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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

back, but at the moment I’ve got no interest.<br />

“What I will say is that to a certain and very important<br />

degree, Needle In The Groove is that last Vurt<br />

novel. Because all the books in the Vurt sequence<br />

have been about the same thing. Which has got nothing<br />

to do with feathers, nothing to do with anything<br />

‘science fictional’ at all. It’s to do with the search for<br />

a new family. The escape from a broken family, the<br />

setting up of a new, alternative family, and the search<br />

to repair a broken family.<br />

“Needle In The Groove and Vurt could almost be<br />

mirror-images of one another, in that sense. The difference<br />

being that at the end, Elliot manages something<br />

that Scribble from Vurt hasn’t got a chance in hell of<br />

sorting out; his relationship with his father. So if you<br />

take this sequence of books as being about that subject,<br />

which I do, then Needle finished it. Obviously, the<br />

hardcore Vurt fans are going to say I’m being daft with<br />

all this,” he laughs, “But you know, this is what I write<br />

about. This is my subject.”<br />

It does make sense; both Vurt and Needle are ostensibly<br />

about single protagonists, whereas Nymphomation<br />

and Pollen are ensemble pieces. There is indeed a<br />

mirror-image, even though each book in the sequence<br />

has gone further back into the past.<br />

“Yeah, and now I’m doing a historical novel! I just<br />

hope people are picking up on these elements in my<br />

work. I hope they’re not becoming so enamoured with<br />

BUY Jeff Noon books online from and<br />

the superficial subject matter that they can’t see, I am<br />

on a journey here, and travelling a certain road I have<br />

to go down.<br />

“I liken my position at the moment very much to J.G.<br />

Ballard. Ballard built up a very rich series of techniques<br />

over 20 years or so while his work was ‘hidden’ in<br />

sci-fi. And then, with Empire Of The Sun, he started to<br />

write about things which were more real, using those<br />

techniques he’d built up. That’s quite interesting to me<br />

at the moment, with Needle In The Groove as the start of<br />

that. Using all these techniques to focus on something<br />

that’s quite real, quite emotional and to do with the way<br />

people live their lives now.”<br />

Certainly, no-one could accuse Noon of not developing<br />

his style. It’s one of the things which makes his work<br />

stand out from the crowd, a style which has become<br />

more fluid and, dare I say, “dubbed” as time goes on. In<br />

a sense, Noon’s work is more to do with the way stories<br />

are told than the stories themselves.<br />

“I’m glad you say that, actually. I’m a storyteller, and<br />

I love telling stories, but the way that I tell the stories is<br />

what really excites me. The writers I admire are those<br />

people of whom you can read two sentences and just<br />

know it’s them. Those are the people I like. It’s the<br />

same with music, everything.<br />

“I do think this whole kind of ‘dub fiction’ thing I’m<br />

on at the moment is exciting for me as a writer. I hope<br />

it’s exciting for the reader. You just don’t know what’s<br />

371<br />

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