SANUM Made E asy - Terra Medica

SANUM Made E asy - Terra Medica

SANUM Made E asy - Terra Medica


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<strong>SANUM</strong><br />

<strong>Made</strong> ad E <strong>asy</strong><br />

Distributed in Canada by: BIOMED INTERNATIONAL<br />

Toll Free Phone: 1-800-668-8308<br />

Toll Free Fax: 1-866-881-2888<br />

Email: order@biomedicine.com<br />


<strong>SANUM</strong> Therapy Development<br />

in 4 Steps<br />

The internal milieu refers to<br />

the environmental factors<br />

surrounding a cell which<br />

affects its function.<br />

The Penicillium cyclogeny is<br />

involved in all inflammatory<br />

states if the body.<br />

The two basic cyclogenies<br />

which exist in the human<br />

organism are the mucor<br />

and aspergillus cyclogenies.<br />

The use of chondritins help<br />

to break down the higher<br />

pathological forms.<br />

The immunobiological<br />

preparations contain<br />

diverse fractions of various<br />

bacterial species, such as<br />

intact cells, cellular<br />

extracts, cell wall fragments<br />

of polysaccharides.<br />


(MILIEU)<br />



BASICS<br />

IMMUNO<br />



About the Creator of Pleomorphism<br />

ALKALA<br />



















UTILIN<br />

UTILIN S<br />

The concepts of pleomorphism, symbiosis and isopathic/homeopathy<br />

are inseparable from the work of the great German<br />

researcher and microbiologist, Professor Dr. Gunther Enderlein<br />

(1872-1968).<br />

Building on the research of Antoine Bechamp, Enderlein proved<br />

that blood is not sterile, and that a microorganism can appear in<br />

various developmental stages and in diverse forms, without the loss<br />

of its specific characteristics. Based on extensive research, he concluded<br />

that the monomorphistic perspective of disease conditions favored by Pasteur and<br />

others (and the basis of allopathic medicine today) could no longer be maintained and<br />

that a pleomorphic perspective more accurately reflected the disease process. Enderlein<br />

devoted his whole life and all of his scientific work to proving this thesis and to developing<br />

the isopathic/homeopathic medicines that are derived from this work.<br />

Over forty years, Enderlein devoted the bulk of his scientific work to the complex question<br />

of pleomorphism, symbiosis and cyclogeny of microorganisms. He published over<br />

500 scientific articles. His chief work was titled Bacteria Cyclogeny, Berlin, 1925 in which<br />

he describes in detail the changes and development of the parasite in its variable forms<br />

and its cycle.


<strong>SANUM</strong> and Pleomorphism - A Brief History<br />

Pleomorphism is based on the theory that every warm-blooded organism houses a primal<br />

plant germ, which can change in form through environmental influences. In contrast,<br />

allopathic medicine is based on monomorphism, which assigns only a single form<br />

and function to microorganisms and does not recognize cyclic developmental changes.<br />

Those who practice pleomorphism (pleomorphists) believe in the fundamental mutability<br />

of a microorganism form and that a microorganism can quickly change from an<br />

avirulent benign form into a potentially virulent (i.e. pathogenic) form.<br />

In 1916, Enderlein discovered that primitive micro organic forms prepared in a remedy<br />

in combination with a change in the body's biological terrain can cause the virulent<br />

forms to return to their original avirulent condition thereby bringing about healing to<br />

the host body. He found that when the tiniest, mobile living forms of bacteria, which<br />

he called "Spermits;" exchanged genetic material with higher developmental organisms,<br />

the highly developed organisms became suddenly invisible, having been broken<br />

down to their primitive avirulent forms. Using this knowledge, isopathic/homeopathic<br />

remedies were developed from fungal cultures. Study showed that when these living<br />

(isopathic) remedies were brought into contact with virulent microbial masses, the<br />

masses return to their avirulent form and subsequently leave the body via the elimination<br />

organs.<br />

Origins of Pleomorphism:<br />

The basis for Enderlein's work was the book by the French researcher A. Bechamp,<br />

titled "Microzymas". It described how a microorganism can, under precisely determined<br />

preconditions, occur in diverse developmental stages and, especially also in diversified<br />

forms, without the loss of its specific characteristics. The microorganism may vary from<br />

the smallest rungs of electron microscopic magnitude up to the large, multi-nucleic and<br />

highly developed stages, such as of bacteria and fungi.<br />

Furthermore, Bechamp was able to prove that all animal and plant cells contain tiny<br />

particles, which continue to live after the death of the organism and out of which<br />

microorganisms can develop. Bechamp's book provides the foundation for the concept<br />

of pleomorphism. The pleomorphic view that microorganisms can "undergo considerable<br />

variation in form, without losing their specific functions", is in dramatic contract<br />

to the opposing (and prevailing) opinion of monomorphism, which considers that<br />

"an organism only has a single form and function".<br />

Today the prevailing monomorphistic view continues to influence society's (and the<br />

medical establishment's) concept of disease process. Yet, in contrast to Pasteur's opinion<br />

that microorganisms simply exist without any developmental changes, Enderlein<br />

through intensive research came to the conclusion that the monomorphistic perspective<br />

of disease processes is flawed and in its place a pleomorphic perspective should<br />

be adopted. Through his work, Enderlein proved that every organism houses a primal<br />

plant germ in erythrocytes, which can very well become subject of a variation in form<br />

through exogenic influences.

Through examining blood under a Darkfield microscope, Enderlein observed that the<br />

smallest living forms (which he called Endobionts) live in genuine symbiosis with the<br />

host organism, that is, with mutual benefits. Through outer factors, the Endobiont can<br />

multiply and develop - a process that can considerably disturb the symbiotic equilibrium.<br />

When an organism is healthy it is capable of restoring the equilibrium balance.<br />

However, in the case of an unhealthy lifestyle (that is not in harmony with nature) the<br />

ability to achieve symbiosis equilibrium can be greatly compromised.<br />

Through his work, Enderlein demonstrated that Endobiont in higher valenced, parasitic<br />

growth forms are harmful to the body fluids. These disease processes take the form of<br />

functional disturbances such as, headaches, high or low blood pressure, feeling poorly,<br />

unmotivated attitude, lack of appetite, poor complexion, coated tongue, wounds in<br />

the mouth, pimples, sores, hoarseness, catarrhs, ear noises, diarrhea, lowered capacity<br />

for seeing and hearing, depressions, weak concentration and/or poor memory.<br />

Diseases, however, also indicate healing processes, which attempt to return a disturbed<br />

symbiosis to the original healthy condition. Whether the biological self-healing forces<br />

of the organism will win over the disease, or whether the symbiont is able to develop<br />

unchecked into a parasite, depends on the condition of the milieu in which the disturbance<br />

plays out. If the inner milieu is damaged through unhealthy nutrition and<br />

lifestyles, with their resultant disturbance of the acid-base equilibrium, as a result of<br />

environmental toxins, constant infections or due to psychological depression, an individual's<br />

self-healing forces become incapable of restoring symbiotic equilibrium. In<br />

such a case, disease will manifest and damage the body.<br />

Foundations for Isopathic Therapy<br />

Based on his research on pleomorphism, Enderlein developed Isopathic Therapy - a<br />

set of specific biological remedies for all nonspecific, general symptoms that pertain to<br />

the Endobiosis Complex. In his Bacteria Cyclogeny, Enderlein describes the development<br />

of the two mold fungi species Aspergillus nigervan Tieghem (SA 4-20) and Mucor<br />

racemosus Fresen (SA 4-11), beginning from the primitive phases as tiniest colloidal<br />

albuminoid particles, via the bacterial phase, up to the fungal stage.<br />

The cyclogenies of Mucor racemosus and Aspergillus niger<br />

Aspergillus niger<br />

gonidium<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Aspergillus cyclode<br />

bacterium<br />

(Sklerotrix<br />

tuberculosis)<br />

bacterium<br />

(Leptotrichia<br />

buccalis)<br />

mychit<br />

chondrit<br />

thecit<br />

oite spermite/oite<br />

•<br />

• •<br />

•<br />

•<br />

symprotit<br />

filament<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Mucor racemosus<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Mucor cyclode<br />

protit<br />

pathogenic<br />

phase<br />

degradation to<br />

the primeval<br />

form<br />

apathogenic<br />


Who Is Sanum-Kehlbeck?<br />

The founder of Sanum-Kehlbeck acquired the original Enderleinian cultures. Sanum-<br />

Kehlbeck has the sole right to manufacture these original formulas by Prof. Dr. Gunther<br />

Enderlein. While other companies have attempted to copy these products, only those<br />

produced by Sanum-Kehlbeck, and available in Canada through Biomed<br />

International, are manufactured from the specific disease-eradicating strains that came<br />

from Enderlein's original research, which are maintained in the German repository for<br />

biological cultures. Besides these original Enderlein isopathic/homeopathic remedies,<br />

Sanum-Kehlbeck has developed a number of other remedies based on Prof. Dr.<br />

Enderlein's research which are also dealt with in this booklet.<br />

How to Use <strong>SANUM</strong> Therapy<br />

Patients visiting holistically-minded physicians frequently exhibit a complex set of symptoms<br />

and syndromes, such as associated with: IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, allergies,<br />

depression or adrenal insufficiency. Often these conditions have been present for<br />

years and despite receiving conventional treatments with a variety of suppressive<br />

agents, the patients' problems still persist. These individuals may also routinely experience<br />

toxic reactions, including those caused by: environment conditions, heavy metals,<br />

food intolerances, psychological stress and/or drugs.<br />

Faced with this situation, what can a physician do in seeking satisfactory patient treatment?<br />

One option is Sanum therapy, which is based on Isopathic medicine. Sanum<br />

therapy provides an effective treatment methodology that tailors the approach used to<br />

the patient's particular needs by identifying and addressing common degenerative patterns.<br />

Many practitioners having heard of successes achieved through Isopathic medicine<br />

have wanted to gain more knowledge on the use of Sanum remedies. Yet, reliance on<br />

understanding complex protocols through Sanum texts alone can prove to be a daunting<br />

task. The purpose of this booklet is to provide a simplified overview which will in<br />

turn lead the reader to seek our more knowledge and begin to apply to Sanum therapy<br />

in her/his practice.<br />

The cause, not the symptom, is important for disease identification and therapy.<br />

Dr. Werthmann, a leading authority and spokesman on the use Sanum therapy, with<br />

over forty years of experience with Sanum products, teaches an e<strong>asy</strong> to understand<br />

therapeutic approach to Sanum therapy. Dr: Werthmann teaches a simple four-step<br />

system that allows the practitioner to clearly understand the principles of Sanum<br />

Therapy and thus construct treatment plans for their patients with relative ease. This<br />

four step approach to developing protocols is ideal for practitioners who are faced with<br />

patients exhibiting stubborn, chronic and degenerative conditions, as a carefully tailored<br />

Isopathic protocol addresses the core issues of the patient's condition allowing<br />

the pursuit of healing through an individualized approach.



Begin the process of alkalinizing the small intestine and removing the primary<br />

antigens from the diet. This phase of therapy should last 3 weeks and continue<br />

throughout the therapy in a less aggressive form. Tasting the urine first thing in<br />

the morning is an effective way to measure the acid balance in the body (should<br />

read between 6.8 - 7.4).<br />


Alkala works both to pull acids out of the body by reloading the<br />

bicarbonate buffer system and to support digestive function in the<br />

pancreas and liver.<br />


Dosage:<br />

Initial Phase: one measured spoon in I/3 to I/2 a cup of HOT<br />

water 2x/day (IOam and 4pm).<br />

After two weeks: patients measure the pH of their mine and dose<br />

with Alkala N when the pH drops below 6.8.<br />

Sanuvis: to be used for issues that fall into the Mucor racemoses cycle:<br />

circulatory conditions, stroke, thrombophiebitis, anemia,<br />

hemorrhoids and arteriosclerosis.<br />

Citrokehl: to be used for conditions that fall into the Aspergillus niger cycle:<br />

chronic diseases, diseases of the lungs skin, joint, GI, lymph,<br />

kidneys, ligaments, bones, brain and other "tuberculinic" type<br />

disorders.<br />

Dosage: 20 - 30 drops. Take for the entire duration of the<br />

protocol.<br />

DIET<br />

Free from primary antigens. No hen's eggs, cow's milk, cooked vegetables or<br />

animal protein.<br />


By utilizing the appropriate penicillium chondritin the physician can regulate<br />

inflammatory processes within the milieu.<br />

[See chart on page _ for remedies for this phase and consult the<br />

Materia <strong>Medica</strong> for appropriate remedy selection.]<br />

Dosage: 10 - 15 drops 2x/day for 7 to 10 days. Commence at the<br />

same time as step i.


By introducing the low valance forms of the Mucor and Aspergillus organisms<br />

(profits), we enable the breakdown and elimination of the higher valance forms<br />

by these protits.<br />

[See chart on page 6 for remedies fir this phase and consult the<br />

Materia <strong>Medica</strong> for appropriate remedy selection.]<br />

Mucokehl (Mucor organism) and Nigersan (Aspergillus organism) can be used<br />

together to support the conversion of both types of high valence forms.<br />

Mucokehl should always be used in the morning and Nigersan in the evening.<br />

In children or in patients where compliance is an issue Sankombi, a combination<br />

of Mucokehl and Nigersan, can be used.<br />

Dosage: Rub 5 drops of each remedy into the both elbow creases<br />

Monday through Friday. On the weekends patients can break from<br />

the basic therapy and resume their penicillium remedies.<br />


These remedies work on modifying the course of a physical immune reaction by<br />

raising the immune system's capacity to respond through their non-specific stimulation.<br />

They are capable of doing this through their ability to influence diverse<br />

subpopulations of lymphoid and phagocytic cells.<br />

Immunobiological therapy should begin after the initial month of basic therapy<br />

with a variable duration based on the individual patient's response to treatment.<br />

Dosage: Begin with 5-10 drops rubbed into the skin. Over a few<br />

weeks slowly commence taking the drops orally working up to all<br />

drops orally. You may use more than one combination, alternation,<br />

or succession. Continue for four weeks then take a 2-4 week<br />

break. Repeat, if necessary.

Werthmann Hypoallergeticrenic-restoration<br />

Diet<br />

Avoid!<br />

• Mammalian meats (beef, pork,<br />

lamb, etc.)<br />

• Cow's milk and all dairy<br />

products: yogurt, cottage cheese,<br />

ice cream, chocolate, cheese and<br />

cheese dishes<br />

• Nuts and nut dishes<br />

• Chicken egg white, egg dishes,<br />

cakes, etc.<br />

• Pork, Nam and 5ausages<br />

• Citrus Fruit (except lemon and<br />

lime)<br />

• All Histamine rich meats: Rabbit,<br />

Venison, Anchovies, sardines<br />

• No Canned foods or Foods<br />

containing preservatives<br />

• No refined sugars or products<br />

containing them - carbonated<br />

soft drinks<br />

• Yeast and yeast containing foods<br />

Permitted:<br />

• All vegetables, potatoes,<br />

etc.(Salads<br />

• Chestnutso Rice (brown)<br />

• Beans (Mung, adzuki etc.-soak 6<br />

hrs., cook in fresh water)<br />

• Soy dishes (seaweed: powdered<br />

kelp, kombu, dulse, nori)<br />

• Egg yolk<br />

• Grain dishes - preferably<br />

unrefined and low gluten (millet,<br />

qulnOa, buckwheat)<br />

• Fruit (except citrus and melons) -<br />

should be eaten before 12 pmnoon.<br />

Pineapple is permitted all day.<br />

• Chicken (white meat) and Fish<br />

(only __ times per week)<br />


<strong>SANUM</strong> THERAPY - SUMMARY<br />

The First Step in Sanum therapy involves regulating<br />

the acid base balance (or terrain) of the patient by<br />

choosing the appropriate terrain balancing formula.<br />

Alkala, the Werthmann Diet, and an Alkalinizing<br />

Vegetable Broth are the first steps in reducing the acidic<br />

burden in a patient. Treatment with alkalinizing agents<br />

can be monitored by the patient via a first morning urinary<br />

pH test. If urine pH drops below 6:8 the patient<br />

should resume alkalinizing therapy.<br />

Sanuvis (L.- Lactic Acid) can be used when the oxygen<br />

carrying capacity of blood is reduced. This can occur in<br />

all states of disease associated with Mucor racesnosus.<br />

Citrokehl (potency chord of Citric Acid) is used when<br />

there are disorders of cellular metabolism which occur<br />

in all states of disease associated with Aspergillus niger.<br />

<strong>Terra</strong>in balancing should last throughout<br />

the Sanum treatment process.<br />

The Second Step takes place during the first 10 days<br />

of Sanum therapy. 'The physician should choose an<br />

appropriate penicillium phase remedy to regulate<br />

inflammatory processes occurring in the patient.<br />

Following the initial 10 days, the chosen penicillium<br />

remedy can be continued on weekends, but not during<br />

the week.<br />

The Third Step addresses terrain imbalances and<br />

inflammatory conditions. After addressing terrain imbalances<br />

and inflammatory conditions, therapy with the<br />

basic fungal remedies - Pleo Muc, Pleo Nig, Pleo<br />

Sankom, Pleo Mucedo and Pleo Rub should be initiated.<br />

Alternation of basic fungal remedies during, the<br />

weekday and penicillium remedies on the weekends<br />

should continue for up to 6 months.<br />

In may be beneficial for a patient to take a "break "<br />

from therapy for 4-6 weeks ='to encourage a greater<br />

immunological response.<br />

The Fourth Step introduces the immunobiological<br />

remedies. If a patient does not realize significant<br />

improvement using the first three steps of Sanum therapy,<br />

it could mean than he/she may be experiencing<br />

immunological/regulatory blocks. The use of immunobiological<br />

remedies can help successfully remove these<br />

therapeutic blocks. Patients can use these remedies in<br />

conjunction with the treatment program they are already<br />

on.<br />

If there is still little or no therapeutic progression the<br />

physician must look at possible therapeutic blockages<br />

like: Infections Foci, Teeth, Geopathic Stress, Energy or<br />

Emotional Block and continued toxic exposure.<br />

This four-step sequence is implemented for some weeks<br />

to months as the body milieu begins to support a healthy<br />

intestinal mucous membrane and normal levels biotic<br />


<strong>SANUM</strong> Remedies - Forms and Potency<br />

A general rule with <strong>SANUM</strong> remedies is to start with the lowest potency, dosage and<br />

dose frequency and increase the dosage and potency only once the previous or identical<br />

dosage and/or potency no longer brings effective action.<br />

Product Form<br />

<strong>SANUM</strong> remedies are available in different potencies and prescription forms.<br />

Depending on the type of application selected, remedies come in the form of drops,<br />

tablets, capsules, suppositories, sips or ointments. Mucokehl is also available as eye<br />

drops.<br />

This provides the practitioner with a variety of options in selecting a remedy form - with<br />

factors such as: patient constitution, being able to apply the remedy as close as possible<br />

to the point where the disease is active and patient compliance being factors to<br />

consider.<br />

Practitioners will develop a familiarity with which form of application to use for different<br />

conditions, but generally in the case of patients with a weak constitution start with<br />

the weaker forms of a remedy first and increase the strength over time as the patient is<br />

able to handle increased potency and remedy form. As shown diagrammatically<br />

below drops are the weakest form, suppositories and sips are the strongest.<br />

Drops Tablets Capsules Suppositories Sips<br />

Weakest Strongest<br />

Although all remedies work systemically, depending on the condition being treated and<br />

its location there are certain advantages to be gained from using different forms of<br />

remedies. The mail remedies forms are briefly discussed below:<br />

Drops: most common form used. Taken orally for system complaints, head and<br />

mouth. Fungal remedies can be applied via the nasal cavity (with<br />

patient in supine position). Externally applied _______ rubbed in the<br />

vicinity of the affected area or in the flexure of the elbow.<br />

Tablets: For systemic complaints, mouth and gastrointestinal conditions. Should<br />

be taken away from food by dissolving in the mouth. Contain lactose<br />

so not recommended for lactose intolerant patients.<br />

Capsules: Similar to tablets, but stronger. Best taken twice daily one hour before<br />

morning meal and in evening on an empty stomach.<br />

Suppository: For systemic complaints as well as gastrointestinal, urinary and genital<br />

conditions. Insert rectally or vaginally at bedtime. Base material is<br />

cocoa butter so may also be used as smaller pieces in mouth for tooth<br />

and gum infections.

* Dosage strength may be reduced by cutting length wise with a<br />

warmed knife.<br />

Sips: For systemic complaints. Some forms may be taken by means of a<br />

nebulizer. In Germany used as injectibles.<br />

Specialized Forms:<br />

Eye Drops: Mucokehl comes in the form of eye drops which are applied directly<br />

into the eye.<br />

Ointments: Applied for external use only for: mycotic skin disorders (Albicansan and<br />

Peferkehl)), vascular circulation or inflammatory disorders (Mucokehl)<br />

and skin infections (Notakehl).<br />

Remedy Potency<br />

The higher the number the more diluted and therefore the weaker the remedy.<br />

Therefore a 4X of a given remedy is stronger than a 6X of the same remedy. As indicated<br />

above, always start with less potent form of remedy when starting a patient on it<br />

and then only increase the potency (reduce the number) slowly to avoid bringing on a<br />

healing crisis by detoxing or stressing the body too quickly.<br />

Begin with weakest strength. 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x<br />

Strong Weak<br />

<strong>SANUM</strong> Remedies - Indications and Formulas<br />

Sanum remedies represent a comprehensive lie of over seventy (70 remedies), each<br />

specifically designed to address particular aspects of a patient's internal health.<br />

Grouped into ten product categories, <strong>SANUM</strong> remedies are each briefly described<br />

below. For each product the German product name is given (and the often more widely<br />

used US product name is also shown in parenthesis).<br />

The ten product categories are:<br />

• Milieu Modulators<br />

• Fungal Remedies<br />

• Bacterial Remedies<br />

• Excretion Remedies<br />

• Chelate Remedy<br />

• Glandular Remedies<br />

• Botanical Remedies<br />

• Sanukehls<br />

• Polysans<br />

• Vitamins and Minerals


Milieu modulators act to restore pH and cellular respiration to desired levels, thereby<br />

increasing the effectiveness of complimentary remedies and therapies.<br />

Alkala N - a base mixture, excellently suited for correction of the acid-base balance in<br />

the organism by decreasing tissue acidosis and increasing mitochondrial respiration.<br />

Medicinal ingredients: Sodium citrate x H 2O, potassium bicarbonate, Sodium<br />

bicarbonate<br />

Citrokehl (Pleo Citro) - Citric acid to support the Kreb's citric acid cycle while increasing<br />

cellular metabolism and blood viscosity and decreasing lactic acid production and<br />

fluid retention. Also supports treatment while using Nigersan, by increasing Aspergillus<br />

niger activity.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Acidum citricum<br />

Formasan (Pleo Fort)- Formic acid is used for complaints of allergies, rheumatism<br />

and inflammation.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Acidum fomicicum<br />

Sanuvis (Pleo Sanuvis) - L (+) Lactic acid used to increase mitochondrial respiration,<br />

decrease lactic acid (-) build-up in the muscles and lower blood pH. Also supports<br />

treatment while using Mucokehl, by increasing Mucor racemosus activity.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Acidum L (+)-lacticum<br />


Isopathic fungal remedies provide an energetic and physiologic signal to the body to<br />

act on out-of-balance microbial organisms.<br />

Albicansan (Pleo Alb) - for chronic and systemic mycosis (fungus) of the mucous<br />

membranes.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Candida albicans<br />

Calvakehl (Pleo Cal) - indicated for bleeding disorders, weakness of the heart and<br />

circulatory system, lack of oxygen in the blood and digestive conditions.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Calvatia gigantea<br />

Exmymkehl (Pleo Ex) - a combination of Albicansan, Pefrakehl and Fortakehl. For<br />

chronic fungal conditions and all types of mycosis, especially of the mucous membranes.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis and Penicillum<br />


Fortakehl (Pleo Fort) - for all gastrointestinal issues including digestive mycosis and<br />

rebalancing gastrointestinal symbiosis.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Penicillium roquefortii<br />

Grifokehl (Pleo Grif) - indicated for its adaptogenic effect on an unbalanced body,<br />

herpes virus and immunostimulation.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Grifola frondosa<br />

Larifikehl (Pleo Lari) - for lung conditions, inflammation of the digestive organs and<br />

fever.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Laricifomes officinalis e mycelio<br />

Mucedokehl (Pleo Mucedo) - indicated for regulatory dysfunction of the lymphatic<br />

system, increases microcirculation to the endocrine glands and brain, thyroid function<br />

disturbances, upper respiratory tract conditions and neuro-vegetative syndrome (anxiety).<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Mucor mucedo<br />

Mucokehl (Pleo Muc) - for circulation and congestive conditions. Acts by increasing<br />

circulation and decreasing congestion, especially by affecting the cardiovascular system.<br />

[*** Mucokehl Eye Drops - indicated for conditions of the eye including: glaucoma,<br />

cataract, scintillating, scotoma and conjunctivitis.]<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Mucor racemosus<br />

Muscarsan (Pleo Muscarsan) - for detoxification (from drugs and medication), spasms<br />

of the muscles, organs and blood vessels, migraines and nervous disorders of the intestines.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Amanita muscaria<br />

Nigersan (Pleo Nig) - for tubercular and paratubercular conditions (mucous membrane,<br />

tissue and joint inflammations) and increase lymphatic circulation.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Aspergillus niger<br />

Notakehl (Pleo Not) - for both chronic and acute bacterial infections and conditions,<br />

especially for staph and strep infections<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Penicillium chrysogenum<br />

Pefrakehl (Pleo Pef) - for enteral mycosis when fungus is first entering orifices and for<br />

dental conditions.

Medicinal ingredient: Candida parapsilosis<br />

Pinikehl (Pleo Pin) - for conditions of the liver and spleen and for intermittent fever.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Fomitopsis pinicola e mycelio<br />

Quentakehl (Pleo Quent) - for acute, chronic and latent viral conditions.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Penicillium glabrum<br />

Ruberkehl (Pleo Rub) - for all chronic conditions of the upper and lower respiratory<br />

tract, including allergy symptoms.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Aspergillis ruber<br />

Sancombi (Pleo Sancom) - is a combination of Mucokehl and Nigersan and indicated<br />

for circulatory and congestive issues combined with conditions of the mucous membranes,<br />

tissues and/or joints.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Aspergillis niger and Mucor racemosus<br />

Sanoryzae (Pleo Sanoryzae) - acts of the vascular system by stimulating the blood circulation.<br />

Indicated in for disturbed circulation of the coronaries, internal ear,<br />

headaches and high blood pressure.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Aspergillus oryzae<br />

Stolonikehl (Pleo Stolonikehl) - intercostal neuralgia and antiviral activity with prophylactic<br />

properties against artificial viral infections.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Penicillium stoloniferum<br />

Ustilakehl (Pleo Usti) - for conditions of the uterus including hemorrhage, dysmenorrhea,<br />

metrorrhagia, headaches and menopausal symptoms.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Ustilago zeae e sporibus rec.<br />


Bacterial remedies affect the immune system to mobilize against any residing<br />

pathogens.<br />

Arthrokehlan A (Pleo Art "A") - for conditions of degenerative diseases of the spinal<br />

column and entire apparatus of locomotion including arthritis, osteoporosis, ankylosing<br />

spondylolysis and dental conditions.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Propionibacterium acnes DSM 4217<br />

Arthrokehlan U (Pleo Art "U") - stimulates endogenic defense capacity and acts as<br />

adjuvant in anti-carcinomatous therapy.

Medicinal ingredient: Corynebacterium sp. DSM 4223<br />

Latensin (Pleo Lat) - indicated in sub-acute and chronic inflammations, conditions of<br />

weakness and has a beneficial effect in immune modulation.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Bacillus cereus DSM 5194<br />

Leptucin (Pleo Leptu) - increases the blood circulation in the body, and stimulation of<br />

the circulation to the extremities and for immunostimulation.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Propionibacterium avidum<br />

Recarcin (Pleo Rec) - indicated in sub-acute and chronic inflammations, especially<br />

inflammation of the mucous membranes and those caused by fever. It also acts as an<br />

immune modulator.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Bacillus firmus DSM 4816<br />

Utilin (Pleo Uti) - for sub-acute and chronic inflammation, conditions of weakness,<br />

acts as an immune modulator and increases the elimination process.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Bacillus subtilis DSM 5330<br />

Utilin S (Pleo Ut S) - acts as a strong immune modulator in conditions of the respiratory<br />

tract, lung and extra pulmonary tuberculosis, fever and conditions of weakness.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Mycobacterium phlei<br />


Aid in the excretion process by supporting the balancing action of the Isopathic Fungal<br />

Remedies, specifically Mucokehl and Nigeran.<br />

Mucokehl Atox (Pleo Muc EX) - is a highly effective for support of elimination of both<br />

metabolic and decomposition product elimination, especially after treatment with<br />

Mucokehl.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Mucor racemosus antichondrit serum<br />

Nigersan Atox (Pleo Nig EX) - is a highly effective for support of elimination of both<br />

metabolic and decomposition product elimination, especially after treatment with<br />

Nigersan.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Aspergillus niger antichondrit serum<br />


An adjunct in supporting the removal of heavy metals from the body, which can be an<br />

impediment to healing.

Pleo Chelate - used for stimulate the body's capacity of chelation and secreting ionic<br />

metals, particularly heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium. It reduces high<br />

burden with heavy metals and reduces the production of harmful free radicals in the<br />

body.<br />

Medicinal ingredients: Sodium edatate, hydrogen peroxide, magnesium sulphate,<br />

potassium chloride, sodium chloride<br />


Glandular remedies contain extract that stimulate the function and structure of organs<br />

and glands.<br />

Chysocor (Pleo Chrys) - contains human-placenta hydrolysate to stimulate the<br />

metabolism and to address functional disturbances of the male gonads, climacterium<br />

virile, conditions of "old age", sexual asthenia (libido), hypogenitalism, sexual adynamia,<br />

and an adjuvant for cellular regeneration.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Placenta hydrolysate (human)<br />

Rebas (Pleo Reb) - contains Peyer's patches extract for chronic and recurrent inflammations,<br />

including disturbances in the humoral body defense, gastrointestinal conditions,<br />

chronic hepatitis and angina lacunaris.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Peyer's patches extract<br />

Thymokehl (Pleo Thym) - contains thymus gland extract to increase immune system<br />

in chronic conditions, increase cellular metabolism and is indicated for all degenerative<br />

processes in the lumbar vertebral column area.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Thymus gland extract<br />


Botanical remedies work to support the structure and function of the body's cells, tissue<br />

and organs.<br />

Cerivikehl (Pleo Ceri) - promotes circulation of the mucous membranes and is indicated<br />

for conditions of the respiratory tract including: sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis,<br />

dry cough and for lack of appetite.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Cetraria islandica<br />

Ginkgobakehl (Pleo Ginkgo) - indicated in circulatory disturbances (arterial and<br />

peripheral), arteriosclerosis, and weakness in concentration and tiredness.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Ginkgo biloba e foliis sicc

Leptospermusan (Pleo Leptu) - for conditions of the gastrointestinal tract including<br />

gastritis and colitis, respiratory tract including sore throats, allergic conjunctivitis,<br />

inflammation such as trigeminal neuralgia, apoplexy and ischaemic attack.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Leptospermus scoparium<br />

Usneabasan (Pleo Usnea) - chief application for area of the head including congestive<br />

headaches, migraines and sunstroke.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Usnea bartata<br />

Okoubasan (Pleo Oku) - indicated in food poisoning, healing of infectious diseases<br />

of the gastrointestinal tract, food intolerances and used during elimination of metabolic<br />

waste products.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Okoubaka aubrevillei<br />

Relivora (Pleo Relivora) - for stimulation of endogenic defensive capacities in feverish<br />

processes, increase immune system, conditions of the upper respiratory tract and<br />

inflammatory processes of the pulmonary tract (hard, dry cough), bronchitis and<br />

whooping cough.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Drosera 3X, Echinacea augustifolia 2X, Juglans 4X<br />

Strophanthus - supports cardiac function by increasing the systolic phase and lowering<br />

the heart rate. For edema, weak heart, brittle blood vessels, pneumonia, exhaustion<br />

from post-operative bleeding, uterine bleeding and pain associated with menopause.<br />

<strong>Medica</strong>l ingredient: Strophanthus gratus extract<br />


Sanukehl remedies are polysaccharides that act like haptens. The thirteen Sanukehls<br />

works in a specific way to support revitalization of the microbiological terrain, stimulate<br />

the immune system, remove blockages, address hypersenstitivity and/or can act as<br />

an intermediary in treatment with nosodes.<br />

Sanukehl Acne (Pleo San Acne) indicated for rheumatoid arthritis and acne conglobata.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Propionibacterium acnes<br />

Sanukehl Brucel (Pleo San Brucel) dysmenorrhea, influenza, intermittent fever and<br />

subacute rheumatoid arthritis.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Brucella melitensis<br />

Sanukehl Cand (Pleo San Cand) in cases of Candida mycosis, conditions associated<br />

with the upper and lower digestive tract (stoatitis, aphthous ulcers, pain in small<br />

intestine, colitis, constipation after treatment with antibiotics), gingivitis, eczema and

dermatosis (especially following antibiotic treatment).<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Candida albican<br />

Sanukehl Coli (Pleo San Coli) for conditions related to inflammation of the gastrointestinal<br />

tract (irritable bowel, coltis), liver, kidney and genital area (urinary tract infection,<br />

prostatitis, vaginitis) and in case of acute food poisoning.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Escherichia coli<br />

Sanukehl Klebs (Pleo San Klebs) supportive therapy for influenza, pneumonia<br />

bronchial asthma and other respiratory conditions and after antibiotic therapy.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Klebsiella pneumoniae<br />

Sanukehl Myc (Pleo San Myc) for bronchial asthma, arthritis and nephritis.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Mycobacterium bovis<br />

Sanukehl Prot (Pleo San Prot) for treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection, gastritis,<br />

dysbiosis, upper digestive conditions, bladder (including bed wetting), genital and herpes.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Proteus vulgaris<br />

Sanukehl Pseu (Pleo San Pseu) infectious and allergic dermatitis, insect bites, burns,<br />

upper respiratory tract infections (e.g. bronchial asthma, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis,<br />

hay fever) and autoimmune diseases.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Pseudomonas aeruginosa<br />

Sanukehl Salm (Pleo San Salm) for chronic bowel problems associated with E. coli<br />

and salmonella, chronic GI inflammation, pancreatitis, celiac disease, malnutrition<br />

and failure to thrive in children, rheumatic fever.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Salmonella enteritidis<br />

Sanukehl Serra (Pleo San Serra) for chronic middle ear and inner ear problems<br />

(including from air travel), infectious tinnitus.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Serratia marcescens<br />

Sanukehl Staph (Pleo San Staph) staphlococcus infections, sinusitis, angina, meningitis,<br />

pleuropneumonia, anthrax<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Staphylococcus aureus<br />

Sanukehl Strep (Pleo San Strep) for strep throat, skin infections, carditis, chronic<br />

rheumatoid arthritis, migraine.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Streptococcus pyogenes

Sanukehl Trich (Pleo San Trich) for individuals who are allergic to their own fungal<br />

conditions, mycosis of surface, hair, nails, tinea and trichophytons, impairment of skin<br />

function and hair loss.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Trichphyton verrucosum<br />


Polysans work as antigen testers. When the indicated Polysan remedy is given it produces<br />

an antigen antibody reaction in the body to stimulate the immune system<br />

defences to clear out old infections and toxic information from the immune system.<br />

Polysan A (Pleo Poly A) for complaints due to aging, metabolic disturbances, arteriosclerosis,<br />

hypertension, cardiac afflictions, nervous disorders, paradentosis and prostatic<br />

diseases.<br />

Medicinal ingredients: Antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis typus bovinus,<br />

Mycobactgerium tuberculosis typus brevis and antitoxins from the blood of highly<br />

immunized rabbits<br />

Polysan D (Pleo Poly D) for testing of focal infections (use in alteration with Polysan<br />

Dx).<br />

Medicinal ingredients: Antigens from Streptococcus lacticus, S. pyogenes,<br />

S. hemolyticus, S. viridans, Straphylocaccus albus,<br />

S. pharynges, S. aureus, Diplococcuslanceolatus,<br />

Mycobacterium tuberculosis typus bovinus, and antitoxins<br />

from the blood of highly immunized rabbits<br />

Polysan Dx (Pleo Poly Dx) indicated for latent focal infection (stronger version of D,<br />

use in alteration with Polysan D).<br />

Medicinal ingredients: Antigens from Stratocaccus lanceolatus, Straphylococcus<br />

aureus, Diplococcus pneumoniae, increased through<br />

bacterial lysins<br />

Polysan E (Pleo Poly E) for inherited toxins, especially of luetic nature and own poisons.<br />

<strong>Medica</strong>l ingredients: Antigens from Luetic hereditary toxins<br />

Polysan G (Pleo Poly G) for flu, angina, suppuration, all inflammation, blood poisoning,<br />

feverish diseases and diverse colds.<br />

Medicinal ingredients: Antigens from Virus influenzae Spengler, Bazillus influenzae<br />

Pfeiffer, Bacterium pneumoniae and antitoxins from the<br />

blood of highly immunized rabbits<br />

Polysan K (Pleo Poly K) for circulatory disturbances, venous congestion, allergic ill-

nesses (asthma, hay fever), varicose veins and pre-cancerous stages.<br />

Medicinal ingredients: Antigens from Streptocaccus lanceolatus, Staphylococcus<br />

aureus, Diplococcus pneumoniae and antitoxins from the<br />

blood of highly immunized rabbits<br />

Polysan M (Pleo Poly M) for malaria and its latent effects.<br />

Medicinal ingredients: Antigens from Malaria plasmodia and antitoxins from<br />

highly immunized rabbits<br />

Polysan OM (Pleo Poly OM) for neoplasms both benign and malignant, precancerosis.<br />

Medicinal ingredients: Antigens from Streptococcus lacticus, S. pyogenes,<br />

S. hemolyticus, S. viridans, Straphylococcus albus,<br />

S. pharyngis, S. aureus, Diplococcuslanceolatus,<br />

Mycobacterium tuberculosis typus bovinus, and antitoxins<br />

from the blood of highly immunized rabbits<br />

Polysan R (Pleo Poly R) for rheumatism, goat, neuralgia, elimination of uric acid and<br />

rheumatism of tuberculosis origin.<br />

<strong>Medica</strong>l ingredients: Mycobacgterium tuberclosis typus humanus, M. tuberculosis<br />

typus brevis, M. tuberculosis typus bovinus, Streptococcus<br />

pyogenes and antitoxins from the blood of highly immunized<br />

rabbits<br />

Polysan T (Pleo Poly T) for tuberculosis, latent and masked forms of asthma, eczema,<br />

rheumatism, migraine and scrofulosis.<br />

Medicinal ingredients: Mycobacgterium tuberculosis typus humanus,<br />

M. tuberculosis typus brevis, M. tuberculosis typus bovinus,<br />

Streptococcus mucosus and antitoxins from the blood of<br />

highly immunized rabbits<br />


Sanum Vitamins and Minerals address nutritional deficiencies, assist with the elimination<br />

of toxins, support enzyme activity, aid in the healing process and help lessen causes<br />

of health complaints.<br />

Cuprukehl (Pleo Cup) - indicated for inflammatory process in the stomach, intestines<br />

and kidneys (both pre- and post- operative phases).<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Copper gluconate<br />

Lipiscor - a source of essential fatty acids containing EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and<br />

DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid).

Medicinal ingredients: Fatty acids (from sea fish) containing icosapent, doconexent<br />

Mapurit - acts to increase vitality by stabilizing mitochondria. Indicated in cases of<br />

Vitamin E and Magnesium deficiencies, including disturbances of the nervous system,<br />

gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, female genital system and leg cramps.<br />

Medicinal ingredients: DL-a tocopheryl acetate, magnesium oxide<br />

Sanumgerman - indicated for peripheral arterial circulatory disturbances, cerebral sclerosis,<br />

M. Raynaud, chronic rheumatism. M. Parkinson, epilepsy and as an adjunct therapy<br />

for cancer.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Di-potassium-germanium (IV)-citrate-L(+)lactate<br />

Selenokehl (Pleo Selenokehl) - indicated for selenium deficiency due to malnutrition<br />

and malabsorptiom and for amalgam detoxification.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Sodium selenite<br />

Zinkokehl (Pleo Zinc) - use in cases of zinc deficiency - fractures, delayed bone<br />

growth, arthritis, skin diseases, burns, reduced wound healing, ulceration of the lower<br />

leg.<br />

Medicinal ingredient: Zinc gluconate<br />

Sample Sanum Protocols<br />

Based on the Werthmann four step approach to building a protocol here are three<br />

sample protocols which can be implemented.<br />

A) Rheumatoid Arthritis<br />

Step 1: <strong>Terra</strong>in (Milieu)<br />

Alkala 1 tsp twice daily in warm water at 10am & 4pm<br />

Cittrokehl - 2 x 30 drops daily (joint disorders belong to the Aspergillus cycle)<br />

Diet - no eggs or milk products.<br />

Step 2: Reduce Inflammation (Penicillium)<br />

Exmykehl (contains 3 remedies for inflammation - Albicansan, Fortakehl and Pefrakehl)<br />

Duration: 10 days<br />

Step 3: Basics<br />

Mucokeyl in morning Nigersan at noon Nigersan at night 5-2-5-2<br />

with Exmykehl<br />

Duration: weeks to months. To be started 10 days into protocol.

Step 4: Inununobiological<br />

Latensin 6X (chronic) Utilin "S" (inherited disorders)<br />

Sanukehl Myc (chronic disorders of the mucous membrane)<br />

Sanukehl Strep (teeth and tonsils are often secondary foci)<br />

Dosage: begin with 5 drops daily rubbed into the elbow crease. Slowly work up to 10<br />

drops daily taken orally.<br />

Duration: up to 4 weeks then break (can be used concurrently or alternately)<br />

B) Herpes Basic Therapy (for Herpes blisters, Herpes genitalis, Herpes simplex and<br />

Herpes zoster)<br />

Step 1: <strong>Terra</strong>in (Milieu)<br />

Alkala - 1 tsp twice daily in warm water at 10am and 4pm<br />

Duration: entire therapy or when pH levels normalize. Begin at start of protocol.<br />

Step 2: Reduce Inflammation<br />

Grifokehl 5x -10 drops orally twice daily for 10 days (may also rub into affected area)<br />

Duration: 10 days. Begin at start of protocol.<br />

Step 3: Basics<br />

Mucokehl 5x - 10 drops orally once daily in mornings from Monday to Friday<br />

Nigersan 5x - 10 drops orally once daily in evenings from Monday to Friday<br />

Grifokehl 5x - 10 drops orally twice daily Saturday and Sunday (may also rub into<br />

affected area)<br />

Duration: weeks to months. To be started 10 days into protocol.<br />

Step 4: Immunobiological<br />

Sanukehl Cand 6x drops - 5 drops orally once every other day (rotation with Sanukehl<br />

Serra)<br />

Sanukehl Serra 6x drops - 5 drops orally once every other day (rotation with Sanukehl<br />

Cand)<br />

Latensin 6x caps orally once weekly<br />

Duration: up to four weeks, then break for 4 weeks, repeat if necessary. To be started<br />

6 weeks into protocol.<br />

(For Herpes zoster, add Sanuvis drops at beginning of therapy as 1 tsp orally three<br />

times daily for entire therapy)<br />

C) Cystitis (Chronic cystitis, Interstitial cystitis)<br />

(note: it is important to treat for yeast infection before and during this protocol)<br />

Step 1: <strong>Terra</strong>in (Milieu)<br />

Alkala - 1 tsp twice daily in warm water at 10am and 4pm<br />

Sanuvis - 1 tsp twice daily<br />

Citrokehl - 1 tsp twice daily<br />

Duration: entire therapy or when ph levels normalize. Begin at start of protocol

Step 2: Reduce Inflammation<br />

Notakehl 5x - 10 drops orally twice daily for 10 days (may also rub into affected area)<br />

Duration: 10 days. Begin at start of protocol<br />

Step 3: Basics<br />

Mucokehl 5x - 10 drops orally once daily in mornings from Monday to Friday<br />

Nigersan 5x - 10 drops orally once daily in evenings from Monday to Friday<br />

Notakehl 5x - 10 drops orally twice daily Saturday and Sunday (may also rub into<br />

affected area)<br />

Duration: weeks to months. To be started 10 days into protocol.<br />

Step 4: Immunobiological<br />

Sanukehl Pseu 6x drops - 10 drops orally twice daily every other day (rotation with<br />

Sanukehl Serra)<br />

Sanukehl Coli 6x drops - 10 drops orally twice daily every other day (rotation with<br />

Sanukehl Cand)<br />

Duration: up to four weeks, then break for 4 weeks. Repeat if necessary. To be started<br />

6 weeks into protocol.<br />

Main Rules of <strong>SANUM</strong> Therapy according to Prof. Enderlein *<br />

• activate all excretion possibilities such as: intestines, breathing, skin ( Excretion)<br />

• provoke a reaction i.e. stimulation therapy using bacterial preparations<br />

according to the patient's state of health<br />

• wait for reactions (weakened disease symptoms) ? Stimulation therapy<br />

• never interrupt a reaction with treatment (otherwise you will create new<br />

blockades)- when you bacterial preparation sips always start with the weakest<br />

potency i.e. 6X.<br />

• do not increase the potency or dosage unless the potency or dosage in use has<br />

no effect or has stopped being effective. Each unnecessary dose causes an<br />

increased production of toxic waste products.<br />

• allow the body time to work especially in chronic cases<br />

• if the symptoms start disappearing extend the therapy intervals<br />

• repeat the therapy several times if necessary<br />

• always vary remedies, potencies and dosages in the course of therapy<br />

• treat children with low potencies, treat chronic diseases with high potencies<br />

• for children from 6 months upwards use half the dosage, increase the dosage<br />

according to age, for children over 12 use the full dosage<br />

• the older the patient and the more serious the disease the more carefully you have<br />

to treat them<br />

• If you are treating a localized problem use in addition SANUVIS or CITROKEHL<br />

• Never use MUCOKEHL or SANKOMBI on the same day as NOTAKEHL<br />

(MUCOKEHL and NOTAKEHL are antagonists, their effects will neutralize each<br />

other)<br />

Source: Günter Weigel, ND, A Comprehensive Guide to <strong>SANUM</strong> Therapy (according to Prof. Enderlein),<br />

Semmelweis-Verlag, Germany (book available through Biomed)

Therapy Blockades<br />

As with other healing modalities, even when using <strong>SANUM</strong> therapy there can be therapy<br />

blockages that create a situation where nothing seems to works. Therapy blockades<br />

are disturbances of the vegetative nervous system and subsequently, disturbances<br />

in all areas regulated by this system. The effect of biological remedies and the healing<br />

process is blocked.<br />

Main therapy blockades in practice: **<br />

1. Vertebral column blockades:<br />

(physical blockade caused by displaced vertebra)<br />

Therapy: chiropractic, acupuncture and other vertebra correction methods<br />

2. Energy blockades:<br />

(symptoms: cold hands, feet, belly, buttocks)<br />

Therapy: neural therapy, acupuncture, massage, psychosomatic energetics and<br />

other therapies<br />

3. Blockades caused by conventional medicine:<br />

e.g. vaccinations, medication, chemotherapy, hormones etc.<br />

Therapy: SANUKEHLs, nosodes against the specific cause<br />

(A major cause is cortisone. Treat using SANUKEHL Pseu.)<br />

4. Blockades caused by toxic metals:<br />

e.g. tap water, jewellery, amalgam fillings etc.<br />

Therapy: excretion using heavy metal detox protocol (contact Biomed)<br />

5. Blockades caused by underlying problems:<br />

e.g. scars, inflammation of tonsils, paranasal sinuses, gums etc.<br />

Therapy: neural therapy or other methods<br />

6. Blockades caused by teeth:<br />

e.g. amalgam and other metals fillings (including gold), root canals and dead<br />

teeth<br />

Therapy: rectification of all dental problems (dental sanitation):<br />

- removal of amalgams<br />

- replacement with ceramic material.<br />

- removal of dead and root-treated teeth<br />

7. Blockages caused by psychological reasons:<br />

e.g. Therapy: Psychosomatic Energetics to remove emotional blockages<br />

** (Source: Günter Weigel, ND, A Comprehensive Guide to <strong>SANUM</strong> Therapy -according to Prof. Enderlein,<br />

Semmelweis-Verlag, German) - refer to this book for a description of each of these potential therapy blockage.

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