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Spike Magazine


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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

with dying tramp on the snow-covered streets, visits a<br />

gallery with two paintings by Caspar David Friedrich<br />

that he is fascinated by, and a library that will, in the<br />

second half, change his life. Many reviewers have referred<br />

to this wandering with, at best, condescension. In<br />

particular, they disapprove of Arthur’s ‘intellectual posturing’,<br />

which seems to mean any mention of anything<br />

other than that which will take the story ‘forward’ into<br />

forgetfulness. This is a form of criticism that avoids the<br />

very issue addressed by the novel. Arthur is searching<br />

for an. He talks with his living friends, and listens to<br />

those who are dead, which take the form of memories,<br />

books, paintings, films, science and philosophy. It helps<br />

him. It helps his friends. But like all friends, they have<br />

their limits. And he knows it. They are useful only in<br />

their uselessness. This novel is a part of that scheme<br />

too. It has this wonderfully strange quality of enabling<br />

us to maintain contact with what is important to us, that<br />

which otherwise seems inaccessible, in that which takes<br />

us further away (i.e. ‘escapism’). Indeed, the All Souls’<br />

Day of the title is the Catholic holiday (November 2nd)<br />

commemorating the souls of the dead; another form of<br />

fiction in which one has to place one’s trust in order to<br />

cross the abyss.<br />

On a ferry crossing the Baltic, thinking of the 1994<br />

MV Estonia disaster, Arthur reflects that there is a thin<br />

membrane between him and chaos, as thin as the window<br />

he presses his face to, looking out to sea. The more<br />

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ignorant of the reviewers (i.e. Julie Myerson of The<br />

Guardian) would rather we weren’t reminded of this<br />

and be allowed to plunge into forgetfulness, as if it were<br />

possible without denial. Nooteboom’s achievement<br />

is to open the abyss of history out of these everyday<br />

thoughts. He does this by showing how the rich heritage<br />

of speculation in the arts and sciences derives from<br />

the same confrontation with trauma as experienced by<br />

Arthur. This is seen as a failure by those, like Myerson,<br />

who can see learning only as a trophy to be displayed.<br />

Nooteboom wears his learning lightly but it seems one<br />

can’t escape the philistine thought-police of English<br />

literary criticism.<br />

In terms of the plot, Arthur contrives to meet a history<br />

research student beginning a project on an obscure<br />

Spanish queen of the 12th century. From what little<br />

is revealed, she appears, like Arthur, to be taking a<br />

roundabout route in resolving personal trauma. Despite<br />

this, both Arthur and readers of the novel seem to be on<br />

the brink of relief from endless speculation by falling<br />

into a love story. But the student, Elik, a fellow Dutch<br />

ex-patriot, remains mysteriously private despite their<br />

physical intimacy. Through her silence, she prompts<br />

even more fevered questioning. After a date, she disappears<br />

without warning and, when they meet again,<br />

refuses to reveal very much of herself. She prefers to<br />

argue about historiography with one of Arthur’s scholarly<br />

friends. The novelist doesn’t fill in the blanks for<br />

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