AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox


©1986, 1985 AT&T All Rights Reserved Printed in USA NOTICE The information in this document is subject to change without notice. AT&T assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

---- -- -- -- - Important Information, Version 3.51 AT&T UNIX PC Utilities· Version 3.5.1 This section contains important information for using the UNIX Utilities version 3.51. Please review this section before using the UNIX Utilities and keep it with your AT&TUNIX ® PC User' s Manual. NEW FEATURES: 1. New Manual Pages The following is a list of manual pages which were not included in the previous release. The entries for these manual pages will be found neither in the Table of Contents nor the Permuted Index of the User' s Manual. 470(1) checkmm(l) hfc_ct1(1) jterm(1) layers(5) neqn(1) xtd(lM) xtt(1M) 2. 132-Character Font 478(1) convert(1) hplj(1) jwin(1) man(l) nterm(5) xts(lM) arconvert(1) fx(l) ismpx(l) layers(1) ndx(1) subj(1) xt(7) A 132-Character font which is described in the file !usr!lib!wfont!PLAIN.R.E.ll.A, is now available. It is installed when you install the Asynchronous Terminal Emulator. 3. arconvert, convert (1) convert (1) is now included with UNIX Utilities. A shell script arconvert (1) provides a simpler interface for using this tool. See the manual page for more information. Important Information 1

©1986, 1985 AT&T<br />

All Rights Reserved<br />

Printed in USA<br />

NOTICE<br />

The information in this document is subject to change without<br />

notice. AT&T assumes no responsibility for any errors that may<br />

appear in this document.

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