JCDA - Canadian Dental Association

JCDA - Canadian Dental Association

JCDA - Canadian Dental Association


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Point of Care<br />

warrant conventional scalpel biopsy. It is not intended for<br />

the examination of submucosal lesions with intact surface<br />

epithelium, such as hemangiomas or mucoceles. It can also<br />

be used in the long-term follow-up of patients with<br />

erythroplakic (Figs. 1 and 2) or leukoplakic lesions in<br />

which a baseline histologic diagnosis has been obtained and<br />

in patients with a history of oral cancer. However, a negative<br />

result on brush biopsy does not obviate the need for<br />

conventional tissue biopsy if the clinical presentation<br />

warrants.<br />

Vizilite (Zila Professional Pharmaceuticals; distributed<br />

by Patterson <strong>Dental</strong> Supply) is a recently introduced intraoral<br />

screening test similar to the acetowhite test, which is<br />

used in the detection of uterine cervical dysplasias and<br />

carcinomas. The patient rinses for 1 minute with a supplied<br />

1% acetic acid solution to disrupt the glycoprotein barrier<br />

on mucosal surfaces. The oral cavity is then examined with<br />

a single-use chemiluminescent light, the wavelength of<br />

which is absorbed by normal cells. Abnormal cells reflect<br />

the light, presumably as a result of an increased nucleus-tocytoplasmic<br />

ratio, and therefore appear white.<br />

As with Orascan and Oral CDx, a positive reading with<br />

Vizilite can be caused by minor epithelial abnormalities<br />

associated with inflammation, irritation or ulceration and<br />

does not necessarily mean that dysplasia or carcinoma is<br />

present.<br />

Question 2<br />

This scenario emphasizes the importance of submitting<br />

all surgical tissue to an oral and maxillofacial pathologist<br />

for evaluation. In this case, histologic examination revealed<br />

that what had the clinical appearance of a dentigerous cyst<br />

was in fact an odontogenic keratocyst (OKC). On radiographic<br />

examination OKCs range in size from small,<br />

unilocular, pericoronal radiolucencies indistinguishable<br />

from dentigerous cysts to large, multilocular radiolucent<br />

lesions involving the entire mandibular ramus (Fig. 1).<br />

OKCs (Fig. 2) are potentially aggressive cysts with a<br />

tendency to cause significant local destruction. They are<br />

one of the most common developmental odontogenic<br />

cysts, second in frequency only to dentigerous cysts. They<br />

most commonly involve the posterior body and ramus of<br />

the mandible and are often associated with an unerupted<br />

tooth. Clinically, OKCs tend to expand in an anteroposterior<br />

direction within the medullary bone, with little<br />

tendency to cause bony expansion.<br />

The presence of multiple OKCs may be the initial<br />

presenting sign of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome<br />

678 November 2003, Vol. 69, No. 10<br />

It must be emphasized that these aids are not substitutes<br />

for good clinical judgement. The most important component<br />

in any oral cancer checkup remains a thorough visual<br />

and digital inspection of all intraoral soft tissues, as well as<br />

careful examination of the neck and cervical lymph nodes.<br />

Ultimately, diagnosis of any suspicious lesion requires<br />

histologic examination of biopsy samples. C<br />

References<br />

1. Johnson N, Warnakulasuriya S, Speight P, Epstein J. Diagnosing oral<br />

cancer: can toluidine blue mouthwash help? FDI World 1998; 7(2):22–6.<br />

2. <strong>Canadian</strong> Academy of Oral Pathology. CAOP releases toluidine blue<br />

statement [News Item]. J Can Dent Assoc 1995; 61(9):752–3.<br />

3. Sciubba JJ. Improving detection of precancerous and cancerous<br />

oral lesions. Computer-assisted analyses of the oral brush biopsy. U.S.<br />

Collaborative OralCDx Study Group. JADA 1999; 130(10):1445–57.<br />

Further Reading<br />

Epstein JB, Zhang L, Rosin M. Advances in the diagnosis of oral premalignant<br />

and malignant lesions. J Can Dent Assoc 2002; 68(10):617–21.<br />

Guo Z, Yamaguchi K, Sanchez-Cespedes M, Westra WH, Koch WM,<br />

Sidransky D. Allelic losses in OraTest-directed biopsies of patients with<br />

prior upper aerodigestive tract malignancy. Clin Cancer Res 2001;<br />

7(7):1963–8.<br />

Megevand E, Denny L, Dehaeck K, Soeters R, Bloch B. Acetic acid visualization<br />

of the cervix: an alternative to cytologic screening. Obstet<br />

Gynecol 1996; 88(3):383–6.<br />

Svirsky JA, Burns JC, Carpenter WM, Cohen DM, Bhattacharyya I,<br />

Fantasia JE, and others. Comparison of computer-assisted brush biopsy<br />

results with follow up scalpel biopsy and histology. Gen Dent 2002;<br />

50(6):500–3.<br />

I recently removed an impacted mandibular third molar with an associated 10-mm pericoronal<br />

radiolucency. Follicular tissue was submitted for biopsy. The histopathologic diagnosis was<br />

odontogenic keratocyst. What would you recommend for follow-up?<br />

(NBCCS), which is characterized by multiple OKCs,<br />

multiple basal cell carcinomas, characteristic palmar and<br />

plantar pits, and calcification of the falx cerebri. Affected<br />

patients may also develop neoplasms such as medulloblastoma,<br />

meningioma, ovarian fibroma and cardiac fibroma.<br />

Histologically, OKCs are characterized by a thin, parakeratinized,<br />

stratified squamous epithelial lining with a<br />

hyperchromatic and palisaded basal cell layer (Figs. 3 and<br />

4). The cyst lumen may contain desquamated keratin.<br />

Detachment of portions of the thin cyst lining is<br />

commonly observed at the time of surgery. The presence of<br />

satellite cysts within the cyst wall may be responsible for the<br />

reported 6% to 66% recurrence rate (Fig. 5). It has also<br />

been suggested that factors inherent to the cystic epithelium<br />

itself or influences involving regional odontogenic<br />

epithelium may be responsible for recurrence or for the<br />

formation of additional OKCs.<br />

The best method of treatment remains controversial.<br />

Current modalities include enucleation and osseous<br />

curettage with or without resection of the overlying<br />

Journal of the <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Dental</strong> <strong>Association</strong>

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