Louis Pasteur by Nicola Kingsley - National STEM Centre

Louis Pasteur by Nicola Kingsley - National STEM Centre

Louis Pasteur by Nicola Kingsley - National STEM Centre


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<strong>Louis</strong><br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

<strong>by</strong> <strong>Nicola</strong> <strong>Kingsley</strong><br />

Series editor Joan Solomon<br />

I:i1I Science Education<br />

~ The Association for

Acknowledgements<br />

The publishers would like to thank the following for<br />

permission to reproduce illustrations on pages:<br />

5, 12, 24, 36, 38 Hulton-Deutsch; 6, 8, 21, 33,41 <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

Institute, Paris; 14 Biophoto Associates; 15, 25, 28, 29 Mary<br />

Evans Picture Library; 18 Adams Picture Library; 22 The<br />

Whitbread Archive; 23 Ann Ronan Picture Library; 27 The<br />

Mansell Collection; 39 Popperfoto; 40 Roger-Viollet, Paris.<br />

First published 1989<strong>by</strong> the Association for Science Education,<br />

College Lane, Hatfield, Herts. ALI0 9AA. Telephone: 0707<br />

267411.<br />

© The Association for Science Education 1989<br />

ISBN 0 86357 114 X<br />

Illustrations <strong>by</strong> Deanna Hammond, ASE<br />

Designed <strong>by</strong> Colin Barker MCSD<br />

Printed <strong>by</strong> Lithmark Limited<br />

Tel: 0438 812872<br />


• <strong>Louis</strong> <strong>Pasteur</strong>

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s father<br />

and mother<br />

painted <strong>by</strong> <strong>Louis</strong><br />

when he was 16<br />

years-old<br />

I<br />

Cha~_t_er_l _<br />

<strong>Louis</strong> becomes a<br />

scientist<br />

<strong>Louis</strong> <strong>Pasteur</strong> was born in France in 1822 and he lived<br />

to the age of 72. Nowadays there is nothing remarkable<br />

about anyone in Europe living that long, or even<br />

longer, but things were different then. Plenty of<br />

people lived, like <strong>Pasteur</strong>, to be quite old-but plenty more<br />

died while they were still very young. Of <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s five<br />

children, three died during his lifetime, while they were<br />

still children. That was not unusual. The average age to<br />

which people lived then was only about 40. These days the<br />

average is almost twice that, and <strong>Pasteur</strong> helped to make<br />

this possible. He spent many years studying tiny living<br />

things, too small to be seen without a microscope, called<br />

microbes. His discoveries changed people's understanding<br />

of disease, and it became possible to control diseases which<br />

before had caused widespread suffering and death.<br />


<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s house<br />

6<br />

at Dole<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> grew up in the small French town of Arbois where<br />

his father, Jean-Joseph <strong>Pasteur</strong> was a tanner (someone<br />

who turns animal skins into leather). Jean-Joseph had<br />

been a sergeant in Napoleon's army and was very patriotic.<br />

He taught his son to love France and to take pride in<br />

working for the good of his country. Even as a boy <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

felt he would like to do something useful when he grew up,<br />

but he had no clear idea what it would be. Being good at<br />

drawing pictures he thought at one stage that he might be<br />

an artist. There was nothing about him to suggest that one<br />

day he would become a famous scientist-in fact one<br />

school report described his work in chemistry as<br />

"mediocre" (average or worse!).<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s parents placed high value on education, and they<br />

worked hard to pay for their son's schooling. Although<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> was not a brilliant pupil, the headmaster of his<br />

school believed that he showed promise and would do well<br />

at college. He encouraged the boy's parents to consider the<br />

idea, and they agreed, hoping that <strong>Pasteur</strong> might<br />

eventually become a school teacher. So when he was 16 he<br />

went to Paris, many miles away, to study; but he was so<br />

homesick there that he returned to Arbois after a few

weeks. The following year he tried again. He enrolled at a<br />

college nearer home, which allowed him to visit his<br />

parents and three sisters with ease. He was happier there,<br />

and did well at his studies. For the next few years he<br />

studied at various colleges, becoming increasingly<br />

interested in science, and teaching part-time to pay his<br />

way. At the age of 20 he passed the very difficult entrance<br />

exams for the top college of science in France, the Ecole<br />

Normale Superieure. He decided not to go there yet,<br />

because he had only come sixteenth in the exams. He was<br />

developing an ambitious character, a desire to be best, that<br />

was to be a driving force in his life. When he did enter the<br />

Ecole Normale, a year later, it was after sitting the exams<br />

again, competing with the best pupils from allover France,<br />

and coming fifth.<br />

He thought he knew, now, what he wanted: to become a<br />

teacher. Not just a teacher, but in his own words "a<br />

distinguished professor". At the end of his studies at the<br />

Ecole Normale his lecturers reported that <strong>Pasteur</strong> "Will<br />

make an excellent teacher". By then, however, this<br />

ambitious young man was no longer interested in just<br />

learning or handing on other people's ideas. He wanted to<br />

make new scientific discoveries.<br />

He began <strong>by</strong> studying crystals, a fashionable subject<br />

amongst scientists at that time,.and did succeed in making<br />

a new discovery. This set him firmly on the path he desired:<br />

he had begun to make a name for himself. He was awarded<br />

the title of Doctor, and at the age of 26 was appointed<br />

Professor of Physics in Dijon. Two months later he moved<br />

to Strasbourg, to be Professor of Chemistry at the<br />

University. Here, within a fortnight of his arrival, the<br />

usually hard-working <strong>Pasteur</strong> found himself completely<br />

unable to concentrate on his work. <strong>Pasteur</strong> had fallen in<br />

love.<br />

He was not a man to waste time. He acted as he would in<br />

any other situation, with determination and speed. He<br />

proposed, was accepted, and just a few weeks later married<br />

Marie, younger daughter of the Rector of Strasbourg<br />

University. For the rest of <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s life Marie was as<br />

dedicated to him as he was to work. In the evenings, when<br />


<strong>Pasteur</strong> dictating<br />

notes on<br />

silkworms to his<br />

wife<br />

8<br />

he came home, she wrote to his dictation, copied his notes<br />

in her clear handwriting, and talked through his ideas with<br />

him. She bore him five children, provided the stable family<br />

life that he valued, and patiently accepted that for <strong>Pasteur</strong>,<br />

science would always come first. One day she would write<br />

to her children: "Your father is absorbed in his thoughts,<br />

talks little, sleeps little, rises at dawn, and in a word<br />

continues the life I began with him 35 years ago."

I<br />

Cha~ter 2<br />

Fermentations<br />

A<br />

few years later <strong>Pasteur</strong> moved to Lille, w.here his<br />

job as Professor of Chemistry required him to give<br />

just one lecture a week, leaving plenty of time for<br />

his scientific interests. One day he was visited <strong>by</strong><br />

the father of one of his students, a Monsieur Bigot. Like<br />

many of the people in that area Monsieur Bigot made his<br />

living manufacturing vinegar. He had come to ask Professor<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> for his help with a problem. A lot of the<br />

vinegar was turning out to be bad, and nobody knew why.<br />

They were losing money.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> was interested in the problem. The vinegar was<br />

produced from beet juice <strong>by</strong> a process called fermentation,<br />

and scientists disagreed about what this process really<br />

was. The accepted view was that it was a purely chemical<br />

reaction in which some chemicals changed into new ones.<br />

What interested <strong>Pasteur</strong> was that some scientists had<br />

looked at fermenting juice through a microscope and found<br />

there a tiny microbe called yeast, which they thought<br />

played a part in fermentation. Four scientists had<br />

published writings claiming that the yeast somehow made<br />

the vinegar, but a well known scientist called Liebig said<br />

this could not be true. How.could anything so tiny that you<br />

could not even see it without a microscope be making all<br />

that vinegar? The idea was ridiculous. Liebig was very<br />

important, and when he said something people were<br />

willing to believe him.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> visited the vats in which Monsieur Bigot made his<br />

vinegar. He took samples from them, and examined them<br />

under a microscope. In the samples from the vats producing<br />

good vinegar he could see tiny cells of yeast, which<br />

were sprouting new buds and seemed to be growing. In the<br />


Budding in yeast<br />

cells<br />

10<br />

bad vinegar there were only little shimmering rod-shaped<br />

microbes, which looked very different from yeast.<br />

"<strong>Louis</strong>", wrote Madame <strong>Pasteur</strong>, "is now up to his neck in<br />

beet juice. He spends all his days in the distillery".<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> studied everything he could find on the subj ect.<br />

Then he thought about what he had seen and tried to<br />

imagine what was happening. Everything that is alive<br />

needs energy to keep living, and one way of getting energy<br />

is to eat food, digest it, and release the energy stored in the<br />

food. What cannot be digested is passed out of the body.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s theory was that the yeast actually fed on the beet<br />

juice. When it had digested the juice what was left was<br />

vInegar.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> thought that the reason why some of the vinegar<br />

was going bad was that the rod-shaped microbes he had<br />

seen under his microscope were killing the yeast. These<br />

microbes were also feeding on the beet juice-but they left<br />

no vinegar behind. The rod-shaped microbes were<br />

producing something that spoiled the vinegar.<br />

Four earlier scientists had said something like this, but<br />

nobody had listened. <strong>Pasteur</strong> knew that if he wanted<br />

people to take his theory seriously he would have to collect

more evidence. Developing a theory was like building a<br />

model in his head. The model showed how he thought<br />

things worked. Anything that happened must be explained<br />

<strong>by</strong> his model. Nothing could happen in the model which did<br />

not fit in with the results of his experiments. <strong>Pasteur</strong> could<br />

also use his model to predict what might happen in new<br />

experiments. If the results turned out to be as he predicted<br />

that would show that his model worked. <strong>Pasteur</strong> predicted<br />

that beet juice would only turn into vinegar when there<br />

was live yeast present. His experiments showed again and<br />

again that this was true.<br />

Experiments can be explained <strong>by</strong> different people in different<br />

ways.<br />

- The older scientists thought that all the yeast did was to<br />

start the beet juice going bad. Then it turned sour and<br />

made vinegar.<br />

-<strong>Pasteur</strong> thought the yeast was alive and feeding on the<br />

beet juice. He thought that the digested stuffwas vinegar.<br />

-Nowadays scientists still believe that the yeast is alive<br />

and feeding, but they think it turns sugar from the beet<br />

juice into alcohol. Another microbe turns the alcohol into<br />

vinegar.<br />

Sometimes it takes many different experiments to make<br />

people change their minds. <strong>Pasteur</strong> went on to show that<br />

other microbes make other foodschange. He found a microbe<br />

which makes milk go sour <strong>by</strong> turning it into lactic<br />

acid.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s thorough experimental approach was not the<br />

only thing that won him the argument. There was also his<br />

fighting spirit. When he believed he was right, he refused<br />

to back down. He was never frightened <strong>by</strong> the fact that the<br />

people he argued with might be more powerful or<br />

influential, or older. In fact, he enjoyed arguing, and would<br />

carryon until he won. He claimed there were three steps in<br />

getting evidence accepted-"to convince oneself ... then to<br />

convince others ... the third, probably less useful, but very<br />

enjoyable, convincing the people who are against you".<br />

Sometimes this attitude made him very unpopular, but it<br />

ensured that his discoveries and ideas were heard and<br />

taken seriously.<br />


<strong>Pasteur</strong> in his<br />

laboratory<br />

12<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s model of fermentation began to change scientific<br />

understanding of the part microbes play in the world. It<br />

also helped to solve the problems of the local vinegar<br />

industry. Now they were able to detect the microbe that<br />

spoiled the vinegar and get rid of it before it did any more<br />

damage. In addition, <strong>Pasteur</strong> worked out all the conditions<br />

that the yeast needed to thrive and make good vinegar: the<br />

right food, right amount of oxygen, and the best<br />

temperature. As a result of this the manufacturers were<br />

able to control the process much better than before. Seeing<br />

the practical results of <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s work made people much<br />

more inclined to listen to his theories.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> liked knowledge for its own sake. He enjoyed the<br />

voyages of discovery that lead to new ideas. Equally, he<br />

was delighted when a new theory produced practical<br />

results which helped people. His investigation of vinegar<br />

fermentation ,was one link in a chain of ideas and<br />

experiments which would produce practical results of<br />

great importance to the whole world.

I<br />

ChoQter 3<br />

Crocodiles and bad<br />

soup<br />

Having begun to discover the part that microbes<br />

played in life, <strong>Pasteur</strong> took up a question that had<br />

been bothering scientists for a long time: where did<br />

microbes come from?<br />

It was easy for people to see that cows gave birth to new<br />

cows, and dogs to new dogs, but for a long time it seemed to<br />

most people that some living things just appeared, as if<br />

from nowhere. They felt it was possible for living things to<br />

arise from dead matter-that maggots, for instance, came<br />

from dead meat. Crocodiles were said to be created from<br />

the mud of river banks-someone even published a recipe<br />

giving the exact quantities of flour, dust, sacking and other<br />

bits and pieces found on the floor of a mill that were<br />

needed to make mice! This idea that living things could<br />

arise out of dead things, without the need of a living parent<br />

to produce them, was called the Theory of Spontaneous<br />

Generation.<br />

Back in 1668, an Italian biologist called Francesco Redi<br />

had wondered if the maggots which appeared in decaying<br />

meat had anything to do with the flies he noticed buzzing<br />

around the meat. So he experimented. He put pieces of<br />

meat in several little pots, and over the top of half of the<br />

pots he stretched gauze, to keep the flies out. The rest of<br />

the pots he left uncovered. All the meat decayed, but<br />

maggots appeared only in the meat left in open pots-the<br />

meat on which flies could land. Redi decided that flies must<br />

lay eggs on decaying meat which hatched into maggots,<br />

and that the maggots fed on the meat and eventually<br />

changed into flies, rather like caterpillars turned into<br />


A drop of pond<br />

water magnified<br />

to show various<br />

micro-organisms<br />

14<br />

butterflies. Using a magnifying glass he looked for, and<br />

found, the eggs.<br />

A few years later, in 1677,a shopkeeper in the Netherlands,<br />

Anton van Leeuwenhoek looked through a microscope,<br />

which he had made in his spare time, at a drop of pond<br />

water. He discovered lots of tiny living things, which<br />

nobody had suspected. A few years later he made a better<br />

microscope that allowed him to just make out even tinier<br />

dots and rods, which he thought might also be alive. He<br />

had found the type of microbe that was later given the<br />

name "bacteria".<br />

Biologists wondered if the microbes van Leeuwenhoek had<br />

found arose, like maggots, from something else that was<br />

alive, or if they appeared <strong>by</strong> spontaneous generation. They<br />

discussed the matter for years. Then in 1748 an English<br />

biologist, John Needham, set up an experiment which he<br />

hoped would provide an answer. He took some mutton soup<br />

and boiled it for a few minutes to kill any microbes in it.<br />

Then he put the soup in a container which he sealed<br />

tightly to stop any fresh microbes getting in. After a few<br />

days he opened the container and found the soup swarming<br />

with microbes. He decided they must have arisen from the<br />

soup <strong>by</strong> spontaneous generation.

Paris at the time<br />

of <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

An Italian biologist, Lazzaro Spallanzi, thought this was a<br />

poor experiment. He said Needham might not have boiled<br />

the soup for long enough to kill all the microbes in it. If<br />

this were the case, the microbes Needham found when he<br />

unsealed the container could have been in the soup all<br />

along, multiplying in number while the soup stood. In 1768<br />

Spallanzi began to test how long it took to kill microbes <strong>by</strong><br />

boiling. He found that some were quite hard to kill, and<br />

that it was not safe to assume they were all dead until the<br />

soup had been boiled for at least half an hour. When he<br />

repeated Needham's experiment with soup that had been<br />

boiled for this long, no microbes at all appeared. He<br />

realised that microbes must develop from other microbes,<br />

and not <strong>by</strong> spontaneous generation.<br />

Some biologists argued that Spallanzi's experiment proved<br />

nothing. They pointed out that as soon as you left the<br />

boiled soup to stand around in cool fresh air, microbes did<br />

appear. Perhaps there was a chemical in fresh air which<br />

helped spontaneous generation happen. By boiling the<br />

soup, Spallanzi might have destroyed that chemical. That,<br />

they said, would explain why no microbes had appeared.<br />


16<br />

By 1859 no one had come any closer to resolving the<br />

argument, and <strong>Pasteur</strong> decided that he would be the one to<br />

do it. Some of his friends tried to persuade him not to waste<br />

his time getting involved in a dispute which they were sure<br />

could not be settled. <strong>Pasteur</strong> admitted that he would not be<br />

able to prove that spontaneous generation never happened.<br />

Somewhere in the universe life might be creating itself, but<br />

he intended to show that there was no evidence for this.<br />

He set·to work in his new laboratory, five small rooms in<br />

an outbuilding at the Ecole Normale. He had persuaded<br />

the authorities to let him have these when the two little<br />

attic rooms he had been using became too cramped.<br />

Scientists in those days were expected to make do with<br />

very little and <strong>Pasteur</strong> was short of money and space for<br />

his experimental work. He needed an incubator<br />

(somewhere warm where microbes could be grown) and the<br />

only place he could find to build it was the space under the<br />

stairs. There, in a little room that was reached <strong>by</strong> crawling<br />

on hands and knees, he spent hours every day, observing<br />

the flasks used in his experiments.<br />

He began <strong>by</strong> investigating the claim that fresh ~ir started<br />

spontaneous generation. He boiled some guncotton in<br />

water until both cotton and water were sterile (had<br />

nothing alive in them). Then he forced fresh air through<br />

the sterile cotton. When he put the cottorl back in sterile<br />

water, he found microbes appeared in the water. He<br />

dissolved the cotton in alcohol, and looked at what was<br />

left. It turned out that the cotton had filtered dust out from<br />

the fresh air, and the dust contained all the microbes.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> then experimented to see if'microbes could have<br />

developed in the cotton <strong>by</strong> spontaneous generation. He<br />

filtered air through a sterile cotton plug, and then through<br />

a second sterile plug. When he put the second plug in<br />

water, there were no microbes, and none developed later.<br />

They had all been filtered out <strong>by</strong> the first plug. He<br />

concluded that microbes could be carried in the air, but<br />

fresh air in itself could not actually give rise to microbes.<br />

To further prove the point he put soup in glass flasks and<br />

then melted the top of each flask and shaped it into a long<br />

tube that curved down and then up again, like the neck of

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s swannecked<br />

flask<br />

a swan. When he boiled the soup, steam rushed out<br />

through the swan-neck, which was very narrow, sterilising<br />

the flask and the swan-neck. Then he let the flasks cool and<br />

stand. Air could get in and out of the flasks, but any dust in<br />

the air was trapped in the lower curve of the swan-neck.<br />

He let the soup stand for months, and no microbes grew in<br />

it, in any of the flasks.<br />

He announced his findings. Other scientists repeated his<br />

experiments and got the same results. There were plenty of<br />

people who liked the notion of spontaneous generation and<br />

did not want to give it up, but they no longer had a<br />

scientific leg to stand on. There was now good reason to<br />

believe that just as giraffes come from other giraffes, so<br />

microbes come from other microbes.<br />

Nevertheless, some supporters of spontaneous generation<br />

tried to pour scorn on <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s theory. One of them, a<br />

certain Monsieur Pouchet, said that if <strong>Pasteur</strong> were right<br />

about there being enough microbes in fresh air to account<br />

for all the soup and everything else that went bad and<br />

decayed, the air would be so thick with microbes that we<br />

would not be able to walk through it. There was no need<br />

for <strong>Pasteur</strong> to take this remark seriously, but he saw an<br />

opportunity for an argument, which he always liked, and a<br />

chance to give his findings even more publicity. In<br />

response to Pouchet, he went to the lengths of travelling<br />


Mer de Glace on<br />

Mont Blanc<br />

where <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

carried out some<br />

of his<br />

experiments<br />

18<br />

over 200 miles and heading up into the Jura mountains<br />

with his assistants and a large supply of sealed flasks<br />

containing a sterile mixture of sugar, water and yeast<br />

extract-good food for microbes. At different heights up<br />

the mountains he carefully broke the necks of the flasks to<br />

admit fresh air, and then resealed them using a flame. The<br />

higher they went up the mountains, the fewer of the flasks<br />

exposed to air in this way grew any microbes. Because the<br />

air was so clean, especially right at the top among the<br />

glaciers, some developed no microbes at all. Once again<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> showed that fresh air alone was unable to give rise<br />

to microbes.<br />

Pouchet, too, was a fighter. He set off up another range of<br />

mountains, the Alps, to try the experiment, and he came<br />

back saying he had got different results. Every single flask<br />

he had opened developed microbes.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> demanded that the Academy of Sciences repeat his<br />

experiments. He was completely sure his own results were<br />

correct, and he wanted Pouchet to be shown, in public, to<br />

be wrong. The experiments were done again, and the<br />

Academy announced their decision: <strong>Pasteur</strong> was right.

Why did Pouchet say his results were different? It turned<br />

out that he was being honest: his results were different.<br />

There really were microbes in all of his flasks. What he did<br />

not realise was that they had been there all along, even<br />

before the flasks were opened. While <strong>Pasteur</strong> had used<br />

sugar, yeast and water, Pouchet had put into his flasks<br />

water in which some hay had been boiled. In the hay lived<br />

some particularly tough little microbes, which survived<br />

the boiling and went on to thrive and multiply.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> had shown that there are microbes in the air<br />

which can multiply and produce more microbes.<br />

Furthermore, he had demonstrated that the conditions<br />

which supporters of the Theory of Spontaneous Generation<br />

claimed were sufficient for microbes to appear, without<br />

other microbes being there first, simply were not sufficient.<br />

Cool fresh air was not enough to produce microbes. Now<br />

the people who argued for spontaneous generation had a<br />

theory, but no evidence to support it. <strong>Pasteur</strong>, on the other<br />

hand, had a theory that microbes come from other<br />

microbes, and evidence to back it up.<br />

It makes no sense to favour a theory for which there is no<br />

evidence, rather than one for which there is evidence.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> had cast doubt on the Theory of Spontaneous<br />

Generation: and he had set out to do this for a particular<br />

reason. He wanted to clear the way for another theory<br />

which was taking shape in his mind: a theory about<br />

disease.<br />


20<br />

I<br />

ChaQter 4<br />

A theory of disease<br />

t can take a long time, often years, to collect the<br />

I<br />

experimental evidence needed to support a scientific<br />

theory. <strong>Pasteur</strong> was usually working on several different<br />

projects side <strong>by</strong> side. He worked very hard,<br />

sometimes resenting the fact that he had to stop to sleep. "I<br />

would consider it a bad deed", he said, "to let one day go<br />

without working".<br />

By now he had several assistants working with him. He did<br />

not make life easy for them. He never told them what he<br />

was thinking and why he wanted an experiment done. He<br />

just gave them their tasks, and expected them to get on<br />

with it-in silence. <strong>Pasteur</strong> needed silence to work. He<br />

could not bear to have anyone in the laboratory who was<br />

not involved in the work he was doing. He had a particular<br />

way of working on a new theory. He began <strong>by</strong> spending<br />

days in isolation, reading. Then he would pace up and<br />

down silently for days; at these times he was so wrapped up<br />

in his thoughts that he did not notice anyone else. If<br />

someone needed to talk to him, it took a while to attract<br />

his attention. Then he would start suddenly and pass his<br />

hand several times in front of his face, as if waking himself<br />

from a dream. "Dreamy" was a word his colleagues often<br />

used to describe him. He allowed his imagination and<br />

intuition to work. Some of the ideas he considered were<br />

very strange, but once a theory had taken shape in his<br />

mind, he would put it to the test. He would make<br />

predictions from it and tryout experiments. If the<br />

predictions were wrong, out went the theory.<br />

In the years following his work on the Theory of<br />

Spontaneous Generation he was very busy. He was a<br />

professor, teaching science. In addition to this he was<br />

asked to help his country <strong>by</strong> solving problems that were

Drawing of a<br />

healthy silkworm<br />

from <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s<br />

book 'Diseases<br />

of Silkworms'<br />

costing various industries a great deal of money. He spent<br />

five years finding out what was killing the silkworms upon<br />

which the silk industry relied, and finding ways of<br />

preventing the spread of the disease responsible. This<br />

taught him a lot about how disease spreads. During this<br />

time he suffered a haemorrhage (severe bleeding) in the<br />

brain, and for a while it seemed likely that he would die.<br />

Friends and colleagues waited anxiously. The Emperor of<br />

France himself sent a messenger every day' for news of<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s progress. He survived, but the illness left him<br />

partly paralysed on one side of his body. From then on he<br />

was unable to handle some of the equipment he needed in<br />

his work, and had to rely on his assistants. His<br />

determination, however, was unshaken. Within a few<br />

weeks, against the advice of his doctors, he was travelling<br />

across France to get back to work on the silkworms.<br />

The wine growers, who were very important to the French<br />

economy, also brought their problems to him. After the<br />

grapes have been fermented to alcohol, wine has to stand<br />

for a long time maturing. During this time a lot of it was<br />

going bad. Once again, it was microbes at work. <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

found two microbes. One was responsible for the fermentation,<br />

and one was responsible for the wine being spoiled<br />

after fermentation. Then he worked out a way of heating<br />


The microscope<br />

used <strong>by</strong> <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

at Whitbreads<br />

when he was<br />

called to England<br />

to investigate<br />

. some brewing<br />

problems<br />

22<br />

the wine, after fermentation was completed, to kill off the<br />

second lot of microbes. Now the wine would be able to<br />

mature without going bad. This treatment <strong>by</strong> gentle<br />

heating became known as "pasteurization", and is the<br />

same process used to make sure the milk we drink is free<br />

from harmful microbes.<br />

At first the wine growers were horrified. They were sure it<br />

would ruin the flavour of the wine. <strong>Pasteur</strong> was able to<br />

show them that it did not, but it took a long time to<br />

convince everyone. He kept a cellar full of pasteurized and<br />

unpasteurized wines, and at regular intervals official<br />

parties of wine tasters would sample them and publish<br />

reports saying that the treated wine was better. He even<br />

publicized his method <strong>by</strong> getting the French navy to take<br />

pasteurized wine on long voyages, to show how well it<br />

travelled. Having worked hard to develop a good idea, he<br />

made sure that everyone was convinced <strong>by</strong> it. He also<br />

worked out how to apply it on a large scale, making sure it<br />

did not cost too much, and how to preserve other drinks<br />

and foods <strong>by</strong> the 'same method. As a result of this work, he<br />

was then asked to help the 'beer brewing industry to<br />

improve its production methods.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> could have made a lot of money from his<br />

discoveries, but he refused to profit from them in this way.<br />

He took no interest in money in case it might distract him<br />

from science. His salary was paid directly to his wife, and<br />

he left the financial side of running his laboratory to others.

Joseph Lister<br />

All these investigations, as well as helpin'g the country's<br />

economy, were giving more evidence about how different<br />

microbes behaved. For a while <strong>Pasteur</strong> had been convinced<br />

that there was a link between fermentation, putrefaction<br />

(rotting) and some diseases. He believed they all involved<br />

microbes.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> said that microbes caused disease when they<br />

entered the body. He published a paper outlining the<br />

theory, which was read <strong>by</strong> an English doctor called Joseph<br />

Lister. Lister decided to put the theory to practical use. In<br />

those days a major operation such as the removal of a<br />

tumour, the amputation of a limb, or the treatment of a<br />

compound fracture in which a broken bone was sticking<br />

out through the surrounding flesh, was highly dangerous.<br />

Even if patients survived the shock and loss of blood, they<br />

had a one in three chance of dying from infections like<br />

gangrene and blood poisoning which set in after the<br />

operation. The air of hospitals was thick with horrible<br />

smells of putrefying human flesh and cries of pain. Lister<br />

decided that after he operated he would apply to the wound<br />

a dressing soaked in carbolic acid which kills microbes. If<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> was right, and the infections killing his patients<br />

were the result of microbes getting into the wounds, this<br />

might prevent infection. So he tried this idea on eleven<br />

patients. Nine of them survived, and their wounds healed.<br />

This was a much higher survival rate than Lister could<br />


Lister greets<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> at the<br />

Sorbonne<br />

24<br />

normally expect. Encouraged <strong>by</strong> the result, he expanded<br />

this new principle of "antisepsis" (which means "against<br />

rotting") and began washing his hands and medical<br />

instruments in weak carbolic acid to sterilise them before<br />

examining patients or performing operations. The effect<br />

was a remarkable decrease in infections. These simple<br />

practices began a revolution in hospitals which eventually<br />

saved millions of lives.<br />

As soon as he was sure his antiseptic methods worked,<br />

Lister published his findings, and wrote to <strong>Pasteur</strong>, telling<br />

him what he had achieved. <strong>Pasteur</strong> was delighted. Not only<br />

were lives being saved, but Lister's results were also<br />

evidence that supported the germ theory of disease.<br />

Shortly after this the Franco-Prussian war began. Patriotic<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> tried to join the army. The army would not have<br />

him. Quite apart from his paralysis, he was an important<br />

scientist and too useful to be wasted in battle. So <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

spent the war putting his germ theory to use, travelling<br />

round military hospitals insisting that bandages and<br />

instruments be boiled to prevent infection.<br />

It is hard for us, living today, to imagine what life was like<br />

in <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s time. The average length of life was half what

French hospital<br />

ward in 1885<br />

it is today, largely because so many people died from<br />

serious infectious diseases that spread from person to<br />

person. For centuries people had tried to explain what<br />

caused disease. Some said it was God's punishment for<br />

human sinfulness, others that it resulted from demons or<br />

evil spirits invading the body. A common belief was that it<br />

was caused <strong>by</strong> "bad air"-the disease malaria got its name<br />

from the Italian "mal aria", which means "bad air".<br />

During the great plague which swept seventeenth century<br />

England, people used to carry around posies of flowers and<br />

oranges with cloves stuck in them; these were intended to<br />

do more than just mask the foul smells of sickness and<br />

death. People hoped that <strong>by</strong> sweetening the air they could<br />

protect themselves against the disease.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s idea, that microbes could cause disease, was not<br />

entirely new. The notion that living things too small to be<br />

seen existed and could pass from one person to another<br />

through the air, on clothing, or <strong>by</strong> touch, causing disease,<br />

is recorded far back in history, before the time of Christ.<br />

But there was no convincing evidence for that idea until<br />

microbes were discovered. Just knowing that microbes<br />

existed was not enough. It still remained to show that they<br />

caused disease. Lister's work was a step in the right<br />

direction, but <strong>Pasteur</strong> still needed more evidence to<br />

support the germ theory.<br />


26<br />

I<br />

Cha~ter 5<br />

Farmyard microbes<br />

Without a clear idea of what caused diseases,<br />

people could not control them or treat them<br />

effectively. Some things, however, were well<br />

known. One was that disease could spread<br />

between people or animals. Another was that if you<br />

survived certain diseases, such as chicken pox or measles,<br />

you were unlikely to have them again. By having it once,<br />

you developed immunity (protection against catching that<br />

disease).<br />

At the end of the 1700s, an English doctor, Edward Jenner,<br />

had developed a way of giving people immunity to a<br />

disease called smallpox. It was a very widespread and<br />

terrible disease, which killed many of its victims. Those<br />

who survived were often left covered in pockmarks-deep<br />

scars on their faces and bodies left <strong>by</strong> the septic blisters<br />

that were one symptom of smallpox. Many also lost their<br />

eyesight.<br />

It was common knowledge among country people that if<br />

you caught cowpox, a disease which normally afflicted<br />

cattle, you would not catch smallpox. Cowpox was not a<br />

particularly dangerous disease for people to have, so<br />

Jenner tried deliberately infecting people with it, in order<br />

to save them from getting smallpox. He did this <strong>by</strong><br />

injecting them with infected matter taken from the sores of<br />

people who already had cowpox. He called his method<br />

"vaccination"-from the Latin word for a cow, "vacca". It<br />

worked, but Jenner had no idea why.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> wondered if vaccination could only be used to<br />

prevent smallpox, or if it might work with other diseases.<br />

An accident answered his question. In 1879 he was

Gilray cartoon of<br />

inoculation<br />

studying a disease called chicken cholera,. which was<br />

destroying flocks of chickens. He was trying to find out<br />

more about the part played <strong>by</strong> microbes in disease. Many<br />

doctors believed that although microbes could be found<br />

where there was disease, they did not actually cause it.<br />

Their view was that disease made changes in the body<br />

which allowed microbes to invade: in other. words, the<br />

disease came first, and the microbes afterwards. <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

himself thought there was something in this idea. After all,<br />

when any group of people was exposed.to a disease, some<br />

people got it and others did not, and some became more<br />

sick than others. Perhaps some were already less healthy.<br />

He still believed that microbes actually caused particular<br />

illnesses, even if they were not the only factor involved.<br />

In the bodies of chickens suffering from chicken cholera he<br />

had found the microbe he believed to be responsible for the<br />

disease. He had succeeded in culturing it-that is, growing<br />

it in the laboratory instead of inside a living animal. Now<br />

he was injecting the culture of microbes into healthy<br />

chickens to demonstrate that the introduction into their<br />


Early vaccination<br />

for diphtheria<br />

28<br />

bodies, of this microbe grown outside the body, could bring<br />

about the disease. Once injected, the chickens rapidly<br />

became ill and died.<br />

On the day the laboratory was due to close for the summer<br />

holidays, one of the assistants forgot to inject a batch of<br />

chickens with the culture of microbes that had been<br />

prepared. It was left standing in a cupboard for several<br />

weeks. When the holiday was over, the assistant, picking<br />

up where he had left off, went ahead and injected the<br />

culture. The chickens receiving it became ill-but instead<br />

of dying, quickly recovered. The assistant fetched <strong>Pasteur</strong>,<br />

explained what had happened, and was about to throw<br />

away the rest of the culture when <strong>Pasteur</strong> stopped him.<br />

"In the field of experimentation", <strong>Pasteur</strong> once said,<br />

"Chance favours only the prepared mind." It may be that<br />

the memory of Jenner's vaccination had prepared <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s<br />

mind for this chance occurrence. His assistant might have<br />

been ready to dismiss it as a hiccup in the experiment, but<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> was not. He told him to inject the hens again, this<br />

time with a fresh culture capable of giving a deadly dose of<br />

the disease. The birds remained perfectly healthy. Someone<br />

was sent to the market to buy some more chickens.<br />

Injected with the same culture, these hens rapidly<br />

developed chicken cholera and died.

Inoculation for<br />

tuberculosis<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> made a guess at what had happened. The microbes<br />

left exposed to the air over the holidays had become<br />

somehow weakened. They were still alive, but no longer<br />

able to produce the full-blown disease, only a mild form.<br />

After a chicken had suffered the disease in its mild form, it<br />

was immune to the stronger microbes which would<br />

previously have killed it.<br />

He made further weakened cultures, and the results were<br />

repeated. <strong>Pasteur</strong> had discovered another case of<br />

vaccination against disease. He was eager now to see if the<br />

same approach would work in the case of further diseases.<br />

Two years before he had begun investigating another<br />

farmyard disease. Anthrax affected sheep, goats, cattle,<br />

horses, and sometimes humans. Spreading amongst the<br />

livestock, it could ruin a farmer's livelihood. The first<br />

symptom was a raised temperature, followed <strong>by</strong> trembling,<br />

gasping for breath, fits, and finally, all too often, death.<br />

The illness caused thick black blood to ooze from any<br />

scratch or wound-hence the name anthrax, which came<br />

from the Greek word for coal. So powerful was the disease<br />

that the very fields where infected animals grazed appeared<br />

to become, as farmers put it, "cursed with anthrax". Even<br />

years later animals put out in these fields would go down<br />


Anthrax bacilli<br />

30<br />

with the disease. Outbreaks were particularly common in<br />

dry weather. Some places, however, were seldom, if ever,<br />

affected <strong>by</strong> the disease.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> found the microbe he believed to be responsible for<br />

anthrax in the blood of animals suffering from the disease.<br />

It produced spores (extra tough cells) which were so hardy<br />

that they could survive outside the body for years.<br />

Walking around the fields "cursed with anthrax" he<br />

noticed many worm casts, the little piles of earth that<br />

earthworms brought to the surface. When he looked at the<br />

worm casts under a microscope, he found anthrax spores.<br />

He collected earthworms and cut them up. In the soil in<br />

their intestines were the same spores. Livestock which had<br />

died of anthrax was buried <strong>by</strong> farmers, often many feet<br />

deep, in the fields where it died. What was happening, he<br />

reasoned, was that worms were carrying the spores from<br />

the diseased carcasses buried below to the surface of the<br />

fields. During dry weather the worm casts dried out and<br />

the wind blew about the fine particles of soil bearing the<br />

spores. Some landed on plants and were eaten <strong>by</strong> grazing<br />

beasts. The reason why anthrax occurred in some places<br />

but not others was that some places had soil so sandy or<br />

chalky that there were very few earthworms to spread the<br />


Cartoon of<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

vaccinating<br />

himself<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> designed an experiment to show farmers how the<br />

disease entered the bloodstream of their animals. He mixed<br />

anthrax spores with alfalfa, fed it to the animals, and<br />

waited to see what would happen. The number of animals<br />

that died was no greater than the farmers would have<br />

expected to lose during that time under normal<br />

circumstances. When they were fed with the same sporeinfested<br />

alfalfa mixed with thistles, many more animals fell<br />

ill and died. The thistles had punctured the animals'<br />

mouths, creating wounds which allowed the anthrax to<br />

invade the blood stream.<br />

The results of <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s demonstration impressed the<br />

farmers, and they followed his instructions for preventing<br />

the spread of the disease. He told them to burn the bodies<br />

of animals which died of anthrax, instead of burying them.<br />

Also they were to avoid using prickly foodstuffs which<br />

could puncture the animals' mouths. These measures<br />

helped to limit the spread of anthrax, but they could<br />

neither prevent it completely, nor cure it. It continued to<br />

be an unpleasant and costly problem.<br />


A sheep being<br />

vaccinated<br />

32<br />

When he discovered that he could vaccinate against<br />

chicken cholera, <strong>Pasteur</strong> turned his attentions back to<br />

anthrax. Could he develop a vaccine for this disease too?<br />

Both anthrax and chicken cholera were caused <strong>by</strong> rodshaped<br />

microbes; this type of microbe was called a bacillus.<br />

The chicken cholera bacillus was weakened <strong>by</strong> exposure to<br />

air, but the anthrax bacillus was not. It just produced<br />

spores which survived and later grew into more microbes.<br />

Eventually <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s assistants discovered that it was<br />

affected <strong>by</strong> temperature. If kept at 42-43°C it stopped<br />

producing spores, and after eight days at this temperature<br />

it lost its virulence (its ability to produce disease). Using<br />

this weakened bacillus, <strong>Pasteur</strong> successfully vaccinated<br />

guinea pigs, rabbits, and sheep.<br />

As usual, he wanted to give his discovery as much<br />

publicity as possible. He seized upon an article which had<br />

been written a month before he developed the new vaccine.<br />

In the article, which appeared in a veterinary journal, a<br />

Monsieur Rossignol had tried to turn all the new<br />

discoveries being made about microbes into a big joke.<br />

Obviously he thought that some scientists, <strong>Pasteur</strong> in<br />

particular, exaggerated the power of such tiny creatures.<br />

He ended the article <strong>by</strong> suggesting that the claims of the<br />

microbiologists be put to the test in public.

<strong>Pasteur</strong> and his<br />

wife in 1884<br />

It was just the opportunity <strong>Pasteur</strong> wanted. He<br />

volunteered to give a public display of the anthrax vaccine.<br />

The terms agreed upon were these: the trial would take<br />

place on Monsieur Rossignol's farm at Pouilly Ie Fort.<br />

Sixty sheep were to be provided. Twenty-four would be<br />

vaccinated with two doses of weakened vaccine given<br />

twelve to fifteen days apart. A few days later these<br />

twenty-five and a further twenty-five which had not been<br />

vaccinated would be injected with virulent anthrax<br />

bacillus. The remaining ten sheep would be kept apart to<br />

be compared with the injected animals.<br />

The date fixed for the start of the experiment was May 5th,<br />

1882. Crowds of farmers, vets, doctors and newspaper<br />

reporters flocked to Pouilly Ie Fort. <strong>Pasteur</strong> supervised the<br />

vaccinations with an air of calm confidence. When the time<br />

came to inject the virulent bacillus he even gave the<br />

vaccinated animals a triple dose. Then everyone waited to<br />

see what would happen. Many were hoping that <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s<br />

experiment would fail. His argumentative self-publicizing<br />

had won him enemies as well as admirers.<br />


34<br />

His assistants brought the news to <strong>Pasteur</strong>-all the<br />

unvaccinated sheep were ill, but so were several which had<br />

been vaccinated. <strong>Pasteur</strong>, less calm than he had appeared<br />

in public, lost his temper and began shouting at his<br />

assistants, saying they had made a mess of the experiment<br />

and a fool of him. He spent a sleepless night working<br />

himself up into a state, but the next day brought better<br />

news. The vaccinated animals were recovering.<br />

He returned to Pouilly Ie Fort on June 2nd, the date set for<br />

judging the experiment. As he walked towards the farm the<br />

crowd began to applaud, and as he got closer, to cheer.<br />

Twenty-two of the unvaccinated sheep lay dead, and a<br />

further two died as the spectators looked on. Meanwhile,<br />

every single one of the vaccinated animals was grazing<br />

contentedly, in a state of perfect health. <strong>Pasteur</strong> was<br />

triumphant, and soon all Europe knew about his success.

A rabid dog<br />

One final success was to crown <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s achievements.<br />

The year before the public trial of the<br />

anthrax vaccine, <strong>Pasteur</strong> had begun studying<br />

rabies. Although it was a relatively rare disease<br />

people were very frightened of it. A dog suffering from<br />

rabies would go mad, foaming at the mouth and ferociously<br />

biting people. Someone who was bitten might not develop<br />

the disease, but if they did they would die a horrible<br />

agonizing death. The only known way of preventing the<br />

disease after biting was immediately to cauterize the<br />

wound-to burn it with hot metal. This was terribly<br />

painful, and it did not always work.<br />

In order to study rabies, <strong>Pasteur</strong> and his assistants had to<br />

collect saliva from mad dogs. An accident at any stage of<br />

handling the material they were investigating could have<br />

resulted in a terrible death.<br />


<strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

experimenting on<br />

a chloroformed<br />

36<br />

rabbit<br />

They found that if the saliva was injected into rabbits, the<br />

rabbits developed rabies. There was still a problem: they<br />

were unable to find the microbe responsible, although<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> was sure it must be there. The microbe is a virus,<br />

too small to be seen through any microscope available in<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s time.<br />

A further problem was that the incubation period for<br />

rabies-the time it took for symptoms to appear-was quite<br />

lengthy. A person bitten <strong>by</strong> a rabid animal would take at<br />

least two weeks to show signs of the disease. Having to<br />

wait a long. time for signs of infection slowed the<br />

experiments down. <strong>Pasteur</strong> thought that as the symptoms<br />

included madness and convulsions, the brain and nervous<br />

system might be affected. Perhaps it would be better to<br />

introduce infected tissue directly into the nervous system.<br />

To do this he drilled a hole in the skull of the rabbit which<br />

he wanted to infect with rabies. The method proved<br />

successful; the incubation period became both shorter and<br />

more certain.<br />

Having decided that the microbe was in nervous tissue, he<br />

set about finding a method of weakening it. The most<br />

successful approach proved to be <strong>by</strong> drying out of lengths

of spinal column taken from rabbits with rabies. After<br />

fourteen days of exposure to air the microbe seemed to be<br />

no longer virulent. By giving an injection of spinal column<br />

dried for fourteen days, followed the next day <strong>by</strong> some<br />

dried for thirteen, the following day <strong>by</strong> some dried for<br />

twelve, and so on, he could produce complete immunity in<br />

two weeks. A final injection of virulent material would fail<br />

to produce the disease.<br />

Actually, drying the spinal column did not weaken the<br />

virus, it just decreased the number of virus particles-but<br />

being unable to see the virus, <strong>Pasteur</strong> could not know that.<br />

His model of vaccination involved using weakened<br />

microbes, and that was what he thought he was doing.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> tried the course of vaccination on fifty dogs, with<br />

complete success. He did not like to see suffering and<br />

always tried to make sure that the animals used in his<br />

experiments experienced as little pain as possible.<br />

Nonetheless his work brought him into conflict with<br />

anti-vivisectionists, people who believed that he was being<br />

cruel to animals and had no right to experiment on them.<br />

Having succeeded in vaccinating the dogs, <strong>Pasteur</strong> of<br />

course wanted to know if it would work with people. At<br />

first he did not dare to find out. It would be terrible if the<br />

vaccine failed, and someone died of rabies given to them<br />

during the experiment. It would amount to murder-and<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s reputation would be ruined.<br />

He was, <strong>by</strong> now, a famous man, and many people took an<br />

·interest in what he was doing. He lived ata time when<br />

railways were built allover Europe. Suddenly travel had<br />

become easier and faster, not only for people but also for<br />

letters, newspapers, books. At the same time, high-speed<br />

printing was being perfected. News and new ideas were<br />

travelling much faster than ever before in history. The<br />

news that <strong>Pasteur</strong> was working on rabies had reached the<br />

remote French region of Alsace, and when, in July 1885,a<br />

nine-year-old boy called Joseph Meister was bitten<br />

fourteen times <strong>by</strong> a mad dog, his mother rushed with him to<br />

Paris as fast as she could. She brought Joseph to <strong>Pasteur</strong>,<br />

and begged the scientist to help her son.<br />


Statue at the<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> Institute<br />

of a shepherd boy<br />

killing a rabid dog<br />

38<br />

Everyone in the laboratory was in a terrible state. They did<br />

not know what to do. Should they try the vaccine, and risk<br />

Joseph's life and <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s reputation? <strong>Pasteur</strong> called in<br />

two doctors to examine the boy. They looked at the deep<br />

bites in his hands and said Joseph was very likely to die if<br />

not treated. So they made their decision. Under the<br />

supervision of Dr. Graucher they began the course of<br />

injections. For a few days everything went well. Then<br />

Joseph began to develop symptoms of rabies~ which grew<br />

worse with each new injection. After ten days everyone<br />

was in a state of great anxiety. <strong>Pasteur</strong> was sleeping badly<br />

and having nightmares. Then something terrible happened.<br />

Carrying a syringe full of virulent rabies microbes with<br />

which he was going to inject the boy, Dr. Graucher slipped<br />

and accidently jabbed it into his own leg. Now he would<br />

have to have the same treatment he was giving Joseph'.<br />

Two of the laboratory assistants begged him not to take<br />

the treatment; nobody knew yet if it worked. "Do you<br />

think that I would do this job every morning", Graucher<br />

replied calmly, "if I wasn't absolutely sure of the method?"<br />

In the argument that followed, Graucher was so persuasive<br />

that the two assistants ended up volunteering themselves<br />

as guinea-pigs for the trial of the vaccine. <strong>Pasteur</strong> then

<strong>Pasteur</strong> with a<br />

group of English<br />

children who had<br />

been bi"en <strong>by</strong><br />

dogs and sent to<br />

him for<br />

inoculation<br />

insisted that he too be vaccinated, but nobody would hear<br />

of it. In the end Graucher and the two assistants<br />

underwent the fourteen-day course of injections, giving<br />

them to each other.<br />

Joseph Meister, Graucher and the assistants all survived.<br />

The news of the success with the boy was announced to the<br />

public-but the story of Dr. Graucher's accident and the<br />

trial of the vaccine on the two healthy assistants was kept<br />

secret for a long time.<br />

People who were bitten <strong>by</strong> rabid animals began arriving in<br />

Paris, asking for treatment. They came not only from<br />

France but from other countries too. <strong>Pasteur</strong> was hailed as<br />

a hero, but not everyone was convinced that the treatment<br />

was safe. As usual, there were some people waiting to see<br />

him proved wrong. Their chance came, only four months<br />

after the success with Joseph Meister. A ten-year-old girl,<br />

<strong>Louis</strong>e Pelletier, was brought to <strong>Pasteur</strong> <strong>by</strong> her parents<br />

thirty-seven days after being bitten. <strong>Pasteur</strong> knew it was<br />

probably too late for the treatment to work, but <strong>Louis</strong>e's<br />

parents pleaded and wept. So, in the end, he went ahead<br />

and treated her. She returned home after the treatment,<br />

went back to school-and after only a few days showed<br />

signs of rabies, went into convulsions and died.<br />


The <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

Institute<br />

40<br />

The news of this failure spread as fast as the previous news<br />

of success. The newspapers no longer called <strong>Pasteur</strong> a life<br />

saver; now he was a murderer. A fierce argument followed.<br />

Some political and medical journals set up a campaign<br />

against <strong>Pasteur</strong>, and the anti-vivisectionists joined in.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> and his assistants were worked off their feet<br />

running a clinic for the people who were still arriving in<br />

large numbers for treatment. In the 15months after Joseph<br />

Meister was treated, 2,490people received the vaccine. At<br />

the same time <strong>Pasteur</strong> had to respond to the critics and<br />

their accusations. He pointed to the statistics-out of 350<br />

people treated, only 1 had died. By July he reported only 10<br />

failures out of the 1,726 French people treated. The<br />

expected death-rate from bites <strong>by</strong> rabid dogs was 16 out of<br />

every 100 people bitten. Still his opponents were not<br />

satisfied. They argued that most people who were bitten<br />

never developed rabies anyway, and that <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s<br />

treatment involved the risk of giving rabies to people who<br />

might never have got it at all. They accused him of not<br />

giving the treatment an adequate trial before using it on<br />

people. To make matters worse, there was no other<br />

laboratory in Europe equipped to repeat <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s<br />

experiments and judge how well they worked.

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s tomb at<br />

the <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

Institute<br />

Finally, in 1887, the English Commission on Rabies<br />

published their report, confirming <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s findings and<br />

the effectiveness of his treatment.<br />

The fuss died down. Public confidence in <strong>Pasteur</strong>'s work<br />

was such that money began pouring in, making it possible<br />

to set up an institute for the treatment of rabies and<br />

investigations into other diseases. In 1888 the <strong>Pasteur</strong><br />

Institute opened in Paris. Later it was to expand, opening<br />

branches in many parts of the world.<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong> had always been a fighter, but he was in his sixties<br />

now, and this last, fierce battle had worn him out. He no<br />

longer had the energy to push forward to new ideas. In<br />

1887he suffered another attack of paralysis. He lived for a<br />

few years more, but his years of great scientific creativity<br />

were over.<br />


42<br />

Before his success with rabies, <strong>Pasteur</strong> had made a second<br />

attempt to find the microbe that causes cholera, and again<br />

failed. It was left to others to succeed. In the twenty years<br />

following his discovery of the anthrax bacillus many other<br />

microbes causing disease were identified, <strong>by</strong> people using<br />

<strong>Pasteur</strong>'s theories. Much remains still to be learned.

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