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<strong>Spike</strong> | 15 YEARS OF BOOKS, MUSIC, ART, IDEAS | www.spikemagazine.com<br />

puts it which makes her so entertaining. A sledgehammer<br />

cracking a nut; the spectres of Dorothy Parker and<br />

Marx ganging up on straw-celebs like Catherine Zeta<br />

Jones and Michael Douglas is sometimes just what you<br />

need. Can we really imagine a nice campaigning little<br />

Julie Burchill? Brrrr. I must have been even more pissed<br />

than I imagined.<br />

The day after our meet, amidst the industrial hangover,<br />

I reflect on the massive hatred Julie inspires. Two<br />

years back she managed to take the number 85 spot<br />

in the Channel 4’s most hated Britons poll. Not high<br />

enough in her view I’m sure. But why was she there?<br />

Because of her narcissism, arrogance and self-obsession?<br />

I’d hazard a guess she’s not the only columnist to<br />

suffer such flaws. She is however one of the very few to<br />

openly acknowledge it, sign-post it, flaunt it, and make<br />

a very good joke out of it.<br />

Because of extreme opinions, repeating her obsessions?<br />

Let’s think of these wonderful creatures we<br />

call “columnists”. Richard Littlejohn, Gary Bushell<br />

BUY Julie Burchill books online from and<br />

… straight-off bigots peddling the same old poison<br />

week after week, and always kicking the weak, never<br />

the strong, with far higher readerships too – not on<br />

the list. The late-now-but-not-then Lynda Lee-Potter,<br />

bitching hideously about celebs throughout her whole<br />

career, bigger readership again. Her name’s not down,<br />

she’s not coming in. A hundred odd male journalists<br />

with just as ‘messy’ private lives as Julie; they don’t<br />

get the spawn of Beelzebub treatment either. Could the<br />

fact that she can write each one of them into the dirt at<br />

least partially explain this bonfire of loathing? I rather<br />

think it could. Julie says people who write hatefully<br />

about chavs reveal more about themselves than they<br />

do of their targets. Perhaps there’s an element of selfidentification<br />

with that. And perhaps she’s right.<br />

Of course I’m hopelessly, and rather pathetically<br />

compromised (there, I’ve said it first) by spending<br />

sloshed out time in her charming and generous presence.<br />

But I wasn’t disappointed. And long may she rain<br />

bile over us. �<br />

133<br />

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