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Game Changing Plays in the Pain Market Ginger S. Johnson, PhD Vice President Defined Health 1 © Defined © Defined Health, Health, 2009 2009 Pain Insight Briefing

Game Changing Plays in <strong>the</strong><br />

Pain Market<br />

Ginger S. Johnson, PhD<br />

Vice President<br />

Defined Health<br />

1<br />

© Defined<br />

© Defined<br />

Health,<br />

Health,<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

2<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Our Disclaimer<br />

3<br />

The information in this <strong>presentation</strong> has been obtained from what are<br />

believed to be reliable sources and has been verified whenever possible.<br />

Never<strong>the</strong>less, we cannot guarantee <strong>the</strong> information contained <strong>here</strong>in as<br />

to accuracy or completeness.<br />

All expressions of opinion are <strong>the</strong> responsibility of Defined Health and,<br />

though current as of <strong>the</strong> date of this report, are subject to change.<br />

The contents of this <strong>presentation</strong> are not meant to be comprehensive, but<br />

to encourage a spirited dialogue. Feedback, comments and corrections<br />

are welcome.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

What’s Next for Pain?<br />

4<br />

• Continued efforts to improve on current standard of care.<br />

• Increasing use of experimental/translational methodologies for early<br />

clinical PoC (e.g., neuroimaging).<br />

• Big pharma focus on novel mechanisms.<br />

• More biologicals targeting pain mediators.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Everyone Hurts<br />

“Pain is whatever <strong>the</strong> experiencing person says it is, existing whenever he/she<br />

says it does". (Margo McCaffery, 1968)<br /><br />

5<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

An Estimated 250 M Suffer From Chronic Pain WW<br />

6<br />

Acute pain and chronic pain differ in <strong>the</strong>ir etiology, pathophysiology and<br />

treatment.<br />

• Acute pain is self-limiting and serves a protective biological function; however, we still want<br />

it minimized.<br />

• Chronic pain (both nociceptive/inflammatory and neuropathic), on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, is itself a<br />

disease process.<br />

Pfizer Analyst and Investor Meeting Oct. 28, 2008<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

For several of <strong>the</strong>se chronic<br />

conditions, such as chronic low<br />

back pain (CLBP), fibromyalgia and<br />

neuropathic pain, prevalence<br />

estimates are likely to be significant<br />

undercalls, as treatment specific for<br />

<strong>the</strong>se pain types is ei<strong>the</strong>r nonexistent<br />

or nascent.<br />

= untapped market potential.

It’s A Big Market with a Few Dominant Players<br />

7<br />

The pain market is well over $7 billion worldwide.<br />

20%<br />

Purdue<br />

EvaluatePharma<br />

King/Alpharma<br />

Cephalon<br />

18%<br />

Endo<br />

7%<br />

4%<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

22%<br />

J&J<br />

30%<br />


And Several Recent “Specialty-Size” Success Stories<br />

$ Millions<br />

8<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

Sales Ramp Up of Selected Branded Pain Meds Introduced<br />

Since 1998 (WW)<br />

50<br />

0<br />

1998<br />

EvaluatePharma<br />

2000<br />

2002<br />

2004<br />

2006<br />

2008<br />

2010E<br />

2012E<br />

2014E<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Avinza<br />

Opana/Opana<br />

ER<br />

Fentora<br />


$ Millions<br />

But Few “Big Pharma-Size” Successes<br />

9<br />

Sales Ramp Up of Selected Branded Pain Meds Introduced<br />

Since 1998 (WW)<br />

5,000<br />

4,500<br />

4,000<br />

3,500<br />

3,000<br />

2,500<br />

2,000<br />

1,500<br />

1,000<br />

500<br />

0<br />

1998<br />

EvaluatePharma<br />

2000<br />

2002<br />

2004<br />

2006<br />

2008<br />

2010E<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

2012E<br />

2014E<br />

Avinza<br />

Lyrica<br />

Opana/Opana<br />

ER<br />

Fentora<br />

Jurnista<br />

VIOXX<br />


Pain Historically: Drug Delivery has “Delivered”<br />

10<br />

Drug Delivery-Based Pain Products Have Greatly Surpassed Expectations<br />


• MS-CONTIN<br />


• ACTIQ<br />

• ORALET<br />

• AVINZA<br />

• KADIAN<br />

• STADOL<br />

• LIDODERM<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

The initial sales forecast for<br />

Oxycontin was $350 M (Wall<br />

Street Journal, May 2002) …<br />

now a billion+ dollar franchise.

Pain Historically: Drug Delivery has “Delivered”<br />

11<br />

Drug Delivery-Based Pain Products Have Greatly Surpassed Expectations<br />

• The epidemiology of pain is uncertain at best<br />

• Off-label use is always greater than anticipated<br />

• Nature of a symptom-driven market welcomes <strong>the</strong> next new thing<br />

• Healthy price hikes<br />

THE BAR<br />

Development Risk Regulatory Risk<br />

Market Risk<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Pain Historically: Drug Delivery has “Delivered”<br />

12<br />

Drug Delivery-Based Pain Products Have Greatly Surpassed Expectations<br />

• The epidemiology of pain is uncertain at best<br />

• Off-label use is always greater than anticipated<br />

• Nature of a symptom-driven market welcomes <strong>the</strong> next new thing<br />

• Healthy price hikes<br />

Development Risk<br />

Regulatory Risk<br />

THE BAR<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Market Risk

It’s Getting Tougher<br />

Labopharm LabopharmGets Gets FDA FDA Okay Okay For For Once-Daily Tramadol (Ryzolt) --Finally Finally<br />

December<br />

December<br />

31,<br />

31,<br />

2008:<br />

2008:<br />

12:03<br />

12:03<br />

PM<br />

PM<br />

ET<br />

ET<br />

To<br />

To<br />

say<br />

say<br />

Labopharm<br />

Labopharm<br />

Inc.'s<br />

Inc.'s<br />

(DDSS)<br />

(DDSS)<br />

first<br />

first<br />

U.S.<br />

U.S.<br />

drug<br />

drug<br />

approval<br />

approval<br />

followed<br />

followed<br />

a<br />

a<br />

long<br />

long<br />

and<br />

and<br />

winding<br />

winding<br />

road<br />

road<br />

would<br />

would<br />

be<br />

be<br />

an<br />

an<br />

understatement,<br />

understatement,<br />

but<br />

but<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

tramadol<br />

tramadol<br />

saga<br />

saga<br />

with<br />

with<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

U.S.<br />

U.S.<br />

FDA<br />

FDA<br />

is<br />

is<br />

finally<br />

finally<br />

over<br />

over<br />

and<br />

and<br />

investors<br />

investors<br />

aren't<br />

aren't<br />

dwelling<br />

dwelling<br />

on<br />

on<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

past.<br />

past.<br />

Earlier<br />

Earlier<br />

Wednesday,<br />

Wednesday,<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

Canadian<br />

Canadian<br />

specialty-pharma<br />

specialty-pharma<br />

company<br />

company<br />

announced<br />

announced<br />

that<br />

that<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

FDA<br />

FDA<br />

approved<br />

approved<br />

its<br />

its<br />

once-daily<br />

once-daily<br />

formulation<br />

formulation<br />

of<br />

of<br />

painkiller<br />

painkiller<br />

tramadol,<br />

tramadol,<br />

named<br />

named<br />

Ryzolt.<br />

Ryzolt.<br />

Labopharm,<br />

Labopharm,<br />

which<br />

which<br />

has<br />

has<br />

been<br />

been<br />

public<br />

public<br />

for<br />

for<br />

12<br />

12<br />

years,<br />

years,<br />

went<br />

went<br />

through<br />

through<br />

hoops<br />

hoops<br />

to<br />

to<br />

get<br />

get<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

drug<br />

drug<br />

approved,<br />

approved,<br />

having<br />

having<br />

to<br />

to<br />

redo<br />

redo<br />

trials,<br />

trials,<br />

construct<br />

construct<br />

new<br />

new<br />

statistical<br />

statistical<br />

analyses,<br />

analyses,<br />

and<br />

and<br />

even<br />

even<br />

engage<br />

engage<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

U.S.<br />

U.S.<br />

regulator's<br />

regulator's<br />

formal<br />

formal<br />

dispute-resolution<br />

dispute-resolution<br />

process.<br />

process.<br />

It<br />

It<br />

expects<br />

expects<br />

marketing<br />

marketing<br />

partner<br />

partner<br />

Purdue<br />

Purdue<br />

Pharma<br />

Pharma<br />

to<br />

to<br />

launch<br />

launch<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

product<br />

product<br />

in<br />

in<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

second<br />

second<br />

quarter.<br />

quarter.<br />

"This<br />

"This<br />

is<br />

is<br />

a<br />

a<br />

great<br />

great<br />

milestone<br />

milestone<br />

for<br />

for<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

company<br />

company<br />

and<br />

and<br />

fantastic<br />

fantastic<br />

news<br />

news<br />

for<br />

for<br />

investors,<br />

investors,<br />

but<br />

but<br />

this<br />

this<br />

approval<br />

approval<br />

has<br />

has<br />

been<br />

been<br />

a<br />

a<br />

long<br />

long<br />

time<br />

time<br />

coming,"<br />

coming,"<br />

said<br />

said<br />

a<br />

a<br />

biotech<br />

biotech<br />

observer<br />

observer<br />

familiar<br />

familiar<br />

with<br />

with<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

company.<br />

company.<br />

"I<br />

"I<br />

can't<br />

can't<br />

help<br />

help<br />

but<br />

but<br />

believe<br />

believe<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

opportunity<br />

opportunity<br />

today<br />

today<br />

is<br />

is<br />

much<br />

much<br />

smaller<br />

smaller<br />

than<br />

than<br />

it<br />

it<br />

was<br />

was<br />

a<br />

a<br />

few<br />

few<br />

years<br />

years<br />

ago.<br />

ago.<br />

The<br />

The<br />

results<br />

results<br />

will<br />

will<br />

be<br />

be<br />

apparent<br />

apparent<br />

enough<br />

enough<br />

once<br />

once<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

company<br />

company<br />

launches<br />

launches<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

drug."<br />

drug."<br />

…<br />

In<br />

In<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

U.S.,<br />

U.S.,<br />

Ryzolt<br />

Ryzolt<br />

will<br />

will<br />

face<br />

face<br />

competition<br />

competition<br />

from<br />

from<br />

Biovail<br />

Biovail<br />

Corp.'s<br />

Corp.'s<br />

Ultram<br />

Ultram<br />

ER,<br />

ER,<br />

which<br />

which<br />

has<br />

has<br />

a<br />

a<br />

three-year<br />

three-year<br />

head<br />

head<br />

start<br />

start<br />

and<br />

and<br />

is<br />

is<br />

backed<br />

backed<br />

by<br />

by<br />

marketing<br />

marketing<br />

juggernaut<br />

juggernaut<br />

Johnson<br />

Johnson<br />

&<br />

Johnson.<br />

Johnson.<br />

Despite<br />

Despite<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

lead<br />

lead<br />

and<br />

and<br />

having<br />

having<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

market<br />

market<br />

to<br />

to<br />

itself,<br />

itself,<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

drug's<br />

drug's<br />

sales<br />

sales<br />

have<br />

have<br />

been<br />

been<br />

a<br />

a<br />

disappointment<br />

disappointment<br />

to<br />

to<br />

investors.<br />

investors.<br />

In<br />

In<br />

2007,<br />

2007,<br />

Biovail's<br />

Biovail's<br />

revenue<br />

revenue<br />

from<br />

from<br />

Ultram<br />

Ultram<br />

ER<br />

ER<br />

was<br />

was<br />

$86.7<br />

$86.7<br />

million;<br />

million;<br />

through<br />

through<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

third<br />

third<br />

quarter<br />

quarter<br />

of<br />

of<br />

2008,<br />

2008,<br />

revenue<br />

revenue<br />

was<br />

was<br />

$<br />

$<br />

64.1<br />

64.1<br />

million.<br />

million.<br />

13<br /><br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

It’s Getting Tougher<br />

Labopharm LabopharmGets Gets FDA FDA Okay Okay For For Once-Daily Tramadol (Ryzolt) --Finally Finally<br />

December December 31, 31, 2008: 2008: 12:03 12:03 PM PM ET ET<br />

To<br />

To<br />

say<br />

say<br />

Labopharm<br />

Labopharm<br />

Inc.'s<br />

Inc.'s<br />

(DDSS)<br />

(DDSS)<br />

first<br />

first<br />

U.S.<br />

U.S.<br />

drug<br />

drug<br />

approval<br />

approval<br />

followed<br />

followed<br />

a<br />

a<br />

long<br />

long<br />

and<br />

and<br />

winding<br />

winding<br />

road road Marketing would would be be an an partner understatement, understatement, Purdue but but Pharma <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> tramadol tramadol plans saga saga to with with launch <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> U.S. U.S. in FDA FDA Q2 is is 2009. finally finally over over<br />

and<br />

and<br />

investors<br />

investors<br />

aren't<br />

aren't<br />

dwelling<br />

dwelling<br />

on<br />

on<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

past.<br />

past.<br />

Earlier<br />

Earlier<br />

Wednesday,<br />

Wednesday,<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

Canadian<br />

Canadian<br />

specialty-pharma<br />

specialty-pharma<br />

company<br />

company<br />

announced<br />

announced<br />

that<br />

that<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

FDA<br />

FDA<br />

approved approved "This<br />

its its is<br />

once-daily once-daily a great<br />

formulation formulation milestone<br />

of of for<br />

painkiller painkiller <strong>the</strong> company<br />

tramadol, tramadol, named named and<br />

Ryzolt. Ryzolt. fantastic<br />

Labopharm, Labopharm, news for<br />

which which<br />

has<br />

has<br />

been investors, been<br />

public<br />

public<br />

for<br />

for but 12<br />

12<br />

years, this years, approval went<br />

went<br />

through<br />

through has hoops<br />

hoops been to<br />

to<br />

get<br />

get a <strong>the</strong> long <strong>the</strong><br />

drug<br />

drug time approved,<br />

approved, coming," having<br />

having said to<br />

to<br />

redo<br />

redo a<br />

trials,<br />

trials,<br />

construct<br />

construct<br />

new<br />

new<br />

statistical<br />

statistical<br />

analyses,<br />

analyses,<br />

and<br />

and<br />

even<br />

even<br />

engage<br />

engage<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

U.S.<br />

U.S.<br />

regulator's<br />

regulator's<br />

formal<br />

formal<br />

disputedisputeresolutionresolution<br />

biotech process. process. observer familiar with <strong>the</strong> company. "I can't help but believe<br />

It<br />

It<br />

expects<br />

expects <strong>the</strong> opportunity marketing<br />

marketing<br />

partner<br />

partner today Purdue<br />

Purdue is much Pharma<br />

Pharma smaller to<br />

to<br />

launch<br />

launch than <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

product it product was in<br />

in a <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> few second<br />

second years quarter.<br />

quarter. ago.<br />

"This "This is is a a great great milestone milestone for for <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> company company and and fantastic fantastic news news for for investors, investors, but but this this approval approval<br />

has<br />

has The<br />

been<br />

been results<br />

a<br />

a<br />

long<br />

long<br />

time<br />

time will<br />

coming,"<br />

coming," be apparent<br />

said<br />

said<br />

a<br />

a<br />

biotech<br />

biotech enough<br />

observer<br />

observer once<br />

familiar<br />

familiar <strong>the</strong> company<br />

with<br />

with<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

company.<br />

company. launches<br />

"I<br />

"I <strong>the</strong><br />

can't can't drug." help help but but believe believe <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> opportunity opportunity today today is is much much smaller smaller than than it it was was a a few few years years ago. ago.<br />

The<br />

The<br />

results<br />

results<br />

will<br />

will<br />

be<br />

be<br />

apparent<br />

apparent<br />

enough<br />

enough<br />

once<br />

once<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

company<br />

company<br />

launches<br />

launches<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

drug."<br />

drug."<br />

…<br />

In<br />

In<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

U.S.,<br />

U.S.,<br />

Ryzolt<br />

Ryzolt<br />

will<br />

will<br />

face<br />

face<br />

competition<br />

competition<br />

from<br />

from<br />

Biovail<br />

Biovail<br />

Corp.'s<br />

Corp.'s<br />

Ultram<br />

Ultram<br />

ER,<br />

ER,<br />

which<br />

which<br />

has<br />

has<br />

a<br />

a<br />

three-year<br />

three-year<br />

head<br />

head<br />

start<br />

start<br />

and<br />

and<br />

is<br />

is<br />

backed<br />

backed<br />

by<br />

by<br />

marketing<br />

marketing<br />

juggernaut<br />

juggernaut<br />

Johnson<br />

Johnson<br />

&<br />

Johnson.<br />

Johnson.<br />

Despite Despite <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> lead lead and and having having <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> market market to to itself, itself, <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> drug's drug's sales sales have have been been a a disappointment<br />

disappointment<br />

to<br />

to<br />

investors. Ryzolt investors. will In<br />

In<br />

2007, face 2007,<br />

Biovail's<br />

Biovail's competition revenue<br />

revenue from from<br />

Ultram<br />

Ultram Biovail ER<br />

ER<br />

was Corp.'s was<br />

$86.7<br />

$86.7 Ultram million;<br />

million;<br />

through<br />

through ER, which <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

third<br />

third has<br />

quarter quarter of of 2008, 2008, revenue revenue was was $ $ 64.1 64.1 million. million.<br />

14<br />

To say Labopharm Inc.'s (DDSS) first U.S. drug approval followed a<br />

long and winding road would be an understatement…Ryzolt, a QD<br />

tramadol ER for moderately severe chronic pain, first received an<br />

approvable letter from <strong>the</strong> FDA in 2006 – not data related. Since<br />

<strong>the</strong>n, Labopharm has filed a formal dispute resolution with <strong>the</strong> FDA.<br />

a three-year head start and is backed by marketing juggernaut<br />

Johnson & Johnson.<br /><br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

The Risk : Reward Profile for Novel Pain Agents<br />

15<br />

Development Risk<br />

Regulatory Risk<br />

THE BAR<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Market Risk

The Risk : Reward Profile for Novel Pain Agents<br />

16<br />

Development Risk<br />

Regulatory Risk<br />

THE BAR<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Market Risk<br />

Product Label and/or<br />

Managed Care

Current Standard of Care for Pain…<br />

based on some very old science<br />

poppies and chili peppers<br />

17<br />

• Nociceptive Pain<br />

• Acetaminophen<br />

• NSAIDs<br />

• Opiates<br />

• Local Anes<strong>the</strong>tics<br />

• Muscle Relaxants<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

• Neuropathic Pain<br />

• Anti-depressants<br />

• Anti-epileptics<br />

• Topical Capsaicin<br />

• Topical Lidocaine<br />

• Local Anes<strong>the</strong>tics

Treatment Largely Guided By Side Effects<br />

& Tolerability<br />

18<br />

Constipation, sedation,<br />

confusion, respiratory<br />

depression, mental<br />

clouding, renal colic,<br />

tolerance to prolonged use<br />

and risk of abuse, misuse,<br />

addiction.<br />

Gastrointestinal<br />

ulcers, stomach<br />

bleeding, tinnitus,<br />

cardiovascular risks.<br />

Gastric erosion, peptic ulcer,<br />

inflammation of <strong>the</strong><br />

duodenum and of <strong>the</strong> colon,<br />

renal toxicity with prolonged<br />

use.<br />

Step 1: Mild Pain (1-3/10)<br />

• Aspirin (ASA)<br />

• Acetaminophen (APAP)<br />

• Nonsteroidal<br />

anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)<br />

• +/- Adjuvants<br />

World Health Organization<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Step 2: Moderate Pain (4-6/10)<br />

• APAP or ASA +<br />

– Codeine<br />

– Hydrocodone<br />

– Oxycodone<br />

– Dihydrocodeine<br />

– Tramadol (not available<br />

with APAP or ASA)<br />

– +/- Adjuvants<br />

Step 3: Severe Pain (7-10/10)<br />

• Morphine<br />

• Hydromorphone<br />

• Methadone<br />

• Levorphanol<br />

• Fentanyl<br />

• Oxycodone<br />

• +- Nonopiod analgesics<br />

• +/-Adjuvants<br />

•Adjuvant Therapy:<br />

– Anticonvulsants<br />

– Antidepressants<br />

– Corticosteroids<br />

– Dermal analgesics<br />

– Muscle relaxants<br />

– Stimulants

Leaving Plenty of Unmet Need to Be Addressed<br />

19<br />

Relistor (Progenics/Wyeth);<br />

Tapentadol Constipation, (J&J), sedation, DOR<br />

agonists confusion, (Adolor/Pfizer);<br />

respiratory<br />

abuse-deterrent depression, mental opioids clouding,<br />

(King/Alpharma/Acura,<br />

renal colic, tolerance to<br />

prolonged use and risk of<br />

Pain Therapeutics, Acurox)<br />

abuse, misuse, addiction.<br />

Gastrointestinal ulcers,<br />

stomach bleeding,<br />

Celebrex tinnitus (Pfizer)<br />

PN400<br />

(Nexium/naproxen),<br />

AstraZeneca/Pozen<br />

Naproxcinod (NicOx)<br />

Gastric erosion, peptic ulcer,<br />

Topical NSAIDs<br />

inflammation of <strong>the</strong> duodenum and<br />

of <strong>the</strong> colon, renal toxicity with<br />

prolonged use<br />

Step 1: Mild Pain (1-3/10)<br />

• Aspirin (ASA)<br />

• Acetaminophen (APAP)<br />

• Nonsteroidal<br />

anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)<br />

• +/- Adjuvants<br />

World Health Organization<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Step 2: Moderate Pain (4-6/10)<br />

• APAP or ASA +<br />

– Codeine<br />

– Hydrocodone<br />

– Oxycodone<br />

– Dihydrocodeine<br />

– Tramadol (not available<br />

with APAP or ASA)<br />

– +/- Adjuvants<br />

Step 3: Severe Pain (7-10/10)<br />

• Morphine<br />

• Hydromorphone<br />

• Methadone<br />

• Levorphanol<br />

• Fentanyl<br />

• Oxycodone<br />

• +- Nonopiod analgesics<br />

• +/-Adjuvants<br />

•Adjuvant Therapy:<br />

– Anticonvulsants<br />

– Antidepressants<br />

– Corticosteroids<br />

– Dermal analgesics<br />

– Muscle relaxants<br />

– Stimulants

But Here is <strong>the</strong> Big Problem<br />

20<br />

>50% of Patients Report Suboptimal Relief of Pain<br />

Enter <strong>the</strong> novel mechanisms…<br />

FAAH inhibitors<br />

TRPV1 antagonists/agonists<br />

NGF inhibitors<br />

CCR2 antagonists<br />

KCC2 modulators<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r biological, mediator-based approaches<br />

Defined Health primary research; Adis R&D Insight<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

In <strong>the</strong> Meantime, Let’s Teach Old Dogs Some<br />

New Tricks<br /><br />

21<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

A Better NSAID<br />

22<br />

Constipation, sedation,<br />

confusion, respiratory<br />

depression, mental clouding,<br />

renal colic, tolerance to<br />

prolonged use and risk of<br />

abuse, misuse, addiction.<br />

Gastrointestinal ulcers,<br />

stomach bleeding,<br />

Celebrex tinnitus (Pfizer)<br />

PN400 (Nexium/naproxen),<br />

AstraZeneca/Pozen<br />

Naproxcinod (NicOx)<br />

Topical NSAIDs<br />

Gastric erosion, peptic ulcer,<br />

inflammation of <strong>the</strong> duodenum and<br />

of <strong>the</strong> colon, renal toxicity with<br />

prolonged use<br />

Step 1: Mild Pain (1-3/10)<br />

• Aspirin (ASA)<br />

• Acetaminophen (APAP)<br />

• Nonsteroidal<br />

anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)<br />

• +/- Adjuvants<br />

World Health Organization<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Step 2: Moderate Pain (4-6/10)<br />

• APAP or ASA +<br />

– Codeine<br />

– Hydrocodone<br />

– Oxycodone<br />

– Dihydrocodeine<br />

– Tramadol (not available<br />

with APAP or ASA)<br />

– +/- Adjuvants<br />

Step 3: Severe Pain (7-10/10)<br />

• Morphine<br />

• Hydromorphone<br />

• Methadone<br />

• Levorphanol<br />

• Fentanyl<br />

• Oxycodone<br />

• +- Nonopiod analgesics<br />

• +/-Adjuvants<br />

•Adjuvant Therapy:<br />

– Anticonvulsants<br />

– Antidepressants<br />

– Corticosteroids<br />

– Dermal analgesics<br />

– Muscle relaxants<br />

– Stimulants

A Better NSAID: NicOx<br />

• Naproxcinod is a derivative of naproxen with similar anti-inflammatory activity, but less<br />

gastrointestinal side effects. It is <strong>the</strong> first of a new class of analgesic and antiinflammatory<br />

drugs known as cyclo-oxygenase-(COX)-inhibiting nitric oxide donators<br />

(CINODs).<br />

• The improved gastrointestinal tolerability of naproxcinod appears to be due to its<br />

release of nitric oxide (NO) and <strong>the</strong> consequent maintenance of tissue perfusion and<br />

integrity. Data to date also suggests that naproxinod may also have a beneficial and<br />

sustained impact on blood pressure.<br />

• Naproxcinod is in Phase III clinical development in Europe, <strong>the</strong> US and Canada for <strong>the</strong><br />

treatment of osteoarthritis. NDA filing is projected for mid-2009.<br />

Adis R&D Insight; NicOx <strong>presentation</strong><br />

23<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

A Better NSAID: NicOx<br />

24<br />

Company press release<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

A Better NSAID: NicOx<br />

25<br />

Company press release<br />

Apparently, <strong>the</strong> public markets are not impressed.<br />

But <strong>the</strong>n, <strong>the</strong>y are not impressed with much <strong>the</strong>se days.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Press Release Dec 19

A Better NSAID: Pozen / AstraZeneca<br />

Dec.<br />

Dec.<br />

3,<br />

3,<br />

2008-<br />

2008-<br />

POZEN<br />

POZEN<br />

Announces<br />

Announces<br />

Positive<br />

Positive<br />

Top<br />

Top<br />

Line<br />

Line<br />

Results<br />

Results<br />

for<br />

for<br />

Its<br />

Its<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

Phase<br />

Phase<br />

3<br />

3<br />

Trials<br />

Trials<br />

POZEN<br />

POZEN<br />

Inc.<br />

Inc.<br />

(NASDAQ:<br />

(NASDAQ:<br />

POZN),<br />

POZN),<br />

today<br />

today<br />

announced<br />

announced<br />

positive<br />

positive<br />

Phase<br />

Phase<br />

3<br />

3<br />

trial<br />

trial<br />

results<br />

results<br />

for<br />

for<br />

its<br />

its<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

product<br />

product<br />

candidate<br />

candidate<br />

(enteric<br />

(enteric<br />

coated<br />

coated<br />

naproxen<br />

naproxen<br />

500<br />

500<br />

mg<br />

mg<br />

and<br />

and<br />

immediate<br />

immediate<br />

release<br />

release<br />

esomeprazole<br />

esomeprazole<br />

20<br />

20<br />

mg)<br />

mg)<br />

conducted<br />

conducted<br />

by<br />

by<br />

POZEN<br />

POZEN<br />

under<br />

under<br />

an<br />

an<br />

agreed<br />

agreed<br />

Special<br />

Special<br />

Protocol<br />

Protocol<br />

Assessment<br />

Assessment<br />

with<br />

with<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

FDA.<br />

FDA.<br />

Both<br />

Both<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400-301/302<br />

400-301/302<br />

studies<br />

studies<br />

achieved<br />

achieved<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

primary<br />

primary<br />

endpoints.<br />

endpoints.<br />

Subjects<br />

Subjects<br />

taking<br />

taking<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

experienced<br />

experienced<br />

statistically<br />

statistically<br />

significantly<br />

significantly<br />

fewer<br />

fewer<br />

endoscopically<br />

endoscopically<br />

confirmed<br />

confirmed<br />

gastric<br />

gastric<br />

ulcers<br />

ulcers<br />

on<br />

on<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

compared<br />

compared<br />

to<br />

to<br />

subjects<br />

subjects<br />

receiving<br />

receiving<br />

enteric<br />

enteric<br />

coated<br />

coated<br />

naproxen<br />

naproxen<br />

during<br />

during<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

six-month<br />

six-month<br />

period.<br />

period.<br />

In<br />

In<br />

each<br />

each<br />

of<br />

of<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

trials,<br />

trials,<br />

approximately<br />

approximately<br />

400<br />

400<br />

subjects<br />

subjects<br />

received<br />

received<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

or<br />

or<br />

enteric<br />

enteric<br />

coated<br />

coated<br />

naproxen<br />

naproxen<br />

500<br />

500<br />

mg,<br />

mg,<br />

twice<br />

twice<br />

daily,<br />

daily,<br />

over<br />

over<br />

a<br />

a<br />

six-month<br />

six-month<br />

treatment<br />

treatment<br />

period.<br />

period.<br />

Subjects<br />

Subjects<br />

underwent<br />

underwent<br />

upper<br />

upper<br />

endoscopies<br />

endoscopies<br />

at<br />

at<br />

baseline<br />

baseline<br />

and<br />

and<br />

at<br />

at<br />

one,<br />

one,<br />

three,<br />

three,<br />

and<br />

and<br />

six<br />

six<br />

months<br />

months<br />

with<br />

with<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

primary<br />

primary<br />

endpoint<br />

endpoint<br />

as<br />

as<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

cumulative<br />

cumulative<br />

incidence<br />

incidence<br />

of<br />

of<br />

gastric<br />

gastric<br />

ulcers.<br />

ulcers.<br />

The<br />

The<br />

FDA<br />

FDA<br />

has<br />

has<br />

recently<br />

recently<br />

informed<br />

informed<br />

POZEN<br />

POZEN<br />

that<br />

that<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

appropriateness<br />

appropriateness<br />

of<br />

of<br />

this<br />

this<br />

endpoint<br />

endpoint<br />

is<br />

is<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

subject<br />

subject<br />

of<br />

of<br />

an<br />

an<br />

internal<br />

internal<br />

review<br />

review<br />

and<br />

and<br />

an<br />

an<br />

FDA<br />

FDA<br />

internal<br />

internal<br />

meeting<br />

meeting<br />

is<br />

is<br />

planned<br />

planned<br />

in<br />

in<br />

Q1<br />

Q1<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />

to<br />

to<br />

discuss<br />

discuss<br />

this<br />

this<br />

matter.<br />

matter.<br />

POZEN<br />

POZEN<br />

and<br />

and<br />

AstraZeneca<br />

AstraZeneca<br />

entered<br />

entered<br />

into<br />

into<br />

a<br />

a<br />

co-development<br />

co-development<br />

agreement<br />

agreement<br />

for<br />

for<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

in<br />

in<br />

August<br />

August<br />

2006.<br />

2006.<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

is<br />

is<br />

an<br />

an<br />

investigational<br />

investigational<br />

product<br />

product<br />

under<br />

under<br />

clinical<br />

clinical<br />

development<br />

development<br />

in<br />

in<br />

patients<br />

patients<br />

who<br />

who<br />

require<br />

require<br />

chronic<br />

chronic<br />

non-steroidal<br />

non-steroidal<br />

anti-inflammation<br />

anti-inflammation<br />

drug<br />

drug<br />

(NSAID)<br />

(NSAID)<br />

treatment<br />

treatment<br />

for<br />

for<br />

arthritis<br />

arthritis<br />

pain,<br />

pain,<br />

such<br />

such<br />

as<br />

as<br />

osteoarthritis<br />

osteoarthritis<br />

and<br />

and<br />

who<br />

who<br />

are<br />

are<br />

at<br />

at<br />

risk<br />

risk<br />

for<br />

for<br />

developing<br />

developing<br />

NSAID-associated<br />

NSAID-associated<br />

gastric<br />

gastric<br />

ulcers.<br />

ulcers.<br />

The<br />

The<br />

NDA<br />

NDA<br />

submission<br />

submission<br />

is<br />

is<br />

planned<br />

planned<br />

for<br />

for<br />

mid-2009.<br />

mid-2009.<br />

26<br />

Company press release<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

A Better NSAID: Pozen / AstraZeneca<br />

Dec.<br />

Dec.<br />

3,<br />

3,<br />

2008-<br />

2008-<br />

POZEN<br />

POZEN<br />

Announces<br />

Announces<br />

Positive<br />

Positive<br />

Top<br />

Top<br />

Line<br />

Line<br />

Results<br />

Results<br />

for<br />

for<br />

Its<br />

Its<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

Phase<br />

Phase<br />

3<br />

3<br />

Trials<br />

Trials<br />

POZEN<br />

POZEN<br />

Inc.<br />

Inc.<br />

(NASDAQ:<br />

(NASDAQ:<br />

POZN),<br />

POZN),<br />

today<br />

today<br />

announced<br />

announced<br />

positive<br />

positive<br />

Phase<br />

Phase<br />

3<br />

3<br />

trial<br />

trial<br />

results<br />

results<br />

for<br />

for<br />

its<br />

its<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

product<br />

product<br />

candidate<br />

candidate<br />

(enteric<br />

(enteric<br />

coated<br />

coated<br />

naproxen<br />

naproxen<br />

500<br />

500<br />

mg<br />

mg<br />

and<br />

and<br />

immediate<br />

immediate<br />

release<br />

release<br />

esomeprazole<br />

esomeprazole<br />

20<br />

20<br />

mg)<br />

mg)<br />

conducted<br />

conducted<br />

by<br />

by<br />

POZEN<br />

POZEN<br />

under<br />

under<br />

an<br />

an<br />

agreed<br />

agreed<br />

Special<br />

Special<br />

Protocol<br />

Protocol<br />

Assessment<br />

Assessment<br />

with<br />

with<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

FDA.<br />

FDA.<br />

Both<br />

Both<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400-301/302<br />

400-301/302<br />

studies<br />

studies<br />

achieved<br />

achieved<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

primary<br />

primary<br />

endpoints.<br />

endpoints.<br />

Subjects<br />

Subjects<br />

taking<br />

taking<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

experienced<br />

experienced<br />

statistically<br />

statistically<br />

significantly<br />

significantly<br />

fewer<br />

fewer<br />

endoscopically<br />

endoscopically<br />

confirmed<br />

confirmed<br />

gastric<br />

gastric<br />

ulcers<br />

ulcers<br />

on<br />

on<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

compared<br />

compared<br />

to<br />

to<br />

subjects<br />

subjects<br />

receiving<br />

receiving<br />

enteric<br />

enteric<br />

coated<br />

coated<br />

naproxen<br />

naproxen<br />

during<br />

during<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

six-month<br />

six-month<br />

period.<br />

period.<br />

In<br />

In<br />

each<br />

each<br />

of<br />

of<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

trials,<br />

trials,<br />

approximately<br />

approximately<br />

400<br />

400<br />

subjects<br />

subjects<br />

received<br />

received<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

or<br />

or<br />

enteric<br />

enteric<br />

coated<br />

coated<br />

naproxen<br />

naproxen<br />

500<br />

500 • 505(b)(2)<br />

mg,<br />

mg,<br />

twice<br />

twice<br />

daily,<br />

daily, Phase<br />

over<br />

over<br />

a<br />

a 3<br />

six-month<br />

six-month trial results<br />

treatment<br />

treatment for<br />

period.<br />

period. PN<br />

Subjects<br />

Subjects 400 product<br />

underwent<br />

underwent<br />

upper<br />

upper<br />

endoscopies<br />

endoscopies<br />

at candidate at<br />

baseline<br />

baseline<br />

and<br />

and (enteric at<br />

at<br />

one,<br />

one,<br />

three,<br />

three, coated and<br />

and<br />

six<br />

six<br />

months naproxen months<br />

with<br />

with<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> 500 primary<br />

primary mg endpoint<br />

endpoint and as<br />

as<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

cumulative<br />

cumulative<br />

incidence<br />

incidence<br />

of<br />

of<br />

gastric<br />

gastric<br />

ulcers.<br />

ulcers.<br />

The<br />

The<br />

FDA<br />

FDA<br />

has<br />

has<br />

recently<br />

recently<br />

informed<br />

informed<br />

POZEN<br />

POZEN<br />

that<br />

that<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

appropriateness<br />

appropriateness immediate<br />

of<br />

of<br />

this<br />

this<br />

endpoint<br />

endpoint release<br />

is<br />

is<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

subject<br />

subject esomeprazole,<br />

of<br />

of<br />

an<br />

an<br />

internal<br />

internal<br />

review<br />

review Nexium,<br />

and<br />

and<br />

an<br />

an<br />

FDA<br />

FDA 20 mg<br />

internal<br />

internal to<br />

meeting<br />

meeting<br />

is<br />

is<br />

planned<br />

planned<br />

in<br />

in<br />

Q1 provide Q1<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />

to<br />

to<br />

discuss gastroprotection) discuss<br />

this<br />

this<br />

matter.<br />

matter. … statistically significantly<br />

POZEN<br />

POZEN<br />

and<br />

and<br />

AstraZeneca<br />

AstraZeneca<br />

entered<br />

entered<br />

into<br />

into<br />

a<br />

a<br />

co-development<br />

co-development<br />

agreement<br />

agreement<br />

for<br />

for<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

in<br />

in<br />

August<br />

August<br />

2006.<br />

2006.<br />

PN<br />

PN<br />

400<br />

400<br />

is<br />

is<br />

an<br />

an 400<br />

investigational<br />

investigational compared<br />

product<br />

product to<br />

under<br />

under subjects<br />

clinical<br />

clinical<br />

development<br />

development receiving<br />

in<br />

in enteric<br />

patients<br />

patients<br />

who<br />

who coated<br />

require<br />

require<br />

chronic<br />

chronic<br />

non-steroidal<br />

non-steroidal<br />

anti-inflammation naproxen anti-inflammation during drug<br />

drug<br />

(NSAID)<br />

(NSAID) <strong>the</strong> six-month treatment<br />

treatment<br />

for<br />

for period. arthritis<br />

arthritis<br />

pain,<br />

pain,<br />

such<br />

such<br />

as<br />

as<br />

osteoarthritis<br />

osteoarthritis<br />

and<br />

and<br />

who<br />

who<br />

are<br />

are<br />

at<br />

at<br />

risk<br />

risk<br />

for<br />

for<br />

developing<br />

developing<br />

NSAID-associated<br />

NSAID-associated<br />

gastric<br />

gastric<br />

ulcers.<br />

ulcers.<br />

The<br />

The<br />

NDA<br />

NDA<br />

submission<br />

submission<br />

is<br />

is<br />

planned<br />

planned<br />

for<br />

for<br />

mid-2009.<br />

mid-2009.<br />

27<br />

fewer endoscopically confirmed gastric ulcers on PN<br />

• An estimated 25-30% of NSAID prescriptions are<br />

accompanied by a gastroprotective agent.<br />

• 60M people take NSIADs in <strong>the</strong> US, with serious GI<br />

events in 1-2%.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

A Better NSAID: Topicals<br />

28<br />

The appeal of a topical product lies very clearly in perceived safety advantages<br />

over systemic agents. Topical NSAIDs have enjoyed a long history in Europe,<br />

but are just entering <strong>the</strong> US market.<br />

On <strong>the</strong> market in <strong>the</strong> US:<br />

• Flector patch (1.3% diclofenac; Alpharma – acquired by King)<br />

• Voltaren Gel (1% diclofenac; Endo)<br />

In development:<br />

• Diclofenac patch (Phase II/IIIl; Cerimon)<br />

• Pennsaid Diclofenac in DMSO (Approvable in US, marketed in Canada; Nuvo)<br />

• Ketoprofen cream (Phase III; Transdel)<br />

• Nanoemulsion diclofenac (Phase II; Pharmos)<br />

• Diractin, Ketoprofen in Transferome gel (Phase III; Alpharma)<br />

• Thermoprofen, heat-assisted ketoprofen (Phase III; Zars)<br />

• TPM Diclofenac (Pre-clin; Phosphagenics)<br />

Adis R&D Insight; Company web sites<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

The First-to-Market Topical NSAIDs are Off to a<br />

Good Start<br />

And have taken some of <strong>the</strong> regulatory and market risk out of <strong>the</strong><br />

equation … but growth is flattening. How many topical NSAIDs will<br />

<strong>the</strong> US market support?<br />

29<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

But The Benefit May Not Outweigh <strong>the</strong> Price<br />

• Carries same label warning for cardiovascular and GI risk as oral NSAIDs, language<br />

does make direct comparison between oral versus topical NSAID <strong>the</strong>rapy (topical<br />

administration results in

Even So, Flector is Expected To Be a Major<br />

Growth Driver for <strong>the</strong> New King Pharma/Alpharma<br />

Combined Entity<br />

31<br />

Cowen and Co. analyst report, Dec 17 2008<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Even So, Flector is Expected To Be a Major<br />

Growth Driver for <strong>the</strong> New King Pharma/Alpharma<br />

Combined Entity<br />

32<br />

Cowen and Co. analyst report, Dec 17 2008<br />

2008E $128M<br />

2013E $260M<br />

CAGR ~ 15%<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Now We Have a Patch and a Gel<br />

Voltaren Gel (diclofenac), Endo<br />

• In March 2008, Endo announced <strong>the</strong> acquisition of US marketing rights to<br />

Novartis’ Voltaren Gel, a 1% topical diclofenac (NSAID) gel. Voltaren Gel<br />

was approved by <strong>the</strong> FDA in October 2007, but was never launched by<br />

Novartis.<br />

• May offer advantages over Flector<br />

– Labeled for use in chronic osteoarthritis pain (Flector carries an acute<br />

use indication)<br />

– Gel formulation allows for use on joints (although 4x/day vs. 1-2)<br />

– Priced at a significant discount (~60%)<br />

SG Cowen Therapeutic Categories Outlook March 2008; Company press release<br />

33<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

A Better Opioid<br />

Gastric erosion, peptic ulcer,<br />

inflammation of <strong>the</strong> duodenum and<br />

of <strong>the</strong> colon, renal toxicity with<br />

prolonged use<br />

34<br />

Relistor<br />

(Progenics/Wyeth);<br />

Constipation, sedation,<br />

confusion, respiratory<br />

Tapentadol (J&J), DOR<br />

depression, mental clouding,<br />

agonists renal colic, (Adolor/Pfizer);<br />

tolerance to<br />

abuse-deterrent prolonged use and risk opioids of<br />

(King/Alpharma/Acura,<br />

abuse, misuse, addiction.<br />

Pain Therapeutics,<br />

Acurox)<br />

Gastrointestinal ulcers,<br />

stomach bleeding,<br />

tinnitus<br />

Step 1: Mild Pain (1-3/10)<br />

• Aspirin (ASA)<br />

• Acetaminophen (APAP)<br />

• Nonsteroidal<br />

anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)<br />

• +/- Adjuvants<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Step 2: Moderate Pain (4-6/10)<br />

• APAP or ASA +<br />

– Codeine<br />

– Hydrocodone<br />

– Oxycodone<br />

– Dihydrocodeine<br />

– Tramadol (not available<br />

with APAP or ASA)<br />

– +/- Adjuvants<br />

Step 3: Severe Pain (7-10/10)<br />

• Morphine<br />

• Hydromorphone<br />

• Methadone<br />

• Levorphanol<br />

• Fentanyl<br />

• Oxycodone<br />

• +- Nonopiod analgesics<br />

• +/-Adjuvants<br />

•Adjuvant Therapy:<br />

– Anticonvulsants<br />

– Antidepressants<br />

– Corticosteroids<br />

– Dermal analgesics<br />

– Muscle relaxants<br />

– Stimulants

The Need is Clear<br />

35<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

The Need is Clear<br />

36<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Progenics / Wyeth: Making Opioids More Tolerant<br />

• RELISTOR decreases <strong>the</strong> constipating effects<br />

of opioids in patients with advanced illness who<br />

are receiving palliative care.<br />

• RELISTOR is <strong>the</strong> first selective peripherally<br />

acting mu–opioid receptor antagonist<br />

displacing opioid binding in tissues such as <strong>the</strong><br />

gastrointestinal tract.<br />

• RELISTOR does not diminish <strong>the</strong> central<br />

analgesic effects of opioids.<br />

• RELISTOR has a unique molecular structure<br />

that restricts it from crossing <strong>the</strong> blood-brain<br />

barrier.<br />

• In clinical studies, RELISTOR demonstrated:<br />

– No clinically relevant changes in pain<br />

scores from baseline.<br />

– No central opioid withdrawal.<br />

37<br /><br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Oral Relistor could enable <strong>the</strong><br />

franchise to address a potential<br />

$1B+ market opportunity in <strong>the</strong><br />

sizable adult chronic pain<br />

population, but previous<br />

challenges warrant caution.

Progenics / Wyeth: Making Opioids More Tolerant<br />

• RELISTOR decreases <strong>the</strong> constipating effects<br />

$700 of opioids in patients with advanced illness who<br />

Source: EvaluatePharma<br />

are receiving palliative care.<br />

$600<br />

• RELISTOR is <strong>the</strong> first selective peripherally<br />

$500<br />

acting mu–opioid receptor antagonist<br />

$400 displacing opioid binding in tissues such as <strong>the</strong><br />

USD, in millions<br />

gastrointestinal tract.<br />

$300<br />

• RELISTOR does not diminish <strong>the</strong> central<br />

$200 analgesic effects of opioids.<br />

• $100 RELISTOR has a unique molecular structure<br />

that<br />

$0<br />

restricts it from crossing <strong>the</strong> blood-brain<br />

barrier.<br />

• In clinical studies, RELISTOR demonstrated:<br />

38<br />

2007<br />

– No clinically relevant changes in pain<br />

scores from baseline.<br />

– No central opioid withdrawal.<br /><br />

Annual Relistor Sales Estimates<br />

2008<br />

2009<br />

2010<br />

2011<br />

2012<br />

2013<br />

2014<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Oral Relistor could enable <strong>the</strong><br />

franchise to address a potential<br />

$1B+ market opportunity in <strong>the</strong><br />

sizable adult chronic pain<br />

population, but previous<br />

challenges warrant caution.

Adolor / Pfizer: Making Opioids More Tolerant<br />

39<br />

Pharmaprojects PharmaprojectsR&D R&D Pipeline Pipeline News News Feed Feed<br />

Adolor Adolorand and Pfizer Pfizer join join forces forces on on novel novel pain pain compounds<br />

compounds<br />

7 Dec Dec 2007 2007<br />

Pfizer Pfizer has has signed signed a deal deal with with Adolor Adolorsecuring securing exclusive exclusive worldwide worldwide rights rights to to two two novel novel<br />

compounds compounds for for pain. pain. The The deal deal grants grants Pfizer Pfizer access access to to Adolor's Adolor'sADL-5859 ADL-5859 and and ADL- ADL-<br />

5747, 5747, both both proprietary proprietary delta delta opioid opioidreceptor receptor agonists agonists with with potential potential application application<br />

in in a wide wide range range of of inflammatory, inflammatory, neuropathic neuropathic and and acute acute pain pain conditions. conditions.<br />

T<strong>here</strong> T<strong>here</strong> are are three three known known opioid opioidreceptors receptors --mu, mu, kappa kappa and and delta. delta. All All current current opioid opioid<br />

analgesics analgesics exert exert <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>ir effect effect mainly mainly on on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> mu mu variant, variant, with with no no presently-approved<br />

presently-approved<br />

compounds compounds targeted targeted specifically specifically at at <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> kappa kappa or or delta delta types. types. Preclinical Preclinical work work suggests suggests<br />

that that delta-specific delta-specific agonists agonists may may exhibit exhibit superior superior analgesic analgesic properties properties to to mu mu agonists agonists<br />

whilst whilst avoiding avoiding some some of of <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>ir common common and and undesirable undesirable side-effects.<br />

side-effects.<br />

ADL-5859 ADL-5859 is is <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> most most advanced advanced compound, compound, currently currently in in Phase Phase IIa IIatrials trials in in<br />

inflammatory inflammatory pain, pain, with with more more Phase Phase II II trials trials planned planned for for 2008. 2008. An An IND IND for for ADL-5747 ADL-5747 is is<br />

pending pending and and Adolor Adoloris is planning planning to to initiate initiate clinical clinical development development in in <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> first first quarter quarter of of<br />

2008. 2008.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Adolor / Pfizer: Making Opioids More Tolerant<br />

40<br />

Pharmaprojects PharmaprojectsR&D R&D Pipeline Pipeline News News Feed Feed<br />

Adolor Adolorand and Pfizer Pfizer join join forces forces on on novel novel pain pain compounds<br />

compounds<br />

7 Dec Dec 2007 2007<br />

Pfizer Pfizer has has signed signed a deal deal with with Adolor Adolorsecuring securing exclusive exclusive worldwide worldwide rights rights to to two two novel novel<br />

compounds compounds for for pain. pain. The The deal deal grants grants Pfizer Pfizer access access to to Adolor's Adolor'sADL-5859 ADL-5859 and and ADL- ADL-<br />

5747, 5747, both both proprietary proprietary delta delta opioid opioidreceptor receptor agonists agonists with with potential potential application application<br />

in in a wide wide range range of of inflammatory, inflammatory, neuropathic neuropathic and and acute acute pain pain conditions. conditions.<br />

T<strong>here</strong> T<strong>here</strong> are are three three known known opioid opioidreceptors receptors --mu, mu, kappa kappa and and delta. delta. All All current current opioid opioid<br />

analgesics analgesics exert exert <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>ir effect effect mainly mainly on on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> mu mu variant, variant, with with no no presently-approved<br />

presently-approved<br />

compounds compounds ADL-5859 targeted targeted specifically and specifically ADL-5747, at at <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> kappa kappa both or or delta delta proprietary types. types. Preclinical Preclinical delta work work suggests opioid suggests<br />

that that delta-specific delta-specific receptor agonists agonists may may exhibit exhibit with superior superior potential analgesic analgesic application properties properties to to mu in mu agonists a agonists wide<br />

whilst whilst avoiding avoiding some some of of <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>ir common common and and undesirable undesirable side-effects.<br />

side-effects.<br />

range of inflammatory, neuropathic and acute pain<br />

ADL-5859 ADL-5859 is is <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> most most advanced advanced compound, compound, currently currently in in Phase Phase IIa IIatrials trials in in<br />

inflammatory inflammatory conditions.<br />

pain, pain, with with more more Phase Phase II II trials trials planned planned for for 2008. 2008. An An IND IND for for ADL-5747 ADL-5747 is is<br />

pending pending and and Adolor Adoloris is planning planning to to initiate initiate clinical clinical development development in in <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> first first quarter quarter of of<br />

2008. 2008.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Like All Things CNS, It’s Not So Easy<br />

41<br />

F I N A L T R A N S C R I P T<br />

Dec. 18. 2008 / 8:30AM, ADLR - Adolor Corporation Investor Update Call<br />

Just completed two Phase IIa trials on ADL5859 to explore safety and efficacy in two<br />

distinct models of pain: diabetic peripheral neuropathy as a model of neuropathic<br />

pain; and rheumatoid arthritis as a model of chronic inflammatory pain. Nei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

showed statistical significance on efficacy measures, but were safe and well<br />

tolerated. The company is now evaluating <strong>the</strong> current formulation and considering<br />

an increase in exposure and decrease in variability before initiating additional studies<br />

in patients.<br />

For ADL5747, our second Delta Agonist, we recently have completed enrollment in a<br />

multiple ascending dose Phase I trial in 32 healthy volunteers. To date, we have not<br />

observed any dose-limiting toxicity or clinically significant adverse events. Pfizer and<br />

we intend to initiate a proof of concept trial of 5747 in osteoarthritis during <strong>the</strong> third<br />

quarter of 2009 and in neuropathic pain in <strong>the</strong> fourth quarter of 2009.<br />

To close <strong>the</strong> Delta section of this call, it is our interpretation that <strong>the</strong> results of<br />

<strong>the</strong>se preliminary Phase IIa trials of ADL5859 were inconclusive as to efficacy.<br />

Pfizer and we continue to believe that Delta Agonists represent an exciting<br />

new class of drugs to treat pain and are in agreement that both ADL5859 and<br />

ADL5747 merit continued clinical development.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Like All Things CNS, It’s Not So Easy<br />

42<br />

F I N A L T R A N S C R I P T<br />

To close <strong>the</strong> Delta section of this call, it<br />

is our interpretation that <strong>the</strong> results of<br />

<strong>the</strong>se preliminary Phase IIa trials of<br />

Dec. 18. 2008 / 8:30AM, ADLR - Adolor Corporation Investor Update Call<br />

Just completed two Phase IIa trials on ADL5859 to explore safety and efficacy in two<br />

distinct models of pain: diabetic ADL5859 peripheral neuropathy were inconclusive as a model of neuropathic as to<br />

pain; and rheumatoid arthritis as a model of chronic inflammatory pain. Nei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

showed statistical significance efficacy. on efficacy Pfizer measures, and we but were continue safe and well to<br />

tolerated. The company is now evaluating <strong>the</strong> current formulation and considering<br />

an increase in exposure and decrease in variability before initiating additional studies<br />

in patients.<br />

believe that Delta Agonists represent an<br />

exciting new class of drugs to treat pain<br />

and are in agreement that both ADL5859<br />

For ADL5747, our second Delta Agonist, we recently have completed enrollment in a<br />

multiple ascending dose Phase and I trial ADL5747 in 32 healthy merit volunteers. continued To date, we clinical have not<br />

observed any dose-limiting toxicity development.<br />

or clinically significant adverse events. Pfizer and<br />

we intend to initiate a proof of concept trial of 5747 in osteoarthritis during <strong>the</strong> third<br />

quarter of 2009 and in neuropathic pain in <strong>the</strong> fourth quarter of 2009.<br />

To close <strong>the</strong> Delta section of this call, it is our interpretation that <strong>the</strong> results of<br />

<strong>the</strong>se preliminary Phase IIa trials of ADL5859 were inconclusive as to efficacy.<br />

Pfizer and we continue to believe that Delta Agonists represent an exciting<br />

new class of drugs to treat pain and are in agreement that both ADL5859 and<br />

ADL5747 merit continued clinical development.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

A New, and Better Opioid from J&J / Grunenthal<br />

43<br />

Tapentadol IR<br />

dosing non-inferior<br />

to oxycodone IR in<br />

terms of efficacy<br />

with lower incidence<br />

of nausea, vomiting<br />

and constipation.<br />

The Journal of Pain, Volume 9, Issue 4, Supplement 1, April 2008, Page 32<br />

M. Afilalo, C. Oh, A. Okamoto, I. Van Hove, J. Stegmann, D. Upmalis<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

A New, and Better Opioid from J&J / Grunenthal<br />

44<br />

FDA Approves Tapentadol for Moderate to Severe Acute Pain<br />

November 25, 2008 — The US FDA has announced approval of tapentadol hydrochloride (Johnson &<br />

Johnson/Grunenthal), an immediate-release oral tablet for <strong>the</strong> relief of moderate to severe acute pain.<br />

The drug acts as both an opioid and nonopioid agent, <strong>the</strong> FDA release notes. It acts primarily as a<br />

mu-opioid-receptor agonist but also inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine, which may also have<br />

an analgesic effect.<br />

A statement from Johnson & Johnson notes that following this FDA approval, "as per federal<br />

regulation for all controlled substances, tapentadol will be reviewed by <strong>the</strong> US Drug Enforcement<br />

Administration for scheduling, and it cannot be sold until it receives a scheduling classification."<br />

The approval was based on data from clinical studies involving more than 2100 patients, <strong>the</strong> Johnson<br />

& Johnson release notes. These phase 3 studies, presented at <strong>the</strong> 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of<br />

<strong>the</strong> American Pain Society in May, showed significant relief compared with placebo for patients<br />

undergoing bunionectomy, a common foot surgery; in pain from end-stage joint disease; and with low<br />

back pain or osteoarthritis of <strong>the</strong> hip or knee. It was generally well tolerated.<br />

The most common adverse effects from tapentadol are nausea, dizziness, vomiting, sleepiness, and<br />

headaches, <strong>the</strong> FDA release said. "The labeling for tapentadol includes warnings about <strong>the</strong> risk of<br />

respiratory depression; addictive depressive effects on <strong>the</strong> central nervous system when taken with<br />

alcohol, o<strong>the</strong>r opioids, or illicit drugs; and abuse potential," <strong>the</strong> FDA release adds.<br />

DEA scheduling review is expected by late Feb 09.<br />

Company press release<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

A New, and Better Opioid from J&J / Grunenthal<br />

45<br />

FDA Approves Tapentadol for Moderate to Severe Acute Pain<br />

November 25, 2008 — The US FDA has announced approval of tapentadol hydrochloride (Johnson &<br />

Johnson/Grunenthal), an immediate-release oral tablet for <strong>the</strong> relief of moderate to severe acute pain.<br />

The drug acts as both an opioid and nonopioid agent, <strong>the</strong> FDA release notes. It acts primarily as a<br />

mu-opioid-receptor agonist but also inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine, which may also have<br />

an analgesic effect.<br />

A statement from Johnson & Johnson notes that following this FDA approval, "as per federal<br />

regulation for all controlled substances, tapentadol will be reviewed by <strong>the</strong> US Drug Enforcement<br />

Administration for scheduling, and it cannot be sold until it receives a scheduling classification."<br />

The approval was based on data from clinical studies involving more than 2100 patients, <strong>the</strong> Johnson<br />

& Johnson release notes. These phase 3 studies, presented at <strong>the</strong> 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of<br />

<strong>the</strong> American Pain Society in May, showed significant relief compared with placebo for patients<br />

• Tapentadol acts primarily as a mu-opioid-receptor<br />

undergoing bunionectomy, a common foot surgery; in pain from end-stage joint disease; and with low<br />

back pain or osteoarthritis of <strong>the</strong> hip or knee. It was generally well tolerated.<br />

agonist but also inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine<br />

• Tapentadol… “cannot be sold until it receives a<br />

The most common adverse effects from tapentadol are nausea, dizziness, vomiting, sleepiness, and<br />

headaches, scheduling <strong>the</strong> FDA release classification”.<br />

said. "The labeling for tapentadol includes warnings about <strong>the</strong> risk of<br />

respiratory depression; addictive depressive effects on <strong>the</strong> central nervous system when taken with<br />

alcohol, o<strong>the</strong>r opioids, or illicit drugs; and abuse potential," <strong>the</strong> FDA release adds.<br />

DEA scheduling review is expected by late Feb 09.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Tapentadol: Next Generation Ultram<br />

46<br />

• Better Efficacy<br />

• Better Side Effect Profile<br />

• But, Scheduled.<br />

Product label<br />

So why <strong>the</strong> modest forecast estimates?<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Opioid Abuse Deterrence<br />

47<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

King Pharmaceuticals: Making Big Bets on Abuse<br />

Deterrent Opioids<br />

…With Some Help From Acura and Alpharma<br />

48<br />

Cowen & Co. analyst report, Dec 17 2008<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

King Pharmaceuticals: Making Big Bets on Abuse<br />

Deterrent Opioids<br />

…With Some Help From Acura and Alpharma<br />

49<br />

USD, in billions<br />

$3.0<br />

$2.5<br />

$2.0<br />

$1.5<br />

$1.0<br />

$0.5<br />

$0.0<br />

Cowen & Co. analyst report, Dec 17 2008<br />

All O<strong>the</strong>r<br />

ALO-03, ALO-04<br />

ALO-02<br />

Embeda<br />

Acurox<br />

Remoxy<br />

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Because T<strong>here</strong> is Significant Market Potential<br />

50<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

But Also Significant Hurdles<br />

• Technology not enough, must prove lower abuse – but how?<br />

• FDA labeling may provide false sense of security, resulting in<br />

increased/less scrutinized use.<br />

• Purdue’s patent estate.<br />

51<br />

TheraQuest has an abuse-deterrent extended release Tramadol in Phase I.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Some Recent Setbacks<br />

• Purdue: Oxy TR<br />

52<br />

• Was front runner, but unsuccessful FDA advisory panel meeting in<br />

May ’08<br />

• Waiting on <strong>the</strong> 60mg and 80mg strengths<br />

• Pain Therapeutics/King: Remoxy<br />

• Dec ’08: NDA not approvable in present form<br />

• Alpharma: Embeda<br />

• NDA review delayed<br />

Press releases<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

The Technologies are Not <strong>the</strong> Problem …Nor are<br />

<strong>the</strong> Efficacy or Side Effects<br />

NDA 22-234 Remoxy Advisory Committee Briefing<br />

Alpharma FDA Advisory Committee Briefing Package<br />

Remoxy employs Durect’s Oradur technology in a sustained release<br />

oral gel-cap. Remoxy’s gelatinous formulation allows for <strong>the</strong><br />

controlled release of <strong>the</strong> active pharmaceutical ingredient,<br />

oxycodone, and may deter abuse of <strong>the</strong> drug.<br />

ALO-01 (Embeda) is comprised of individual pellets of<br />

morphine sulfate with a sequestered naltrexone<br />

hydrochloride inner core. When ALO-01 is taken as<br />

prescribed, morphine is released in an extended-release<br />

profile and naltrexone, an opioid antagonist, remains<br />

sequestered in <strong>the</strong> core.<br />

However, upon crushing, or complete chewing of <strong>the</strong><br />

pellets, both <strong>the</strong> morphine and naltrexone would be<br />

available and if taken orally, absorbed as an immediaterelease<br />

dosage form.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />


The Label Challenge<br />

• The FDA wants to differentiate <strong>the</strong> tamper-resistant opioids to<br />

encourage prescribing over <strong>the</strong> standard formulations, but does<br />

not want to allow <strong>the</strong>se products to be promoted as abuseresistant<br />

opioids.<br />

• A false sense of security may lead to lax prescribing (and<br />

diversion) problems, particularly with primary care physicians.<br />

Alpharma FDA Advisory Committee Briefing Package<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />


The Real Issue is Risk Management<br />

• Risk management plan negotiations are likely to delay approval of both<br />

Embeda/ALO-01 and Remoxy.<br />

• T<strong>here</strong> is concern over REMS (Risk Evaluation & Mitigation Strategy) plans<br />

to encourage physician education and prevent over-prescribing.<br />

• The FDA will require King and Alpharma to rigorously monitor postmarketing<br />

use of <strong>the</strong>ir products in order to gauge abuse levels. This is in<br />

<strong>the</strong> context of:<br />

• Significant challenges of abuse monitoring,<br />

• Flaws with <strong>the</strong> tools currently available.<br />

• The likely data focus will be adverse events databases and hospitalization<br />

statistics.<br />

• “Street value” may also be considered as a measure of abusability.<br />

• These data ultimately may lead to stronger tamper-resistance labeling and<br />

perhaps even an abuse-resistance claim, but <strong>the</strong> prediction was that such<br />

claims are unlikely to be granted for at least 2-3 years post-launch.<br />

Alpharma FDA Advisory Committee Briefing Package<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />


The Future Opioid Marketplace<br />

Assuming <strong>the</strong>se products can jump <strong>the</strong> regulatory hurdle and make it to<br />

market, will <strong>the</strong>re still be a place for products with no such claim – particularly<br />

as <strong>the</strong>y become generic and cheap?<br />

OxyContin: Branded Generic Branded Generic<br />

SG Cowen Therapeutic Categories Outlook Sept 2008<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />


Fentanyl: Again, REMS is <strong>the</strong> Big Regulatory Hurdle<br />

• Fentora (Cephalon)<br />

– Follow-on to Actiq – first launched in 1999 for breakthrough cancer pain.<br />

– 80-90% of Actiq use off label in o<strong>the</strong>r forms of breakthrough pain.<br />

– Fentora launched in late 2006 (as Actiq went generic).<br />

– Unsuccessful FDA panel meeting in May 2008 to broaden indication; adapting<br />

REMS and will try again in 2010.<br />

• BEMA Fentanyl (BioDelivery Sciences)<br />

• Received complete response letter in Aug, 2008.<br />

• Need to complete a REMS program.<br />

• Approval anticipated in 1H 2009 for breakthrough cancer pain; will be marketed<br />

by MEDA.<br />

• O<strong>the</strong>r fast-acting fentanyls reportedly in development<br />

• Stacatto fentanyl, inhaled (Alexza); licensed to Endo, starting Phase II.<br />

• Taifun fentanyl, inhaled (Akela); finished Phase II.<br />

• Intranasal fentanyl (Nycomed): filed in Europe in 2007.<br />

• Rapinyl (Prostakan - from Endo); Phase III<br />

• Intranasal fentanyl (Archimedes); Phase III<br />

• Oral spray (NovaDel); Pre-clin<br />

Natixis Bleichroeder <strong>presentation</strong>, Arrowhead Pain Conference 2008<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

57<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Is T<strong>here</strong> Potential Beyond Cancer Pain: Lessons<br />

from Fentora<br />

58<br />

FDA FDA blocks blocks new new Fentora Fentorauses uses<br />

September September 16, 16, 2008 2008<br />

The The FDA FDA to to Cephalon: Cephalon: Get Get a better better risk-communication risk-communication program. program. That's That's what what<br />

lies lies between between <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> drugmaker drugmakerand and new new indications indications for for its its painkiller painkiller Fentora. Fentora. As As you you<br />

know, know, Fentora Fentorais is already already emblazoned emblazoned with with warnings warnings of of potentially potentially life-threatening<br />

life-threatening<br />

risks. risks. Cephalon Cephalonhas has reported reported five five deaths deaths among among Fentora Fentorapatients, patients, from from adverse adverse<br />

reactions reactions or or overdose. overdose.<br />

Already Already approved approved for for breakthrough breakthrough cancer cancer pain, pain, Fentanyl Fentanylwas was up up for for FDA FDA<br />

consideration consideration to to treat treat breakthrough breakthrough pain pain in in patients patients with with chronic chronic lower lower back back and and<br />

nerve nerve pain. pain. But But an an advisory advisory panel panel voted voted 17-3 17-3 against against broadening broadening <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> use use of of Fentora, Fentora,<br />

citing citing <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> potential potential for for misuse misuse among among even even more more patients. patients.<br />

The The company company said said it it will will continue continue to to educate educate caregivers caregivers and and patients patients to to make make sure sure<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> drug drug is is appropriately appropriately prescribed--but prescribed--but offered offered no no o<strong>the</strong>r o<strong>the</strong>r word word yet yet on on how how it it plans plans to to<br />

answer answer <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> FDA's FDA's concerns. concerns. Though Though <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> drug drug was was introduced introduced only only under under strict strict<br />

guidelines guidelines for for use, use, in in its its some some two two years years on on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> market, market, scrips scripshave have grown grown to to<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> point point that that more more than than 80 80 percent percent of of patients patients take take it it off-label. off-label.<br /><br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Lessons from Fentora<br />

59<br />

What <strong>the</strong> FDA expects of Title IX Risk Evaluation and Mitigation<br />

Strategies (REMS).<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

For Some Mechanisms, <strong>the</strong> US Regulatory Risk<br />

May be Too High<br />

60<br />

• Canada:<br />

– 2005 approval for neuropathic pain.<br />

– 2007 as adjunct analgesic in patients with advanced cancer who experience moderate to<br />

severe pain during <strong>the</strong> highest tolerated dose of strong opioid <strong>the</strong>rapy for persistent<br />

background pain.<br />

• UK: available as prescription on a named patient basis; available on a compassionate access<br />

basis in <strong>the</strong> Catalonian region of Spain.<br />

• US: investigational drug (Phase II/III) being developed in partnership with Otsuka<br />

Pharmaceutical Co. as an adjunctive analgesic treatment for patients with advanced cancer<br />

whose persistent pain has not been adequately relieved by optimized treatment with strong<br />

opioids. The FDA has not approved Sativex and <strong>the</strong> product is not available in <strong>the</strong> US o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

than for use in FDA approved clinical trials.<br />

GW Pharmaceuticals <strong>presentation</strong>, Arrowhead Pain<br />

Therapeutics Summit 2008; Company website<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

For Some Mechanisms, <strong>the</strong> US Regulatory Risk<br />

May be Too High<br />

61<br />

The Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which created <strong>the</strong> five schedule classification<br />

system for drugs, assigned marijuana a Schedule I designation. This classification<br />

puts marijuana alongside heroin and hallucinogens as a dangerous and addictive drug<br />

with no accepted medical use.<br />

Note: On July 13, 1986, <strong>the</strong> DEA issued a Final Rule and Statement of Policy<br />

authorizing <strong>the</strong> "Rescheduling of Syn<strong>the</strong>tic Dronabinol (Syn<strong>the</strong>tic/Extract THC) in<br />

Sesame Oil and Encapsulated in Soft Gelatin Capsules From Schedule I to Schedule<br />

II"(DEA 51 FR 17476-78). This permitted medical use of Marinol (Solvay), albeit with <strong>the</strong><br />

severe restrictions associated with Schedule II status. Marinol is now Schedule III.<br /><br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Getting Around The “Cannabis” Issue<br />

Compounds that block MAGL or FAAH enzyme activity (which degrade<br />

endocannabinoids) could lead to treatments with minimal side effects associated<br />

with cannabinoid receptor activation.<br />

Monoacylglycerol lipase<br />

2-arachidonylglycerol<br /><br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

62<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Fatty acid amide hydrolase

FAAH Pipeline<br />

63<br />

Compound<br />

SSR 101010<br />

SSR411298<br />

KDS 4103<br />

ORG 231295<br />

OL-135<br />

FAAH Inhibitor<br />

JNJ 2883315<br />

JNJ 1661010<br />

RN-A<br />

RN-B<br />

FAAH Inhibitor<br />

Adis R&D Insight<br />

Developer<br />

sanofi-aventis<br />

sanofi-aventis<br />

Schering-Plough<br />

Schering-Plough<br />

Adolor Corporation<br />

Vernalis<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Evotec AG<br />

Evotec AG<br />

Infinity/Purdue/Mundipharma<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Phase<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Indications<br />

Anxiety disorders, depression<br />

Anxiety disorders, depression<br />

Anxiety, depression, and pain<br />

Anxiety, depression, and pain<br />

Inflammatory pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Chronic pain<br />

Chronic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain

FAAH Pipeline<br />

64<br />

FAAH blockers are a very new class<br />

of drugs, as currently <strong>the</strong>re are only<br />

two drugs from this group in <strong>the</strong> clinic.<br />

Both are owned by sanofi-aventis,<br />

which began clinical testing in March<br />

2006 (SSR411298) and February<br />

2007 (SSR 101010). No data about<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong>se trials has been<br />

released to date.<br />

Defined Health analysis<br />

Compound<br />

SSR 101010<br />

SSR411298<br />

KDS 4103<br />

ORG 231295<br />

OL-135<br />

FAAH Inhibitor<br />

JNJ 2883315<br />

JNJ 1661010<br />

RN-A<br />

RN-B<br />

FAAH Inhibitor<br />

Adis R&D Insight<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Developer<br />

sanofi-aventis<br />

sanofi-aventis<br />

Schering-Plough<br />

Schering-Plough<br />

Adolor Corporation<br />

Vernalis<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Evotec AG<br />

Evotec AG<br />

Infinity/Purdue/Mundipharma<br />

Phase<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Indications<br />

Anxiety disorders, depression<br />

Anxiety disorders, depression<br />

Anxiety, depression, and pain<br />

Anxiety, depression, and pain<br />

Inflammatory pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Chronic pain<br />

Chronic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain

FAAH Pipeline<br />

KDS-4103, acquired by Schering-<br />

Plough when <strong>the</strong>y purchased<br />

Organon, has shown potent analgesic<br />

activity in models of neuropathic pain<br />

when administered orally and has<br />

proved efficacious following systemic<br />

administration in models of<br />

inflammatory pain and inflammation.<br />

However, high oral doses of this<br />

compound (10–50 mg per kg) are<br />

required to inhibit neuropathic pain,<br />

w<strong>here</strong>as lower intraperitoneal doses<br />

are not effective against this type of<br />

pain.<br />

65<br />

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 7, 438-455 (May 2008)<br />

Compound<br />

SSR 101010<br />

SSR411298<br />

KDS 4103<br />

ORG 231295<br />

OL-135<br />

FAAH Inhibitor<br />

JNJ 2883315<br />

JNJ 1661010<br />

RN-A<br />

RN-B<br />

FAAH Inhibitor<br />

Adis R&D Insight<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Developer<br />

sanofi-aventis<br />

sanofi-aventis<br />

Schering-Plough<br />

Schering-Plough<br />

Adolor Corporation<br />

Vernalis<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Evotec AG<br />

Evotec AG<br />

Infinity/Purdue/Mundipharma<br />

Phase<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Indications<br />

Anxiety disorders, depression<br />

Anxiety disorders, depression<br />

Anxiety, depression, and pain<br />

Anxiety, depression, and pain<br />

Inflammatory pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Chronic pain<br />

Chronic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain

FAAH Pipeline<br />

JNJ-1661010 attenuates tactile<br />

allodynia in a rat mild <strong>the</strong>rmal<br />

injury model of acute tissue<br />

damage and in <strong>the</strong> rat spinal<br />

nerve ligation model of<br />

neuropathic pain. JNJ-1661010<br />

also diminishes <strong>the</strong>rmal<br />

hyperalgesia in <strong>the</strong> inflammatory<br />

rat carrageenan paw model.<br />

However, due to its irreversible<br />

binding to FAAH “These data<br />

suggest that FAAH inhibitors with<br />

modes of action similar to JNJ-<br />

1661010 may be useful clinically<br />

as broad-spectrum analgesics”.<br />

Anesth Analg.2009; 108: 316-329<br />

66<br />

Compound<br />

SSR 101010<br />

SSR411298<br />

KDS 4103<br />

ORG 231295<br />

OL-135<br />

FAAH Inhibitor<br />

JNJ 2883315<br />

JNJ 1661010<br />

RN-A<br />

RN-B<br />

FAAH Inhibitor<br />

Adis R&D Insight<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Developer<br />

sanofi-aventis<br />

sanofi-aventis<br />

Schering-Plough<br />

Schering-Plough<br />

Adolor Corporation<br />

Vernalis<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Evotec AG<br />

Evotec AG<br />

Infinity/Purdue/Mundipharma<br />

Phase<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Indications<br />

Anxiety disorders, depression<br />

Anxiety disorders, depression<br />

Anxiety, depression, and pain<br />

Anxiety, depression, and pain<br />

Inflammatory pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Chronic pain<br />

Chronic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain

Addressing <strong>the</strong> Big Problem<br />

67<br />

>50% of Patients Report Suboptimal Relief of Pain<br />

Enter <strong>the</strong> novel mechanisms…<br />

FAAH inhibitors<br />

TRPV1 antagonists/agonists<br />

NGF inhibitors<br />

CCR2 antagonists<br />

KCC2 modulators<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r biological, mediator-based approaches<br />

Defined Health primary research; Adis R&D Insight<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

New MOA Challenges<br />

68<br />

An increased understanding of <strong>the</strong> neurobiology of pain has not yet<br />

translated into breakthroughs in pain <strong>the</strong>rapies. Why?<br />

• Development Risk<br />

– Animal models are not disease models, but are useful for<br />

PK/PD.<br />

– Correlations from animals to clinic only exist for precedented<br />

targets.<br />

– Biggest clinical risk is in exposure, limited by safety/tolerability.<br />

– Access to correct compartment (CNS) is next most important<br />

consideration.<br />

NeuroDiscovery/NeuroSolutions <strong>presentation</strong>s, Arrowhead Pain Conference 2008; Stephenson, D.T.<br />

and Arneric, S.P. The Journal of Pain, Vol 9, No 7, 2008: p 567-579<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

New MOA Challenges<br />

69<br />

NeuroDiscovery/NeuroSolutions <strong>presentation</strong>s, Arrowhead Pain Conference 2008<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

New MOA Challenges<br />

70<br />

NeuroDiscovery/NeuroSolutions <strong>presentation</strong>s, Arrowhead Pain Conference 2008<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

New MOA Challenges<br />

71<br />

The identification and validation of imaging biomarkers for chronic pain<br />

have lagged behind areas such as oncology, cardiovascular medicine, and<br />

neurology. The Imaging Consortium for Drug Development (ICD) should<br />

help <strong>the</strong> field of pain catch up.<br /><br />

The Imaging Consortium for Drug Development (ICD) is a<br />

collaborative research effort between academia and<br />

pharmaceutical companies who are developing novel drugs to<br />

treat central nervous system (CNS) disorders. The ICD uses<br />

functional MRI (fMRI) to elucidate <strong>the</strong> effects of pain<br />

modulating drugs on neural activity within <strong>the</strong> brain in humans<br />

and in animal models of CNS disease. This landmark effort<br />

builds on more than a decade of fMRI research into <strong>the</strong> study<br />

of pain, and realizes <strong>the</strong> benefits of standardization and costsharing<br />

among consortium members, for pre-competitive<br />

Neuroscience research.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

New MOA Challenges<br />

• Animal models are insufficiently representative of <strong>the</strong> multidimensional<br />

aspects of clinical pain.<br />

• Humans, however, are <strong>the</strong> species of relevance and volunteers are able to<br />

verbally communicate <strong>the</strong>ir experience of pain and pain relief in a way that<br />

is impossible with animals.<br />

• Patients can also be<br />

stratified into subgroups,<br />

to help<br />

develop more specific<br />

treatment strategies.<br />

For example, human<br />

studies are revealing<br />

gender differences in<br />

pain processing, and<br />

showing that<br />

painkillers appear to<br />

work differently in men<br />

and women.<br />

Neuroimage. 2008 Aug 15;42(2):467-73. Epub 2008 May 29.<br />

72<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

TRPV1<br />

• The transient receptor potential cation<br />

channel, subfamily V, member 1 also known<br />

as TRPV1 is a ligand-gated nonselective<br />

cation channel that may be activated by a<br />

wide variety of exogenous and endogenous<br />

physical and chemical stimuli, including heat<br />

greater than 43°C, low pH (acidic<br />

conditions), <strong>the</strong> endocannabinoid<br />

anandamide, N-arachidonoyl-dopamine, and<br />

capsaicin.<br />

• TRPV1 receptors are found in <strong>the</strong> central<br />

nervous system and <strong>the</strong> peripheral nervous<br />

system and are involved in <strong>the</strong> transmission<br />

and modulation of pain, as well as <strong>the</strong><br />

integration of diverse painful stimuli.<br />

• TRPV1 blockade in vivo elicits hyper<strong>the</strong>rmia<br />

in multiple species, from rodents to humans,<br />

suggesting that TRPV1 is involved in body<br />

temperature maintenance.<br />

73<br />

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Vol.6 May 2007<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Homology model of <strong>the</strong> TRPV1 ion channel<br />

tetramer (w<strong>here</strong> <strong>the</strong> monomers are individually<br />

colored cyan, green, blue, and magenta<br />

respective) imbedded in a cartoon re<strong>presentation</strong><br />

of a lipid bilayer. PIP2 signaling ligands are<br />

represented by space-filling models (carbon =<br />

white, oxygen = red, phosphorous = orange).

TRPV1: Potential to Address Multiple Types of Pain<br />

74<br />

TRPV1 antagonists may also be useful in treating disorders o<strong>the</strong>r than pain.<br />

Chronic<br />

Nociceptive/Inflammatory<br />

Pain<br />

Neuropathic Pain<br />

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Vol.6 May 2007<br />

Migraine<br />

Chronic Cough<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Irritable Bowel Syndrome<br />

Urinary Incontinence

TRPV1: Target for Novel Analgesics<br />

75<br />

TRPV1 Antagonists:<br />

– TRPV1 knock-out mice show reduced nociception.<br />

– TRPV1 expression is up-regulated during pain state.<br />

– TRPV1 antagonists reverse pain behavior in animal pain models.<br />

– Many pharma companies have TRPV1 antagonist programs. Several<br />

compounds are in clinical development.<br />

TRPV1 Agonists:<br />

• Capsaicin used clinically as analgesic agent but side effects including “burning”<br />

phase limit its utility.<br />

• Different forms of capsaicin are being studied in <strong>the</strong> clinic.<br />

• Efforts to develop orally-active TRPV1 agonists that lack <strong>the</strong> burning effect<br />

(P&G, Sandoz, Novartis) faced problems due to systemic side effects and slow<br />

onset of action.<br />

Amgen <strong>presentation</strong>, Arrowhead Pain Conference 2008<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

TRPV1 Antagonists: Hot … Too Hot<br />

Amgen <strong>presentation</strong>, Arrowhead Pain Conference 2008<br />

76<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

TRPV1 Antagonists: Hot … Too Hot<br />

Hypo<strong>the</strong>sized that <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmoregulation is CNS-modulated, but peripheral restriction<br />

of action still caused heat.<br />

Amgen <strong>presentation</strong>, Arrowhead Pain Conference 2008<br />

77<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

TRPV1: Not Dead Yet<br />

78<br />

Potential Opportunities:<br />

• Development by different routes of administration (e.g., topical).<br />

• Development of short half-life antagonists.<br />

• Development of antipyretic + TRPV1 antagonist combination.<br />

• Development of TRPV1 antagonists in primary indications (e.g., OA).<br />

• One compound previously in development (GSK’s SB-705498) did<br />

not induce hyper<strong>the</strong>rmia in patients treated with 400mg of <strong>the</strong> drug.<br />

Amgen <strong>presentation</strong>, Arrowhead Pain Conference 2008<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

TRPV1 Antagonist Pipeline<br />

Compound<br />

AZD 1386<br />

MK 2295<br />

JTS 653<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

Ion channel modulators<br />

Small molecule <strong>the</strong>rapeutics<br />

Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1<br />

cation channel antagonists<br />

TRPV antagonists<br />

TRPV cation channel inhibitors<br />

TRPV1 antagonists<br />

TRPV1 antagonists<br />

TRPV1 cation channel inhibitors<br />

TRPV1 receptor antagonists<br />

Vanilloid 1 receptor antagonists<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

TRPV1 cation channel inhibitors<br />

GRC 6211<br />

SB 705498<br />

AMG 517<br />

TRPV1 cation channel antagonists<br />

79<br />

Adis R&D Insight<br />

Developer<br />

AstraZeneca<br />

Merck/Neurogen<br />

Japan Tobacco<br />

Renovis/Pfizer<br />

Hydra Biosciences<br />

Amphora<br />

Abbott<br />

Sanofi-Aventis<br />

Purdue Pharma<br />

Diver Drugs<br />

Eli Lilly<br />

J & J<br />

Traxion<br />

AmorePacific/Schwarz<br />

Neurogen/Merck<br />

Novartis<br />

Pharmeste<br />

Mochida//Wyeth<br />

Glenmark/Eli Lilly<br />

Amgen<br />

Amgen<br />

Phase<br />

Phase-II<br />

Phase-II<br />

Phase-I<br />

Phase-I<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Research<br />

Discontinued-II<br />

Discontinued-II<br />

Discontinued-I<br />

Discontinued-<br />

Preclinical<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Indications<br />

Gastro-oesophageal reflux, Pain<br />

Pain<br />

Overactive bladder, Pain<br />

Pain, Urinary incontinence<br />

Asthma, HTN, Inflammation, Kidney disorders, Lung disorders,<br />

Osteoporosis, OAB, Pain<br />

CNS disorders, Metabolic disorders, Pain<br />

Pain<br />

Inflammation, Neuropathic pain<br />

Pain<br />

Inflammation, Pain<br />

Inflammation, Pain, Urinary incontinence<br />

Cough, Pain<br />

Pain<br />

Pain<br />

Pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain, Urinary incontinence<br />

Pain<br />

Cystitis, Dental pain, Neuropathic pain, Urinary incontinence

TRPV1 Antagonist Pipeline<br />

80<br />

Compound<br />

AZD 1386<br />

MK 2295<br />

JTS 653<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

Ion channel modulators<br />

Small molecule <strong>the</strong>rapeutics<br />

Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 cation<br />

channel antagonists<br />

TRPV antagonists<br />

TRPV cation channel inhibitors<br />

TRPV1 antagonists<br />

TRPV1 antagonists<br />

TRPV1 cation channel inhibitors<br />

TRPV1 receptor antagonists<br />

Vanilloid 1 receptor antagonists<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

TRPV1 cation channel inhibitors<br />

GRC 6211<br />

SB 705498<br />

AMG 517<br />

TRPV1 cation channel antagonists<br />

Developer<br />

AstraZeneca<br />

Merck/Neurogen<br />

Japan Tobacco<br />

Renovis/Pfizer<br />

Hydra Biosciences<br />

Amphora<br />

Abbott Laboratories<br />

Sanofi-Aventis<br />

Purdue Pharma<br />

DiverDrugs<br />

Preclinical Inflammation, Pain<br />

Eli Lilly<br />

Preclinical Inflammation, Pain, Urinary incontinence<br />

with <strong>the</strong> antagonist.<br />

Johnson & Johnson Preclinical Cough, Pain<br />

Traxion Therapeutics<br />

AmorePacific/Schwarz<br />

Neurogen/Merck<br />

Novartis<br />

Pharmeste<br />

Mochida Pharma/Wyeth<br />

Glenmark/Eli Lilly<br />

Amgen<br />

Amgen<br />

Phase<br />

Phase-II<br />

Gastro-oesophageal reflux, Pain<br />

JNJ has used high throughput<br />

Phase-II<br />

Pain<br />

Phase-I<br />

Pain, Urinary incontinence<br />

cancer Asthma, Hypertension, Inflammation, Kidney disorders, Lung disorders,<br />

Preclinicalpain,<br />

systemic administration of<br />

Osteoporosis, Overactive bladder, Pain<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Preclinical<br />

Research<br />

Discontinued-II<br />

Discontinued-II<br />

Discontinued-I<br />

Discontinued-<br />

Preclinical<br />

Adis R&D Insight; Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 6, 357-372 (May 2007)<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Indications<br />

screening Phase-I to Overactive generate bladder, Pain a series of TRPV1<br />

antagonists. In a mouse model of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Preclinical TRPV1 antagonist CNS disorders, Metabolic disorders, JNJ-17203212<br />

Pain<br />

results in efficacy according to several<br />

Preclinical Pain<br />

behavioral measures of pain. TRPV1-/-<br />

Preclinical Inflammation, Neuropathic pain<br />

mice Preclinical show a Painsimilar<br />

extent of efficacy as<br />

TRPV1+/+ controls that were treated<br />

Pain<br />

Pain<br />

Pain<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Neuropathic pain, Urinary incontinence<br />

Pain<br />

Cystitis, Dental pain, Neuropathic pain, Urinary incontinence

TRPV1 Antagonist Pipeline<br />

81<br />

Compound<br />

AZD 1386<br />

MK 2295<br />

Merck/Neurogen<br />

Phase-II<br />

Pain<br />

JTS 653<br />

Japan Tobacco<br />

Phase-I<br />

Overactive bladder, Pain<br />

• Amgen stopped development of AMG-517 when patients<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

Renovis/Pfizer<br />

Phase-I<br />

Pain, Urinary incontinence<br />

experienced long-lasting hyper<strong>the</strong>rmia when treated with AMG-<br />

Asthma, Hypertension, Inflammation, Kidney disorders, Lung disorders,<br />

Ion channel modulators<br />

Hydra Biosciences Preclinical<br />

517 following molar extraction; some patients Osteoporosis, Overactive body bladder, temperature<br />

Pain<br />

Small molecule <strong>the</strong>rapeutics<br />

Amphora<br />

Preclinical CNS disorders, Metabolic disorders, Pain<br />

surpassed 40°C. It is possible that this problem i s due to off-<br />

Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 cation<br />

Abbott Laboratories Preclinical Pain<br />

channel target antagonistseffects,<br />

as TRPV1 -/- mice do not exhibit hyper<strong>the</strong>rmia.<br />

TRPV • antagonists GSK’s SB-705498 Sanofi-Aventis showed promising Preclinical results Inflammation, Neuropathic in a study pain designed<br />

TRPV cation channel inhibitors<br />

Purdue Pharma<br />

Preclinical Pain<br />

to measure its ability to inhibit heat-evoked pain (capsaicin) and<br />

TRPV1 antagonists<br />

DiverDrugs<br />

Preclinical Inflammation, Pain<br />

skin sensitization (UV B irradiation). In addition, treatment with<br />

TRPV1 antagonists<br />

Eli Lilly<br />

Preclinical Inflammation, Pain, Urinary incontinence<br />

TRPV1 cation channel inhibitors<br />

Johnson & Johnson Preclinical Cough, Pain<br />

TRPV1 abandoned receptor antagonists development Traxion Therapeutics of <strong>the</strong> Preclinical drug, with Pain no explanation as to<br />

Vanilloid 1 receptor antagonists<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

Neurogen/Merck<br />

Preclinical Pain<br />

• In October 2008 Eli Lilly chose to suspend <strong>the</strong>ir trial for GRC-<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

Novartis<br />

Preclinical Neuropathic pain<br />

Vanilloid receptor antagonists<br />

TRPV1 cation channel inhibitors<br />

GRC 6211<br />

SB 705498<br />

AMG 517<br />

TRPV1 cation channel antagonists<br />

Developer<br />

AmorePacific/Schwarz<br />

Amgen<br />

Amgen<br />

Phase<br />

Preclinical<br />

Discontinued-II<br />

Discontinued-I<br />

Discontinued-<br />

Preclinical<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Indications<br />

Three TRPV1 antagonists AstraZeneca which Phase-II had entered Gastro-oesophageal <strong>the</strong> reflux, clinic Pain have been<br />

discontinued:<br />

400 mg of SB-705498 did not induce hyper<strong>the</strong>rmia. GSK has since<br />

why.<br />

6211, which <strong>the</strong>y were developing in collaboration with Glenmark,<br />

Pharmeste<br />

Preclinical Neuropathic pain, Urinary incontinence<br />

in OA. The companies Mochida Pharma/Wyeth have yet Research to publicly Pain disclose <strong>the</strong> reason<br />

<strong>the</strong> trial was ended Glenmark/Eli early. Lilly Discontinued-II Cystitis, Dental pain, Neuropathic pain, Urinary incontinence<br />

Adis R&D Insight; Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 8, 55-68 (January 2009)<br />


TRPV3: Hopeful, But Too Early to Tell<br />

82<br />

Glenmark website<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

TRPV3: Hopeful, But Too Early to Tell<br />

83<br />

Glenmark website<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

TRPV Agonists: NeurogesX Capsaicin Patch<br />

NGX-4010: 8% w/w capsaicin (capsaicin<br />

640 mcg/cm2) patch optimized for rapid<br />

cutaneous delivery.<br />

84<br />

Treatment procedure (in office,<br />

physician supervised):<br />

• Identify painful area<br />

• Apply topical anes<strong>the</strong>tic<br />

• Cut NGX-4010 to conform to painful<br />

area<br />

• Apply NGX-4010 for 30 to 60 minutes<br />

• Remove NGX-4010, clean area with<br />

Cleansing Gel<br />

Company website<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Good Phase III Data, An Accepted NDA … But No<br />

Commercial Partner<br />

December 19, 2008: NeurogesX Announces FDA Acceptance to Review New<br />

Drug Application for NGX-4010 to Treat Post-Herpetic Neuralgia<br />

Backonja M, et al. Presented at <strong>the</strong> American Academy of Neurology<br />

60th Annual Meeting, Chicago; April 2008<br />

85<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Primary endpoint (% reduction<br />

from baseline during Weeks 2-8)<br />

•NGX-4010 −32% vs. Control −24%<br />

(p=0.011)<br />

•Consistent results over 3 months<br />

•32% average pain reduction during<br />

Weeks 2-12 (p=0.0172)<br />

•Responders (≥ 30% reduction) 46%<br />

responders (p=0.0196)

Tanezumab/RN 624 (Rinat/Pfizer): Summary<br />

Goldman Sachs Healthcare Conference, June 2008;<br />

Pfizer Analyst and Investor Meeting Oct. 28, 2008<br />

Lee<br />

.<br />

S. Simon, MD, Division Director Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory and<br />

Ophthalmology Drug Products ODEV, CDER, FDA<br />

86<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Pfizer Pursuing Multiple Chronic Pain Types<br />

for Tanezumab<br />

In hopes of a broad chronic moderate-to-severe pain label?<br />

87<br />

Inflammatory Pain<br />

• OA (knee and hip)<br />

• Chronic Low Back Pain<br />

Neuropathic Pain<br />

• Post-herpetic Neuralgia<br />

Adis R&D Insight; Pfizer Analyst Day Presentation, March 5, 2008;<br />;<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Visceral Pain<br />

• Interstitial Cystitis<br />

• Endometriosis Pain<br />

Cancer Pain<br />

• Metastatic Bone Pain<br />

Potential beyond pain … Arthritis, Prostatitis, Chronic Headache…

Incredible POC Data for OA of <strong>the</strong> Knee<br />

• At week 12, 70+% of patients<br />

reported a 30% reduction in pain at<br />

all doses, with more than 50%<br />

having a 50% reduction in pain and<br />

10-30% having a 90% reduction in<br />

pain.<br />

• Compared to an NSAID with 30-50%<br />

of patients reporting a 30%<br />

reduction in pain, dropping to 20-<br />

40% having a 50% reduction and<br />

less than 20% having a 90%<br />

reduction in pain.<br />

Pfizer Analyst and Investor Meeting Oct. 28, 2008<br />

88<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Concerning, but Transient Adverse Events<br />

• Headache, upper respiratory tract infection, pares<strong>the</strong>sias, hypoes<strong>the</strong>sias, and<br />

arthralgia or joint pain, were <strong>the</strong> most frequently reported adverse events for patients<br />

treated with tanezumab.<br />

• In terms of withdrawals due to adverse events, only arthralgia or worsening diabetes<br />

led to <strong>the</strong> withdrawal in more than one patient across <strong>the</strong> treatment arms.<br />

• Seven patients experienced a<br />

serious adverse event in this<br />

study.<br />

– Chest pain (placebo)<br />

– Cellulitis, appendicitis<br />

(10µg/kg)<br />

– Breast cancer, bacterial<br />

arthritis (50µg/kg)<br />

– Syncope, lumbar spine<br />

stenosis (200µg/kg)<br />

Pfizer Analyst and Investor Meeting Oct. 28, 2008<br />

89<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

NGF Antagonists: A Growing Pipeline<br />

• Including tanezumab, at least 10 compounds (monoclonal antibodies and small<br />

molecules) have been generated to inhibit NGF signaling. Currently only two drugs are<br />

reportedly in clinical trials, Pfizer’s tanezumab and OrthoMcNeil/Janssen<br />

Pharmaceuticals’ AMG 403 (although <strong>the</strong> status is unknown). O<strong>the</strong>r pharma companies<br />

likely have early stage programs.<br />

Drug<br />

Tanezumab<br />

AMG 403<br />

PG110<br />

PPC-1807<br />

VMD-902<br />

BXL1H5<br />

Anti-NGF<br />

ALE 0540<br />

ReN 1820<br />

ReN 1826<br />

???<br />

90<br />

Company<br />

Pfizer<br />

Amgen/OMJP/Takeda<br />

PainCeptor<br />

VM Discovery<br />

BioXell<br />

Yonsei University College<br />

of Medicine<br />

NPS Pharmaceuticals<br />

ReNeuron<br />

ReNeuron<br />

Big Pharma A,B & C<br />

Adis R&D Insight; IDdb3; Company websites<br />

Lay Line<br />

Genomics/PanGenetics<br />

Class<br />

mAB - NGF<br />

mAB/peptibody - NGF<br />

mAB - NGF<br />

Small molecule<br />

Small molecule<br />

mAB – TrkA<br />

mAB - NGF<br />

Small molecule<br />

Soluble TrkA<br />

Modified ReN 1820<br />

mAB - NGF<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Status<br />

Phase II - Pain<br />

Phase I - Pain<br />

PC - Pain<br />

PC - Pain<br />

PC - Pain<br />

PC - Pain<br />

No development<br />

reported(PC)<br />

Discontinued (PC) -<br />

Neuropathic pain<br />

Discontinued (PC) -<br />

Inflammation<br />

Discontinued (PC) - cancer<br />


Will NGF for Pain Be Like TNF is for RA?<br />

Products/<br />

Indication<br />

Clinical Data<br />

Economics/<br />

Providers<br />

91<br />

Enbrel, 1 st<br />

Biologic<br />

Rheumatoid<br />

Arthritis, selfinjectedsubcutaneous<br />

Defined Health analysis<br />

1998 1999 2002 2003 2005-06 2007<br />

Remicade, 1 st<br />

Biologic Crohn’s<br />

Disease, IV-<br />

Infusion<br />

Medicare<br />

Part B covers<br />

Remicade but<br />

not Enbrel<br />

Enbrel<br />

approved for<br />

Juvenile RA<br />

Remicade<br />

approved<br />

for RA<br />

ATTRACT Trial<br />

supports launch of<br />

Remicade into RA<br />

Out-patient infusion<br />

becomes available<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

Amgen acquires<br />

Immunex (Enbrel)<br />

Enbrel<br />

approved for<br />

Psoriatic<br />

Arthritis and<br />

Psoriasis<br />

Humira<br />

Launched for<br />

RA, selfinjectedsubcutaneous<br />

Orencia<br />

approved<br />

for RA<br />

Remicade<br />

approved for<br />

Psoriatic<br />

Arthritis and<br />

Psoriasis<br />

ASPIRE Trial shows<br />

positive results of<br />

Remicade for early RA<br />

Rituxan<br />

approved<br />

for RA<br />

Medicare<br />

Part D covers<br />

Enbrel & Humira<br />

Remicade continues<br />

coverage under<br />

Medicare Part B<br />

2008<br />

Humira<br />

launched for<br />

Crohn’s<br />

Disease<br />

Cimzia (SC<br />

injection)<br />

launched for<br />


TNF Inhibitors: A $13+ Billion Market & Growing<br />

92<br />

SG Cowen Therapeutic Categories Outlook Sept 2008<br />

Note: Arcoxia and Prexige received “non-approvable” letters in <strong>the</strong> US.<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing

Repurposed anti-TNF Antibodies for Pain?<br />

• When tissue injury and skin<br />

inflammation ensue, chronic<br />

inflammatory signals are released<br />

from surrounding cells at <strong>the</strong><br />

peripheral nerve terminal and lead to<br />

<strong>the</strong> sensitization of <strong>the</strong> nociceptors.<br />

• Such factors include, but are not<br />

limited to, adenosine and its related<br />

mono- or polyphosphorylated<br />

compounds (AMP, ADP and ATP),<br />

bradykinin, glutamate, histamine,<br />

interleukin 1, interleukin 6, nerve<br />

growth factor, platelet-activating<br />

factor, prostaglandin E2, substance<br />

P and tumor-necrosis factor-α.<br />

93<br />

Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Vol 10, Jan 2009<br />

Inflammation<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

TNF<br />

IL-1<br />

NGF TRPV-1<br />

Potential to repurpose TNF<br />

inhibitors for <strong>the</strong> treatment<br />

and/or modulation of pain?

O<strong>the</strong>r Repurposed Biological Cytokine Mediators?<br />

• When tissue injury and skin<br />

inflammation ensue, chronic<br />

inflammatory signals are released<br />

from surrounding cells at <strong>the</strong><br />

peripheral nerve terminal and lead to<br />

<strong>the</strong> sensitization of <strong>the</strong> nociceptors.<br />

• Such factors include, but are not<br />

limited to, adenosine and its related<br />

mono- or polyphosphorylated<br />

compounds (AMP, ADP and ATP),<br />

bradykinin, glutamate, histamine,<br />

interleukin 1, interleukin 6, nerve<br />

growth factor, platelet-activating<br />

factor, prostaglandin E2, substance<br />

P and tumor-necrosis factor-α.<br />

94<br />

Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Vol 10, Jan 2009<br />

Inflammation<br />

© Defined Health, 2009<br />

Pain Insight Briefing<br />

TNF<br />

IL-1<br />

NGF TRPV-1<br />

Potential to repurpose cytokine<br />

mediators inhibitors for <strong>the</strong><br />

treatment and/or modulation of<br />


What’s Next for Pain?<br />

• Continued efforts to improve on current standard of care.<br />

• Increasing use of experimental/translational methodologies for early<br />

clinical PoC (e.g., neuroimaging).<br />

• Big pharma focus on novel mechanisms.<br />

• More biologicals targeting pain mediators.<br />

95<br />

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Pain Insight Briefing

96<br />

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Pain Insight Briefing

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