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Spike Magazine


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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

written down, nor ever, by the majority of Mankind,<br />

seen – serving as a very Rubbish-Tip for subjunctive<br />

Hopes, for all that may yet be true – Earthly Paradise,<br />

Fountain of Youth, Realms of Prester John, Christ’s<br />

Kingdom, ever behind the sunset, safe until the next<br />

Territory to the West be seen and recorded, measur’d<br />

and tied in, back into the Net-Work of points already<br />

known, that slowly triangulates its Way into the Continent,<br />

changing all from subjunctive to declarative,<br />

reducing Possibilities to Simplicities that serve the<br />

ends of Governments, – winning away from the realm<br />

of the Sacred, its Borderlands one by one, and assuming<br />

them unto the bare mortal World that is our home,<br />

and our Despair.”<br />

And with only a slightly greater synaptic leap, Mason<br />

& Dixon can be read as a rueful acknowledgement of<br />

the fragmentation of the American dream – the disappearance<br />

of a collective sense of direction and purpose,<br />

as well as possibly morality – a relief portrait of a<br />

country and people adrift:<br />

Mason to Dixon: “Acts have consequences, Dixon,<br />

they must. These Louts believe all’s right now, – that<br />

they are free to get on with Lives that are to them no<br />

doubt important, – with no Glimmer at all of the Debt<br />

BUY Thomas Pynchon books online from and<br />

they have taken on. That is what I smell’d – Lethe-water.<br />

One of the things the newly born forget, is how terrible<br />

its Taste, and Smell. In Time, these People are able to<br />

forget ev’rything. Be willing to wait but a little, and ye<br />

may gull them again and again, however ye wish, – even<br />

unto their own Dissolution. In America, as I apprehend,<br />

Time is the true river that runs round Hell.”<br />

Lethe, the river of ignorance in Greek mythology, is<br />

evidently the creek we’re stuck on without a paddle,<br />

drifting ever away from “the realm of the sacred.” Not<br />

altogether a very cheery prospect.<br />

Mason & Dixon, despite frequent humour, makes<br />

for pretty lousy light reading; if the continual digressions,<br />

daunting thematic content, odd symbolism, or<br />

structural oddities don’t get to you, the period narrative<br />

style certainly will. Maintaining the necessary mental<br />

inventory of preceding events is a difficulty even early<br />

on, and later, a virtual impossibility. Concentration,<br />

and lots of it, is necessary for a successful foray into<br />

Pynchon’s New World, where brevity is the only thing<br />

in short supply. But for those who dare to attempt the<br />

challenge, armed with the requisite patience and attention<br />

span, Mason & Dixon offers abundant wit, as well<br />

as considerable wisdom. �<br />

412<br />

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