AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox


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SPELL ( 1) SPELL (l)<br />

NAME<br />

spell, hashmake, spellin, hashcheck - find spelling errors<br />


spell [ -v ] [ -b ] [ -x ] [ -1 ] [ +local_file ] [ files ]<br />

/usr/lib/spell/hashmake<br />

jusr/lib/spell/spellin n<br />

/usr/lib/spell/hashcheck spelling_list<br />


Spell collects words from the named files and looks them up in a<br />

spelling list. Words that neither occur among nor are derivable<br />

(by applying certain inflections, prefixes, and/or suffixes) from<br />

words in the spelling list are printed on the standard output. If<br />

no files are named, words are collected from the standard input.<br />

Spell ignores most nroff(l), tbl(l), and eqn(l) constructions.<br />

Under the -v option, all words not literally in the spelling list are<br />

printed, and plausible derivations from the words in the spelling<br />

list are indicated.<br />

Under the -b option, British spelling is checked. Besides preferring<br />

centre, colour, programme, speciality , traveled, etc., this<br />

option insists upon -ise in words like standardise, Fowler and the<br />

OED to the contrary notwithstanding.<br />

Under the -x option, every plausible stem is printed with = for<br />

each word.<br />

By default, spell (like deroff(l)) follows chains of included files<br />

( .so and .nx troff requests), unless the names of such included files<br />

begin with /usr/lib. Under the -1 option, spell will follow the<br />

chains of all included files.<br />

Under the +local_file option, words found in local_file are<br />

removed from spell 's output. Local_file is the name of a userprovided<br />

file that contains a sorted list of words, one per line.<br />

With this option, the user can specify a set of words that are<br />

correct spellings (in addition to spell 's own spelling list) for each<br />

job.<br />

The spelling list is based on many sources, and while more haphazard<br />

than an ordinary dictionary, is also more effective with<br />

respect to proper names and popular technical words. Coverage of<br />

the specialized vocabularies of biology, medicine, and chemistry is<br />

light.<br />

Pertinent auxiliary files may be specified by name arguments, indicated<br />

below with their default settings (see FILES). Copies of all<br />

output are accumulated in the history file. The stop list filters out<br />

misspellings (e.g., thier=thy-y+ier) that would otherwise pass.<br />

Three routines help maintain and check the hash lists used by<br />

spell :<br />

hashmake Reads a list of words from the standard input and<br />

writes the corresponding nine-digit hash code on the<br />

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