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Spike Magazine


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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

time to write the definitive biography of his mentor<br />

Nye Bevan, a similarly exhaustive tome on H.G. Wells<br />

was to follow later.<br />

It was the old rival Denis Healey who said that a politician<br />

needs a “hinterland”, outside cultural interests to<br />

keep them human. No-one could ever accuse Foot of<br />

not cultivating his own spiritual and mental landscape.<br />

The selection of essays here are a testament to the<br />

man’s mercurial mind, the breadth of his intellectual<br />

scope. Taken from over a half-century, only a small<br />

number touch on purely political ‘issues’ – nuclear<br />

weapons, the Soviet Union, Irish nationalism. Foot’s<br />

preferred form was to discuss the life, work and ideas<br />

of an individual man or woman, and a small majority<br />

here are portraits of political figures, usually taken from<br />

reviews of biographies or collections from their own<br />

work. It takes in leading figures from Labour history<br />

and earlier British socialism, from Bevan and Bevin<br />

to Robert Owen and William Morris, the still earlier<br />

radicalisms of Tom Paine and Charles James Fox. Irish<br />

and Indian independence are well represented with<br />

Indira Ghandi and Daniel O’Connell, as is feminism<br />

with Emilene Pankhurst and Brigid Brophy. Yet at the<br />

same time there are a great many portraits of writers<br />

and characters not best known for their politics – Oscar<br />

Wilde, James Joyce, Rebecca West, the Romantic poets<br />

and Heinrich Heine – not to mention Peggy Aschroft.<br />

That the politicians segue so well into the writers is<br />

BUY Michael Foot books online from and<br />

a testament to the well- rounded totality of Foot’s mind<br />

and vision. The struggle for truth and freedom are as<br />

important in the literary sphere as in the party political,<br />

maybe more so. Aesthetics, beauty, form and style are<br />

at the very least equal to politics in his thoughts and<br />

enthusiasms. In discussing Edmund Wilson’s biography<br />

of Rousseau, more reference is made to relevant<br />

quotations from Byron than to any theoretical road to<br />

Robespierre. Essays on the history of Hampstead common,<br />

and the infinite wonders of Venice, perhaps the<br />

least ‘political’ here, are probably the most beautifully<br />

written, with an evocation of time, space and place<br />

which is truly involving, even moving.<br />

Foot writes in a style both cultured and clear, mildly<br />

mischievous, totally lacking pomposity, and wearing<br />

its very evident learning lightly. A passion, quiet yet<br />

pronounced, reserved but unmistakable, is evident at<br />

all times. Personal recollections lightly pepper the essays<br />

on those he knows and knew, while the same easy,<br />

almost conversational style flows similarly into those<br />

from centuries past, creating the pleasing impression<br />

that Foot was on nodding terms with Coleridge and<br />

Morris just as he was with Richard Crossman and John<br />

Smith (which, in his life of the mind, he perhaps always<br />

has been).<br />

A clue there perhaps that it takes a duller man than<br />

this to succeed in the grubby world of leading a political<br />

party. The decency consistently evident in his prose<br />

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