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Spike Magazine

Spike Magazine


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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

fear the most – that one man free, expressing his own<br />

thoughts and point of view, might somehow inspire<br />

others to think for themselves and listen to that voice<br />

of reason inside them, and then perhaps, one by one we<br />

will awaken from this dream of lies and illusions that<br />

the world, the governments and their propaganda arm,<br />

the mainstream media, feeds us continuously over 52<br />

channels, 24 hours a day.<br />

“What I realised was that they don’t want the people<br />

to be awake. The elite ruling class wants us asleep<br />

so we’ll remain a docile, apathetic herd of passive<br />

consumers and non-participants in the true agendas<br />

of our governments, which is to keep us separate and<br />

present an image of a world filled with unresolvable<br />

problems, that they, and only they, might somewhere,<br />

in the never-arriving future, may be able to solve. Just<br />

stay asleep, America. Keep watching television. Keep<br />

paying attention to the infinite witnesses of illusion we<br />

provide you over ‘Lucifer’s Dream Box’.”<br />

BUY Bill Hicks books online from and<br />

For anyone doubting the veracity of Hicks’s analysis,<br />

a good recent example of news being managed in such<br />

a way that it keeps us “passive non-participants” is the<br />

virtual US press black out over the recent Kyoto protocol<br />

all under the guise, no doubt, of it being of no interest<br />

to the American public that the US has an appalling<br />

environmental record.<br />

Hicks has his revelation while watching the Letterman<br />

show the week after being pulled. The scales fall<br />

away from his eyes, and he’s looking at the real reason.<br />

He’s looking at a ‘pro-life’ commercial.<br />

Gore Vidal once gave a definition of real politics<br />

as “Who collects what money from whom to spend<br />

on whom for what” with the corollary that “no politician<br />

in the US dares address that subject for fear we’ll<br />

discover who bought him and for how much.” Follow<br />

the money, indeed. And what was one of the very first<br />

things that Dubyah did as President? It was to cancel<br />

the funding of abortion clinics abroad. �<br />

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