<br />

fornnation of the Model IF and the cleanup level<br />

dsitarninad in the Record of Decision for the<br />

Groundvater Control Operable Unit must be<br />

achieved in order to elininate source area<br />


contaninant loading to tha aquifer,, and ±B<br />

intended, to assure that than cleanup Standards for<br />

tha greundvatur ara met,,<br />

In tile iisivant that the Respondents can. establish<br />

to tha satisfaction of the U.S.. EPA, iin.<br />

consultation with WDMR, that it would ba<br />

acceptable for Respondents to develop and submit<br />

the Model to U.S., EPA before the two-year<br />

anniversary deadline spine if led above, then the<br />

ReiKpondeinLtisi shall salagiiiit the Model upon receipt<br />

of written approval from U.S. EPA. At tha time<br />

the Respondents request approval to submit the<br />

Model prior to tha tiro-year anniversary deadline„<br />

Respondents shall submit to U.S.. EPA and WD1NIR all<br />

data relied upon by tha Respondents to support<br />

their belief that such early submission is<br />

acceptable,, as well as any othar data requested<br />

\ , thereafter by U.S.. EPlfL, in consultation with<br />

WDNR.<br />

C,. Upon reoeipt of the state-of-the-art Model,<br />

the aiEisuinptioniEi used for tha Model,, tha data<br />

utilised to develop the Model,, and the resulting<br />

propdeed soil-gas concentration for each VOC<br />

or the, aiMitioina 1 saiipling or<br />

monitoring data arm dioafepirovftd by the U.S. '<br />

in consultation vitb WGllllR,, then. the U.S. EPA, in<br />

consultation with ipn,, may provide the type of<br />

Modmtl , Una ni.adliiii!.- ipiiiiMUiinii iMiiurni ,, and the r Militant<br />


temporary shutdown pursuant to Sect ion ]•][. 4..<br />

lniadia.tel:ir upon completion of such sampling,, the<br />

Respondents shall reaotivate the XSVE system,<br />

Upon, approval, oil! the Field Sampling Plan and QAPP<br />

by U.S., EPA, in consultation vith WDNR, the<br />

:Reiiiipat<br />

of U.S.. KNL or WMr, RaapoHnLdents shall sultadt to<br />

U.S.. EP'l. and mil tba test results and undarlying<br />

data compiled in connection vith the saitpllng and<br />

tainting perfonned pura'uant t.o the Field Saniipling<br />

Plan,. The Final Soil-nts shall sultnmdt for<br />

approval by U,,S» m, in consultation vith WMRt,<br />

a nnonitoring prograB inclwllingi; numiaer of veils,<br />

well locatioinir samtpling parniaters,, sampling<br />

frequency,, and duration of samp ling,<br />

The RD/RA for the Soiurce Control Operable Unit to be implananted<br />

by the Reapondants at the Hiukego <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> shall<br />

consist of four tamtam., The Eeaipondents shall perform, the<br />

folloving tasks and eiacaents as described more fully herein:<br />

Task I:: KD/Ra Worlc Plan<br />

A, Site Access<br />

B,, Monitoring and Sampling Plans<br />

C, Health lit Safety Plan<br />

D, Pilot Scale Test Work Plan<br />

E, Quality Assurance Proj ect Plan<br />

F, Potential Hateria I Borrow Sources Riaiport<br />


Task: II: Remedial Design Project Plans<br />

A., Design Plans and SpecifIcations<br />

B., operation and Maintenance Plan<br />

c., construction schedule<br />

D,. Borrow Source Report::<br />

E. construction Quality Assurance Plan<br />

Task III: Rsinundial Action Preparation and Construction<br />

A., Precoiistruction Inspection and Meeting<br />

l-i „ Pre-final Inspection<br />

c.. Final Inspect ion<br />

Task IV:: Reports and<br />

A .<br />

B,<br />

C.<br />

Progress Reports<br />

Notification of<br />

Action Report<br />

Final Report<br />

completion of Remedial<br />

The ResipHondents shall prspare and submit to the U.S. EPA, and thin<br />

liiniR,, for approval by if. .S. EP1IL, in eociuiiuiltation with the Win,<br />

an RD/RA Work Plan vndch sleiAll, docunnant the overall inianagnent<br />

isi tratagy for per f oraing tha design ,, cone tract ion , operation ,<br />

luintnmance and mtmitoring of th,e Raiwndial Action. The plan<br />

shall docmnint tbe riiiniiponiiilbilJ.ty and authority of all<br />

o)]i:ganiii:ations aiihd k:ay personnel iiwolvad with tha<br />

liiiEplaiiMntation. The Work Plan shall also inolude a description<br />

of gualificatione of key 1 personnel directing the RO/EA,<br />

including contractor psrsomnel „ The Respondents shall siuiJbstit a<br />

Draft RD/RA Work Plan accoizding to the schedule identified under<br />

Section IV of this iSiOW, The Respondents shall submit a Final<br />

RD/RA Work: Plan ijcK:orporating U.S.. EPA's comments on the Draft<br />

Work Plan according to the schedule identified in Section IV,,<br />

Site access agrstsasents rwpired to iinplement the Eeisedial<br />

Action shall be obtained by the Resipo>ndents as required in<br />

the <strong>Order</strong> prior to initiation of the Resvsdial. Action or<br />

additional studies. Site acciuis shall e:»±end for the<br />

duration of the cleanup and include allowances for all<br />

operation and »aaintenance considerations in accordance with<br />

the <strong>Order</strong>. The RD/RA Work Plan shall include a plan for<br />

gaining access to those portions of the site which the<br />

Respondents do not currently own,<br />


B • Hon ii 1*ifiir 'JiiliiStL jUliilL jILiiiHliiLiLDiiiL<br />

Respondents shall submit detailed monitoring and sampling<br />

plants describing the type, frequency, amid schedule' for<br />

suipling and monitoring of th§ remedial action for the site.,<br />

The Bonitoring and iii uipiing plans shall address groundvater<br />

and landfill gain monitoring, and how tyrannical requirements<br />

of. applicable permits , ami compliance with. vmstavatsr<br />

(leacnate) , gam and air eiiimsion iiiiitm will b« itisit for tltut<br />

site.. At a pixiLimuiki, tlw itoBitoriBg and isuipling prDiprami<br />

plans shall addrass saiaplia collectioim and analyssiii miathiads ,,<br />

analytical paraiunttars , f:riaq[iia!:ricyr ducration, and typia of<br />

nonitoring amid aaiapling nai:pir(Eitd to dnioBstratdii that thim<br />

Rmedial, Action maiata and :nia:JL;ntaina tllut Claaintup Standards and<br />

othar recpireigiiants for oparation of the ramadial actions at<br />

,( . tha site as specified in Section n of this SOW.,<br />

The Respondents shall subinit to U..S, EIA and WDil for comaent<br />

a Health, and Safaty Plan to address the activities to ba<br />

piarf ormad at tha facility to conduct tha Raiaiadial Dwnigri and<br />

iimplamant the Rawitdial Action(s)i „ Thm lealth and Safaty Plan<br />

shall, ha designed to pr0tact oiiMiiita pamionnel and area<br />

inasMants fron physical , clttmical and all oth.ar haieards posa«d<br />

by this Ranadial Action. The Raspoindents may modify tna<br />

Health and Safety Plan daweloped for tile KI/FS to addrass tha<br />

activities to be perforniiad at th

described in Sect ion XX. R.I of this SOW,, the Respondents<br />

shall submit a draft Mark plaint for the ISVE pilot test to<br />

U.S.. EPA for reyiaw and approval, lint consultation with ram.<br />

Upon receipt of coniiiMiiniliili omt the X8VB' work, plan, the<br />

RMipointiiaats shall iaoorpprat* tha coiiiinaants and raaubait tha<br />

doowant for approval to f, !!i , EFA, in eonraltation with, TOME.<br />

Following approval of tba work plaint for tha pilot test, tha<br />

Ea«pondents shall conduct thai pilot phase of the ISVE.<br />

within sixty days after completion of that pilot tuist, tha<br />

Ratapondoitintta shall sulHiiiiiit a drift tiif]|!hia«eBta.tion plan for foil<br />

scale opaitratioint of tha liilPEIi; syriittaia,, am discussoitd in. S«i)tetioint<br />

II. H.l of this SOW,, to U.S. m for raviaw and approval, in<br />

cointsultation with WSMR« Fallowing approval of thia liiiVi<br />

inplaaentiiition plan, tha Reapondants shall incorporate tha<br />

contents into the de«idgn plans for approval to U..S, EPJIli,, in ,, |<br />

consultation with WDNR. '"'"<br />

h QM'P shall ba smtadttad as part: of tha ED/IEIA Work Plann to<br />

cover saiiplimtf a:nd analpii:La prbceduras amtd tadtoiqaes for<br />

saiplaits collatatad unter the iESiniipling ailudl Analysiiii Flan abiwa,<br />

The Qiiun* 1 shall ba oomts:L|»tatinit with thw rauciiuirinaants of the<br />

U.S., EPill Contract Lab Frograia (CLI=']i for laboratories proposaid<br />

outsida the CLP,. At a iiininm ., the QAFP shall includdit the<br />

following:<br />

o Statamnuant of Purpose<br />

o Pro j (Eiict Dascr ipt ion<br />

o Project Organization and IRasponsibility<br />

o Sunpling Procedures and Objectives<br />

o Sample custody and Doonient Control x /<br />

o Calibration Procaduraa amid Freguency<br />

o iyriAlytical Prooad'uinnts , Data Raduotion „ Validation ,<br />

Asaessnan t ,, and Rairarting<br />

o Internal Quality Control Chacics and Frequency<br />

o Perf onotanca Systmt Charles and Frequency<br />

o Preventive Maintenance Procedures and Frequency<br />

o Datta Pr acision „ Accuracy and Coiinplet eness Assasmtant<br />

Procaduitrea<br />

o Corractiva Action<br />

o Quality Assurance Raporting<br />

:rhe Respondents shall prapare and subintit to the U.S. Q'A and the<br />

HOUR,, for approval Iby U.S.. EPilW in consultation with WOIR,, a<br />

Haterial Borriw Source Report which will identify potential soil<br />

material sources for cap construction. This report will<br />

identify any physical testing that has been performed on tha<br />

soils as veil as any potentiai problems associated with the use

o£ the borrow<br />

The Respondents shall prepare and submit to the U.S. EPA, and the<br />

WDNR, for approval by U.S. En,, in consultation with the m.,F<br />

draft and final construction pianist and specifications to<br />

implement the Remedial Actions for this Source Control Operable<br />

Unit at the Facility as required toy the 1OD aind SOW,,<br />

A.<br />

The BAspondant B isihall dinvelop clamr and coiiprehans ive dnuii ign<br />

plans and spacif Icationa vliidtn include but arm not linidteii to<br />

the £olloving:<br />

1 .. Discussion o:l! the desi«pn stratagY and tha design basis „<br />

iBcluding;<br />

a. Coiwpliance with, all applicable or relevant and<br />

appropriate r '•quirownts as inotind her sin ;; airid<br />

b ., H iniai .zation of envi ronmental and public h IIMII Jl.tJ:i<br />

impacts,,<br />

2,. Discussion of the tachnical factors of iniportanca including:<br />

a, Uss of cinrantlY aocaptsd, «iirir:ILroimental control<br />

neasures and<br />

b,, The iinpliEuinentation of the design ; and<br />

c „ Usa of current ly acceptable coma truct ion pract icas<br />

and tachnlques,.<br />

3 ,. Description of assuMiEitions »Dtad.s and detailed justification of<br />

tlEitssa assuiiEtptions;<br />

4 ,, Discussion of tlui pitwsibla smitrcas of arror and ref arancss to<br />

possible oparat ion and ilnaiiciitananca probliEimn ;:<br />

5, Dstailad drawings of tlis pnafiosed design;<br />

6 ,, Tables listing eqniiipiiant and specif icat ions ,;<br />

7 „ Tables giving iiaterial balances ;;<br />

8 „ Appendices including ;<br />

a. Sample calculations (one encniiple presentaid and<br />

explained clearly for aignificinnt or unii:|[ue design<br />


calculations);<br />

b, Derivation of equations essential to understanding<br />

the design plans and specificatioiM? and<br />

c. Results of laboratory or field tests<br />

The Respondents shall maait :|regularly with U.S. EVA to discuss<br />

design issues,, The design and •pacifications shall be submitted<br />

to the U.S., EPA and the WDHR in phases as described below.<br />

I,. Preliminary Design<br />

The Respondents shall submit the Preliminary Design when<br />

the design effort is approximately 95% complete<br />

according to the schedule set forth in Sedation IV,, At |(l |,<br />

this stage,, the Respondents shall have field verified<br />

the existing conditions of the Site, The Preliiiinary<br />

Design sihali reflect a level of effort: sucn that tJInint<br />

technical x^Eiicpiremsnts iiiLnd spmcif:!.cation 1-1 of than project<br />

have been adUiressed and out lined so that they nay be<br />

reviewed to deteriiine if the IPlnal Design will pravide<br />

an operable and usable Einwitdial Action,. supporting data<br />

and dconiinentation sball be prcnridmtd vith the daitsign<br />

documintnts defining the functional aspects of tine<br />

piragraiiBi. The pipiniiainaxy construct ion drmdngs<br />

siibnniitted by the Respondsnts shall r«ftflect organixation<br />

and: clarity. The Respondents shall include with their<br />

preliBinaxy suibnission, design calculations refleorting<br />

the suiiue percentage of coiipletioin as the designs they<br />

support.,<br />

After review of the preliminary submission by U.S. EFilL, *-•''<br />

the Respondents shall swiicute the reguired revisions and<br />

submit the final design (100% completion) with<br />

reproducible dnnwings and specif ications.,<br />

The Prelimdnary Design subiniittal, shall, also consist of<br />

the Design Plans and Specifications„ operation and<br />

liaintenance Planr Capital alnd Operation and Maintenance<br />

cost Estimate,, Pro j eet Schedule, and Construct loin<br />

Quality AssniLraiice Flan. The guality of the dsasign<br />

documents should be much tha.t the iRAiiiipondents would be<br />

able to incJUnde theis in a bid package and invite<br />

contractors to submit bids for the construction project.<br />

:n:,. Final Design<br />

The Respondents shall submit the Final Design according<br />

to the scted'uile< under jSioiction :i:¥. The Final Dttsign<br />

submittal coniiiiists of the final Design Plans and<br />

Specifications (:i.00% ccnplets),, the Respondents' Final

construction Cost Estimate , the Final, operation and<br />

Maintenance Flan , Construction Quality Assurance Plan „<br />

and Final Pro j act Sdtadule ,<br />

Ill . Additional studies<br />

The Remedial. Action may require additional studies to<br />

supplement the liLvailabliii technical data. U.S. EPA Hay*<br />

at its discretion,, require any Bach additional studies.<br />

Included in these additional studies would .be a d.es:k|ra<br />

tor the "Feasibility Test 1 " 1 described in Section II .ill<br />

of this SOW, For any such stadias required,, the<br />

Easpondants shall :l! tinndab all saitrvicmts ,, including field<br />

work as required,, matusirials ,, supplies! plant,, later,<br />

equipment,, invastigations , studies and suparintandenee,<br />

\s ,/ If additicmal studiein ara raquirad,, there shall bait an<br />

initial maeting of all principal personnel involved in<br />

the devalopimant of the i-itudias to discuss objectives,,<br />

resources „ coMui:inicatio:n channels „ role of personnel<br />

involved and orientation of the site,, etc., 'ins :l!inal<br />

report generated toy tbe Respondents shall Include all<br />

data coileoted during the studies and a seminary of tbe<br />

results of the studies.,<br />

Respondents shall prepare an Operation and llCoiinteiniance<br />

Plan to cover both i.mpleitanti!i.tion and long term inaintenance<br />

of the Raiiedial Action. An Initial Draft Operation and<br />

lintintenance Plan shall be sulbiiitted sinultaneouslY with the<br />

Preliminary Design Docuiment submission and the Final<br />

Operation and Haintenance Plan with the Final design<br />

docunients. The plan shall be composed of the following<br />

elements ::<br />

Description of normal operation and maintenance (OCIi) ;<br />

a. Description of tasks for opera t ion ;r<br />

b,, Description of tasks for maintenance;<br />

c ., Description of prescritosd treatment or operation<br />

conditions ; and<br />

d. Schedule shoving frequency of each OiScII task.<br />

Description of potential oparating problems;<br />

a. Description and analysis of potential, oparation<br />

problns j;<br />

to. Sources of information regarding problems; and<br />


c . ComoB and/or anticipat md raniindieiii ..<br />

d, Useful life analysis of sign 1:1! leant components and<br />

replaceniant costs,<br />

Description of routine monitoring and laboratory testing^<br />

a,, Description of Boiriiitoring tasks;;<br />

b., Description of required laboratory taints and their<br />

int erpr e ta t ion ;<br />

c „ Required Data Collection, Quality Aeeurance Project Plan<br />

d. Sdtodule of moiniitoring fra>qiutamcY and date, if<br />

appropriat ,e, vrhan nomiitoring may cease j and<br />

Description of alternate OUIE;<br />

a. Sltould aystais fall,, alternate procedluxes to pratvsnt<br />

undue hazard and reLaaiiiies or threate of raleaaw of<br />

hazard.ous i-iubstancea ; amid<br />

corrective Action ,;<br />

a,. Oiascription of any potantial corractive action to be<br />

sltouldL any nym taint fail, ; and<br />

b, Sdbadule for implementing these conrectiva actions j<br />


8 ., Records and reporting mechanisms required;<br />

a,, Daily operating logs;<br />

lb „ Laboratory records ;<br />

c« Records for operating costs;<br />

d „ Mechanism for report Ing emergencies ?<br />

e. Personnel arid niaintraainice records; and<br />

f , Monthly '/annual reports to State agencies<br />

The Respondents shall develop for approval by U.S. EPA a<br />

Project Schedule for construction and. implementation o:l! the<br />

Remedial Actions., Respondents shall specif ically identify<br />

dates for conpletion of the project and major interim<br />

milestones .. An Initial Project Schedule shall be suiJtaitted<br />

simultaneously with, the Preliminary Design Docraisnt<br />

submission and the approved Project Schedule with, the Final<br />

Des ign Documents .,<br />

D «• ifiiffiuQiEM. .JiiL!i!i!iM!^it!EiL..l;!>!i!][i!!ill][[ Jii.<br />

Tbe Respondents shall sukHii.it the final reconnieindations of soil<br />

borrow sources to the U.S. E'PA and the NDNR, fox apiproval by<br />

U.S. EPA,, in consultation wltn the MDNR.<br />

Tbe Respondents shall. suLbmit as part of the preliminary design<br />

d(E9icuiient a draft Construction Quality Asiirarance Plan ., The<br />

Respondents shall finalize the Construortion Quality Assurance<br />

Flan (CQ]!|. Plan)i incorporaiting comtents r

officer and the necessary supporting i.napection staff.<br />

2. Construction Quality Insurance Personnel Qualifications<br />

The Respoirklsnts shall set forth the quail.:!!ications of<br />

the CQA Officer arid supporting inspection persomnel<br />

shall be presented in the CQ& Flam to deiiioiuiBtrate that<br />

they posses in the training and axparienca necessary to<br />

fulfill their identified racponaibllitiaa.<br />

3„ Inspection Activities<br />

Respondents shall suainouriise in the CQA Plan the<br />

observations and teints that will be used to monitor the<br />

construction and iristallation of the coiwponeinitiii of the<br />

Remedial Actions, The plan shall include the scope and \ .<br />

f requency of each type of iniU|iieii;:tioin. Inspeations shall<br />

verify compliance with all health axid safety procedures,,<br />

and the e:iTu r iroraiiental reiEpiLireigiuiiints „<br />

4„ Sampling BequireiiBtents<br />

Tbe Respondents shall present in the CQJl Plaitu the<br />

sampling activities, saiinple s izB t sinineple locations,,<br />

siiuinple collect ion, methods „ f requeinoy of testing ir<br />

criteria for acceptance and rejectionrn, and plaints for<br />

correcting problems as addressed in the project<br />

specifications,.<br />

5,, Dociiuientation<br />

The Respondents shall descxibs in detail in the CQill> Flan<br />

the reporting reqairiiKiiiNiints for CQi, activities. This ...../<br />

shall include such iteiins as daily summary reports,,<br />

inspection data shststsr problem identification and<br />

corrective raisiasures reports „ design acceptance reports,,<br />

and final docuiuEintation. All construction docimentation<br />

shAll netnitt the :!:iin!j|iiii;ILi!:i!i;[ii(iiinil:::i!; of ch. Ml't !51€ WJIC,,<br />

Firavisions for the final iiiitorage of all records shall be<br />

presented in the CQJk Plan..<br />

The. Respondents shall construct and implement the Eennsdial<br />

Actions in accordance with the approved Work; Flan, design,,<br />

schedule and the CQA Plaiit. The EeApondents shall also implecinent<br />

the elements of the approved Gpsratiotn and itfointenance Flan and<br />

conduct the following' meetings and inspections::<br />


A. EU!Cj!;tlQi^<br />

The Respondents shal 1 conduct a precons traction inspect Ion end<br />

meeting to bin attended by U.S. EPA, the WDNR,, co ntr actor ( HI )„<br />

subcontractor (s) , and other identified parties. The purpose of<br />

the meeting shall be to;:<br />

:i. „ Review methods for documenting and reporting inspection<br />

data y<br />

2 ,, Review methods for distributing and staring doemwntin<br />

and reports;<br />

:•) , Rev lew work area security and saf ety protocol ?<br />

^ , 4 „ Discuss any appropriate modif icatione of the CQ& Plan to<br />

ensure that sits-"specific considerations are addresntedir<br />

and<br />

5. Conduot a site walk-around to verify that the design<br />

criteria ,, plans , and speoiif icat Ions are understood and<br />

to review material and ecpipiiient storage loeat ions „<br />

The preconiBttruoition inspection and meeting shall, be doomented<br />

by a designated person and minutes shall be tranenitted to all<br />

par ties present as well, as all Riespomdents .,<br />

Opon prelininary constiraction caiipletion,, the Eespondents shall<br />

notify U.S, EFA for the purposes of conducting a prefinal<br />

inspactioa. The prefinal inspection shall consist of a waU:through<br />

inspection of the entire project site. The inspection<br />

is to determine whether the construoition is complete and<br />

consistent with the oontraot: docunents and the U.S.. EPh approved<br />

Reimedi a ,1 Act ion .. Any outstanding , incoioiiple te ,, or 1 ncorrsict<br />

construction items discovered during the inspection shall be<br />

identified , noted and rectified by tltw Respc»nd,ents .<br />

Additionally, treatment equipment shall be operationally tested<br />

by the Respondents ,. The Respondents shall certify that the<br />

equipment has performed , and will function as designed, to meet<br />

the specif icat ions . The :Restpondents shall, correct any<br />

deficiencies and initiate retesting. The Respondents shall<br />

submit a Prefinal Inspection Reiport which shall document all<br />

outst and! ng „ incompleite (, or inoiorrect cons truction it ens ,<br />

actions retguired to resolve iteinis, completion date for these<br />

items, and which shall set a date for final inspection.<br />

c.<br />

Upon completion of any outstanding construction i teniis , the<br />

Respondents shall notify EFA for the purposes of conducting a<br />


final inspect ion,. 'Tha f trail iiniiiifiNinction shall consist. of a walkthrough<br />

inspection o£ the project sit®.. Tha Prefinal inspection<br />

Report shall ba usiiid am a chl[MiL..iSitlilLl!iSlllJiilSitl!Liii'[i!l[]li!l'<br />

Tha Raspondants shall prapara plums „ spacif icatione (, and raports<br />

as sat forth in Tannks I through Tamk IV to docuiiant tha daaigitiir<br />

construct ion ,, oparation IP Biiiintiimance „ and iniooitoring of tJ:i,a<br />

Ranadial Action,. Other doHCUiientation liihall include,, but not ba<br />

limited to tha following : { ,<br />

Tha Raspondapts shntll, at a ninirah, provlda tha U.S., EPA and<br />

the HD1HFR with signed, , monthly pn;»n|rass raports dunring tha<br />

dea ign and cons tract ion phasea amid sand -annual ]pri>ip:asa<br />

retpNCirts for operation and Biaintaraince activities containing:<br />

1 „ A description and astiinata of tha parcen taga of the<br />

RD / HA coimipiatad ;<br />

2.. Siiuinariaa of ijL|Lil,. findings;<br />

3. iiiiumnarias of jiiJLI changea made in tha RD/Wi, during the<br />

raporting period;<br />

i-iunnniarias of jyjL contacts with rapreaantat ivas of the<br />

local coiiwmity, public interast groupei or state<br />

goivarnmiant during the rapcnrting period ;:<br />

5 „ Suiimari ea of iJUL proiblamiii or potential problainuii<br />

encounterad diuiring the raporting period;<br />

4,<br />

6 , Actions baing taken to rectify problans ;<br />

7, Changas in personnel duiring the raporting period;<br />

til. Projected work; for the next raporting period;; and<br />

9. Copies of daily retports,, inspection raports,,<br />

laboratory /monitoring data,, etc.<br />

1 ., Within 60 days of the Final Inspact ion tha<br />

shall submiit a Draft Rantadial Action Iinplaiientation<br />


Ifleport to tha U.S. EPA and WD1R,, The Report shall<br />

document that the project is consistent with the design<br />

specifications ,, and that the Remedial. Action is<br />

perf orning adequately » The Report shall include , but<br />

not be limited to the following eLraents;:<br />

a., Synopsis of the Ranadial Action and<br />

certif ication of the design and constructioB ;<br />

b. Explanation of any nodificationiii to the plan<br />

and why thesa were neeaasaxy for the project;<br />

c, Listing of tJhe teclemical, raicpireniiEmts and<br />

apeci f icationa for j udging the functioning of<br />

the Remedial Action and also explaining any<br />

v , modification to thase technical :i:vEsquirietwmts<br />

and specif icatioiu ;<br />

d» Raaults of all site monitor ing ; and<br />

a.. Eacplanation of tha operation and :uintuanoe<br />

(inclwIiiiLg •onitoring) to l>i;i undertaltan at tha<br />

Site,<br />

Tha Respondent!;! shall suhoinit a Final Raiiniedial Action Report<br />

30 days aftar receiving U,S,, Eli'A and WDVR comments on the<br />

Draft Reiinadial Action :i::in|il«rai:iTl::ation Report,. The Fiinal<br />

R,enadial Action RapHiart jsball include a sttiiiomary of all<br />

constriuction activities , rapcirts IP nodif icat ions , and<br />

operation specifications neoesaary for 0 i M as deaoribaid<br />

v..y abova under the Notification of CoiiKpletion section,,<br />

IV.<br />

A suiiiDiiiary of the infonnaticn raporting requixwinents and<br />

deadlines for subniittals of plans and other docuiiants contained<br />

in the RD/RA SOW is presented below. Fo>r. each, reicpnired document<br />

or submission listed below,, the Rainpondenta stall subnidt 4<br />

copies t.o U .,!•!,. Eli'A,, and 2 copies to wraiR,. Additional<br />

requirements for document siibiniisaicns uy be identified by U .,!•!,.<br />

during the life of the project..<br />

1. Draft KD/1E1A Work Plan — » 45 days after the date of the<br />

Adiniinistrative <strong>Order</strong> shall, include::<br />

A.. Draft I :;;',']•! Pilot Test Work Plan<br />

B. Draft Health JSi Safety Plan<br />

C.. Draft Quality Assurance Project Plan<br />

i:> ,, Potent ial i:atar ial Borrow Sources Report

2,. Final Remedial Design work Flan — • 30 days after receipt of<br />

U,,s,. EPA'a comuimts on Draft RD/RA Work Plum<br />

A,, Final XSVE Pilot Test Work Plan<br />

B. Final Health i;Miiction —— 15 days after notification of<br />

construction cospletion<br />

7 .. Priii -final Inspection Rsport —— 1.5 days after Prm-f inal<br />

Inspection<br />

8 . Final. Inspection —— 15 days after Pre-f inal Inspectt ion<br />

Report:<br />

9 ,. Construction Compilation. Report —— 15 days after Final.<br />

I inspection<br />

10,, ISVE Pilot Scale Test<br />

a. Draft Pilot Scale Test Report for ISYE —— 45 days<br />

after completion of pilot scale test activities<br />


. Final Pilot Scale Test Report for ISVE —— 30 days<br />

after receipt of U.S.. EPA comments on Draft Pilot<br />

Scale Test Report<br />

:i.:i.,, ISVE Design Phase<br />

a. ISVE Draft Implementation Plan —— 60 days after<br />

U.S. EPA approval, of Final Pilot Scale Test Report<br />

for ISVE<br />

fo. ISVE Final Iiipileikentation Plan —— 30 days after<br />

U.S.. EPA contents on ISVE Preliminary Design<br />

1.2. Notification of completion of Remedial Action —— Upon<br />

achievement of Cleanup Standards for any of the components<br />

of the remedial action as specified in Section. II of this<br />

SOW<br />

13. Draft Remedial Action Report —— 60 days after Final<br />

Inspection<br />

1.4.. Final Remedial Act ion Report —•••• 30 days after receipt of<br />

U.S., EPA CQiimients on the Draft Remedial Action Report<br />

15.. I!:i¥E Feasibility Test Tecluiical Meinorandmn —— 6 months<br />

after initiating the fall-scale ISVE system<br />

1.6. Progress Reports for Tasks I through IV —— Monthly<br />

17.. Progress Reports During 0 % M —- Semi •••Annually<br />




Eiia MIIUIIMII lud L0«»tio«n:i:<br />

ID cnr<br />

iiiiunenio INIPIIIHIXIL JkBffHai!tx*B fen<br />

icfiom nimiiei ceiiinoL 'oraiaiu man<br />

mm :ni:i:iiiii]ii:intiiH:i aattaox<br />

Mttinkditgo <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong><br />

lltaiiiilcago ,, Wisconsin<br />

-„...„ liitmtniMiLt of Bin nils and varposss<br />

Ttols decision docuaant presents thai selected roaedial action for<br />

the <strong>Muskego</strong> <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> locatad in lAwka^o , wiaconsin. "ha<br />

dacision has bsinn da'wlopind in aceardanoa with tha-<br />

EnviroaMntal Rsiiipointsini! coppwwation, and Liability Act<br />

as HHiiBiiind by tllui Siiipncfiuunud jyiiMivdiiMiiinitiii and :R i;i!i!it::i(:)i:i:i Act<br />

(SARA), and 'in aceerdanea with tha National Oil and Bafcardoaa<br />

Stiitbiiitaiiiica contingmey Plan (MCI?) . Tlllmi daoiaion is baiiiad on tha<br />

Ad^niatrativa Racord for tills iiiltniu Tha attaehad indax idantlfia*<br />

tbint itmii that coiinpriiiiKiii tha AdainUtratiya Racord, upon whieh tha<br />

iiMiilniictiori of th.a raiMiidial action la Ibainad,,<br />

.lyiiaiiitsiininaint of ilMii eitaii . .<br />

Actual or thraatanad ralaaaaa of hacardoiw aubatancas fro* this<br />

sit a, if not addraaaad by iaplaMnting tha raaponsa action aalactad<br />

in thia Racord of Dacision (ROD) , nay pras

s t -in t in<br />

f«nc«»;<br />

cap installation ovinr the portions of the site damad<br />

naeasHiry in the EDO according to W iscons in Admini strativa<br />

Coda m 504 stuidardin j<br />

Installation or upgrada of landfill laacaata control syurbwiui<br />

a (:: the mite;<br />

Acrtivs iinmyilll, giiinii control anEil Boiiiitoring for the site;<br />

:i:n-Sltu,i;:i::n-p;i,iiiC(in| liioil V-mipour tuitraotion at portions of thin<br />

H'OTi-"[::i::»i[|[t.:l.'!i|ii]i(:!»i;Mii Fill ttwn o:l! ttnm sitia;<br />

Cirircrancll wintiikr iiM»itin:i!ntg of iiNiilincttiiiiil iniidLiniting monitoring and<br />

prlvatint vinils to te diiitinmndxMiuEil (Etariung thm rmadial dasigmi; amd<br />

amid ]lCnti]n±.«nainioa of all synitmiii ..<br />

Than staitin of WiiKconiniint comiouirnii with thm sialactad rmsdy, Tba<br />

latter of coaouiinrwnioai is attaohad to tJte Raoord of Decision (ROD)<br />

packagin..<br />

isialtactind rmin«dY is p:rat

1:1:11- UIIOIIL uniiiraxriri iiii:iiiuo!io:]i<br />

jiiiuniii Linn'XLL nixn:<br />

OF<br />

i, SITE warn Mm LOCATION.. „...,,....,,,..................... i<br />

:i:x,, SITE HISTORY Km ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES. „.,,. „,,.,..,,,, 3<br />

XXI,, COMMUNITY PARTI dPATION, „ „ „ .. „.,... , ., . .. , , .,.,.., ,..... .... 5<br />


•OFERMILE TOUT,.,.,. „ ,,,, „ „ , .., . „ , . „,. ,... . „,. . . ,. „ . . ..,. „ , - „ 6<br />

V, JEiiXTE CmRACTERISTIC!!!,.., „ , „ „ „ „. „ ,,, ,.. „ „,,,, ,,...,.,. „ „ . , , ,. 7<br />

VI,. !!ii:i]!«MI,Y OF SITE RISKS,, „ . ,. „ „ „,, „ „ „. ., „ „ , . ,,,, „.,, „ , . , , 15<br />

VII,, DEBCRXFTIOM OF ALTERNATIVES. . ,. ., . ,., . .. ,. -.. ,.... ••., . • . 17<br />


\,..J IX. TEE SELECTED REMEDY,,. .. . .. . .. . . ., . , ,, . . . . . , . . . . . . . ., . . ,. 31<br />

X. STM'UTORY DlilTniJ'IIMATICWS . ,,,, „ . ,, „ „ „ „. „ ,, „ „ . , „ „.., „ „ , „ , 33<br />

xx „ RESirararraiifESiSi IEIIIWPAY,. ., „ „.,. „ „,,.,,.,,.. „. „ „,..,., (Attached.;!<br />

XXX. MlilllXIEiTRM'X^l!! RECORD.. „.,, „,..,,. . .. „ , ,. ,.,,..,.,.,.,.,., Appendix A

FIGURE o<br />

FIGURE I<br />

FIGURE 2<br />

FIGURE 3<br />

FIGURE 4<br />

FIGURE 5<br />

FIGURE 6<br />

FIGURE 7<br />

FIGURE B<br />

FIGURE 9<br />

TMILE 1<br />

'IMBLE 2<br />

3<br />

TilkBLE 4<br />

IIKPIII11IEW i,;iuii;i:i:ii p :]i:]LLi mim<br />


SITE HIP<br />



sj^raiiK LIXATIOHS<br />

JiiJklFLIlG LDCM'IOlJSt<br />





''<br />

:i(i'i]U!!i]ii:i!!i;K:i iiiinii uynonu, IKTE<br />



4,:: CAPPING-, LANDFILL Gi'i.lii i LEIIiCI-llTE<br />





:i:inn:oii jtcrxav eointa!! covntoL opittBLE TOUT<br />

utmtXLL sxa<br />

lira sn i;io,<br />


The Jlfuskego <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> Superfund site occupies approxiiialbiEily<br />

56 acres north; of State Highway 24 (Janesvilla Road), and east of<br />

Crowbar Road in tha City of <strong>Muskego</strong>, Waukesha County, Wisconsin,.<br />

The site is located in Southeastern Hiscdnsin approximately fifteen<br />

miles southwest of the City of Milwaukee (see Figure 0) , More<br />

specifically tha isite isi southweiiit of the urbanized portions of<br />

the City of Huskeqro by rouqhly three miles., 'Ilium Site includes<br />

three areas known as th'a '"Old Fill Area 11 ",; the "'Southeast Fill Anna"<br />

and the in Hon-">Co;iiitiguous Fill Arma 1 " (see Figure 1) „ The site also<br />

includes wastewater ponds associated with a former rendering plant<br />

complex: (the IM i!Urii«iina:iiE: plant 1 " 1 ), Those ponds are located east of the<br />

Nan -Con tiguous Fill. Area, Portions of the property associated with<br />

the jyiiamaiic plant are also included in the Old and Southeast Fill<br />

Area boundaries. Directly north of the site is the stoneridge<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong>,, a closed and covered solid waste lanidfill, that is not<br />

part of the Superfund site., Land use to the waet of the site is<br />

for aand and gravel excavation. To the south, east and north of<br />

the site, the land use is a combination of residential and<br />

agricultural,. The area surrounding the Site is mend.-rural, but is<br />

zoned to permit further development in the future, Sefveral hcnes<br />

and businesses are in the vicinity of the property, and many ware<br />

once served by individual private water supply wells.. In the later<br />

19 i-i cis,, city water mains Were extended into the araa anEll several<br />

homes and businesses were connected,. currently, two residences<br />

southeast of the site are not connected to public water, These<br />

residences are indicated in Figure 1.<br />

The Musilcego <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> 'Site is situated on unconsolidated<br />

deposits that are up to 300 feet thick and are generally conprised<br />

of glacial till, outwash|p and lacustrine deposits,. Site<br />

invastigative infonnation and private well boring logs shew layers

FIGURE 0<br />

SITE "iftr<br />

LOCATION ' *<br />



WhitiBfish Bay..-''<br />

Shorewood<br />


8 16 north

Not Connected<br />

To Puibliic Walter<br />

Potential<br />

Expansion<br />

Fill Area<br />

OLD FILL<br />

AREA<br />

SOUTH<br />

EAST<br />

FILL<br />

AREA<br />

Figure 1<br />

l..oQ»lkm of former<br />

Plisurili<br />

t.a«ora<br />

INIon«Contiguous<br />

Fill Area<br />

Former<br />

Rendering Pliant [""]<br />

SiteMap<br />

Mluiskego> <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong><br />

IU1 ILII s Ike qo/Wise an si n

of fine-grained material (till and lacustrine deposits) south a:nd<br />

east of the site to depths of about 70 to 200 feet and coarse<br />

grained material (outwash) below the till to depths of about 200 to<br />

30Q feet below land surface.<br />

There are three principal sources of ground water in Waukesha<br />

County, In order of depth below the land surface they are; sand<br />

and gravel within the glacial drift,, Niagara dolomite, and an<br />

underlying sandstone. In the <strong>Muskego</strong> area,, a majority of the<br />

private wells are finished in the thick: sand and gravel deposits..<br />

The water table for this shallow aquifer is approximately 20 to 40<br />

feet deep and has produced yields as high as 2,, 000 gal/min. The<br />

depth of the upper glacial drift is about 300 feet which<br />

corresponds to the aquifer thickness. The ground water<br />

classification for this aquifer is Class IIA (i.e. , is used for<br />

human consumption purposes and is not restricted).<br />

In the Huskego area, ground water flow in the water table shallow<br />

aquifer is generally in an easterly to southeasterly direction.,<br />

This is similar to the ground water flow at the site,, which has two<br />

flow paths. The first is in a north to south direction under the<br />

eastern portion of the Old Fill Area where the basal clay unit<br />

separates the sand and gravel unit from the landfill.., The second<br />

flow path is generally to the southeast under the Southeast and<br />

Non-Contiguous Fill Areas.,<br />

The site is located within the Fox River watershed,, just south of<br />

a local surface divide.. There are numerous wetlands in the area<br />

and the closest off site inteniittent stream is located about<br />

three-quarters of a mile to the southeast., None of the wetlands<br />

are located within the site boundaries, Surface drainage at the<br />

site is divided between flow to the wetlands and the interiiittent<br />

strewn to the southeast,, Surface water runoff from the Old Fill<br />

Area is to the ditch along Crowbar Road or to the southeast through<br />

a small swale., The western half of the Southeast Fill Area also<br />

drains to this swale which eventually discharges to a small, wetland<br />

north of an abandoned railroad right-of-way. Runoff from the<br />

neighboring Anaiiax property,, the Non-Contiguous Fill Area,,<br />

Stoneridge <strong>Landfill</strong>, and the eastern half of the Southeast Fill<br />

Area is toward the ditch along the service road to a small wetland<br />

southeast of the site and then through a culvert under Highway 24<br />

to a larger wetland. The site is located within the 100 year<br />


:i::x. isixn: HXMORY MID i!::i(i:i!'i:)i;!i:!:i!:iii:]!!:isi']i' ACCXVXTXES<br />

A. SifcftJlilfcfiQC<br />

The 3 8 -acre Old Fill Area accepted material from the<br />

niid-19!:iOs until. 1977., An unknown amount of waste oils,<br />

paint products!, and other wastes were deposited into the Old<br />

Fill Area during this time,, The Southeast Fill Area which<br />

covers about 16 acres ,, accepted only municipal wastes during<br />

its operation from 1977 to :i.98l, The Non-Contiguous Fill<br />

Area includes a drum trench, north and south reJE'use<br />

trenches,, and an L-shaped fill area, This Non-Contiguous<br />

Fill Area occupies approximately 4.2 acres northeast of the<br />

Old Fill Area,, Eased on information from workers employed<br />

during operation of the landfill! the L-shaped Fill Area is<br />

expected to contain waste similar to that in the Old Fill<br />

Area.<br />

In response to deteriorating water quality at on-site ground<br />

water monitoring wells,, sampling of off site private water<br />

supply wells was conducted in 191:12 and 191:14 by the site<br />

operator, Waste Management of Wisconsin,, Inc. (WMWI) , and<br />

Wisconsin Department of Matural Resources (TONE) ,. The<br />

results of these analyses indicated that several of the<br />

private wells may have been impacted by a source of<br />

contamination, which could have been the landfill and /or the<br />

Ansiiiax wastewater lagoons , The resu Its were based on<br />

elevated indicator parameters , The tea t f or indicator<br />

parameters is a preliminary test completed to show signs of<br />

ground water contamination. In 1986 public water was<br />

extended to this area and private wells in the area were<br />

connected to this supply,, The site was evaluated and ranked<br />

by the United States Eiwironmental. Protection Agency (U „ s .<br />

EPA) and placed on the National Priorities List (NPL) on<br />

S epteiiiiiiber 1 8 „ 1 Si 8 5 .<br />

In 1985,, a partial methane extraction system was installed<br />

by WMWI along the western portion of the Old Fill Area to<br />

alleviate methane gas migration that was noted at the site,,<br />

The extracted gas is destroyed through flaring.<br />

B * JEitJELISEJEUEitKlLiSbiiL<br />

During preparation of a portion of the Phase I Stoneridge<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> area called Module III, which is due east of the<br />


During the Remedial Investigation (HI) , a trench was<br />

discovered in a portion of the Non-Contiguous Fill .Area that<br />

contained, a large concentration of 55•••gallon drains., The<br />

boiundary of this Drum Trench area was furthsx' defined using<br />

a nagnetameter met el detector. Through a <strong>Unilateral</strong><br />

<strong>Administrative</strong> <strong>Order</strong> issued on January 4, 1991, U.S. EPA<br />

ordered! Wl«l to rscimovsi the drums and su:i:xoi;inding<br />

contamiiiiated s oils, WlfWIT proceeded to conduct .this removal<br />

under U.S. EPA's supervision., Eiraavation of the drum trench<br />

began in April 1991 and was completed in May 1991. A total<br />

of 989 drams were excavated along with approximately 2,, 500<br />

cubic yards of surrounding contaminated soil. The Is oils<br />

were excavated down to a depth of approximately 25 feet<br />

below tile original surf ace elevation until ground water was<br />

encountered.<br />

The drum trench wain re-filled to a grade that allowed<br />

drainage away fron the area,. No final soil cleanup levels<br />

were established for this removal action since the<br />

excavation reached ground water.. Soil samples were taken in<br />

areas above the water table at the base of the trench, and<br />

contULination was found to be remaining,, This remaining<br />

contamination will be addressed in this Interim Action<br />

Source control Operable Unit (SCOU) Record of Decision<br />

(ROD),<br />

Below is a list of contaminants that were found from a<br />

representative sample of liquid collected from excavated<br />

drums on the staging pad on April 17,, 1991. The list below<br />

shows contaminants that were above detection limits., The<br />

detection limits for all contaminants were elevated due to<br />

sample concentrations.<br />

Benzene Chloroform Ethyl Benzene<br />

Toluene Trichloroethene Methylene Chloride<br />

Some of the other contaminants that were sampled for and<br />

found but not quantified because of elsrvatsd detection<br />

limits include;r vinyl chloride„ tettrachloroethene„ l,, 2dichloroethaner<br />

and 1IP1-dichloroethene. Contaninants found<br />

within the d:ranm trench are contaminants that are present in<br />

monitoring wells at the Site.,<br />

The liquids; from the excavated druiui were separated, bulked,,<br />

and disposed of through either a fuels blending program or<br />

incineration, The soils were disposed of in a hazardous<br />

waste cell unit at the Calumet Indlustrial Design <strong>Landfill</strong><br />

(CID) in Calumet City, XL, Solldiii; remaining in the drums<br />

were tested! bulked and accepted at a fuels blending<br />

facility in April of 1992 for repackaging., The solids<br />

totaled approximately 15 cubic yards and were then sent to a

£ ac'il ity in Texas for incineration ,. The disposal procedures<br />

occurred from October 1991 through April 1992.<br />

C. Baffillili^^<br />

On September I?/ 1987 , wiiwi "signed an <strong>Administrative</strong> <strong>Order</strong><br />

on Consent with U.S., EPA to conduct a Remedial<br />

Investigation/Peas Ibility Study (RX/FS ) £ or the site , The<br />

purposst of the RI is to idientif y sources of contamination<br />

and to characterize the contamination at the site. The RI<br />

is currently not finalized but ongoing results have been<br />

periodically suamarized in Technical Memoranda. The Final<br />

RI and Baseline Risk Assessment for the site have not been<br />

completed „ although site investigation work was completed in<br />

September 19!iil, Since the Baseline Risk Assessment has not<br />

been finalized, this Operable Unit will be considered an<br />

Interim Action Source Control Operable Unit. .A final remedy<br />

will be prepared for this Site that will include a Baseline<br />

Risk As sessment ..<br />

A Source Control Operable Unit FS was prepared in September<br />

1.991. The FS provides a detailed analysis of alternatives<br />

evaluated for this inter in action operable unit.. The<br />

alternatives developed in this FS are presented in the<br />

Description of Alternatives , Section VII »<br />

xxx. oaMMnmn vaaTxcxp*TX

equired until the final ground water operable unit ROD is<br />

completed. A response to all coinients received during the<br />

public comment period, in contained in the Responi-iivismess<br />

Summary,, which is attached to this the ROD,<br />

Other community relations activities were oionducted prior to<br />

thois a associated with the Proposed Plan and FS., A, comment<br />

period was held from August 2lit to* September 27,, 1987<br />

concerning the signing of the Rl/FS comment order, Press<br />

releases announcing this comment period were sent to local<br />

media., A couninity relations plan was finalized in early<br />

191:18, A "kidcoff" mam I:: log to discuss the initiation o£ the<br />

]R1 was held at the liuskego City Hall on Aug. 25,, 19BB.<br />

Advertisements and press releases were sent to local media,<br />

A fact sheet was developed and sent to everyone on the U.S.<br />

EFA"s niiailing list. In June 1991, a press release<br />

concerning tils,, EPA's drum removal project was issued and a<br />

fact sheet was developed and sent to everyone on the nailing \nj<br />

list, • ..<br />


As with many Super fund sites,, the problems at the Husk:ego<br />

<strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> are complex., Early site characterization<br />

activities conducted as part oil! the ]RI identified souroes of<br />

oontasiiiimtion that could be addressed before full<br />

oharacteriiKation activities were consplete,, Therefore, to<br />

acoelerate the rmediation of the sources of contamination,,<br />

U.S.. EII'A,, in consultation with WIDHRir organiiiied the work into<br />

two oiperable units (Oils). These are as follows::<br />

Interim Action Source Control 00 (SCOU): Control<br />

and remediation of the soiurces of oontaimination,,<br />

including landfill waste,, contuninated soils, leachate<br />

and landfill gas.<br />

Ground Water Oil (GilOU):: Control and reinediation of the<br />

contasdnation in the ground water aguifer„<br />

The Interia A,ctioin SCOU F addresses contaiinination no>vene:nt<br />

into the groiund water aquifer and soils fron sown::es within<br />

the Old, Southeast, and M(Em-»Cointiguous Fill Areas, These<br />

areas pose a threat to human health and the environment<br />

lt»ecause of the risks froii possible ingestion of or dermal<br />

contaort with contamiinated soils looated there or possible<br />

ingestion of or denial contact with contaminated ground<br />

water at private residences domigredisnt of the Site., Based<br />

on. sascpiing by the II.S, EFA in August 19!iilir there are no<br />

current iioupaots o:l! Volatile Organic Compounds (¥OCs]i at<br />

private wells downgradient of the Site. Howefver,, the threat<br />

o»f future private well iimpacts exists since downgradient<br />

momItoring wells have shown contani natiom,. The first

purpose of this response is to prevent current or future<br />

exposure to the. cointaiiiinated soils and to reduce contaminant<br />

migration into the ground water that is a current source of<br />

drinking water for local residents ,. The second purpose of<br />

this response is to prevent current or future exposure to<br />

landfill gas containing explosive and potentially toxic<br />

contaminants and to reduce the migration of landfill gasses<br />

to adjacent soils and structures .<br />

The Ground Water Operable Unit (GWOtl) is at the FS stage<br />

with a ROD expected in 1993.. It is anticipated that the<br />

GWOU will be the final response action for this site and<br />

that it will, address on -site as well as off-site ground<br />

water cointamination concerns. The combination of these two<br />

OU« is intended to address the entire site with respect to<br />

the threats to human health identified,, and to be identified<br />

in the RI, FS, and site Baseline Risk Assessment..<br />

¥„ SITE<br />

A. Geology and HydrogeolGigy<br />

The site is located in an area of thick: glacial drift<br />

overlying N iagara dolomite ., The drift thickness varies from<br />

approximately 300 feet on the east edge of the site to 50<br />

feet at a location about 2,, 000 feet south of the site, The<br />

site overlies a deep valley in the bedrock that is part of<br />

the Troy Valley which trends to the east with a steep<br />

bedrock slope rising to the south.<br />

The valley in the bedrock beneath the site is filled with<br />

sediments consisting of sand and gravel with a cover of<br />

glacial till. In general, fine-grained material (till and<br />

lacustrine deposits) south and east of the site extend to<br />

depths of approximately 70 to 200 feet. Below the till is<br />

coarse material (outwash) which extends to depths of about<br />

200 to 300 feet below land surface.<br />

At the northern portion of the site is the Upper New Berlin<br />

Formation which is a till deposit forming an east-west<br />

trending moraine.. The .New Berlin, Formation contains two<br />

pr incipal members , a lower sand and gravel unit and an upper<br />

till unit. The western portion of the site consists of the<br />

lower outwash sand and gravel unit that extends southwest<br />

from the site toward the Fox River, The upper unit is<br />

typically gravel, sand,, loam till that averages about 58<br />

percent sand,, 29 percent silt, and 13 percent clay,<br />

The sand and gravel deposits are present east of Crowbar<br />

Road and south of the land fill access road, beneath the<br />

western edge of the site, and extend east to the boundary of<br />

the basal clay under the Old Fill Area (Figure 2),

I:!: iiiilHlfll!!:)!:::«<br />

B0jiv iiy<br />

iji<br />

Lpuaii, iiuruiQ |<br />

1O !iilt|1LIJI| I •••! "<br />

--V-',-, i<br />

;\ ill :<br />

HWMd-|jyf<br />


Above the Mew Berlin fooution is the Oak: Creek Formation<br />

which, consists of a much finer textured composition of finegrained<br />

till,, lacustrine clay,, silt, and sand,. This<br />

i:'o:nial::l.oni on an average consists of appropriately an 85<br />

percent clay-silt composition,. The western limit of the Oak<br />

Creek; Formation is the Valparaiso Moraine and ends within<br />

the Old Fill Area,, The western extent of the clay till and<br />

other low perBeability material is vertically and<br />

horizontally irregular,, AM a result,, its extent cannot be<br />

accurately defined., nor can an edge of low permeability<br />

material of constant thickness be mapped with an acceptable<br />

degree of certainty., The approximate Basal Layer Boundary<br />

is outlined in Figure 2,.<br />

The glacial sediments in the area are underlain by the<br />

Silurian-aged Niagara dolomite, at depths between 250 to 350<br />

feet below land surface. The Niagara dolomite is<br />

sequentially •underlain by Maguoketa shale, dolomites,<br />

sandstones t and i gneous and metamorphic rocks„ The<br />

Haquoilceta shale in the Site area is documented by private<br />

well logs which indicate there is about 200 feet of shale<br />

below the Niagara Dolomite,.<br />

The ground water flow in the site area varies in direction<br />

due to the complex geological, features. The general, ground<br />

water flow for the region is from the northeast to the<br />

southeast. Within unconsolidated areas located at the<br />

northern and western edges of the site,, the ground water<br />

moves in a southerly direction. However the geology by the<br />

Southeast and Old Fill Areas consists of consolidated clay<br />

layers. Therefore perched ground water conditions exist in<br />

these areas,, Ground water flows radially in all. directions<br />

from these areas as would be expected,. (Figure 3) Ground<br />

water from the northern portion of the site near the old<br />

rendering plant lagoons is split by a low ground water<br />

divide in the sand and gravel deposits., One flow path moves<br />

generally along a Southeast route that is directed beneath<br />

the Non-Contiguous Fill Area,, the Southeast Fill Area and<br />

the Anaimax plant.. The other flow path moves generally along<br />

a southern route that is directed under the Old Fill Area.<br />

The water table in the site area varies due to consolidated<br />

areas,, but in general is 20 to 40 feet deep., In areas where<br />

ground water is perched or leachats is held within the basal<br />

layer the water table is 20 to 3D feet deep.,<br />

Presently, the main aquifer in the sand and gravel unit is<br />

currently used for private water supply downgradient of the<br />

site in only two private residences,, Public water was<br />

provided to the Site area in 19136 along Janes villa Road to<br />

the South and Hillendale Avenue to the east,, in 1986., The<br />


ifa: K<br />



municipal veil system is located -a few miles east of the<br />

site and is not near,, or is it affected, by the site.<br />

Hydraulic conductivity varies throughout the site dependincjf<br />

on the soil type.. Within the clay till,, the hydraulic<br />

conductivity ranges from 1.6 :»: 10"* centimeter is per second<br />

(cm/ ei) to 5.1 x 10~ 9 cm/ is., However,, the hydraulic<br />

conductivity of the sand and gravel deposits is much higher ,,<br />

ranging from 3.9 x l,0* i! cm/s to 1.2 x 10' 3 cm/s.<br />

The El sampling of ground water,, soil, sediment and leachate<br />

was predoiiinantly conducted at on- site locations , with the<br />

exception of ground water suipling at monitoring wells and<br />

pr ivate wells loca ted of f - s ite . Sampling was conducted for<br />

organ! c:s,, semi -volatile organics,, poiychlorinated biphenyls<br />

(PCBs) , and metals,<br />

1. Ground water<br />

Ground water is the main pathway of concern for contaminant<br />

migration at the site. As mentioned above , there are two<br />

iiiiai.il groiund water flow paths. The first one,, known as the<br />

Southern flow path,, runs from the northern section of the<br />

site under the Old Fill Area and continues to the south.,<br />

The second or Southeast flow path., also nowes from the<br />

northern portion of the Site,, hut is diverted to the<br />

southeast and flows beneath the Southeast Fill Area,, the<br />

Non -Contiguous Fill Area and Ananoiax property .. In addition „<br />

conditions exist where leachate accumulates in areas above<br />

these flow paths in perched or eleivated conditions,. (Figure<br />

3)<br />

^L!;!i!ilJ;;Jt]l!Sii][;]i:i...J!!JiL!;!ii!i:..J;!jS!«:l;J;ii •- The Southern Flow Path is potentially<br />

affected by the f ooier rendering plant lagoons „ and the Old<br />

and Non-Contiguous Fill. Areas., Two rounds of ground water<br />

sampling occurred at 12 downgradient wells at seven<br />

different locations, The results of the samples collected<br />

from these monitoring wells are summarized in Table l;<br />

locations of the monitoring wells are shown in Figure 4.<br />

Organic contanination located in the Southern Flow Path<br />

includes BETX (benzene „ ethylben;i:ene ,, toluene ,, xy lene ) ,,<br />

chlorinated ethene „ and chlorinated ethane groups „<br />

Individual cheiiical concentrations and well locations are<br />

listed below.<br />

Benzene 1 ug/L :i.:i5A<br />

Toluene 3 ug/L 121B

i<br />

I, ,<br />

o<br />

Q<br />

! I J ! S II ! I ! ! ! ! : i i ! s :<br />

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SRWRC::: Flow p<br />

=~~i 2 -Cjg"^j><br />

ML-GWE93P-32<br />

MLGWE94-02<br />

MLGWE94P-C2<br />

ML G WE 134 02<br />

ML-GWEI14A-02<br />

MLGWF64C-02<br />

ML-GWTW62-02<br />

Nca^iSi^oa^FisiA^<br />

Round :<br />

ML-GWE97F-3S<br />

ML GVrE-GGA -0:<br />

MLGWE:02AO:<br />

ML-GWEI04-€:<br />

ML G\£E-35 0-<br />

ML-GWTW74R-OI<br />

Roustd 2<br />

HL-OWE97P-02<br />

MLGWE!ODA-€2<br />

MLGWEI02A02<br />

MLGWEI04-02<br />

MLGWE-M02<br />

MLGWTW74R-02<br />

ML-OWEI7R4!<br />

MLGWE4I4I<br />


ML-dWEi7-Oi<br />

MLOWE90^i<br />

Round 2<br />

ML-GWEI7R-02<br />

MLGWE4I-02<br />

MLGWESf-02<br />

ML-GWEi7'02<br />

MLGWE50-D2<br />

Bscisro-ind Well:<br />

ML-GWEIO-S2<br />

ML-UW3W75-02<br />


WELL<br />

E93P<br />

EN<br />

E94P<br />

EI34<br />

EI34A<br />

PMC<br />

r«?«<br />

s/Ar.s.T.ii Fsciiay<br />

E97F<br />

E-GSA<br />

EED2A ,<br />

EIG4<br />

EL35<br />

TW74R<br />

E97?<br />

EI03A<br />

E:02A<br />

BI04<br />

EI36<br />

TW74R<br />

E17R<br />

E4I<br />

ESS<br />

ES7<br />

E90<br />

EI7R<br />

E4=<br />

ESS<br />

Ei?<br />

E90<br />

Eio<br />

TW73<br />

34<br />

3<br />

3:600<br />

503<br />

J<br />

36300<br />

TASLE I<br />



13<br />

3<br />

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7<br />

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360<br />

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NOTES.<br />

1 , CGncen..s-io~! SR In sg/L.<br />

Table i (C<br />

2 Dallied rynAoU (-) indlcas es=paa»» »:» as scieaed in :Ke «mpk. Thg .ynsbsl (*)<br />

no- aaayasa is; Sa Shssa sa.TJJ.-i.<br />

3. NT i-!Jic=.« cc-spcund: wire nss sasiyzsd :cr i= :hi: unsple.<br />

4. This Tsble —5 origmsily T^fe 4-2 ffom ihs Sappkissem so Uchnka! tAi-i:-^.-.~ss No. 2.<br />

TIK/vu/ILV<br />

13527,33<br />

Psge 3 of 3

,Bcr,..<br />

is!!<br />

!!..,. iilll<br />

i.. 11<br />

in i

EtJ:i.ylben;i:ene<br />

Xylene<br />

Tetrachloroethene<br />

Trichloroethene<br />

lr'2-Dichloroethene<br />

Clil.oroet.hane<br />

1,- 2 •••Dichlor oethane<br />

1.,, 1 -Dichloroethane<br />

3 uq/L<br />

1-13 ug/L<br />

1 uq/L<br />

1-3 uq/L<br />

1-8 uq/L<br />

2 ug/L<br />

2 uq/L<br />

1-5 ug/L<br />

123B<br />

123B, 96P<br />

12 3B<br />

123B, 135B, 138A<br />

135A-B, 137A-B, 96<br />

13 5A<br />

135A, 137A<br />

135A-B, 137A-B, 95Pr 96<br />

Semi •••volatile compounds and pesticides/PCBs were not<br />

detected in the Round I ground water samples collected from<br />

the Southern Flow Path., Therefore,, Round 2 samples were not<br />

analyzed for these parameter!!!,<br />

Ground water monitoring wells were also sampled for Target<br />

Analyte List (TAL) metals and cyanide, and general ground<br />

water quality indicators.. These analyses were used to<br />

assess chemical concentration, trends within the aquifer to<br />

aid in the determination of' ground water flow patterns, and<br />

contaminant fate and mi.gration..<br />

There are seven TAL constituents that were detected in one<br />

or more monitoring well sample (s) along the Southern, or<br />

Southeastern Flow Paths at levels higher than those detected<br />

in the background wells E80 and TW75. All of these seven<br />

were detected along the Southern Flow Path at various wells..<br />

The constituents were as follows:<br />

.Arsenic<br />

Barium<br />

Chromium<br />

"• Lead<br />

* Manganese<br />

* Nickel<br />

* Sine<br />

J;!js;!13i:!;Jl!iL!!ij!ii:!;;!iL][;;i:i...Ji;],.:S!LJI:li!!J;;l3i ••• The Southeastern Flow Path which<br />

diverts from the Southern Flow Path in the northern area of<br />

the site,, was character ized using 11 monitor ing wells at six<br />

locations. The sampling from these wells are summarised in<br />

Table 1; locations of the monitoring wells are shown in<br />

Figure 5.,<br />

There are four organic contaminant groups that were detected<br />

on-site along the Southeastern Flow Path. These groups are<br />

BETXs , chlorinated ethenes,, chlor inated ethanes,, and<br />

phthalates. Individual concentrations and well locations<br />

are listed below, One organic contaminant„ vinyl, chloride,,<br />

was fouridl off-site,, at levels in exceedance of Federal<br />

Max! munii Contaminant Levels (HCLs) and WDNR Bnf or cement<br />

Standards (ESs) shown in Table 2. The vinyl chloride<br />

contamination was found during ground water monitoring<br />

southeast of the Site at Well'p64C..<br />

Benzene 1 ug/L<br />


J ' '~'fl i ilr!' •• ii '' " I?<br />

'• 1 ,-'N 1,1 1!- 1 tt ': H " «<br />

:r /- X f | it ? » i ' i|<br />

! Ix'-i ___ ..r'- 1 "I 1 5<br />

! 1, || •'<br />

north • ' • s i|<br />

o<br />

«l.<br />

1<br />

Iji 1 I j[ i! !| || 11| j; 11 i 11 |i 3<br />

mnil> i jwn ilium ii uuiiLiniuMunnil yUAIVTV'iy "^~* »...«, 31. '—..«. -f(l-<br />

———————— ...- —————————————— ... ——— .. BI wf ifj (.UC|j_|| p wM _ 1N( |N | M (i „ .„ jr.p , j . ,,,.<br />

MllSKII CUl SAMUMT 1 AM 11 III<br />

WWSlt UWWMG*WtN1l 0* : WISCONSIN MC . ' ——— """ ——————————— ----.<br />

mnt OF s£Cio« us i w.«»« . „.. . ....... „„......._......._„...._....„—-——.—<br />

CHY l> MUSKI'V) WMML-SIIA CCXffllV. IMSCCI4SM - «•" ««,.,, r...,,« «.^.....-.,

Xylene 1 ug/L 92P<br />

Trichloroethene 2-3 ug/L 92A<br />

1,2-Dichloroethene 2-3 ug/L 92A<br />

Vinyl Chloride 5-7 ug/L 64C<br />

1,2-Dichloroethane 2! ug/L 92A<br />

1.1-Dichloroethane 6-7 ug/L 92A<br />

Additional organic compounds detected in this area include<br />

1.2-dichloropropane from monitor ing well E92A at a<br />

concentration of 2 ug/L (Rounds :i. and 2) ; and methylene<br />

chloride (a common/probable laboratory contaminant) , TW62 at<br />

a concentration of 2 ug/L (Round 1 only) .,<br />

Phthalates were detected, in one ground water sample from<br />

this area during Round 1 (E92-3 ug/L) , and two samples from<br />

Round 2 (E94-4 ug/L, and TW62•••:•) ug/L) . Constituent<br />

compounds detected were di-n-octyl phthalate and bis; (2ethy<br />

Ihexy 1) phthalate,.<br />

As with the Southern Flow Path, pi-isticides/PCBi-i were not<br />

detected in Round 1 ground water samples collected from this<br />

area. Therefore,, Round 2 sample!:! were not analyzed for<br />

these parameters.,<br />

There are five TA'L constituents that were detected in one or<br />

more monitoring well sample (a) along the Southeastern Flow<br />

Path at levels higher than those detected in the background<br />

wells ElitO and TW7S.. These constituent!:! are as follows::<br />

* Arsenic * Zinc<br />

* Barium * Manganese<br />

* Nickel<br />

£>:>;J:Mis;i::....i;LJ[;.!i!.i!i;!i> - The Southern and Southeastern Flow Paths<br />

described above affect well locations primarily downgradient<br />

froun the site as) shown in Figures 4 and 5.,<br />

Monitoring wells are also located in the Non-Contiguoui-i Fill<br />

and Ananiax plant areas as well as along the northern extent<br />

of the Old Fill Area (Figures 6 and 7) '. The highest<br />

concentration of organic contamination for the site was<br />

found at wells in the Non-Contiguous Fill Area.<br />

Specifically, monitoring well Ei::h:i, located in the Noncontiguous<br />

Fill Area, was contaminated with several VOCs at<br />

levels in exceedance of HCLs and WDNR Enforcement Standards<br />

(ESs),<br />

Contaminant groups that were detected within the Non-<br />

Contiguous Fill, Ananiax plant and northern boundary areas<br />

include BETXs,, chlorinated ethenes, chlorinated ethanes,<br />

ketones,, phenols, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons<br />

(PAHs)., Some of the individual concentrations and well<br />

locations are listed below,<br />


.Mil I-J..L.I..I I l.l J I.I.I JJ.J_i.J I. I I I I l I l. I I l<br />

I<br />

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"I J<br />

%<br />

14 ~1-<br />

-\v H<br />


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K'LtO'.l INIViSIIOWlCWUHHiSUlllv Slum<br />

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CUT 01 lullJEIIJI-lUD. 'MMId.laX.h COIJ^lt<br />

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Benzene 1-21 Ug/L 10 OA, 102A, 104<br />

97P, TW74R, 87<br />

Toluene 8-12,000 ug/L la;;:A,, :.::i6<br />

Ethylbenzene 270-7,300 ug/L 102A, 136<br />

Xylene 5-39,000 ug/L 102A, 136<br />

TetrachloroetJ:i ene 3 uq'/ L 17R<br />

Trichloroethene 1-7 ug/L 87, 100A, 104, TW74R<br />

1,2-Dichloroethene 1-12 ug/L 100A, 102A, 1.04<br />

TW74R, 87<br />

1,2-Oichloroethane 3-9 ug/L 102A, 87<br />

-1,1-Dichloroethane 3-8 ug/L 100A, 102A, 1.04<br />

87, 971?<br />

Chloroethane B ug/L 97P<br />

2 -Butanona 9 ••••;

2. Soil/Sediment<br />

Soil samples were conducted at locations in the Old Fill<br />

.Area,, Southeast Fill Area, North and South Refuse Trenches<br />

and the Drum Trench of the Non-Contiguous Fill Area (Figure<br />

9) .. These samples were taken at the apparent base of fill<br />

material in these areas to determine the effect of<br />

contaminant movement in the soils under the waste., The soil<br />

samples varied in depth from 20 to 40 feet below surface<br />

level, The saiiples in the Old and Southeast Fill Areas were<br />

collected at leachate head well locations LII14 , LHlifi , LH12 ,,<br />

and LH17. The six Refuse and three Drum Trench samples were<br />

completed after excavation to the soil beneath the waste in<br />

these areas ,<br />

BETX and ketones were the predominant organic compound<br />

groups detected in the basal soil samples from the leachate<br />

head well borings. The primary constituents and their<br />

concentration!-! are listed below,.<br />

Benzene 160-13 , 000 ug/kg<br />

Toluene 12 0-13 0,000 ug/kg<br />

Ethylbeneze 40-24 ,, 000 ug/kg<br />

Xylenei 2-100, 000 ug/kg<br />

Acetone 13 -7 , 1.00 ug/kg<br />

;;!-butanone 3-13 , 000 ug/kg<br />

4-methyl-2-pentanone 180-29 , 000 ug/kg<br />

Jsophorone 59-3 , 600 ug/kg<br />

Other volatile organics found in soil samples included:<br />

trichloroethene (790 ug/kg) in the Drum Trench,<br />

tetrahydrofuran (1,900 ug/kg) in the Drum Trench and (2:1.<br />

ug/kg ) in the Refuse Trench, and chloroform (520 ug/kg and<br />

1.50,000 ug/kg) in the Dnum Trench.<br />

Total phenols and PAEls were the precllominant semi -volatile<br />

organics in the Drum and Refuse Trench Areas., In addition,,<br />

phthalates were also detected in these areas. The primary<br />

coinsti.tu.ents and their respective concentrations are listed<br />

below,<br />

50-3,2oug/kg<br />

2 -Hethy Iphenol 4 3 0 ug/kg<br />

4«ethylphenol 210-550 ug/kg<br />

Eenisoic acid 170 ug/kg'<br />

Napihthalene 100-5 ,, 6C)6 ug/kg<br />

2-Methylnaphthalene 72-1,300 ug/kg<br />

Phenanthrene :i.:i.o ug/kg<br />

Pyrene 82 ug/kg<br />

Chrysene 81 ug/kg<br />


Ben::: o (a) pyrene<br />

Indeno (1,, 2,3 -cd) pyrene<br />

D ibeniKO (a, h) anthracene<br />

Benw o (g , h,, i) perylene<br />

Butylbenzyl phthalate<br />

0lathyIphthalate<br />

Di-n-butYl phthalate<br />

Bis (2 eth;y Ihexy 1} phtJhal ate<br />

110-140 ug/kq<br />

210 ug/kq<br />

230 ug/kg<br />

190 ug/kg<br />

42-1,000'uq/kg<br />

98-150 ug/kq<br />

86-310 ug/kq<br />

300-440 ug/kg<br />

PCBs were detected In one sail sample each from the Drum<br />

Trench and North and South Refuse Trenches,. Pegiticides were<br />

also detected in one or more samples from the North and<br />

South Refuse Trenches. The constituents and their<br />

conceiTtxat ions are 1isted below.<br />

Arochlor 1242<br />

Arochlor 1248<br />

Arochlor 1260<br />

4„4'-DOT<br />

4,4"-DDE<br />

4,4•-DDE<br />

42-170 ug/kg<br />

200 ug/kg<br />

62 ug/kg<br />

22 ug/kg<br />

9.2-30 ug/kq<br />

8.2-33 ug/kg<br />

The only trace elements that were not within the common<br />

regional range for natural, soils based on U.S., EPA<br />

other publications were, magnesium and cadmium.<br />

Magnesium was found in exceedance of the conion range in the<br />

Southeast, Drum,, and Refuse Trench areas. Cadmium was found<br />

in exceedance of the .common range in the Old,, Drum,, and<br />

Refuse Trench areas. Nine TAL metals; aluminum, arsenic,<br />

cobalt,, copper, iron, lead, mercury, sodium ,, and zinc<br />

exceeded the regional background soil levels at one or more<br />

basal soil sample locations .<br />

In addition ,, a sediment investigation was conducted to<br />

assess the effects of surface water runoff from the fill<br />

areas and the Ananoiax property., Sampling was conducted at<br />

various locations on and off the site. However,<br />

concentrated efforts were conducted along a drainage swale<br />

on the east side of the Old Fill and Southeast Fill Areas<br />

(Figure 9) . Below is a list of the constituents identified<br />

along wi .th concentrations and locations .<br />

CiSllEM! 1 !Ee ililrliLiiiJllr<br />

Acetone<br />

1„1-0 ichloroethane<br />

2-Butanone<br />

Toluene<br />

Phenol<br />

4-MethyIphenol<br />

- 1BO ug/kg<br />

11 ug/kg<br />

53 ug/kg<br />

2-190 ug/kg<br />

790 ug/kq<br />

570-960 ug/kg<br />

141<br />

SD4<br />

SD4<br />

SD4<br />

SDI , SDS<br />

SD4<br />


O •4<br />

in<br />

i<br />

nimii ii nan IIBIII<br />

UfSMGOSMiUi rr ii hM» ii 1<br />

Nl OF ^i«J.Orr5«- ll»:<br />

i'»fn ni wtcuiM 111 TMI W?H.<br />

en v ri' IMUSWI 'ir w»i 1*1 Si i* CCWIJlt WfiiljiCdMSI*<br />

,....,,., MMRZYN '"-"•:: .. ":';! L<br />

..,„..,«,........»< „„.....•. ,nu><br />

. ..i. ....... „....,,_ ,.„....,....,<br />

...,..„ .,j,C<br />

'"*' '-"••*<br />

'"""• '<br />


SJ<br />

'I<br />

o ••1<br />

..I.I..LI I I.I I I.I.I I..I.J..I..I I I I I I I I ! I I I 11 I I. I J..1.J<br />

m<br />

i-t |dk<br />

!b III<br />

Cl III<br />

•I 19<br />

iff f I<br />

() til<br />

Benzole Acid 230 ug/kg 804<br />

Naphthalene 210 ug/kg SD4<br />

2Hiethyl.naphthalene 96- 200 ug/kg SDl, SD4<br />

Fyrene 110 ug/kg SD3<br />

bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 600-680 ug/kg SDl, SDiil<br />

Di-u-butyl-phthalate 170 ug/kg SD8<br />

3. Air<br />

Ambient air, leadhate head well,, and gas vent vapor sample®<br />

were taken, at the site during the El,, However, the result!;!<br />

were found to be invalid due to the exceedance of<br />

recoimended sample holding times.. S inc.®, the investigation<br />

of the site began,, the operator„ WMNI, has agreed to<br />

implement the Nisconsin raquirsment, NR 506., 08<br />


assessment determines whether contamination at the land fill<br />

could pose an unacceptable health risk or environmenta1 risk<br />

in the absence of any remedial action. Potential threats to<br />

public health are estimated by making assumption!-! about the<br />

manner,, frequency and length of tine a per son could be<br />

exposed to site-related contaminants., However, for this<br />

interim action operable unit the baseline risk assessment<br />

has not been completed since the EX has not been finalized,.<br />

For the proposed SCOII, a qualitative risk assessment was<br />

prepared consistent with U.S. EPA. policy, '"Hole of the<br />

Baseline Risk Assessment in Superfund Remedy Selection<br />

Decisions/ 1 " dated April 22,, 1991. The qualitative risk<br />

assessment examined contaminants detected in ground water,<br />

leachate, and soils during the field investigation phase of<br />

the RI, These contaminants were evaluated, with respect to<br />

their carcinogenIcity, toxicity, and possible exposure<br />

pathways from and at the site..<br />

The following is a representative list of contaminants<br />

detected, in ground water, leachate,, sediment,, and soil at<br />

and near the site::<br />

Bern: ene Acetone Mercury<br />

Ethylbenzene 2-Butanone Butylbenzylphthalate<br />

Toluene 2-Hexanone Diethylphthalate<br />

Xylenes Tetrahydrofuran dl-n-octylphthaiate<br />

Chl oroethane :i.,, 4 ••• D ich lore benz ene PCBs<br />

1,, 1-Dichloroethane 2-Methylphenol Arsenic<br />

1,2-Dichloroethene 4-Methylphenol Barium<br />

Stvrene Pentachlorophenol Cadmium<br />

Dichloropropane Phenol Chromium<br />

Trlchloroethene Benzole Acid Copper<br />

Vinyl Chloride Cyanide<br />

Bis (2 - e thylhexy 1) phthala :te Lead<br />

Nickel<br />

Zinc<br />

The sand and gravel aquifer in the immediate area of the<br />

landfill is contaminated, The potential exists for this<br />

contamination to move with ground water flow toward private<br />

residences.<br />

Exposure to landfill gas,, through either methane migration<br />

in the soils or VQC migration in the air,, is a concern at<br />

the Site., Inhalation of landfill gas is of concern due to<br />

the potential presence of unacceptable levels of VOCs that<br />

may cause a health risk,. A potential health risk: would<br />

exist until landfill gas controls are installed and<br />

operating to adequately manage potential exposure. wmi has<br />


comitted to managing landfill gas at the site in accordance<br />

with Wisconsin Administrativa Coda NR 506,08(6) ,.<br />

Direct exposure to contaiiinated soil or waste is currently<br />

not a concern at the site,, All fill areas are covered by at<br />

least one foot of soil to limit the exposure potential,.<br />

However, future exposure nay be a concern if the cover is<br />

not adequately improved and maintained,<br />

Continued Isachate generation and the resulting additional<br />

ground water contamination is another potential concern at<br />

the site, Private wells to the Southeast and South of the<br />

Site ware sampled, by U.S. EPA for VOCs in August 1991, but<br />

no contaminat ion was detected.. Although most potential<br />

receptors of contaminated ground water are now on public<br />

drinking water supp 1 ies, some downgr ad lent res ident s are<br />

still using private wells that may become impacted by siterelated<br />

ground water com taminat i on.. E leva ted 1 eacha te<br />

levels in the Old, Southeast and Non-Contiguous Fill Area®<br />

will result in continued ground water contamination until<br />

leachate generation is adequately controlled or most of the<br />

contaminants have been leached from the waste.,<br />

Of the chemicals in ground water, those with exceedances of<br />

Safe Drinking Hater Act or WDNR NR 140 WAG ground water<br />

drinking standards are shown in Table 2„ This Table<br />

compares the maximum ground water concentrations in the<br />

immediate landfill area with the MCLs, ESs and WDNR ME 1.40<br />

Frevsntative Action Limits (FALs) ,,<br />

Based on toxi c:ological studies „ benzene and viny 1 chloride<br />

are classified as U.S., EPA Group A •••• human carcinogens;<br />

while trichloroethene, tetraohloroethene and<br />

pentachlorophenol are classified as Group B2 - probable<br />

human carcinogens. Pending completion of the complete<br />

baseline risk: assessment, exiceeduices of drinking water<br />

standards alone justify the interim action operable unit<br />

remedial action. Actual or threatened releases of hazardous<br />

substances from this site,, if not addressed by implementing<br />

the respomse action selected in this ROD, may present an<br />

imminent and substantia.! endianganiiient to public health,,<br />

welfare,, or the env ironnient.,<br />

« DEeotiPTioi OF<br />

A,, Remedial Action Obj ectives<br />

Upon completion of the first phases of investigation work at,<br />

the site, remedial action objectives were developed that<br />

address the source areas while considering the long-term<br />

goals of protecting human health and the environment and.<br />


Chemical<br />

Compounds<br />

VOCs<br />

vinyl<br />

1,2 DichlGroethane<br />

Trichloroethene<br />

Benzene<br />

Tetraehleroetnene<br />

Toluene<br />

Ethylbensene<br />

(total)<br />

Tetrahydrofuran<br />

Chloroform<br />

Table 2<br />

!<br />

KR 140 and EPA MCL FOR GROUND<br />

UG/L (unless otherwise noted)<br />

Maximum i<br />

Concentration<br />

7, 00 |<br />

9,00<br />

7,00<br />

21*00<br />

1,00<br />

12000,00<br />

7300»00<br />

39000.00<br />

41 = 00<br />

1,00<br />

NR 140<br />

Enforcement<br />

Standard<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

1<br />

343<br />

136Q<br />

620<br />

50<br />

6<br />

.2<br />

NR 140<br />

Preventive<br />

Action<br />

Limit<br />

2720<br />

,0015<br />

,05<br />

,18<br />

,067<br />

= 1<br />

68,6 !<br />

124<br />

10<br />

.6<br />

t<br />

40 CFR<br />

Part 141<br />

MCL<br />

1000<br />

2<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

700<br />

10000<br />

!<br />

= = =

Chemical<br />

Compounds<br />

SVOCs<br />

Arsenic<br />

Barium<br />

Cadmium<br />

Chromimum , tots 1<br />

Iron<br />

Lead<br />

Manganese<br />

Selenium<br />

Silver<br />

1<br />

Table 2<br />

NR 140 and EPA MCL FOR<br />

UG/L (unless<br />

Maximum<br />

Concentr at ion<br />

4 = 00<br />

25,90<br />

11*70<br />

133,00<br />

,7 os mg/1<br />

50300,00 sg/1<br />

5 = 20<br />

4560.00<br />

34 = 00<br />

SMCL - Contaminant Level<br />

41<br />

NR 140<br />

Enforcement<br />

Standard<br />

300<br />

50<br />

1,0 mg/1<br />

10<br />

50<br />

50<br />

50<br />

10<br />

50<br />

,30 sg/1<br />

NR 140<br />

Preventive<br />

Action<br />

Limit<br />

30<br />

5<br />

,2 mg/1<br />

1,0<br />

5<br />

25<br />

1<br />

10<br />

,15 sg/1<br />

5<br />

40 CFR<br />

Part 141<br />

MCL<br />

50<br />

1<br />

2,0 mg/1<br />

5<br />

100<br />

.3 sg/1 aCL<br />

15 SMCL<br />

50<br />

50<br />


meeting applicable or relevant and appropriate requirement!-;<br />

(MtARi-iji, Site-specific goals of limit ing the potential for<br />

the release of contaminants to the ambient air,, sub-waste<br />

soils, and ground water include the following:;<br />

«> Minimize the migration of chemical constituents from<br />

soil/refuse transported by leachate to ground water<br />

that would contribute to ground water concentrations in<br />

excess of MCLs, ESs; and PALs beyond the waste boundary;<br />

«> Control the seepage, migration and concentration of<br />

landfill, gas generated by the refuse in the Old,<br />

Southeast, and Non-Contiguous Fill Areas, and in the<br />

soils or air at or beyond the property boundary;<br />

«> Minimize hazardous air contaminants that may be emitted<br />

from the Old,, Southeast and Non-Contiguous, Fill Areas,,<br />

and comply with applicable air pollution control<br />

standards; and<br />

w Minimize the potential, for human exposure to waste and<br />

contaminated soils and for release of contamination to<br />

the environment,<br />

Since this interim action operable unit addresses source<br />

control., site-specif ic cleanup standards for soils and<br />

ground water Mill not be necessary for the Old and Southeast<br />

Fill Areas,, where containment provides the primary source<br />

control.. However,- a per f ormiance-based cleanup standard,,<br />

which account!!! for and incorporates ground water standards<br />

will be established for soils in a portion of the Non<br />

Contiguous Fill Area,, where the source area will be treated<br />

as wail as contained,. A cleanup standard would be<br />

established because of the more concentrated nature of the<br />

hazardous materials located in this specific area..<br />

The performance-based cleanup standard would be applied to<br />

the area, covered by the in-situ vapor extraction (ISVE)<br />

system., The cleanup standard Mill, be based on residual<br />

soil-gas concentrations that are low enough to assure<br />

compliance with ground water cleanup standards, which will<br />

be specified in more detail (including compound specific<br />

standards) in the ROD for the GWOU for the Site. The<br />

relationship between soil-gas VOC concentrations and ground<br />

water VOC concentrations would be modeled to determine the<br />

concentration of VOCs in the waste/subsoil that must be<br />

achieved, in order to assure that,, even if the remaining VOCs<br />

leach into ground water, the level, of VOCs in the ground<br />

water will not exceed levels that are protective o:i: human<br />

health and the environment. The model will incorporate data<br />

collected during a pilot-scale test, and the first two-year<br />

period of full-scale ISVE operation, as well as previous<br />


sampling and monitoring data coll acted at the Site., In<br />

accordance with the national. Contingency Plan (NCP)<br />

§300.430(f) (5)i(iii)i (A), if waste is left in place at the<br />

conclusion of a response action,, the (specified ground water<br />

clean-up standards should be attained at the points of<br />

compliance identified in the GNOU HOD.<br />

The XSVE system will operate until the concentration of VOCs<br />

in the waste/subsoil calculated by the model is achieved.<br />

This methodology would be superior to setting numerical<br />

reduction rates,, based upon the percentage of VOC removal<br />

from thak soil, because it directly corresponds to achieving<br />

groujid water cleanup lev els.<br />

B. Developniiient of Alternativeiii<br />

Alternatives developed in the FS for the SCOU considered the<br />

Old,, Southeast, and Non-Contiguous fill areas.. As stated<br />

above,, the remedial action objectives involve controlling<br />

landfill leachate and gas,, limiting the potential for<br />

exposure to contaminants via inhalation, ingestion, and<br />

denial absorption pathways, and nininizing impacts to ground<br />

water.<br />

In developing alternatives, the FS takes into consideration<br />

previous removal work: that has occurred, The remedial<br />

alternatives were assembled from applicable remedial<br />

technology options., The alternatives surviving the initial<br />

screening were evaluated and compared with respect to the<br />

nine criteria required by the NCP., In addition to the<br />

remedial action alternatives,, the NCP requires that a noaction<br />

alternative also be considered for the site. The noaction<br />

alternative serves primarily as a point of comparison<br />

for other alternatives„<br />

Two general strategies have been utilized, to accomplish the<br />

remedial action objectives four the source control portion of<br />

this site. The first strategy is to control the production<br />

of gas and leachate while minimizing potential exposure to<br />

waste or conta,ininated soil. 'Ilium second is to manage gam and<br />

leaoihate after production,. These strategies are evident<br />

within the forthcoming alternative descriptions.<br />

€., Alternatives<br />

Under Alternative 1 no additional corrective action would be<br />

taken at the site to address sources or potential sources of<br />

ground water contamination or direct contact threats. The<br />

limited removal of leachate by WMWFI from the Southeast Fill<br />


Area would! continue utilizing the current method of pumping<br />

from a portion of the existing collection system directly to<br />

the sanitary sewer.<br />

Under a no-action scenario,, contannination from the source<br />

areas in leachate or soils would not be prevented from<br />

reaching the ground water aquifer, This would result in<br />

continued off •••site migration of contaniiinants in the ground<br />

water.. Also,, gas and air con .tarni nation would continue to<br />

migrate through soils off-site and/or into the atmosphere .,<br />

Finally, the current cover over the source areas would<br />

degrade due to freezing and thawing, This would result in.<br />

greater percolation of rainwater and more likelihood of<br />

contaminant transfer into the ground water „<br />

A no-action remedy would allow the site to remain as it<br />

exists today with an incomplete fencing structure around the<br />

site., Therefore, direct contact to soils would be a greater<br />

likelihood for workers at the Stoneridge Recycling facility<br />

and trespassers.. There would be no capital or operational<br />

costs assoc dated with this alternative ..<br />

The LiBitiiid-Action Alternative involves jjinplsmenting<br />

measures to restrict access to the site and monitor gas<br />

migration, Site controls include a fence extension and deed<br />

restrictions for the site. Fencing would be extended across<br />

into the Anamax property to complete the enclosure of all<br />

fill areas and the wairotewater ponds. <strong>Landfill</strong> gas<br />

monitoring would also be a component of this alternative to<br />

deteonine compliance with solid waste regulations.,<br />

As in the No-Action Alternative, this remedy would not<br />

prevent contamination currently in leachate or soils from,<br />

reaching the ground water eguifer through percolation or<br />

direct leaking,. This alternative also does not address the<br />

prevention of gas migration through soils nor does it<br />

prstvent the current cover degradation through freeze-thaw<br />

cycles.,<br />

The limited-action scenario would deter direct contact to<br />

contaainated soils with the installation of a fence., In<br />

addition this action would hinder premature destruction or<br />

disturbance of the current cover., The current cover does<br />

not contain any freeze-thaw protection layer of soil on top<br />

of the clay. This allows the clay layer to expand and<br />

contract from freezing conditions,<br />

Capital cost for this alternatvie would be seventeen<br />

thousand four hundred dollars ($17,400),, There would be no<br />

operational or maintenance costs.

AlteouLtiva 3 consists of sswan major coiniponants . Thin first<br />

threa : deaidi restrictions (, f mem s:u:tans ion , and landf 1 .1 .1 gas<br />

nitonitoriinig and control ara thin mum am Alternative 2. Tha<br />

add! tional four components arm ::<br />

«> Cup installation over tha Old and Sirathaast Fill Araas<br />

in accordamica with NE 5041 MAC;<br />

«> landfill leachata control in the Old Fill Araa;<br />

«> XaprovoiMnt of thin unxisting leachatin control system In<br />

thm Southeast Fill Arsaj: and<br />

Alternative 3 would increase the effactivariess of laachate<br />

extraction by increased or naxiDixed use of the current<br />

system and installation of additional extraction vails<br />

using the sane procedure as in the Old Fill Area,<br />

Collection walls would ba installed to the base of the<br />

refuse and spaced appropriately to influence and collect<br />

leachata from all areas where laachate can collect or build<br />

up (:i.,,e. , create a head of leachate} , The exact design and<br />

spacing will be detainined in the remedial design. The.<br />

datannlniation of the final configuration of walls would ba<br />

madia by U.S. EPA, in consultation with WD1NIR,, during the<br />

remedial design activities..<br />

The leadbiate extraction systems would be operated to<br />

maximize the amount of leachata withdrawn and Minimize to<br />

the extent practicable,- the a»no>unt of leachat e accunulated<br />

on the base of both fill areas,<br />

Laachate and gas systemi condensate will likely ba discharged<br />

to .the sanitary sewer,, provided pre treatment standards are<br />

mat, It may be necessary to pretreat leachate bafora sewer<br />

discharge to meet pretxeatiment standards „ Leachata may be<br />

treated along with, groundvater as part of the subsequent<br />

GWOU. Effluent limits for possible discharge of treated<br />

ground water/leachate to surface and/or ground water will be<br />

deteoiinetd for that action, if necessary•'. Sludlge/'residual<br />

from tixMiiai^iiiJiiUTt/ipiiiel:::!: 1 *!^!!!:::!!!!!!!]:!!!:: may have to ba managed as a<br />

hazardous waste if sltown to be a Toxicity ctiaracteristic<br />

Leaching Procedlure (TCLP) characteristic hazardous waste,<br />

Wastes excavated or generated by the installation of<br />

airtxaction systems (i.e.,, drill spoils) „ may have to be<br />

managed as a haiBardous waste if shown to be a TCLP<br />

characteristic hazardous waste. Sludge/residuals and/or<br />

other excavatad/genarated wastes, if shown to be a nonhazardous<br />

waste, may be managed at a solid waste landfill.<br />

The Land Disposal Restrictions (LDKs) would apply to any<br />

TCLP hazardous wasta that is to be disposed of'(i.e.„<br />

placement of the waste occurs) on or off site, Certain nonliquid<br />

ax:ca¥ated/generated wastes nay ba re-buried at the<br />

site, in an appropriate location selected during the RD<br />

(likely at the Southeast. Fill Area), under the new cover<br />

system whan it is constructed. This would include some of<br />

the :ij[rineiiirl:;igation--deri¥ed wastes now being stored in<br />

containers at the Site. U.,!•!,. Elf'A has detariiined that such<br />

re-burial would not. constitute placement„ and would not<br />

trigger the LDEs., U.S., EPA has also dateriiDiined that the<br />

substantive analysis required under the Wisconsin policy<br />

"Interim Policy (Guidelines) For Promoting :i:n-State and On-<br />

Site Nanaganient of Hazardous Wasta in the' State of<br />

Wisconsin" 1 should be performed for the management of any<br />

hazardous wastes from the Site, It may be possible to treat

TCLP liazardowii waste so it no longer shows the<br />

characteriatic and maiuge it as a non-"hazardous waste,<br />

The final, additional segment of Alternative 3 is an active<br />

landfill gam control system in the Old and Southeast Fill<br />

Areas. This system would, work in con j unction with the<br />

leaehate collection system to extract landfill gases in the<br />

Fill Areas. The e:dtxactad landfill gam would be destroyed<br />

by a ground flare consistent with Wisconsin NR 445 WAC<br />

requireiiiuiintiii.<br />

-Alternative 3 is composed of several sagments that address<br />

actual or potential contaminant migration from the Old and<br />

Southeast Fill Arses . Alt ernat iv« 3 aiddrnitsees (, tbroiuigh<br />

contairunwnt and trditatnant, tha rn of contamination<br />

and the prevention of huinian (raposure to coimtaninants,,<br />

The NR 504 MAC cap will raduca tltnuit percolation of rain water<br />

through conitaminatnitd waste iiatarial and into the ground<br />

water by providing an iigtipennaitabla layer above the waste<br />

material ,, This decreasmtd periinabilitY w ill- contain<br />

contaminatioin within tha Fill Ireae and help prevant .<br />

migration off •••site. Thun cap will also provide added<br />

protection from direct oaintact by adding additional cover<br />

material., ifiddsd cover will alao be installed to protect the<br />

cap integrity from freeze- thaw cycles comsietent with the<br />

reg ion " a weathar .<br />

The installation of a gas extraction system would directly<br />

reduce and treat, through thenal destruction ir landfill gas<br />

contaminants., The gas extraction synitsiin will also reduce<br />

the chance of cap cracking caused by internal presaura front<br />

gas formation,<br />

Alternativs 3 addresses contamination probleitm in t:he old<br />

and Southeast Fill Areae but iloiiuii not addrass contamination<br />

in the Non-Contiguous Fill Iraa excatpt to the extent that<br />

area is included in the fencing and dead rastrictions..<br />

Tha capital coat for this altarnativa is estimated to be<br />

seven itillion dollars (!ii7jrOOOir00D]| „ The operation and<br />

maintenance costs for Altarnativa 3 are one million seven<br />

hundred thousand dollars ( $1 „ 700 „ 000) ,.<br />

:JSU^<br />

J!l^^<br />

Alternative 4 consists of ail of the components contained in<br />

Alternative 3 with the addition of the following::<br />


•» iBStallation of a Wisconsin MR 504 cap over the Noncontiguous<br />

Fill Area; and<br />

«> In-Situ Vapor Extraction (ISVIE!) in the Non-Contiguous<br />

Fill Area<br />

Modified Alternative 4 (the selected remedy) is the same as<br />

Alternative 4r with the addition of::<br />

•» A ground water monitoring program conducted at<br />

selected existing Monitoring and private well® approved<br />

by U.S., Ell'A,, In consultation with. WDNR, during Remedial<br />

Design (RD]| and after iMplementat ion.<br />

Alternative 4 is coiipoaed of several segments that address<br />

actual or potential contaminant migration from the Old,.<br />

Southeast„ and Non-Contiguous Fill source areas,<br />

Alternative 4 addresses„ through containment and treatment,,<br />

the reduction of contamination and the prevention of human<br />

exposure.<br />

The NR. 504 AC c

Tne selected reBedy includes ground water Boinltoring to be<br />

completed at locations spine if led during the KD by U.S. EPAr<br />

in coiwultation with the WDNR. Tills ground water Monitoring<br />

will bin performed to contribute to the def inition of the<br />

contamination plum and to Bsarare the •ffectivanass of the<br />

implementation of the inter in renedial measures .. The<br />

program will include ,, ait a iinininnm, seiii-uiLnual monitor ing<br />

f or Chapter MR 5013 WAC indicator paraBeters and VOCs at low<br />

detection limits in selected monitoring wells along the<br />

liioiuith and souitheanit port ions of tJnii Sita, in a salected<br />

baokgroiuind monitoring vell|p and in i»elanoted privata walls.<br />

The iionitoring and privata wiklls would ba sslaoted baa ad on<br />

veil location IP dapith ,, past Bonitoiring raiiiiiiiltisi „ construction IP<br />

ate,, This alternativa is tlte nnost connprahanaive cleanup<br />

of all of the alternatives,<br />

Coats for .iFk.lta:nniati¥a 4 or tha salaoted reiiniiidy would ba<br />

approxiBataily thai sanw with alight varianca in comparison to<br />

the capital and operational counts, Titus capital costs for<br />

jy.teniatiw 4 or the aalaoted reniMiidY ara eigbt nil lion<br />

dollars ($1:1 , i:iOO(lai:iCi)i „ Tltta opinratioin and Bainteiniance costs<br />

are one Billion nine hundred thouaand dollars .<br />

¥ixi ., einniiiuoE' ow conmuua-nm mLisie our<br />

1.1 ,,S., ElfMlL has estiiLbliiiiLhad nimis oritaria that balance haalth|p<br />

technical. ,, and cost considerat ions to determine the most<br />

appropriats alternative,, I'lfinn criteria analyiee the salectad<br />

reBady so that the rauiiedy is px^tactivs of human health and<br />

the eiwirominieiiiit ,, attains MtMLs IP is cost effactiva,, and<br />

utilises psnnanant solutions and treatiiiient tecltMmologies to<br />

the iniuclBun extant practicable,, The raiedial alternativas<br />

devaloped in the FS have heen evaluated amu:li coBpinriiitd using<br />

the nine criteria set forth in the MCP. The nine criteria<br />

are set fourth by i.LS. EFA under MCP 30i;i,,430(e) (9) (ill) .<br />

These nine criteria are syBnsrixed as follows ;i<br />

moncTioii OF<br />

addresses wihetber a rsBedy provides ade«pna1ba protection of<br />

bUBan health, and the enviromsnt and describes how risks are<br />

posed tnrough each exposure pathvay are eliminated ,, reduced ,<br />

or controlled througfh traatnunt ,, eng:iLneeri:ng controls ,, or<br />

institutiona .1 controls «<br />


:ni:i!!i;;ti[i:i::i;i:i!:ill[]!!;iim!i CUUlilsli addresses wlhethaMi: a rasedy will Beet<br />

all othiDtr Federal and State anvironBental statutes and/or<br />

provides grounds for invoking a waiver.<br />


LOBO-Tim BFFlCTXVnnsa ili-lsm FinilOkJinCE refer::! to the ability<br />

of a remedy to maintain reliable protection of human health<br />

and the envir onnnent over time , once cleanup standards have<br />

been net.<br />

OF eoirruixiiiyiiT TQXXCXTY, MOBILITY, OR TOLDMB<br />

through treatment is the anticipated perforimance of the<br />

treatment technologieiii a remedy may employ.<br />

Jill-1 DJii'lI'-TIi:]!!.!!!; BVFBCTIYBBBM addresses the period of tine needed<br />

to achieve protection^ and any adverse impacts on human<br />

health and the eiwixonment that may be posed during the<br />

construction and implementation peri od „ unit: 11 cleanup<br />

standards are achieved.,<br />

IMnEMEmBILITY is the technical and adainistrative<br />

feasibility of a remedy, including the availability of<br />

materials and services needed to implement a particular<br />

option.<br />

COST' incl tides estimated initial capital. ,, operation and<br />

maintenance (OlilM) costs, and net present worth costs,<br />

MiOiX'TlKiE indicates whether, basetd on its review of<br />

the RI/F!:i and Proposed Plan,, the State concurs with,<br />

opposes, or has inio comniient on the preferred alternative at<br />

the present time .,<br />

COMICCIMIR JkCli^nnJIC]!: is based on cominents received from the<br />

public during the public conment period, These comments are<br />

assessed in the responsiveness sumnary attached to this ROD,<br />

B. EjE!i:n)i!ii!

pot Hint ia 1 exposure to waste and contuniiriants and continued<br />

ground vat mr contasdna t :i. on ,<br />

AltsniuEitive 3 is more protective of human health and the<br />

env:ixonsiant than Mternetives 1 III 2 .. The cainibination of<br />

ins t Itut ional controls , capping and leachate/ landf i 11 gam<br />

controls effectively protect potsntial receptors from<br />

landfill contaminants as long as these systems are<br />

Baintained. l-toweiver,, Alternative 3 is not vary effective in<br />

controlling the sources of contamination in the Won-<br />

Contiguous Fill Anna,, where high levels of soil and ground<br />

• water contamination are known to sadist ., Under alternative<br />

3 1 this Area would continue! to be a source oil! soils and<br />

groundwater contunination.,<br />

Alternative 4 provides additioiriial protection by u,pE3irai:lii:ng<br />

the cap and providing :ES¥E extractio:n for the INfon-'-Contiguoas<br />

Fill Areas.. These additional measures will reduce the<br />

future potential for further soil and ground water<br />

contanikiBation in, and arising fronn,, this area..<br />

The selected alternative adds a final elennent of<br />

protectiveitMss teyond what JlLltsirnative 4 provides by<br />

routinely supling residential and inoindtoring wells nioi-it<br />

likely to be affectmtd by contasiination at the Site..<br />

to,, cniPLUkKii iiTi lypFLXCiiiBu: OE liisumyra 1 mi .]'i:i; | :p]!i:i:!>]!':i;t;i:;ii, 1 i:i!!<br />

The Site was never an operating Resource Coiuiervation and<br />

RecovaMcy Act (RCIflA) facility., Site records do not<br />

conclusively desioostrate that the materials disposed of at<br />

the Site during its operation Mere listed RCRA hazardous<br />

wastes, Th«refOKrelp RGKIl closure rsquireiinents would not be<br />

applicable at this site. RC1A Land Disposal Restrictions<br />

(Ulls) are none the less applicable to the isanageniient of<br />

treatinisflt residues end/or any other wastes nnanaged as part<br />

of reimsdy iiniplesMiintation that are found to be charact eristic<br />

ltita»:ardous wastes and are disposed of through placement of<br />

the waste on or in the land,, on or off site,<br />

Alt ernative 1 and 2 do not meet current State and Federal<br />

landfill closure requirements ,- which are applicable to this<br />

site.<br />

Under NR 50(5, .08 (06) lM!r laBdfills containing over 500,000<br />

cubic yards of vasts that accepted nnunicipal solid waste<br />

must have an active landfill gas recovery system to<br />

effectively control, emissions of haiBardous air contaminants<br />

to the air. Alternatives 3 and 4 include active landfill<br />

gas control systems that comply with those xMMiuirensnts for<br />


controlling methane migration and controlling emission!:; of<br />

hazardous landfill gas constituent!:!,<br />

The improved cap and additional leachate collection system<br />

in Alternatives 3 and 4 comply vita Wisconsin solid waste<br />

closure (NR 506.08 WAC) t ground-water quality requirements<br />

(NR 140 WAC), and landfill cover system design criteria (NR<br />

504,.07 WAC) ., Under Section ME 506.08(03) MAC,, a site with<br />

chapter M!R 140 WAC ground water standard exceedances; is<br />

required to install a cover system meeting the standards in<br />

section MR 504,07, if such a system is necessary to abate<br />

such exceedances. The ISVE system in Alternative 4 will<br />

likewise be designed to meet AHAEs.. The ISVE cleanup<br />

standards vi.ll be developed in conjunction with the<br />

identification and compliance with ground water ARARs as<br />

part of the GWOU remedy „<br />

2. Primary Balancing Criteria<br />

Five primary balancing criteria are used to identify major<br />

trade-offs between the remedial alternatives which satisfy<br />

the two threshold criteria,. These trade-offs are ultimately<br />

balanced to identify the preferred alternative and to select<br />

the final remedy. JQiecause Alternatives 1 and 2 do not<br />

satisfy the threshold criteria,, they will not be evaluated<br />

by the primary balancing criteria.<br />


Alternatives 3 and 4 and the selected remedy provide<br />

controls for a permanent and effective source control<br />

reimedy..<br />

Alternative 4 and the selected remedy provide good control,<br />

of potential, exposure to waste contaminants or continued<br />

leaching of waste contaminants by treating soils in the Non-<br />

Contiguous Fill Area, capping all identified source areas,,<br />

and providing leachate and landfill gas controls in the<br />

landfill areas., The selected remedy provides additional<br />

assurance of long-term effectiveness by monitoring nearby<br />

wells,. Capping and leachate/landfill, gas controls in.<br />

Alternative 3 provides adequate controls for the areas<br />

addressed„ but may provide less long-ti-srm effectiveness than<br />

Alternative 4 because it does not address the Non-Contiguous<br />

Fill Area.. Institutional Controls and O&M further reduce<br />

the risks from direct contact under all alternatives.<br />




Due to moist conditions in a portion of the Old and<br />

Southeast Fill Areas,, the waste is being reduce:! in volume<br />

through biodegradation. However,, biodegradation would not<br />

significantly reduce contannination and the time frame and<br />

uncertainties for such reductions would be much greater than<br />

for implementing a remedy .<br />

Alternatives 3 and 4 and the selected remedy will reduce the<br />

toxicity, nobility! and volume of methane and other VOCs in<br />

the subsurface through actively extracting and treating<br />

landfill gas.<br />

Alternatives 3 and 4 will reduce the mobility and volume of<br />

Isachate in the Old and Southeast Fill Areas by extracting<br />

leachate through a series of wells and constructing a<br />

low-peinneability cap, The described cap option would allow<br />

some, infiltration to enter the landfill,, which will aid the<br />

natural biodegradation occurring within the landfill and<br />

reduce the time until the refuse is stabilized. The<br />

collected leachate Mill receive appropriate! treatment and be<br />

proper 1 y disposed«<br />

In addition, Alternative 4 and the selected remedy would<br />

also reduce the mobility and volume of VOCs at the<br />

Noncontiguous Fill Areas using ISVE. VOCs in the waste and<br />

surrounding soils would be extracted through wells screened<br />

in the unsaturated a:one and treated,, if necessary, above<br />

ground..<br />


None of the alternatives would pose a substantial risk to<br />

the community t workersf and environment during remedial<br />

actions, Precautionary actions, through the ramadiaI action<br />

health and safety plan,, would address risks to on-i-iite<br />

workers and potential off-site risks„<br />

Capping, installation of a landfill leachate and gas<br />

extraction system,, and installation of an II-IVE system can be<br />

acconnplished in one construction season.. The risks of<br />

construction activities for Alternatives 3 and 4 and the<br />

seleeted remedy are adequately managed through dust<br />

suppression and the use of personal protective equipment for<br />

construction workers. The need for lea chat e extract ion nay<br />

decrease since the improved caps should result in reduced<br />

leachate generation.


Iiiplementation for any of the alternatives should not be<br />

difficult,. Capping with an NR 504 WAG cap,, a component of<br />

Alternatives 3 and 4 , would be the most extent i ve remedial<br />

measure but still, not difficult to implement, because this<br />

type of cap is common at Super fund and landfill sites.,<br />

A leachats extraction system,, combined with an active<br />

landfill gas collection system! a component of Alternatives<br />

3 and 4, is common at landfills,. Implementation should not<br />

be difficult.<br />

ISVE is also becoming a common cleanup technology at various<br />

Superf und sites and implementation would be technically<br />

practical. Although ISVE is a relatively new technology<br />

when spec i. f i ca 1 ly be ing imp lenient sd in a non-homogene ous<br />

landfill mass,, this should not impede the implementation<br />

since a similar technology is being applied at the Hag en<br />

Farm Superf und site in Wisconsin.,<br />

Iniplementability of institutional, controls should not be<br />

difficult because no significant off -site controls should be<br />

necessary,<br />

HI,, COSTS<br />

The estimated costs of the four FS alternatives are listed<br />

below,, The first column list, the capital, or construction<br />

costs for the project. The second column are the costs to<br />

operate the remedial, system once it is constructed., The<br />

final column is the sum of the first two columns,.<br />

:i.,. o o o<br />

2. $17,400 0 $17,400<br />

31, $7,.0 mil $1. 7 -2 .6 Illlil $8.7-9.6 nil<br />

4. SGLO mil $1.9 -2, .8 nil $9. 9 -10. 8 mil<br />

The selected remedy adds monitoring costs of appropriately<br />

$20, 000 to Alternative 4, but is in every other way<br />

identical. A range is given in the Total Cost figures to<br />

account for a 51 and 10% discount rate, The higher cost<br />

figure corresponds to the lower discount rate. The<br />

operation and maintenance for these alternatives is :K)<br />

years., In addition, Capital Cost figures are based on<br />

construction beginning iiimed late ly . The vast ma j or ity of<br />

these cost will not actually be incurred until after<br />

Remedial Design is completed, A more detailed description<br />

of the costs for Alternative 4 is provided in Table 3 1

YEAR<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

a<br />

s<br />

veil<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

IS<br />

IS<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />


COSTS<br />

7.984.000<br />

!<br />

OSM<br />

COSTS<br />

309,500<br />

309,500<br />

309.500<br />

309,500<br />

309,500<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134J200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

1 34,200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />




TOTAL<br />

ANNUAL<br />

COSTS<br />

7,984,000<br />

309,500<br />

309,500<br />

309.500<br />

309,500<br />

309,500<br />

134.200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134,200<br />

134.200<br />


RATE: NET<br />

10%<br />

P/W FACTOR<br />

7,934.000<br />

281,364<br />

0,751315<br />

0.683013<br />

192,175<br />

0.564474 75,752<br />

0,513158<br />

04S6507<br />

0.424098 56.914<br />

51,740<br />

0350494 47,036<br />

0.31B631<br />

0.280864<br />

0.217629<br />

0,197645<br />

24,137<br />

21,943<br />

0.148644 19,948<br />

0,135131 16,135<br />

0,122646<br />

0.111678 14,987<br />

0.101526<br />

11,260<br />

0.076278 10,236<br />


*: NET<br />

5%<br />


1,000000 7,984,000<br />

0,952361<br />

0.863838<br />

0,783526<br />

0.746215 100,142<br />

0.710681 95.373<br />

0,644609<br />

0,613913<br />

0.584679 78,464<br />

74.728<br />

0.530321 71,169<br />

0,505068<br />

0,481017<br />

0.458112 61,479<br />

58.551<br />

0.415521<br />

0,395734 53.107<br />

0,376889<br />

0.358942 48,170<br />

0.341S50 45.876<br />

0,325571<br />

0,310068 41,611<br />

0.295303<br />

0.281241 37.743<br />

34,234<br />

Q.057309 7,8910.231377<br />

31,051<br />

TOTAL: $9,91 4,000 TOTAL*:<br />

VARIANCE; -8== VARIANCE: 0*<br />

NOTE: ' Suparfund program RI/FS racernmsnds iha! a discount rats of 5% before taxes and alter inflation tot<br />

assumed, as in the column, Ths PRPs ussd 10% In the FS Report, as she—- in the first €-of«mn.<br />

rotate are te the nearest $1 .000.<br />

Table 3<br />


RATE: . NET<br />

3%<br />

«>/W WORTH<br />

7,984,000<br />

291,733<br />

0.915142<br />

0.888487 274.987<br />

112,390<br />

0,613092 109,117<br />

0,789409<br />

0.766417<br />

0.744094<br />

0.722421<br />

0.701380<br />

91.384<br />

0.661118<br />

0.623167<br />

0,605016 81,193<br />

74,303<br />

0,537549 72,139<br />

0,521893<br />

0.506692<br />

0.4S1934 86,018<br />

0.477606<br />

0,463695<br />

0.450189 80.415<br />

0.437077<br />

0,424346 56,947<br />

0.411987<br />

TOTAL: $11,417,000<br />


3,. Modifying Criteria<br />

in,, STM'E ACCIFTMCB<br />

The WDNR has bean the support agency for the RI/FS and has<br />

reviewed this ROD. The WDNR concurs with the selected<br />

remedial action,. In addition!, the WDNE does not feel that<br />

Alternatives 1 through 3 are protective or would attain<br />

ARARs; therefore,, these alternatives are not acceptable to<br />

the State,.<br />


Comments have been submitted by the community,, local<br />

governnent officials, and potentially responsible parties<br />

(PRPs). In general, issues presented in the comments were<br />

directed toward the inclusion of ground water monitoring for<br />

the final remedy, and a delay in the capping of the<br />

Southeast Fill Area, Comments and responses to those<br />

comments are described in greater detail in the<br />

Respons iveness Summary attached to this :ROD,<br />

c. Summary<br />

Based on a comparison of the nine criteria, Alternatives 1<br />

and 2 do not provide protection from all of the potential<br />

risks at the site and do not comply with ARAEs. They<br />

therefore do not meet the threshold test for selection of a<br />

remedy alternative at the site. Alternative 3 would be<br />

protective for a portion of the source areas of the Site,<br />

but would not provide protection from all of the potential<br />

risks at the site either,, Alternati.ve 4 would be protective<br />

of human health and the environment with respect to all<br />

source areas and would attain ARARs. The selected remedy<br />

adds a final, element of protect.:!.veness by periodically<br />

monitoring those existing wells more likely to provide<br />

potential 1 representation of ground water cbnt.amination.<br />

Alternative 4 and the selected remedy provide the greatest<br />

degree of long-term effectiveness and permanence because<br />

they provide the greatest, degree of remediation and<br />

containment of the contaminants„ The selected remedy adds a<br />

monitoring program to help provide assurance of long-term<br />

effectiveness,. Alternatives 3, 4 and the selected remedy<br />

provide reduction of toxicity through destruction and<br />

treatment of contaminants „ but Alt ernat ive 4, and the<br />

selected remedy encompass all source areas and utilize ISVE.<br />

Implementation for any of the alternatives is not expected<br />

to pose any technical problems since similar remedies have<br />

been selected and constructed at other Superfund sites,<br />


Alternatives 3 and 4 are more costly due to the sco>pe of the<br />

work: perfoou-id under each. Alternative 4 and the selected<br />

remedy are the most costly because they enconiipass capping<br />

and ISVE at the Non-ContigiULous Fill Area. The incremental<br />

cost of this significant additional remedial activities(,<br />

however„ is rather small in comparison to the environmental<br />

benefit obtained.<br />

The WDNR concurs with the selected remedy for the site, and<br />

does not consider Alternatives l. through 3 to be protective<br />

or in compliance with ARARs,, and therefore would not accept<br />

any of these alternati ves. The community „ local government<br />

officials,, and PRPe that submitted public comments agree<br />

with capping the Fill Areas, although a question was raised<br />

as to the need for immediate capping of the Southeast Fill.<br />

Area,, These groups also concur that the leachate collection<br />

and ISVE portions of this interim action operable unit are<br />

necessary, valuable, and consistent with the final remedy.<br />


Based on the evaluations of the alternatives,, U.S., EPA and<br />

the State of Wisconsin believe that the selected remedy<br />

(Alternative 4 plus ground water monitoring of existing<br />

well!-!) will be protective of huiun health and the<br />

environmentt comply with AEiy;t.sr be cost effective,, and will,<br />

utilise permanent solutions to the maximum extent<br />

practicable..<br />

The selected remedy for the SCOU entails::<br />

4i Ground water monitoring of selected existing monitoring<br />

and private wells to be determined during remedial<br />

design; and<br />

ii Operation and Maintenance of all systems,.<br />

Site controls, including the extension of the fence to<br />

encompass the waste disposal portion of the Anamax property<br />

currently outside the fenced area,, will minimize<br />

non-authorized access to contaminated areas, and deed<br />

restrictions will ensure that the land is not used for<br />

residential purposes in the future., Installation of a new<br />

cover system over the Old Fill,, Southeast Fill and<br />

Non-Contiguous Fill Areas will remove the potential for<br />

people to come in contact with the landfill waste, through<br />

direct contact or inhalation of airborne particles,, and will<br />

reduce the amount of leachate produced in those areas..<br />

Implementing leachate controls in the Old Fill and Southeast<br />

Fill Areas will prevent further ground water contamination<br />

by removal and disposal of contaminants prior to reaching<br />

the ground water. <strong>Landfill</strong> gas controls in the Old Fill, and<br />

Southeast Fill Areas will minimize releases of hazardous<br />

landfill gas constituents to the air. The use of an ISVE<br />

system will provide additional, protection by removing vocs<br />

before they can be leached into soil or ground water or<br />

emitted to the air.<br />

The remedial action objectives and cleanup goals for this<br />

interim action, operable unit remedy are presented in Section<br />

VII of this ROD, The remedial action objectives include::<br />

«' Minimize the migration of chemical constituents from<br />

soil/refuse transported by leachate to ground water<br />

that would contribute to ground water concentrations in<br />

excess of MCLs, ESs and PALs;<br />

in Control, the seepage„ migration and concentration of<br />

landfill gas generated by the refuse in the Old,,<br />

Southeast, and Non-Contiguous Fill Areas, to the soils<br />

or air at or beyond the property boundary;<br />

«' Minimize hazardous air contaminants that may be emitted<br />

from the Old, Southeast and Non-Contiguous Fill Areas,<br />

and comply with applicable air pollution control.<br />

standards; and<br />

ii' Minimize the potential for human exposure to waste or<br />

contaminated soiIs,.<br />

Table 4 lists a detailed cost summary for the selected<br />

remedy, U.S. EPA and the HDNR believe that, the selected<br />

remedy will achieve the remedial action objectives for this<br />

operable unit remedy of the site.


SiteTenong<br />

Capping<br />

a. Old and Southeast Fill Areas<br />

b., Non-Contiguous Fill Areas<br />

Gas Control<br />

Leachate • Control<br />

In-Situ Vapor Extraction<br />


Adnunistration (5%)<br />

Engineering (20%)<br />

Contingency (20%)<br />

TOTAL<br />

ap vo nnng an V!:i:::::!<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> . Gaa/Leachate Control<br />

Leachate Treatment<br />

(years 1992 to 1997)<br />

(years 1998 to 2022)<br />

In-Situ Vapor Extraction<br />

(years 1992 to 1997)<br />


(years 1992 to 1997)<br />

(years 1998 to 2022)<br />

Contingency (15%)<br />

fye'anl9$2to'l997)<br />

(years 1998 to 2022)<br />

TOTAL<br />

(yean 1992 to 1997)<br />

(years 1998 to 2022)<br />


(IO%IRicounTKate)<br />

MAL/vlr/JEM/KEB<br />

[iriiiad«4(I)<br />

13,3:27.41<br />

Table 4<br />

FcMftfllly Study<br />

1 Luudlllll<br />

$ 12.000<br />

S 3,641,000<br />

S 426,000<br />

$ 300.000<br />

S 884.000<br />

$ 243Lggo<br />

S 5,506,000<br />

S 275,300<br />

S 1,101,200<br />

$ yoyoo<br />

S 7,984,000<br />

S<br />

$<br />

$<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

39,700<br />

29,000<br />

164,000<br />

48,000<br />

36.400<br />

269,100<br />

116,700<br />

401,400<br />

S 309^00<br />

$ 134*200<br />

S 9.914.000


^^<br />

The selected remedy provides adequate protection of human<br />

health and the eiwixonment through ISVE to treat waste and<br />

contaminated soil in portions of the Non-Contiguous Fill<br />

Area; capping to contain wastes and contaminated soils,<br />

al levi at ing threats from direct contact and niniaiz ing<br />

leachats generation ; collection , control and appropr late<br />

treatmient of oontaniinants in landfill leachate ; cent inued<br />

extraction of landfill, gas to prevent migration,, buildup<br />

and/ or explosion ; ground water monitoring to ident If y<br />

potential impacts of contamination on existing wells; and<br />

land use restrictions and fencing to limit direct exposure<br />

to contamination.,<br />

Any short term risks associated with excavation of trenches<br />

for ISVE will be minimized through good construction<br />

practices..<br />

Wetlands are located southeast of the Site directly east of<br />

the Anamax facility entrance road, An intermittent creek<br />

flows over the Site and discharges into the wetlands area.,<br />

Sediment samples taken in the intermittent creek area,<br />

specifically 504 f show contamination in this area., The<br />

levels were below surface water criteria levels for the<br />

contaminants with listed values in U. S. EPA water quality<br />

criteria (QuAlity_$a^£ej^a__fjzt_Ha£sr_1222.) . In addition,,<br />

the cap portion of the SCOU will prevent contamination in<br />

soils from cont acting surface water runoff ,. Therefore<br />

wetland affects from the Site will be mitigated.<br />

The source control measures under the selected remedy „ in<br />

combination with the ground water operable unit,, will<br />

attempt to restore ground water to the State ESs and PALs<br />

and to Federal MCLs,.<br />

The selected remedy will be designed to meet all applicable,<br />

or relevant and appropriate requirements (AEARs) under<br />

federal ,, and more stringent state environnental. laws ., A<br />

list of MIARs for the site is contained in the alternative<br />

arrays section of the FS. The primary AKARs that will be<br />

achieved by the selected alternative are::

water *ot of 1977, aim amended [33 U.B.C. iii 1317]<br />

40 CFR 40 3 - Pretreatnent Standards . Require that waste<br />

waters to be discharged into a Publicly Owned Treatment<br />

Works ( POTH) satisfy both general and specif ic requirements<br />

to protect against damage to PO'IWisi. Any waste to be<br />

discharged to a POTW must, if necessary, be treated to<br />

satisfy these standards prior to discharge.. These<br />

pretreatnment requirenents are administered under NR 2 l :i. and<br />

IDS., The substantive requirements of these regulations will<br />

apply to collected leachate to be discharged.,<br />

Eesottiroe conservation and R«oov«ry l!i.ot(, am attended |[4ilt<br />

U.BoC.1 § if Ml et iiiaq. ]; WiiiioomniiiB Eiiiiwiroitmeiinta:!. FroteotioB<br />

lElaiKardous Waste Hanag«i,sBt lot [Wis« Btat,, § :i.44«(EiO'-74l]<br />

Host RCRA requirenents are administered under the State of<br />

Wisconsin " s i:niplenenting regulations ., U. S . EPi'i, does not<br />

have sufficient evidence to deinkonstrate that listed 'RCEA<br />

wastes were disposed of at the site. RCRA requirenments are<br />

therefore not applicable to One site,, except to the extent<br />

that new haiKardous wastes (such as treatBent residuals) are<br />

generated during the course of the remedy.. Several other<br />

RCRA regulations ,, al though no>t ap>pl icable „ address probl einis<br />

or circuiuitances very similar to those encountered at this<br />

site and are therefore relevant and appropriate., However,<br />

the reiiedy will coiiply with the following applicable<br />

requirements::<br />

Mis. Admin.. Code MR 60!:i; 40 CFR 261 - Identification of<br />

Haieardous Hastes.. Provide reguireiients for deteniining when<br />

a waste is hazardous ,. The substant i ,ve requirements of these<br />

regulations will apply to TCLP testing of treatment<br />

reeiiduals and waste excavated at the site which niiiiy be<br />

di sposed of of f -sit e „<br />

Wii-i. Admin,. Code NR 1:115; 40> CFR 262 - Standards Applicable<br />

to Generators of Haieardous Waste ,. Provides requirements foxthe<br />

ship>;iniexit of wastes to treaibment,, storage or disposal<br />

facilities .. These requirements may app ly to of f -site<br />

shipiment of treatment reeiiduals and other wastes.<br />

Mis., Admin. Code NR 620; Department of Transportation<br />

Hazardous llCeterials Transportation, Act. [49 U..S,C,, § :UIO:i.];<br />

40 CFR 263 ••• Standardei Applicable to Transporters of<br />

BaziiLrdous Waste ., Requires record keeping „ reporting and<br />

iwnif acting of waste shipments „ These requirements may<br />

apply to of f -site shipment o:l: treatment residuals and other<br />


W IB,. Admin. Code MR 6:3 0. .10-17; 40 CFR 264,, Subpart B -<br />

General Faci 1 ity Requirements ., Est ablishes s utost ant i . ve<br />

requir einienti-i for s ecuri ,ty t inspection , personnel training ,<br />

and materials handling which are relevant and appropriate to<br />

on -sit e act! vities involving excavat ions and handl ing of<br />

hazardous soils and materials .<br />

Wis, Admin. Code ME 630.21-22; 40 CFR 26'!,, Subpart D -<br />

Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures., Establishes<br />

substantive reguirenents for emergency planning which are<br />

relevant and appropriate for on -site activities involving<br />

excava tion and handling of hazardous s ubst a rices .<br />

His., Admin. Code NR 675; 40 CFR 268 - Land Disposal<br />

Rest r ict ions ., Requires that hax ardous wastes cannot be land<br />

disposed unless they satisfy specified treatment standards<br />

and imposes record keeping requirements on such wastes .,<br />

These requirements apply to off -site disposal, of any<br />

treatment residues or other hazardous wastes ..<br />

Wii!ii::o:iii!!iln EiiririroBiiaiEtal ProtinctioB Law,, eubeltmptiiiir ril'HEloliiill<br />

Waste [Wis. Stint,, lii :I.44,43-

into the ambient air and procedures for measuring specific<br />

air pollutants . Landf 1 ,11 gas end ss ions , handling of<br />

contaminated soils during excavation,, and cap construction,<br />

could cause air emissions of VOCs, particulates, fugitive<br />

dust or other contaminants which could adversely effect<br />

human health and the environment ., The design of the remedy<br />

will reduce such emissions to acceptable levels or provide<br />

for treatment to satisfy these standards,<br />

Safe Drinking Water Lot [40 U.8.C. § ::iOO et nmiq; . ]<br />

40 CFR 141,, His. Adiuiin,. Code ME. 109 - Maximum Contaminant<br />

Levels (MCLi:!) ,. MCLs establish drinking water standard!;! for<br />

potential and actual, drinking water sources. MCLs have been<br />

exceeded at the site in the shallow aquifer, which is<br />

classified as a potential drinking water source., The ISVE<br />

component of the ntiLSidy,, in combination with the upcoming<br />

ground water operable unit, will achieve compliance with<br />

MCLs and non-zero Maximum Contaminant Level. Goals.<br />

Wis. Admin., Code NR 1.40 ••• Grouiindwater Quality Standards.<br />

Provides for groundwater quality standards including<br />

Preventive Action Limi , t .is ( PALs ) , Enforcement Standards<br />

(ESs) „ and (Wisconsin) Alternative Concentration Limits<br />

(WACLs) . The IS¥E coHponent of the remedy « in combination<br />

with the upcoming ground water operable unit, will, achieve<br />

compliance with any applicable substantive groundwater<br />

quality standards.<br />

WiscoBiiiiniL EiwixoniiiLemtal Froteotioin. :i:>in,imIP eubchaiiter XI -Water<br />

and Sewage [Wini, stint.. § :i.d 11 , oil -;i!7;|<br />

Wis. Admin, Code NR 102 and 105 - Surface water quality<br />

standards. NR 102 creates an antidegradation policy for all<br />

waters of the state and prohibits toxic substances in<br />

surface waters at concentrations which adversely affect<br />

public health or welfare, present or prospective water<br />

supply uses, or protection of aniital life. The ISVE<br />

component of the remedy «. in combination with the upcoming<br />

ground water operable unit, will achieve compliance any<br />

substantive requirements o£ these regulations that<br />

const it: u te iftEARs .<br />

Clean water l,ot of l!!i?T, am uneigideiili |[3:ii iL.iii.c., § Ui'il

coivtaminated runoff is channeled directly to .a surface water<br />

bodyt. however, that runoff must comply with any applicable<br />

concentration limits.<br />

3 •<br />

Claami Water Act of 1977, am emeBdeiil 133 u.B.C. iii IMU]<br />

Executive <strong>Order</strong> 11990 and 40 CFR 6 - Protection of Wetlands,.<br />

These requirements -provide for protection against loss or<br />

degradation of wetlands . Contanination in surface waiter<br />

runoff will be controlled so that it does not have an<br />

adverse impact on nearby wetlands .<br />

c.<br />

The selected remedy provides overall cost-effectiveness.,<br />

ISVE adds a significant degree of permanence,, as does the<br />

extraotioin of contaminants in leachate and landfill gasses ,.<br />

The substantial additional, protection and psoianence<br />

provided by the upgraded cap and ISVE under the selected<br />

alternative is achieved with only a minor (roughly 9%)<br />

increase in cost over the only other protective alternative.,<br />

Moreover , by ef f ect ively addressing sources of ground water<br />

contamination , the sel ected inter im action operabl e unit<br />

remedy may also reduce the cost of the ground water operable<br />

-unit.<br />

The selected alternative represents the best balance of<br />

alternatives with respect to the nine evaluation criteria<br />

described in Section VIII . An innovative treatment<br />

technology , :i:S¥E, is used to permanent ly address the most<br />

highly concentrated source area of contamination . The<br />

selected alternative treats the principal source of ongoing<br />

ground water contaiiination and direct contact threats. The<br />

cap further retards the movement of residual contaminants to<br />

ground water by reducing the generation of leachate. The<br />

upgraded leachate collection system captures for treatment<br />

the leachate that is produced,, Collected leachate will also<br />

be treated and disposed of., The land use restrictions will<br />

further assure protection to the public health and the<br />

environment .<br />

E, PoiU^EiTiiiJice for Treatfflsnt As A PrinclDal<br />


By treating the BOS t highly concentrated conta:i»iinat ed so:i. 1<br />

and leadhata as reguired,, the selected remedy satisfies the<br />

statutory preference for remedial* that employ treatment of<br />

the principal threat to peinnanently and significantly reduce<br />

toxicity, mobility,, or volume of hazardous substance!-!,,<br />

The selected remedy reduces the likelihood that the i-iource<br />

areas will continue to be a significant source of ground<br />

water contaaination by use of XS¥Eir collection and<br />

appropriate treatment of leachateir and capping to reduce<br />

infi 1 tration„ The reiinaining existing contajiiination in<br />

ground water will be addreased thlrough the second operable<br />

unit at tlie site, The cap,, combined with institutional<br />

controls will also act to prevent exposure through direct<br />


This Eesponsiveness Summary has been prepared to meet the<br />

requirementiEi of Sections 113 (k) (2)i (B) (ivj and 117 (b) of the<br />

Conpreheinsive Environmental Response,, Compensation,, and Liability<br />

Act (CERCLA) of 19130,, as amended by the Superfund Amendments and<br />

Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986, which requires U.S.. EPA to<br />

respond ".. .to each of the written or oral presentations 111 on a<br />

Proposed Flan for remedial action.. This Responsiveness Summary<br />

summarizes comments and concerns expressed by the public and<br />

other interested parties in written and oral form received by<br />

U., S. EPA, on the recommended remedy.<br />

On November 18 1991,, U.S.. EPA made available to the public for<br />

review and content the FS and Proposed Plan for source areas at<br />

the Husksgoi <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong>.,<br />

U.,S. EPA received comments at the public meeting on December 12,<br />

1991, at the <strong>Muskego</strong> City Hall.. Additional written comments were<br />

also submitted during the comment period.<br />

Comments received during the public comment period are summarized<br />

in this section. The comment period was held from November 18 to<br />

December 18, 1991. Some of the comments have been paraphrased in<br />

order to effectively summarize them in this document. The reader<br />

is referred to the public meeting transcript and copies of<br />

written comments submitted during the comment period. All are<br />

contained in the <strong>Administrative</strong> Record and are available for<br />

review at the information repositories.,<br />

ComiitBt: One commenter believed that U.S, EP'A should add a<br />

gr oiund water monitor ing pr ogr am at s e lee ted mon it or i ng a nd<br />

private wells to the remedy. The suggestion was made to include<br />

semi-annual monitoring for MR 508 MAC indicator parameters and<br />

VOCs at low detection limits in monitoring wells along the south<br />

and southeast portions of the site, as well as in a selected<br />

background monitoring well and in selected private wells. These<br />

wells should be selected based on their location,, depth, past<br />

monitoring result s,, and construction. The comnienter suggested<br />

that this monitoring program begin in Spring 1992, if possible.<br />

U.S. :i;:il!'l, Response:! U.S.. EP'A agrees with, the commenter., Such, a<br />

monitoring program will be included in the selected remedy and<br />

outlined in the ROD, The implementation time frame for this work<br />

will be finalized in the Remedial Design phase of the project..<br />

U.S. EPA will plan to Implement all portions of the remedy in an<br />

expeditious and effective manner.<br />

Cc»:imiiiBt;c In the first of four separate comments,, one commenter<br />

pointed out a cost discrepancy between the Proposed Plan and FS.

i:i,,B« EPA, Eeinponssx U.S.. EPA agrees that, different present net<br />

worth costs for Alternative!:! 3 and 4 appeared in the two<br />

documents., The lower costs of $8,. 7 million and $9.9 million,,<br />

respectively,, have been noted as the most recent figures for<br />

Alternatives 3 and 4 and will be reflected in the ROD,.<br />

The second comment pertained to the effectiveness of<br />

U.S.. EFA"s list of source control remedial alternatives., The<br />

coiuonenter stated that while capping,, landfill gas, ISVE, and<br />

leachate extraction should have a substantial effect on limit ing<br />

ground water contamination and the release of site contaminant si,<br />

natural processes ( sorpt ion , dispersion ,, and biodegradat ion) can<br />

also reduce the observed concentrations in dowxigradient ground<br />

water to acceptable levels. The commenter viewed natural<br />

processes as being a major component to the final, remedy.<br />

U.S., EF1. liinspoBsiiiii While U.S.. EPA agrees that natural processes<br />

can reduce the observed concentra tions , concen tr at ions are high<br />

enough that the time and likelihood for these processes to be<br />

effective to protect human health, and the environment would be<br />

unknown. Additional information on this subject will be provided<br />

in the next operable unit which will focus on ground water, The<br />

source control remedy selected is not inconsistent with utilizing<br />

natural, degradation processes to reduce ground water<br />

contamination levels..<br />

Comment:: The third comment stated that cap construction of the<br />

southeast fill area could be postponed while the effects of the<br />

proposed upgraded leachate and landfill gas extraction system!:;<br />

are monitored.<br />

U.S. EPA lesponsiiiii: U.S. EPA disagrees,. First, leachate<br />

collection mechanisms ,, including new extraction wells ,, nay not<br />

effectively reduce leachate levels over the entire bottom area of<br />

fill, therefore allowing the possibility of leachate to leak: from<br />

this area during the evaluation period , Additional percolation<br />

through the old, weathered cover would add to the amount, of<br />

leachate that could leak: out „<br />

Second,, the current, cover ..allows the potential for air intrusion<br />

at a significantly greater rate than a new MR 504 cover. This<br />

condition reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of gas<br />

collection in this area..<br />

Third,, according to the intent, of NR 50 4.07(1.;) WAC and NR<br />

506., 08 (3) MAC,, the construction of a cap should be accomplished<br />

in the most effective and quickest manner possible (i.e. , it<br />

should be implemented as quickly as possible ) to minimize the<br />

amount of percolation into a fill area over time.,<br />

Conmiuiti: The commenter " s final comment pertained to the<br />

effectiveness of the ISVE system., The commenter offered a method<br />

for measuring that effectiveness., The method wold use a soil -gas

medium to determine the clean-up Etandards for .the system. The<br />

clean-up standard would be based on soil-gas concentrations that<br />

correspond to ground water cleanup levels,, which will be<br />

developed later during the Groundvatar Operable Unit Feasibi1ity<br />

Study. A model evaluating the relationship between soil-gas VOC<br />

concentrations and groundwater VOC concentrations would be used<br />

to determine the waste/subsoil concentrations necessary to<br />

achieve the protective level of VOC's in groundwater. This<br />

method would provide sufficient fli-sxibility to allow cleanup to<br />

occur without premature imposition of unrealistic clean up goals<br />

or performance standards.<br />

O.B» EF1 RiiHiipoMiin U.S. EPA generally agrees with this comment<br />

and has included language on clean up standards in the ROD that<br />

addresses this concern,<br />

Conoiment:: Two comments were received concern!ng ground water<br />

migration.<br />

U.S., EPA EaiiiipoiiiisiiM! Ground water migration will be addressed in<br />

the next operable unit for the Site! That operable unit will<br />

deal solely with ground water issues. Ground water monitoring<br />

will be required for this source control operable unit in order<br />

to measure the effect on ground water by the remedy., This<br />

monitoring will also provide additional information on the ground<br />

water contaminant migration to be used for the final remedy.<br />

Comment! Two commenters stressed that the most complete cleanup<br />

possible be done at the Site.<br />

U.B., EPA Response!: U.S. EPA agrees, The most complete cleanup<br />

considered for the source areas at the Site is being selected.,<br />

In addition to the original recommendation as outlined in the<br />

Proposed Plan,, the Agency is planning to add a ground water<br />

monitoring program to the source control operable unit action.,<br />

This is outlined in the ROD.<br />

Comment:: One commenter requested that all..private and monitoring<br />

well, results of all tests taken on her property be sent to her.<br />

U«e« EFA Essponsiiiii U.S. EPA sent all information on January 8,<br />

1992., Additional infornation regarding test results is available<br />

at the information repositories located at the Muskago City Hall<br />

and the IMtuskego Public Library.,<br />

Comment it One commenter provided U.S. EPA with sampling<br />

information provided to him by the WDNR. He also included his<br />

telephone number if the Agency needs more information.<br />

U.S., EPA Response)! u.8. EPA thanks the comment sir for this<br />

information. If more information is needed, the Agency will<br />

certainly contact him.,

Paoe MO.<br />

03/12/52<br />

niCttE'/IF MM! PAGES Oil 7 IE<br />

AONINIITMTIVE u-oara nn>«<br />


i, WltOMIN<br />


2 89/05/05 l.'iMt'MM- ri: InwiiriiiiKiK lEdflimtiriiri,)!,. •• Stitt G(fford,N.<br />

Unntw Mimiviunirii: Report »1F y

Pacio NO.. 2<br />

03n2/92<br />


HUSKEGO stimuli LANDFii.i. $ i re<br />



Prapwiiindi SiMiplirvgi iiinel<br />

AnmiliyiMiii OMiKMte tin IHI<br />

ueindl far rifiiiiripUnw at<br />

i:lni( iLiiiidninitiii HiniEl<br />

iiritl lEiiin Viiiitii mi:<br />

13 91/01/Oft Ultirich.!)., * U,!i, IEPA ,,/!,. •• wniitii<br />

lor iMuNtcnwBi Lwidtl 1,1<br />

kilhtlhi in Uittiir<br />

iliiriiitiiry l.iincll'lll<br />

Couiricy,<br />

UlMieirmiiri<br />

1)1 PILimri<br />

itinniitinry l.iwlif 11II<br />

yniAmilM Conn'ty,,<br />

Wliiicoiuiiiri Vail. 3 of !S<br />

ui/nr/oo ciunil.l!ty Aiiiiuirinriciii<br />

iPngiJnci: Plnni<br />

iliiiriliiiniry liinnHHIU<br />

206 68/00/00 Piriwiouii<br />

I. music (I HI<br />

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W, llmiiartn on<br />

llinrilhtinry<br />

llll'llHP 111. IK|lLMlli;i»n«i,<br />

V«>H.. 2<br />

Wiirir»iri IEi>»iiiiiihnr iir»o, line.. Miurmiiiiimimi: K!«|»B>rtt/itiEiLidil imi 1 i!<br />

Unr«>iri<br />

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/IF muni li 11 Ihcy Ittudy line..<br />

Hun>l(i»oa Itiiivitiiiry l.ii«HFIII.<br />

SHEW irnchnilicnll<br />

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lEIruiirimif *ni|i iliMitn II ii1»rl !i/!l Mull hm<br />

Uimyni IEiri||iliPMMiir>ing,Inc. UiinlK 15<br />

Uutu<br />

EnglnMfing, lliiiirn Rl>|WtCII/!ilElJKlllllnll 17<br />

10<br />

11<br />


Pa Ha. 3<br />

0:5/12/92<br />



jiAiinriwv ILMIDIFII.I. SITE<br />



/Feasibility Study Inc.<br />

HuMiknwE) <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong><br />

Site Siuppl,imnt To<br />

Teehnii en I Mnic.cluiii Ha.1l<br />


Psen- Mo.. 4<br />

03/12/92<br />


() 90/06/00<br />

ion<br />

thill<br />

Rl/FS<br />

Altvrmtlvm Army<br />

DaffiiLiinnrttt ilmrein Control<br />

Opwratoln IJlirilMt IRomiKliiiil<br />

I iwinit i nii'l: I oiV NIIIII < l> 11II ty<br />

dim Kuiilcmgiti I.iiiri(i-Ml.ll<br />

IIII/F9<br />



AUTHOR<br />

1!) l.«l:icnir cawiir'iirig tho fliicidnji:,<br />

KaiLirull ill SmiisiH mil lloirl:<br />

Plhnrn MitoKluiii Jab Mo.<br />

IMilT.1,1!,<br />

1l!i 911 /111 1/00 Attaint: <br />

Drum lliiMinwnl Iliiintciii<br />

if'l.nn<br />

HiiiniMriiiirHiljm<br />

), UlliSiOOinill<br />

1IIEC1IPII lEIIir<br />


EngtnMrfng HOE:., llwitn NliHmwimnnit Kii«iM)>iri:«/!!ittiJiEl

PEitpl! INK). 5<br />

03 /"I2 in<br />





91/0()/«0 IMiinnBMiiil Uinrxyn, Ire..<br />

91/10/00 . U.K.<br />

ItninJ i:«nr<br />

I.1MWKFIIU, Sltll<br />

SLi|9|Eiiiimnm I: <br />

mull lirwlyiiiii<br />

of Iliihiiildiiirivliil Wnl.II<br />

liilinn<br />

1!S>6 91/11/00 iFniKitiibilllty JEtudy<br />

0|Miiinitolii UHrilht<br />

MunulMHiKi Smriiitiiiry<br />

LfllPlltfltl IKl/IFii<br />

Ijiiintiii Himmiwiwmcm Rcpcirtn/'StiLiiiiittn<br />

Jorws.V. • U.I. EWl KtU«y,J.,HMJbold,U. IMpcur i:n/«udl 1111<br />

trninyn I inc..<br />

ilnli in l'lnn

2 9 IW2<br />

Mir., Valdas ¥. Adamkus, Administrator<br />

U.S. EPA Region V<br />

BO S. Dearborn St.,<br />

Chicago, Fill 601504<br />


11011 iionitli Wrilmliiir JtaiElt<br />


Mr., Vail das V. Adii.mlo.i«;,, Acini nlstrator 2<br />

" Biased on 30 years of operation and narinteinaince (O&M)<br />

The Department concurs with the! selection of this remedy, as described above<br />

and in the Record of Decision for the situ,<br />

Me understand that if the potentially responsible parties; (PRP's) do not agree<br />

to fund the remedy, the State of Wisconsin will] contribute ILK of the remedial<br />

action costs; associated with the action and 10% of the GUI costs for the first<br />

year ami provide for all OJiiM after that. Me provide this assurance on the<br />

assumption that. ILL S. II PA will pursue all appropriate enforcement action!; with<br />

the PRP's prior to expending the Fund at the site.<br />

Me understand that if the Fund is expended to conduct the remedy and If<br />

hazardous waste meedlmg disposal Is required to be managed off-site as part of<br />

the remedy, that the State of Wisconsin Mi'11 be required to provide tlhe<br />

assurances for haziirdous wigiste managCTiismt in |40 CI : R 300., !ilO(d) amid (e) of the<br />

Haiti oiriall Continigeincy Plain. The assurances are that a compliant hai.iirdoi.is<br />

waste facilMity is a v a ill able,, and that facillity's use is coins; istent with our<br />

approved Capacity Assurance Plan., Haiardous waste residuails naiy be generated<br />

by the future pretreatineirit of leachate and liindfil'l gas coiridensiitte prior to<br />

discharge to the sanitary sewer., However, it Is expected that leachate nay be<br />

discharged to the sanitary sewer without pretreatnent In the near tern,<br />

tie also understand that our staff will continue to work in close consultation<br />

with your staff during the pre-desigin, design and construction phases of the<br />

remedy,.<br />

Thank you for your support and cooperation in addressing tlhe contairii nation<br />

problem at the I<strong>Muskego</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> site., Should you have any questions regarding<br />

this matter, please contact Mr. Paul D1d1er, Director of the Bureau of Solid l!i<br />

Hazardous Vlasfe Manaicieneint , at 1608) I! l:>6 • 1327 ,<br />

Sincerely,,<br />

€, D.<br />

Secretary<br />

i::DB::GAI:<br />

cc: Lynan Hyble ••• AD/5<br />

Linda Heyer - LC/5<br />

Paul Didler - SH/3<br />

Frank Sclnultz/Jin Schmidt •• SEO<br />

Ul-ill Haubold - U.,S,. EPA Region. V, HSRU-6J<br />

Mark G1esfeldt/6ary Ede 1 stein - SW/3







1. Carl Wauer<br />

2.. Waste Management of Wisconsin,, Inc.<br />

3.. Acme Galvanizing, inc..<br />

4.. Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc.<br />

5.. Alien-Bradley Company, Inc.<br />

6.. Allied Signal Corporation<br />

7.. American Motors Corporation<br />

8.. American Can Company<br />

9.. Ampco Metal Inc.<br />

10. Amron Corporation<br />

11.. Beatrice Company<br />

12. Beazer East, Inc.<br />

v_; 13. Browning Ferris Industries of Wisconsin, inc.<br />

14. Brunswick Corporation<br />

15.. Caterpi 1 lax, Inc,<br />

16. Cudahy Tanning Co., Inc.<br />

17. Dings Company, Magnetic Group<br />

18. E.Z. Paintr Company<br />

19. Envirex Inc.<br />

20. General Electric Company<br />

21. Harnischfeger<br />

22.. Hydrite Chemical Company<br />

23. Inryco Corporation<br />

24.. Laidlaw Waste Systems, Inc.,<br />

25. Law Tanning Co. r<br />

26. Louis Alien Division of Magnetix, Inc.<br />

27. Master Lock. Company<br />

28.. Metals Transport Company, Inc..<br />

29.. Midwest Tanning Company<br />

W 30. PPG Industries<br />

31.. Pressed Steel Tank Co,,, Inc.<br />

32.. Prestige Foods<br />

33.. PVL Limited Partnership<br />

34.. Jack Quigley<br />

3 5., RAPCO Leather Company<br />

36.. Rexnord Incorporated<br />

37. St. Luke's Hospital<br />

38. Star Line Trucking Company<br />

39.. Teledyne Wisconsin Motors<br />

40.. Trinity Hospital<br />

41.. Vulcan Materials Company<br />

42. W.A. Krueger Company<br />

43. Wayne Chemical Corporation<br />

44. Wisconsin Bell Telephone Company<br />

45. Wisconsin Electric Power Company<br />

46. Zummach-Peerless Chemical Coating Co.


09 / 2 5 / B 6 Waste Hanagement,, U., S, EP'A<br />

Inc,<br />

02/24/87 Waste Management, U.S. EPA<br />

Inc,<br />

03/24/87 Waste Management, U.S. EPA<br />

Inc,.<br />

10/30/92 Waste Management, U.S. EPA<br />

Inc,<br />

:i. 1 /13 / 92 Was t e Management , U., S,. EPA<br />

Inc.<br />

09/09/86 Carl Wauer U.S. EPA<br />

06/01/87 Acne Galvanizing,, U.S. EPA<br />

Inc.<br />

11/02/92 Acme Galvanizing,, U.S. EPA<br />

Inc,<br />

12/19/86 Aldrich Chemical U.S. EPA<br />

Company<br />

10/10/92 Aldrich Chemical U.S. EPA<br />

Company<br />

12/18/86 Alien Bradley Co. U.S. EPA<br />

11/03/92 Alien Bradley Co. U.S. EPA<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

(including 12 driver<br />

affidavits)<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

(attaching site-related<br />

r 'ecor ds)<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

(attach ing 1iquid<br />

waste report<br />

summaries)<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplenoiental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Inforiiation Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request

12/22/86 American Motors U.S. EPA<br />

Corp.,<br />

11/12/92 Anpco Metal Co. U.S. EPA.<br />

04/24/87 Anron Corporation U.S. EPA<br />

11/06/92 Anron Corporation U.S. EPA<br />

11/04/92 Beatrice Company U.S. EPA<br />

11/2 5/92 Beatrice Company U.S. EPA<br />

07/06/87 Bostrom Seating U.S. EPA<br />

Inc..<br />

11 /1:2 / 9 2 Bostrom Seat ing U., S. EPA<br />

Inc.,<br />

11/24/92 Browning Ferris U.S. EPA<br />

Industries<br />

06/04/87 Caterpillar Tractor U.S. EPA<br />

Company<br />

11/12/92 Caterpillar Tractor U.S. EPA<br />

Company<br />

12 / 0 4 / 8 6 Cudahy Tanning Co. U. S,. EPA<br />

11/12/92 Cudahy Tanning Co. U.S. EPA<br />

11/20/92 Cudahy Tanning Co. U.S. EPA<br />

Title.<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Infornation Reques t<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

I nf o nna t i o n Reque s t<br />

Supplementa1<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Infonnation Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Infonnation Request<br />

Supplemental.<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Requemt<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Informati on Requemt<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Infonnation Request

o (S / 3 o / 8 7 Dings company<br />

1 0 / 2 6 / 9 2 D ings Company<br />

06/15/87 E.Z. Paintr Co,<br />

10/29/92 Envirex, Inc.<br />

ll/l8/92 Envirex, Inc»<br />

12/12/86 Harnischfeger<br />

10/20/9:;! Harnischfeger<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

11/06/92 E.Z. Paintr Co, U.S. EPA<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

U.S.. EPA<br />

05/05/87 General Electric U.S. EPA<br />

Company<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

U.S. EPA<br />

11 / o 2 / 9 2 Hydr it e Chenica 1 U,. S. EPA<br />

Company<br />

09/24/06 Laidlav Waste U.S., EPA<br />

Systems, I nc „<br />

11/12/921 Law Tanning Co. U.S., EPA<br />

12/23/86 Louis Allis U.S. EPA<br />

08/05/87 Master Lode Co. U.S, EPA<br />

11/05/92 Master Lode Co, U.S. EPA<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Rei-sponse to EP'A<br />

Information Request<br />

Reeponse to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

SuppleBiental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

][n:l!oniiation Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Infornation Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to ERA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

I nf o mat i on Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Respomse to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request

11/12/92 Master Lock Co,<br />

Ri-jg ;L]RJ;

v.../<br />

11/17/92 Star Line<br />

Tracking Co.<br />

u.s. EPA<br />

05/21/87 Teledyne Wisconsin U.S., EPA<br />

Motors<br />

11 / 06/92 Teledyne Wisconsin U,. S., EPA<br />

Motors<br />

0(5/29/87 Theiii Corporation/ U.S. EPA<br />

Koippers Company<br />

11/12/92 Bea:ser East., Inc. U.S., EPA<br />

11/05/92 Trinity Hospital U.S. EPA<br />

11/13/92 Vulcan Materials U.S. EPA<br />

Company<br />

11/25/9;;! Vulcan Materials U.S., EPA<br />

Company<br />

12/17/86 W.A. Krueger U.S. EPA.<br />

06/10/87 Wayne Chemical U.S. EPA<br />

Corp.<br />

10/26/92 Wayne Chemical U.S. EPA<br />

Corp.<br />

11 /10 / 9 2 Wayne Cheaica 1. U., S, EPA<br />

Corp.,<br />

06/13/87 Wisconsin Bell U.S. EPA<br />

1 Ci / 23192 Misconsin Bell. U.S. EPA<br />

12/17/86 Wisconsin Electric U.S. EPA<br />

Power Co,<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

In £ormat, ion Request.<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA.<br />

Inforiiation JRequest<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Informati on Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information JRequest<br />

Supplemental<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Inf orraat i on Request<br />

Response to EPA<br />

Information Request

Date<br />

Qr<br />

lb"/27 " /92 Wisconsin Electric U. S. EPA<br />

Power Co .,<br />

11/05/92 Wisconsin Electric U.S. EPA<br />

' ' pow(ar Co

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