EPUAP Review 5/2 RIP - European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel

EPUAP Review 5/2 RIP - European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel

EPUAP Review 5/2 RIP - European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel


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• risk assessment<br />

• prevention<br />

• pressure ulcer assessment<br />

• treatment and complications<br />

• organizational issues and specific care-setting<br />

situations<br />

This structure was subsequently adopted during the development<br />

of the guideline.<br />

Search strategy<br />

Relevant literature was identified through a combination<br />

of searches of electronic data bases and hand-searching of<br />

reference lists and other available evidence-based guidelines.<br />

The electronic search covered four key data-bases –<br />

the Cochrane Library, CINAHL, EMBASE and MEDLINE.<br />

Each data-base was searched using the following key-words;<br />

pressure ulcer, pressure ulcers, pressure sore, pressure sores<br />

and decubitus. Studies retrieved with the last key-word were<br />

rejected from the review if they referred to the decubitus<br />

position. The search was refined using a variety of study<br />

designs as additional key-words; randomized clinical trials,<br />

cohort studies, retrospective studies, prospective studies,<br />

case control studies and case studies. Eligible studies had<br />

to be published between 1992 until July 2001. Members of<br />

the working group also submitted publications out with<br />

those included on the electronic data-bases while further<br />

publications were identified from reference lists and other<br />

evidence-based guidelines. In total over 400 publications<br />

were considered in this review. Each publication was then<br />

reviewed and graded using the following criteria:<br />

Where publications reported the use of interventions for<br />

either pressure ulcer prevention or treatment;<br />

A1 systematic reviews that included some studies of<br />

A2 level, with consistent results across the individual<br />

studies,<br />

A2 appropriately designed and conducted<br />

randomized controlled trials,<br />

B low quality randomized controlled trials or nonrandomized<br />

comparative cohort studies or<br />

patient-controlled studies,<br />

C non-comparative studies,<br />

D expert opinion.<br />

And in cases where publications reported upon diagnostic<br />

procedures for example risk assessment;<br />

A1 several prospective studies (including some at A2<br />

level) with minimal loss to follow-up within<br />

specified patient groups that reported clinical<br />

outcomes achieved after implementing a specified<br />

diagnostic procedure,<br />

A2 studies comparing the results from a diagnostic<br />

procedure against previously agreed ‘gold standard’<br />

reference procedure, with appropriate<br />

statistical analyses,<br />

B studies comparing the results from a diagnostic<br />

procedure against a reference procedure, may not<br />

have appropriate statistical analyses,<br />

C non comparative studies,<br />

D expert opinion.<br />

Throughout the process of reviewing and grading studies<br />

the working group would like to thank the Belgian <strong>Pressure</strong><br />

<strong>Ulcer</strong> Guideline Committee for the assistance they provided.<br />

Having graded the sources of evidence, the recommendations<br />

in the new guideline were also weighted as follows:<br />

1 Recommendation based on one systematic review<br />

(A1), or at least two independent studies on level A1<br />

or A2,<br />

2 Based on at least two independently executed studies<br />

on level B,<br />

3 Based on one study at level A2 or B, or studies on<br />

level C,<br />

4 Based on expert opinion.<br />

Each recommendation is supported by its scientific basis,<br />

representing a summary of the studies that underpin<br />

the recommendation. The key studies and weighting (level<br />

1 to 4) are illustrated for each of the given recommendations.<br />

Where recommendations were in part based on information<br />

outside the scientific studies (for example patient<br />

preferences, cost, equitable access throughout all care<br />

settings) the non-scientific aspects are listed as ‘other considerations’.<br />

Adopting this procedure for presenting recommendations<br />

was considered to increase the transparency<br />

and implementation of the guideline while also facilitating<br />

discussion within the working group!<br />

Legal implications of the guideline<br />

Clinical guidelines are not laws, but rather offer insights<br />

based on the available evidence that would assist caregivers<br />

to deliver ‘good’ care. These insights are based on the average<br />

or typical patient and when faced with a heterogeneous<br />

patient population it is likely that caregivers may exercise<br />

their professional judgement and decide to deviate from<br />

the guideline. Such deviations should be noted in the patients<br />

medical record.<br />

Updating the guideline<br />


The CBO will update the guideline no later than 2007 although<br />

earlier review may be required dependent upon<br />

advancves in scientific knowledge and clinical practices.<br />

References<br />

1. Gezondheidsraad: Decubitus.Den Haag: Gezondheidsraad,<br />

1999. Publicatie nr 1999/23, blz.13.<br />

2. Bours, G. and Halfens R. ‘Decubitus komt nog veel te<br />

veel voor.’ TVZ 1999; (20): 608–611.<br />

3. Hey, S. <strong>Pressure</strong> sores care and cure (letter). Lancet<br />

1996; 348: 1511.D<br />

4. Haalboom JRE. <strong>Pressure</strong> <strong>Ulcer</strong>s. Lancet 1998; 352:<br />

581.<br />

5. Hu TW, Stotts NA, Fogarty TE and Bergstrom B. Cost<br />

analysis for guideline implementation in prevention<br />

and early treatment of pressure ulcers. Decubitus 1993;<br />

6: 42–46.<br />

6. Frantz R, Bergquist S and Specht J. The cost of<br />

treating pressure ulcers following implementation of<br />

a research-based skin care protocol in a long term<br />

Volume 5, Number 2, 2003 65

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