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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

ing to play with another dog. Sounds of apologies to<br />

another dog owner]<br />

Every interview I do these days is interspersed with<br />

this. You stupid dog!! He’s a ‘Blue Monday’ dog. The<br />

dog from the New Order video. I have no time for dogs<br />

whatsoever, but my partner knew that many years ago<br />

I worked with Bill Wegman on the ‘Blue Monday ‘88’<br />

video and fell in love with Wegman and his Weimaraner<br />

dog.<br />

Last November my partner said two things: Number<br />

one you should sign Raw-T, number two I’m buying<br />

you a dog for Christmas. They are obviously the most<br />

beautiful dogs in the world, but no one told me that<br />

in the dog world they are famous for being the most<br />

loopy, fucking stupid off-their-head nutcases, so I’ve<br />

got this complete idiot dog now! He’s actually had the<br />

snip but that would never calm him down, and has got<br />

me in a lot of trouble with Peter Saville because his<br />

girlfriend used to think she was a wolf when she was a<br />

teenager, loves dogs and wolves, and I got into a lot of<br />

trouble from Peter for having giving William the snip<br />

and it’s made no fucking difference whatsoever.<br />

Back to Hannett. All producers go mad because they<br />

normally only find one sound in their life. In fact Martin<br />

Hannett found two sounds, and he even came back<br />

a third time when he was just having a laugh with the<br />

Mondays, so I think he did pretty fucking well. If you<br />

want to go through the history of Martin very simply.<br />

BUY Tony Wilson books online from and<br />

The early phase where he was learning about the studio<br />

with Manchester Animation company, which he did<br />

the soundtrack for. Then he pioneered punk with Spiral<br />

Scratch and ‘Cranked Up Really High’ [Buzzcocks].<br />

Then unbeknown to me until I found out years later, he<br />

goes and meets these guys in a carpark on the moors<br />

above Burnley and tells them the sound he’s imagining<br />

in his head, off his head on fucking drugs and he drives<br />

back to Manchester at midnight, they drive back to their<br />

shed in Burnley and they build the world’s first digital<br />

delay machine, the AMF digital delay which is the most<br />

important outboard equipment of the last 50 years. And<br />

it was 15 years later when some guy stopped me and<br />

said, ‘I want to thank you, one of your partners changed<br />

my life.’ When I realised it was AMF I went ‘No, you<br />

changed his life by giving him that equipment.’ He<br />

said, ‘Don’t you know where it came from?’ And I had<br />

no idea it came out of Martin’s head. The first time he<br />

ever worked with that digital delay machine was on the<br />

song Digital. And that was on the Factory Sample, his<br />

first day with Joy Division. And then of course he used<br />

it on Unknown Pleasures and it changed the way drums<br />

sound forever, he used it on ESG and everything else.<br />

So the first thing is he changed the drum sound of the<br />

world forever by the digital delay.<br />

But then what he’s not given credit for, because<br />

‘Blue Monday’ is given the credit for being the first<br />

great modern music track which uses computers. In fact<br />

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