AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox


CTIME (3C) CTIME(3C) The external long variable timezone contains the difference, in seconds, between GMT and local standard time (in EST, timezone is 5*60*60); the external variable daylight is non-zero if and only if the standard U.S.A. Daylight Savings Time conversion should be applied. The program knows about the peculiarities of this conversion in 1974 and 1975; if necessary, a table for these years � 1 can be extended. I If an environment variable named TZ is present, asctime uses the contents of the variable to override the default time zone. The value of TZ must be a three-letter time zone name, followed by a number representing the difference between local time and Greenwich Mean Time in hours, followed by an optional threeletter name for a daylight time zone. For example, the setting for New Jersey would be ESTiiEDT. The effects of setting TZ are thus to change the values of the external variables timezone and daylight; in addition, the time zone names contained in the external variable char •tzname[2] = { "EST", "EDT" }; are set from the environment variable TZ. The function tzset sets these external variables from TZ; tzset is called by asctime and may also be called explicitly by the user. Note that in most installations, TZ is set by default when the user logs on, to a value in the local /etc/ profile file (see profile(4)). ��0 � time(2), getenv(3C), profile( 4), environ(5). 1 BUGS The return values point to static data whose content is overwritten by each call. - 2- ·� !

CTYPE ( 3C ) CTYPE ( 3C ) NAME isalpha, isupper, islower, isdigit, isxdigit, isalnum, isspace, ispunct, isprint, isgraph, iscntrl, isascii - classify characters SYNOPSIS #include < ctype.h > int isalpha (c) int c; DESCRIPTION These macros classify character-coded integer values by table lookup. Each is a predicate returning nonzero for true, zero for false. Isascii is defined on all integer values; the rest are defined only where isascii is true and on the single non-ASCII value EOF ( -1 - see stdio(3S)). is alpha isupper islower is digit isxdigit isalnum isspace ispunct is print is graph iscntrl c is a letter. c is an upper-case letter. c is a lower-case letter. c is a digit [0-9] . c is a hexadecimal digit [0-9], [A-F] or [a-f] . c is an alphanumeric (letter or digit). c is a space, tab, carriage return, new-line, vertical tab, or form-feed. c is a punctuation character (neither control nor alphanumeric). c is a printing character, code 040 (space) through 0176 (tilde). c is a printing character, like isprint except false for space. c is a delete character (0177) or an ordinary control character (less than 040). c is an ASCII character, code less than 0200. isascii DIAGNOSTICS If the argument to any of these macros is not in the domain of the function, the result is undefined. SEE ALSO ascii(S). - 1 -

CTIME (3C) CTIME(3C)<br />

The external long variable timezone contains the difference, in<br />

seconds, between GMT and local standard time (in EST, timezone<br />

is 5*60*60); the external variable daylight is non-zero if and only<br />

if the standard U.S.A. Daylight Savings Time conversion should<br />

be applied. The program knows about the peculiarities of this<br />

conversion in 1974 and 1975; if necessary, a table for these years � 1<br />

can be extended.<br />

I<br />

If an environment variable named TZ is present, asctime uses the<br />

contents of the variable to override the default time zone. The<br />

value of TZ must be a three-letter time zone name, followed by a<br />

number representing the difference between local time and<br />

Greenwich Mean Time in hours, followed by an optional threeletter<br />

name for a daylight time zone. For example, the setting for<br />

New Jersey would be ESTiiEDT. The effects of setting TZ are<br />

thus to change the values of the external variables timezone and<br />

daylight; in addition, the time zone names contained in the external<br />

variable<br />

char •tzname[2] = { "EST", "EDT" };<br />

are set from the environment variable TZ. The function tzset sets<br />

these external variables from TZ; tzset is called by asctime and<br />

may also be called explicitly by the user.<br />

Note that in most installations, TZ is set by default when the user<br />

logs on, to a value in the local /etc/ profile file (see profile(4)).<br />

��0 �<br />

time(2), getenv(3C), profile( 4), environ(5). 1<br />

BUGS<br />

The return values point to static data whose content is overwritten<br />

by each call.<br />

- 2-<br />

·�<br />


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