Highlights of the Didymellaceae - Studies in Mycology

Highlights of the Didymellaceae - Studies in Mycology

Highlights of the Didymellaceae - Studies in Mycology


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AveSkAMp et al.<br />

Specimens exam<strong>in</strong>ed: The Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands, Boskoop, from Viburnum opulus, 1984,<br />

G.H. Boerema, CBS 100354 = PD 83/448; from Lonicera sp., 1993, J. de Gruyter,<br />

CBS 101211 = PD 93/838.<br />

Boeremia foveata (Foister) Aveskamp, Gruyter & Verkley,<br />

comb. nov. MycoBank MB515653.<br />

Basionym: Phoma foveata Foister, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc.<br />

Ed<strong>in</strong>burgh 33: 66. 1940.<br />

Specimens exam<strong>in</strong>ed: Bulgaria, from a tuber <strong>of</strong> Solanum tuberosum, 1994, J. de<br />

Gruyter, CBS 109176 = CECT 2828 = PD 94/1394. U.K., from a tuber <strong>of</strong> Solanum<br />

tuberosum, Mar. 1937, C.E. Foister, ex-isotype culture CBS 200.37; Nor<strong>the</strong>rn<br />

Ireland, Belfast, from a tuber <strong>of</strong> Solanum tuberosum, 1966, C. Logan, CBS 341.67<br />

= CECT 20055 = IMI 331912.<br />

Boeremia hedericola (Durieu & Mont.) Aveskamp, Gruyter<br />

& Verkley, comb. nov. MycoBank MB515634.<br />

Basionym: Phyllosticta hedericola Durieu & Mont., Flore d’Algérie<br />

Cryptog. 1: 611. 1849.<br />

≡ Phoma hedericola (Durieu & Mont.) Boerema, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc.<br />

67: 295. 1976.<br />

Specimens exam<strong>in</strong>ed: The Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands, Meppel, from a leaf <strong>of</strong> Hedera helix, 1970,<br />

CBS 366.91 = PD 70/811; from Hedera helix, 1987, J. de Gruyter, CBS 367.91 =<br />

PD 87/229.<br />

Note: Stra<strong>in</strong> CBS 367.91 is sterile.<br />

Boeremia lycopersici (Cooke) Aveskamp, Gruyter &<br />

Verkley, comb. nov. MycoBank MB515635.<br />

Basionym: Phoma lycopersici Cooke, Grevelia 13: 94. 1885.<br />

Teleomorph: Didymella lycopersici Kleb., Z. Pflanzenkrankh. 31: 9.<br />

1921.<br />

Specimens exam<strong>in</strong>ed: The Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands, Heerde, from fruit <strong>of</strong> Lycopersicon<br />

esculentum, Aug. 1967, G.H. Boerema, CBS 378.67 = PD 76/276; from Lycopersicon<br />

esculentum, 1984, J. de Gruyter, CBS 109172 = PD 84/143.<br />

Boeremia noackiana (Allesch.) Aveskamp, Gruyter &<br />

Verkley, comb. nov. MycoBank MB515636.<br />

Basionym: Phyllosticta noackiana Allesch., Bol. Inst. Agron.<br />

Camp<strong>in</strong>as 9: 85. 1898.<br />

≡ Phoma exigua var. noackiana (Allesch.) Aa, Boerema & Gruyter,<br />

Persoonia 17: 450. 2000.<br />

For a complete description see Van der Aa et al. (2000).<br />

Specimens exam<strong>in</strong>ed: Colombia, from Phaseolus vulgaris, 1979, J. de Gruyter,<br />

CBS 101203 = PD 79/1114. Guatemala, from Phaseolus vulgaris, 1987, IPO<br />

Wagen<strong>in</strong>gen, CBS 100353 = PD 87/718.<br />

Notes: Boeremia noackiana is genetically a sister species to B.<br />

diversispora, and was also noted by Boerema et al. (2004) as “<strong>the</strong><br />

American cous<strong>in</strong>”. Just like B. diversispora, <strong>the</strong> present species is<br />

known from beans, although <strong>the</strong> ma<strong>in</strong> host appears to be Phaseolus<br />

vulgaris. The two species have many characters <strong>in</strong> common with B.<br />

exigua (Van der Aa et al. 2000, Boerema et al. 2004) and with each<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r, but are dist<strong>in</strong>guished based on enzyme analysis (Obando-Rojas,<br />

1989) and molecular f<strong>in</strong>gerpr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g methods such as AFLP (Abeln et al.<br />

2002) and DAF (Aveskamp et al. 2009b). Additionally, B. noackiana is<br />

characterised by a relative fast growth rate on MEA: (6–)6.5–7.5 mm<br />

diam after 7 d, and is fur<strong>the</strong>r dist<strong>in</strong>guished from B. diversispora by its<br />

relatively uniform conidia. Due to <strong>the</strong> relatively large genetical distance<br />

to <strong>the</strong> B. exigua complex, this taxon is elevated to species level.<br />

Boeremia sambuci-nigrae (Sacc.) Aveskamp, Gruyter &<br />

Verkley, comb. nov. MycoBank MB515637.<br />

40<br />

Basionym: Phoma herbarum f. sambuci-nigrae Sacc., Syll. Fung.<br />

3: 133. 1884.<br />

≡ Phoma exigua var. sambuci-nigrae (Sacc.) Boerema & Höweler,<br />

Persoonia 5(1): 26. 1967.<br />

≡ Phoma sambuci-nigrae (Sacc.) E. Monte, Bridge & B. Sutton,<br />

Mycopathologia 115: 102. 1991.<br />

Specimens exam<strong>in</strong>ed: The Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands, Wagen<strong>in</strong>gen, from a leaf <strong>of</strong> Sambucus<br />

nigra, 1967, lectotype CBS H-16314, ex-lectotype culture CBS 629.68 = CECT<br />

20048 = IMI 331913 = PD 67/753; Baarn, Maarschalksbos, from a leaf <strong>of</strong> Sambucus<br />

nigra, Nov. 1967, H.A. van der Aa, CBS 104.68= CECT 20010; from Sambucus<br />

nigra, 1975, G.H. Boerema, CBS 109170 = PD 75/796.<br />

Boeremia strasseri (Moesz) Aveskamp, Gruyter & Verkley,<br />

comb. nov. MycoBank MB515638.<br />

Basionym: Phoma strasseri Moesz, Bot. Közlem. 22: 45. 1924.<br />

nom. nov. pro Phoma menthae Strasser, Verh. zool. Bot. Ges. Wien<br />

60: 317. 1910 [non Phoma menthae Roum. (date <strong>of</strong> publication<br />

unknown)].<br />

Specimens exam<strong>in</strong>ed: The Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands, Arnhem, from a stem <strong>of</strong> Mentha sp., 1973,<br />

CBS 126.93 = PD 73/642. U.S.A., Oregon, from Mentha piperita, 1970, H.A. van der<br />

Aa, CBS 261.92 = ATCC 244146 = PD 92/318.<br />

Note: As <strong>the</strong> older name Ph. menthae is illegitimate, <strong>the</strong> epi<strong>the</strong>t<br />

"strasseri" prevails.<br />

Boeremia telephii (Vestergr.) Aveskamp, Gruyter & Verkley,<br />

comb. nov. MycoBank MB515639.<br />

Basionym: Ascochyta telephii Vestergr., Öfvers. Förh. Kongl.<br />

Svenska Vetenska.-Akad. 54: 41. 1897.<br />

≡ Phoma telephii (Vestergr.) Kesteren, Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands J. Pl. Pathol. 78:<br />

117.1972.<br />

Specimens exam<strong>in</strong>ed: The Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands, Utrecht, from a stem <strong>of</strong> Sedum telephium,<br />

1971, G.H. Boerema, CBS 760.73 = PD 71/1616; from Sedum spectabile, 1975,<br />

G.H. Boerema, CBS 109175 = PD 79/524.<br />

Group O:<br />

Three species are clustered <strong>in</strong> group O, which all were<br />

accommodated <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Boeremaean section Phoma. These<br />

species, Ph. multirostrata, Ph. pereupyrena and Ph. <strong>in</strong>sulana are<br />

characterised by <strong>the</strong> production <strong>of</strong> small (5–15 μm diam), unicellular<br />

chlamydospores, comparable to those formed by some species <strong>in</strong><br />

group K. The absence <strong>of</strong> septate conidia and a th<strong>in</strong> pycnidial wall<br />

are fur<strong>the</strong>r characters <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> species accommodated <strong>in</strong> group O.<br />

The stra<strong>in</strong>s accommodated <strong>in</strong> Ph. multirostrata reveal a<br />

high variation <strong>in</strong> spore size. Boerema et al. (1986) <strong>in</strong>troduced<br />

three varieties with<strong>in</strong> this species, but based on morphological<br />

observations and DNA sequence analyses, <strong>the</strong>se varieties were<br />

not recognised by later researchers and thus <strong>the</strong> varieties were<br />

merged aga<strong>in</strong> (Morgan-Jones 1988, Aveskamp et al. 2009a).<br />

Phoma <strong>in</strong>sulana (Mont.) Boerema & Malathr., <strong>in</strong> Boerema,<br />

Verslagen Meded. Plziektenk. Dienst Wagen<strong>in</strong>gen 158<br />

(Jaarboek 1981): 28. 1982.<br />

Basionym: Phyllosticta <strong>in</strong>sulana Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. IV 5:<br />

343.1856.<br />

Specimen exam<strong>in</strong>ed: Greece, from <strong>the</strong> berries <strong>of</strong> Olea europaea, 1980, G.H.<br />

Boerema, CBS 252.92 = PD 80/1144.<br />

Phoma multirostrata (P.N. Mathur, S.K. Menon & Thirum.)<br />

Dorenb. & Boerema, Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 50(3): 256.<br />

1973, emend. Aveskamp et al. Mycologia 101: 375. 2009.

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