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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

age propaganda and an extended advertisement for the<br />

local Renaissance Faire.<br />

Neil Gaiman has tension, however. From what I know<br />

of him I’d peg him as a pagan (if only in sentiment; he<br />

seems to really dig those old-time gods), yet he writes<br />

essentially Christian stories of sacrifice and redemption.<br />

He is also brave enough to show just what dark, bloody,<br />

vicious, vengeful energy hides in the old pagan stories.<br />

Yet, for all his tensions, Gaiman seems less like the<br />

purveyor of a new style of fantasy writing, and more like<br />

the culmination of an old style, a style I would term the<br />

‘Jungian.’ 20th-century English and American fantasy<br />

flourished in a world very much alive to the notion that<br />

wisdom could be found in those old pagan stories, and<br />

that was okay because everyone knew, after Jung, that<br />

those stories were conduits to the collective archetypes.<br />

Even C.S. Lewis and Tolkien, so notoriously dismissive<br />

of ‘Continental’ influences, read and admired Jung<br />

(though they always resolutely sniped at Freud). He<br />

seemed to provide a foundation for fantasy, his theories<br />

a sort of undeclared manifesto for – and justification of<br />

– the genre. They had much in common, Jung and the<br />

fantasy genre; in this one thing, if nothing else: they believed<br />

in the power of stories; they believed that stories<br />

could teach us something. The great fantasy writers of<br />

the 20th century believed that stories were either healing<br />

balms of the psyche or agents of unsettlement, chinks in<br />

the armour of our everyday assumptions.<br />

BUY fantasy books online from and<br />

I use the past tense because the work of Gaiman, and<br />

contemporaries such Holdstock, Carroll and Crowley,<br />

seems to have exhausted the possibilities of writing a<br />

‘Jungian’ fantasy. Appealing to the collective unconscious<br />

is becoming less tenable as a deus ex machina in<br />

a world where memetics and evolutionary psychology<br />

have replaced depth psychology as the essential means<br />

of understanding the self. It is difficult to see how the<br />

kind of fantasy written in the last century can be anything<br />

but a cliché in our brave new millennium.<br />

The question is this: can fantasy re-invigorate<br />

itself in the face of these new conceptions of the<br />

self? There is some slight hope that a new kind of<br />

fantasy writing could appear, instigated by writers<br />

such as Steve Aylett and China Mieville, who give<br />

the impression that they are ready to write ‘weird<br />

stories’ for a culture that no longer necessarily believes<br />

in the unity of the psyche, the mythic power<br />

of stories or the efficacy of any kind of healing balm<br />

that doesn’t come in the form of a pill. However, so<br />

long as such writers are squeezed out of bookstore<br />

shelves by the bloated works of Jordan, Eddings,<br />

Williams, et al, I’m afraid that we must conclude<br />

that fantasy will collapse under its own weight<br />

and metamorphose into a genre as rule-bound and<br />

derivative as the Mills and Boons romance.<br />

And that would be a triumph even Sauron could be<br />

content with. �<br />

346<br />

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