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Majone , Giandomenico. 1996a. Temporal Consistency and Policy Credibility: Why<br />

Democracies Need Non-Majoritarian Institutions .” European University Institute,<br />

Working Paper RSC No 96/57.<br />

Majone, Giandomencio. 1996b. Regulating Europe. New York: Routledge.<br />

Majone , Giandomenico. 1997. “The New European Agencies: Regulation by<br />

Information.” Journal of European Public Policy 4(2): 265-75.<br />

Majone , Giandomenico. 2000. “The Credibility Crisis of Community Regulation.”<br />

Journal of Common Market Studies 38(2): 273-302.<br />

Marsh, David. And R.A.W. Rhodes. 1992. “Policy Communities and Issue Networks:<br />

Beyond Typology” in D. Marsh and R. A. W. Rhodes (eds) Policy Networks in<br />

the British Government. Oxford: Clarendon Press: 249-68.<br />

McNeil, William H. 1977. Plagues and Peoples. New York: Doubleday.<br />

Mitrany, David. 1943. A Working Peace System. Chicago: Quadrangle Books.<br />

Morris, Julian. 2000. “Introduction.” in ed. Morris, Julian. Rethinking Risk and the<br />

Precautionary Principle. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.<br />

Nugent, Neill. 2001. The European Commission. New York: Palgrave.<br />

Nugent, Neill. 2003. Government and Politics in the European Union.<br />

Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.<br />

Nugent, Neill. 2004. (ed.) “Introduction: The 10 + 2 Enlargement Round” in<br />

The Challenges of EU Enlargement. Macmillan/Palgrave. (forthcoming)<br />

Patterson, Lee Ann. 2000. “Biotechnology Policy.” In Wallace and Wallace Eds.<br />

Policy-Making in the European Union. New York: Oxford.<br />

Peterson, J. 1995. “Decision-Making in the European Union: Towards a Framework for<br />

Analysis.” Journal of European Public Policy 2(1).<br />

Peterson, John and Elizabeth Bomberg. 1999. Decision-Making in the European Union.<br />

Basingstoke: Macmillan.<br />

Price, Derek J. de Solla. 1963. Little Science, Big Science. New York:<br />

Columbia University Press.<br />


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