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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

downtrodden in the world, and for him that meant the<br />

Left. He became an intractable and articulate foe of US<br />

imperialism, especially of its machinations in Southern<br />

and Central America. In 1955 he wrote The Quiet<br />

American, a novel which was to become a classic antiimperialist<br />

parable. In later years he was to meet and<br />

correspond with Fidel Castro, and while still critical of<br />

the curtailing of religious and intellectual freedom in<br />

the country, strongly supported Cuba’s struggle against<br />

US hegemony.<br />

In Latin America of course, the populace shared his<br />

Faith, yet he was conscious that the dominant reactionary<br />

elements within Catholicism had no interest at all<br />

in his anti-imperialist vision. When therefore, in the<br />

80s a new strain of Faith within the region came to<br />

prominence which shared his vision, he could scarcely<br />

contain his intellectual glee. Liberation Theology<br />

combined the apparently antagonistic Catholicism and<br />

socialism which had both so inspired Greene, uniting<br />

against the US backed juntas of the subcontinent. Oscar<br />

Romero in Salvador and Evaristo Arns in Brazil were<br />

just two of many to speak out the US sponsored repression<br />

and poverty which racked their nations. Greene<br />

came to personally befriend another such Liberation<br />

priest, Leopoldo Duran.<br />

That such movements were to fail, crushed by the<br />

Washington backed strong-men, Oscar Romero assassinated<br />

– Greene, eternal pessimist as he was, no doubt<br />

BUY Graham Greene books online from and<br />

anticipated. That they failed to receive the backing of<br />

the Vatican, that indeed that they were explicitly denounced<br />

by them, he may have found harder to reconcile.<br />

Perhaps this contributed to the weary irony of his<br />

statement to interviewer John Cornwell in 1989, that he<br />

was now a “Catholic agnostic”.<br />

Had he lived to see it however, he may well have<br />

been heartened to see the success of Hugo Chavez in<br />

Venezuela and Morales in Bolivia, a new generation<br />

of leaders combining socialism with their Catholicism.<br />

The latest success of the left-leaning bishop Fernando<br />

Lugo becoming president in Paraguay would no doubt<br />

of gladdened him most of all. Who could doubt he<br />

would have seen some vindication here, and an answer<br />

both to the Catholic hierarchy who saw in the Left its<br />

great nemesis, and those on the Left who argued that<br />

believers could only ever be reactionary. Waugh, meanwhile,<br />

would have spun once more in his grave, a tomb<br />

already doubtless given to much rapid rotation.<br />

Greene and Waugh may have had diametrically<br />

opposed positions in their politics from their own<br />

interpretations of the Faith. But, transcending politics,<br />

what both seemed to take from the Faith in their writing<br />

was a sense of the complete fragility and frailty of the<br />

human condition, the essential unworthiness of people<br />

gained from Original Sin. In Greene this seemed to<br />

inspire a sense of poetic heroism amidst inevitable<br />

failure and desperation, in Waugh a very real contempt<br />

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