Spike Magazine

Spike Magazine

Spike Magazine


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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

and then a few weeks later I was doing a reading at<br />

the University of Iowa and they were driving through<br />

and heckled me from the back and it was great fun.<br />

They’d just done this chocolate rating system on Canadian<br />

chocolate bars (essentially identical to England’s<br />

– Kit Kat, Aero… ) and they gave the bars really low<br />

ratings, which sucked because have you ever tried<br />

US chocolate? Hork! They had just come back from<br />

Devil’s Tower monument (Close Encounters Of The<br />

Third Kind) where, after they finished a chocolate bar,<br />

they tossed it out to the prairie dogs. If the dogs ate it,<br />

the bar got an extra point. If they wouldn’t eat it, the bar<br />

lost a point.<br />

I decided that I had to defend my nation’s chocolate’s<br />

honour, so I bought about 12 US bars at the Circle-K<br />

Mart and then we went to my hotel room and had a<br />

Tasting Session. I’d take a bite of a bar, make comments,<br />

spit it out into a waste paper basket and take<br />

a drink of water and move on to the next bar. I described<br />

the Three Musketeers bar as having a definite<br />

log-in-the-toilet aspect. They printed this in the chart<br />

in their magazine and the company that makes Three<br />

Musketeers bars went ballistic and pulled their ads and<br />

the magazine folded shortly thereafter. Whew! What a<br />

long story. So, hi.<br />

Americans are obsessed with putting peanut butter<br />

in virtually every chocolate bar – why? It smells<br />

like dog doo.<br />

You have to watch it because Americans go nuts if<br />

you slander their chocolate. They really do. I guess it’s<br />

because it’s such a gratifying signal that goes in early<br />

and deep into the child’s mind.<br />

I wasn’t quite sure about this email interview<br />

business. I had this vision of you sitting there with<br />

stock answers ready to paste in…<br />

Not at all. That would be a fax interview (which this<br />

is not) or an interview with Duran Duran (or rather, their<br />

people). My large problem with interviews (and I do<br />

have many problems) is that my brain won’t allow me<br />

to do serial interviews. Once a question’s been asked,<br />

then my brain rebels against having to answer the same<br />

question again. This makes me appear grouchy. I’m<br />

hoping the WWW will allay some of this repetition.<br />

I’m always amazed at actors and how they can charmingly<br />

spew forth studio agendas. But then that’s what<br />

they do for a living – they’re actors.<br />

Did you travel a lot when younger?<br />

Probably too much. I lived in too many places in<br />

the 1980s (in no order: Vancouver, Toronto, Sapporo,<br />

Tokyo, Milan, Los Angeles, Montreal, Stuttgart).Then<br />

in my 30s I visited too many cities with work but was<br />

frustrated because I’d ‘be’ in a city just aching to tour<br />

around, but instead I was stuck in a hotel room. I don’t<br />

know how sports teams don’t go mad travelling around<br />

as much as they do. I suppose it’s okay because they’ve<br />

plenty of company.<br />

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