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Spike Magazine


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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

without looking at it and without his eyes straying from<br />

us to say nonchalantly “I doubt it…” before lighting it<br />

in one graceful movement.<br />

Even though the act was honed and down pat<br />

so that he could riff around it (“excuse me why I<br />

plaster on a fake smile and plough through this shit<br />

one more time”) when I saw him at Brighton he was<br />

consummate in fielding questions from the audience<br />

(on subjects as diverse as the then recently launched<br />

Euro Disney in Paris to how Labour lost the 1992<br />

general election).<br />

I thought of Hicks as soon as Dubyah ‘won’ the US<br />

election. One could simply replay the Hicks material<br />

about George Bush from the time of the Gulf War<br />

and apply it to Bush II. History repeating itself first<br />

as farce and then as a Bill Hicks routine. Where was<br />

Hicks when we needed him during Clinton’s dreadful<br />

Presidency? The Lewinsky affair, the impeachment<br />

hearings, the Presidential pardons – you feel that he<br />

would of made such an incredible impact had he lived.<br />

Who knows, perhaps he would of given direction to the<br />

growing Western response of anti-capitalism? He was<br />

that inspirational.<br />

Hicks used comedy in a way that Lenny Bruce had<br />

used it in the 60s, as a consciousness-expanding one.<br />

The appeal was one of a manichaean righteousness that<br />

could of course slide into savage arrogance. There is a<br />

joke he tells about a waffle waitress who, seeing him<br />

BUY Bill Hicks books online from and<br />

reading a book, asks him “Why y’all reading for?” to<br />

which he replies, and it’s hard not to blanch from the<br />

savagery of it: “Well, I guess I read for a lot of reasons,<br />

the main one being so I don’t end up being a fucking<br />

waffle waitress.” So there we have it – comedy that<br />

comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable, but<br />

which makes sure to afflict the afflicted as well.<br />

In the evolutionary sense, a subject he was particularly<br />

interested in, Hicks’s lines continue to be highly<br />

successful memes: “You’re not human till you’re in my<br />

phone book”, “Human beings are just a virus in shoes”,<br />

etc. I can’t of been the only one to notice in the dark<br />

poetry of Hicks’s faux heartfelt tribute to his dying<br />

Grandma who he wants to see used in stunts in a martial<br />

arts film, the intimation that here was potentially a<br />

great writer too: “Do you want your grandmother dying<br />

like a little bird in some hospital room, her translucent<br />

skin so thin you can see her last heartbeat work its<br />

way down her blue veins? Or do you want her to meet<br />

Chuck Norris?”<br />

Hicks arrived, in mass media terms, at the tail end of<br />

those seemingly monolithic Republican and Conservative<br />

governments of the 1980s and early 1990s and<br />

what a fillip it was to have such a hardcore exorcism<br />

of our anxieties and anger. We loved the fact that here<br />

was someone you genuinely knew would never sell out<br />

(hear Hicks’s response on Rant In E-Minor to a British<br />

company that wanted him to advertise their ‘Orange<br />

267<br />

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