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It’s Getting Tougher Labopharm LabopharmGets Gets FDA FDA Okay Okay For For Once-Daily Tramadol (Ryzolt) --Finally Finally December December 31, 31, 2008: 2008: 12:03 12:03 PM PM ET ET To To say say Labopharm Labopharm Inc.'s Inc.'s (DDSS) (DDSS) first first U.S. U.S. drug drug approval approval followed followed a a long long and and winding winding road road Marketing would would be be an an partner understatement, understatement, Purdue but but Pharma the the tramadol tramadol plans saga saga to with with launch the the U.S. U.S. in FDA FDA Q2 is is 2009. finally finally over over and and investors investors aren't aren't dwelling dwelling on on the the past. past. Earlier Earlier Wednesday, Wednesday, the the Canadian Canadian specialty-pharma specialty-pharma company company announced announced that that the the FDA FDA approved approved "This its its is once-daily once-daily a great formulation formulation milestone of of for painkiller painkiller the company tramadol, tramadol, named named and Ryzolt. Ryzolt. fantastic Labopharm, Labopharm, news for which which has has been investors, been public public for for but 12 12 years, this years, approval went went through through has hoops hoops been to to get get a the long the drug drug time approved, approved, coming," having having said to to redo redo a trials, trials, construct construct new new statistical statistical analyses, analyses, and and even even engage engage the the U.S. U.S. regulator's regulator's formal formal disputedisputeresolutionresolution biotech process. process. observer familiar with the company. "I can't help but believe It It expects expects the opportunity marketing marketing partner partner today Purdue Purdue is much Pharma Pharma smaller to to launch launch than the the product it product was in in a the the few second second years quarter. quarter. ago. "This "This is is a a great great milestone milestone for for the the company company and and fantastic fantastic news news for for investors, investors, but but this this approval approval has has The been been results a a long long time time will coming," coming," be apparent said said a a biotech biotech enough observer observer once familiar familiar the company with with the the company. company. launches "I "I the can't can't drug." help help but but believe believe the the opportunity opportunity today today is is much much smaller smaller than than it it was was a a few few years years ago. ago. The The results results will will be be apparent apparent enough enough once once the the company company launches launches the the drug." drug." … In In the the U.S., U.S., Ryzolt Ryzolt will will face face competition competition from from Biovail Biovail Corp.'s Corp.'s Ultram Ultram ER, ER, which which has has a a three-year three-year head head start start and and is is backed backed by by marketing marketing juggernaut juggernaut Johnson Johnson & Johnson. Johnson. Despite Despite the the lead lead and and having having the the market market to to itself, itself, the the drug's drug's sales sales have have been been a a disappointment disappointment to to investors. Ryzolt investors. will In In 2007, face 2007, Biovail's Biovail's competition revenue revenue from from Ultram Ultram Biovail ER ER was Corp.'s was $86.7 $86.7 Ultram million; million; through through ER, which the the third third has quarter quarter of of 2008, 2008, revenue revenue was was $ $ 64.1 64.1 million. million. 14 To say Labopharm Inc.'s (DDSS) first U.S. drug approval followed a long and winding road would be an understatement…Ryzolt, a QD tramadol ER for moderately severe chronic pain, first received an approvable letter from the FDA in 2006 – not data related. Since then, Labopharm has filed a formal dispute resolution with the FDA. a three-year head start and is backed by marketing juggernaut Johnson & Johnson. © Defined Health, 2009 Pain Insight Briefing

The Risk : Reward Profile for Novel Pain Agents 15 Development Risk Regulatory Risk THE BAR © Defined Health, 2009 Pain Insight Briefing Market Risk

The Risk : Reward Profile for Novel Pain Agents<br />

15<br />

Development Risk<br />

Regulatory Risk<br />

THE BAR<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Market Risk

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