AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox


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KSH ( 1 )<br />

KSH(l)<br />

-s If the -s flag is present or if no arguments remain then<br />

commands are read from the standard input. Shell<br />

output, except for the output of some of the special<br />

commands listed above, is written to file descriptor 2.<br />

-i If the -i flag is present or if the shell input and output<br />

are attached to a terminal then this shell is interactive<br />

. In this case TERMINATE is ignored (so that kill<br />

0 does not kill an interactive shell) and INTERRUPT<br />

is caught and ignored (so that wait is interruptible).<br />

In all cases, QUIT is ignored by the shell.<br />

-r If the -r flag is present the shell is a restricted shell.<br />

The remaining flags and arguments are described under the set<br />

command above.<br />


Errors detected by the shell, such as syntax errors, cause the shell<br />

to return a non-zero exit status. If the shell is being used noninteractively<br />

then execution of the shell file is abandoned. Otherwise,<br />

the shell returns the exit status of the last command executed<br />

(see also the exit command above).<br />

Fll..ES<br />

/etcfpasswd<br />

fetcfprofile<br />

$HOMEf.profile<br />

/tmp/sh*<br />

/devfnull<br />

SEE ALSO<br />

cat( l), cd( l), echo(l), env(l), newgrp(l), test(l), umask( l), vi(l),<br />

dup(2), exec(2), fork(2), pipe(2), signa1(2), umask(2), ulimit(2),<br />

wait(2), rand(3C), a.out(4), profile(4), environ(S). If a command<br />

which is a tracked alias is executed, and then a command with the<br />

same name is installed in a directory in the search path before the<br />

directory where the original command was found, the shell will<br />

continue to exec the original command. Use the -t option of the<br />

alias command to correct this situation.<br />

If you move the current directory or one above it, pwd may not<br />

give the correct response. Use the cd command with a full path<br />

name to correct this situation.<br />

Some very old shell scripts contain a A as a synonym for the pipe<br />

character 1-<br />

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