AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox


MENU (3T) (AT&T UNIX PC only ) FILES /usr /include/menu.h fusr /include/kcodes.h SEE ALSO form(3T), tam(3T). MENU(3T} DIAGNOSTICS Menu returns non-negative keyboard codes (see kcodes.h) when keyboard input terminated the menu interaction. Other return values signal more serious errors and are defined in menu.h. - 6 -

MESSAGE ( 3T ) ( AT&T UNIX PC only ) MESSAGE ( 3T ) NAME message - display error and help messages SYNOPSIS #include int message(mtype, hfile, htitle, format [, arg ] ••• ) int mtype; char *hfile, *htitle, *format; int exhelp(hfile, htitle) char *hfile, *htitle; DESCRIPTION Message formats the passed message a Ia print! and displays the message in a window that message creates. The message is automatically wrapped to fit within the dimensions of the window, and may contain embedded newlines. Message then waits for user input and returns the character read to the caller. Mtype can have one of the following values: MTJ:IELP Displays help message MT_ERROR Displays error message MT_POPUP Displays a popup window MT_QUIT Displays error message with cancel option MT_CONFIRM Displays confirmation message MT_INFO Displays informational message All message types except MT_POPUP display the available choices (ENTER, CANCL, or HELP) and beep any other keys. The MTJNFO message type takes the first line of the message and uses it as the window label. When HELP is selected, message executes uahelp , passing it hfile and htitle as the help file name and initial help display title. Message then waits for uahelp to return. If hfile is NULL, then the HELP choice is not offered or accepted. Ezhelp executes uahelp directly, without going through an intermediate help display. In both cases, if hfile is a full path name then it is passed to uahelp as is, otherwise the pathname Jusrflibfua is assumed. EXAMPLES To print an error message when a file isn't found: message(MT_ERROR, "ua.hlp", "System errors", "%s not found", name); If the user presses the Help key in response to this message, then uahelp will display the page on system errors in the user agent help file. - 1 -

MENU (3T) (AT&T UNIX PC only )<br />

FILES<br />

/usr /include/menu.h<br />

fusr /include/kcodes.h<br />

SEE ALSO<br />

form(3T), tam(3T).<br />

MENU(3T}<br />


Menu returns non-negative keyboard codes (see kcodes.h) when<br />

keyboard input terminated the menu interaction. Other return<br />

values signal more serious errors and are defined in menu.h.<br />

- 6 -

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