AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox


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PASTE (3T) (AT&T UNIX PC only ) PASTE ( 3T )<br />

NAME paste - paste buffer utilities<br />


#include < pbf.h ><br />

FILE *pb_open()<br />

int pb_check(stream)<br />

FILE *stream;<br />

int pb_seek(stream)<br />

FILE *stream;<br />

int pb_empty(stream)<br />

FILE *stream;<br />

char *pb_name()<br />

int pb_puts(ptr,stream)<br />

char *ptr;<br />

FILE *stream;<br />

int pb_weof(stream)<br />

FILE *stream;<br />

char *pb_gets(ptr, n, stream)<br />

char *ptr;<br />

int n;<br />

FILE *stream;<br />

int pb_gbuf(ptr, n, fn, stream)<br />

char *ptr;<br />

int n;<br />

int (*fn) ();<br />

FILE *stream;<br />

char * adf_gtwrd(sptr, dptr)<br />

char *sptr, *dptr;<br />

char * adf_gtxcd(sptr, dptr)<br />

char *sptr, *dptr;<br />

int adf_gttok(ptr, tbl)<br />

char *ptr;<br />

struct s_kwtbl *tbl;<br />


Pb_open opens the paste buffer file and associates a stream with<br />

it. Pb_open returns a pointer to the FILE structure associated<br />

with the stream.<br />

Pb_check determines if the paste buffer file associated with<br />

stream contains any data, and returns TRUE if the paste buffer<br />

is not empty, and FALSE otherwise.<br />

Pb_seek scans the paste buffer file from the beginning for the end<br />

of file, and then seeks to that displacement. It sets up the paste<br />

buffer for appending.<br />

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