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Spike Magazine


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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

the confines placed on women’s existence by men.<br />

Abigail is no fool. She knows at an early age what men<br />

can be like. It is important to show that she is faced<br />

with circumstances over which she can exercise little<br />

personal defence and from which others have failed<br />

to protect her. The boundaries of her life offer Abigail<br />

little room to manoeuvre.<br />

Aspects of Becoming Abigail remind me of Mrs<br />

Dalloway. An interior consciousness creates a resonant<br />

cluster of poetic images which acts as critique of patriarchal<br />

control. Maps, poems, the body, needles, all<br />

are densely interconnected and new relationships are<br />

discovered on re-reading. The second time around,<br />

for example, totally transforms the hiss of a cigarette<br />

as it hits the Thames, imbued now with knowledge of<br />

the decision that Abigail is trying to make. One of her<br />

own favourite images is from a Chinese tea ceremony,<br />

where a lotus flowers. It might stand for how the unexpected<br />

developments in the story unfold layer after<br />

layer. As with Woolf’s novel, an authoritarian doctor<br />

fails to avert tragedy by rubbishing a character’s mental<br />

distress. There is also the London location and the way<br />

icons of government and empire are personalized and<br />

subverted. On the Embankment, the phallic Cleopatra’s<br />

Needle is gently ridiculed. The lions have been placed<br />

the wrong way round and Queen Victoria won’t foot<br />

the bill to have them put right. Abani does London very<br />

well. At one point, Abigail stands on the International<br />

BUY Chris Abani books online from and<br />

Date Line at Greenwich, itself a symbol of colonial<br />

over-mapping of the world, and marvels that such a<br />

thin line can separate time. This is a literal symbol of<br />

how time and place are fictionally mapped. “The line is<br />

a lie,” Abigail often riffs. It is intriguing to see London<br />

portrayed through the eyes of ‘the other’. Greenwich<br />

Market is described in the exotic terms of a souk.<br />

Abigail rides the tube when she first arrives in London,<br />

noting with surprise the variety of white faces. At the<br />

station, she hears the mantra “Mind the Gap”, almost a<br />

slogan for the interstitial theme of the novel:<br />

“Bad people didn’t bother her. Like good people they<br />

were a known quantity. It wasn’t even the loose possibility<br />

of these that bothered her. It was the struggle against<br />

either side. That was where the danger lay. What was<br />

it Abigail used to tell her? A house divided, that’s the<br />

dangerous place. She smiled suddenly. Abigail couldn’t<br />

have told her anything.”<br />

The Thames location also recalls Heart of Darkness,<br />

although here the tide flows the opposite way and the<br />

slave trade is given an ironic twist. The book is full of<br />

subtle but awful ironies. The image of a dog peeing on<br />

a statue, the building of a doghouse later proves to be<br />

more brutal than it appeared and a joke about how the<br />

French see Africans as animals to be tamed whereas the<br />

English don’t see them at all resonates through the latter<br />

part of the book. The worst irony of all is that British<br />

social services thinks it knows what’s ‘becoming’ for<br />

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