AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox


Permuted In dex temporary file. tmpnam, tempnam: create a name Cor a tmplile: create a temporary file. . • • . • • tempnam: create a name Cor a temporary file. tmpnam, . . terminals. term: conventional names Cor data base. termcap: terminal capability Cor the Tektronix 4014 terminal. 4014: paginator functions or the DASI 450 terminal. 4&0: handle special library or calls that supports terminal access,. tam: a termcap: terminal capability data base. generate file name Cor terminal. ctermid: • . • . . async_main: vt100, b613 terminal emulation program. greek: select terminal filter. dial: establish an out-going terminal line connection. tset: set terminal modes. . . . . clear: clear terminal screen. • . • • getty. gettydefs: speed and terminal settings used by stty: set the options Cor a terminal. tabs: set tabs on a terminal. • • • • • • • isatty: lind name of a terminal. ttyname, functions of DASI 300 and 300s terminals. /handle special oC HP 2640 and 2621-series terminals. /special functions tty: get the terminal's name. term: conventional names Cor terminals. • . • • • • • file transfer program Cor CP fM terminals. umodem: remote kill: terminate a process. exit, _exit: terminate process. • • . Cor child process to stop or terminate. wait: wait command. test: condition evaluation ed, red: text editor. ex, edit: text editor. • . • ted: screen-oriented text editor. • • • change the format or a text file. newform: Cspec: format specification in text Iiles. . • • . /checkeq: format mathematical text Cor nroff or troff. prepare constant-width text Cor troff. cw, checkcw: nroff: format text. • • • • . • • • • . plock: lock process, text, or data in memory. binary search trees. tsearch, tlind, tdelete, twalk: manage time: time a command. time: get time. prolil: execution time profile. up an environment at login time. profile: setting scrset: set screen save time. stime: set time. time: time a command. time: get time. tzset: convert date and Ume to string. fasctime, clock: report CPU time used. • • • • . • process times. times: get process and child update access and modification times of a file. touch: get process and child process Urnes. times: . • . • • . file access and modification times. utime: set file. tmplile: create a temporary Cor a temporary file. tmpnam, tempnam: create a name /tolower, _toupper, _tolower, toascii: translate characters. popen, pclose: initiate pipe to/from a process. • • • • toupper, tolower, _toupper, _tolower, toascii: translate/ toascii: translate/ toupper, tolower, _toupper, _tolower, - 30 - tmpnam(3S) tmplile(3S) tmpnam(3S) term(o) termcap(o) 4014(1) 460(1) tam(3t) termcap(o) ctermid(3S) async_main(1C) greek(1) dia1(3C) tset(1) clear(1) gettydefs( 4) stty(1) tabs(1) ttyname(3C) 300{1) hp(1) tty(1) term(o) umodem(1) kill{1) exit(2) wait(2) test(1) ed(1) ex(1) ted(1) newform(1) fspec(4) eqn(1) cw(1) nroff(1) plock(2) tsearch( 3C) time(1) time(2) prolil{2) prolile{4) scrset(1) stime(2) time(1) time(2) ctime{3C) clock(3C) times(2) touch(1) times(2) utime(2) tmplile{3S) tmpnam(3S) conv(3C) popen{3S) conv{3C) conv{3C)

tsort: topologica.l sort. • . . • • modification times of a file. touch: update access and . translate/ toupper, tolower, _toupper, _tolower, toascii: _tolower, toascii: translate/ toupper, tolower, _toupper, tr: translate characters. ptrace: process trace. . . . . . • . . . track: track mouse motion. • • . track: track mouse motion. umodem: remote file transfer program for ep /M/ / _toupper, _tolower, toascii: translate characters. tr: translate characters. ftw: a file tree. . • • • • • . twalk: manage binary search trees. /tlind, tdelete, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2: trigonometric functions. /cos, constant-width text for troll". cw, checkcw: prepare • mathematical text for nrolf or trolf. fneqn, checkeq: format format tables for nrolf or trolf. tbl: • • • • • . • values. true, false: provide truth true, false: provide truth values. twalk: manage binary search/ tsearch, tlind, tdelete, tset: set termina.l modes. tsort: topological sort. tty: get the termina.l's name. graphics for the extended TIY-37 type-box. greek: . . a termina.l. ttyname, isatty: lind name of utmp file of the current/ ttyslot: lind the slot in the tsearch, tlind, tdelete, twalk: manage binary search/ file: determine file type. • • . • . . • • • . . for the extended TIY-37 type-box. greek: graphics types. types: primitive system data types: primitive system data types. • . • . . . • . . . graphs, and slides. mmt, mvt: typeset documents, view /localtime, gmtime, asctime, tzset: convert date and time/ Iiles. ua: user agent configuration process. uahelp: user agent help . special files. uaupd: update user agent getpw: get name from UID. • . • . • . • • limits. ulimit: get and set user • creation mask. umask: set and get file . mask. umask: set file-creation mode program for CP/M umodem: remote file transfer umount: unmount a file system. UNIX system. uname: get name of current . • UNIX system. uname: print name of current . file. unget: undo a previous get of an sees an sees file. unget: undo a previous get of into input stream. ungetc: push character back /seed48, lcong48: generate uniformly distributed/ • • . a file. uniq: report repeated lines in mktemp: make a unique file name. units: conversion program. execution. uux: UNIX-to-UNIX command uucp, uulog, uuname: UNIX-to-UNIX copy. uuto, uupick: public UNIX-to-UNIX file copy. entry. unlink: remove directory umount: unmount a file system. • Iiles. pack, peat, unpack: compress and expand times of a file. touch: update access and modification - 31 - Permuted Index tsort(l) touch(l) conv(3e) conv(3e) tr(l) ptrace(2) track(3t) track(3t) umodem(l) conv(3e) tr(l) ftw(3e) tsearch(3e) trig( 3M) cw(l) eqn(l) tbl(l) true(l) true(l) tsearch(3C) tset(l) tsort(l) tty(l) greek(5) ttyname(3e) ttyslot(3e) tsearch( 3e) file(l) greek(5) types(5) types(5) mmt(l) ctime(3e) ua(4) uahelp(l) uaupd(l) getpw(3e) ulimit(2) umask(2) umask(l) umodem(l) umount(2) uname(2) uname(l) unget(l) unget(l) ungetc(3S) drand48(3e) uniq(l) mktemp(3e) units(l) uux(le) uucp(le) uuto(le) unlink(2) umount(2) pack(l) touch(l)

tsort: topologica.l sort. • . . • •<br />

modification times of a file. touch: update access and .<br />

translate/ toupper, tolower, _toupper, _tolower, toascii:<br />

_tolower, toascii: translate/ toupper, tolower, _toupper,<br />

tr: translate characters.<br />

ptrace: process trace. . . . . . • . . .<br />

track: track mouse motion. • • .<br />

track: track mouse motion.<br />

umodem: remote file transfer program for ep /M/<br />

/ _toupper, _tolower, toascii: translate characters.<br />

tr: translate characters.<br />

ftw: a file tree. . • • • • • .<br />

twalk: manage binary search trees. /tlind, tdelete,<br />

tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2: trigonometric functions. /cos,<br />

constant-width text for troll". cw, checkcw: prepare •<br />

mathematical text for nrolf or trolf. fneqn, checkeq: format<br />

format tables for nrolf or trolf. tbl: • • • • • . •<br />

values. true, false: provide truth<br />

true, false: provide truth values.<br />

twalk: manage binary search/ tsearch, tlind, tdelete,<br />

tset: set termina.l modes.<br />

tsort: topological sort.<br />

tty: get the termina.l's name.<br />

graphics for the extended TIY-37 type-box. greek: . .<br />

a termina.l. ttyname, isatty: lind name of<br />

utmp file of the current/ ttyslot: lind the slot in the<br />

tsearch, tlind, tdelete, twalk: manage binary search/<br />

file: determine file type. • • . • . . • • • . .<br />

for the extended TIY-37 type-box. greek: graphics<br />

types. types: primitive system data<br />

types: primitive system data types. • . • . . . • . . .<br />

graphs, and slides. mmt, mvt: typeset documents, view<br />

/localtime, gmtime, asctime, tzset: convert date and time/<br />

Iiles. ua: user agent configuration<br />

process. uahelp: user agent help .<br />

special files. uaupd: update user agent<br />

getpw: get name from UID. • . • . • . • •<br />

limits. ulimit: get and set user •<br />

creation mask. umask: set and get file .<br />

mask. umask: set file-creation mode<br />

program for CP/M umodem: remote file transfer<br />

umount: unmount a file system.<br />

UNIX system. uname: get name of current . •<br />

UNIX system. uname: print name of current .<br />

file. unget: undo a previous get of an sees<br />

an sees file. unget: undo a previous get of<br />

into input stream. ungetc: push character back<br />

/seed48, lcong48: generate uniformly distributed/ • • .<br />

a file. uniq: report repeated lines in<br />

mktemp: make a unique file name.<br />

units: conversion program.<br />

execution. uux: UNIX-to-UNIX command<br />

uucp, uulog, uuname: UNIX-to-UNIX copy.<br />

uuto, uupick: public UNIX-to-UNIX file copy.<br />

entry. unlink: remove directory<br />

umount: unmount a file system. •<br />

Iiles. pack, peat, unpack: compress and expand<br />

times of a file. touch: update access and modification<br />

- 31 -<br />

Permuted Index<br />

tsort(l)<br />

touch(l)<br />

conv(3e)<br />

conv(3e)<br />

tr(l)<br />

ptrace(2)<br />

track(3t)<br />

track(3t)<br />

umodem(l)<br />

conv(3e)<br />

tr(l)<br />

ftw(3e)<br />

tsearch(3e)<br />

trig( 3M)<br />

cw(l)<br />

eqn(l)<br />

tbl(l)<br />

true(l)<br />

true(l)<br />

tsearch(3C)<br />

tset(l)<br />

tsort(l)<br />

tty(l)<br />

greek(5)<br />

ttyname(3e)<br />

ttyslot(3e)<br />

tsearch( 3e)<br />

file(l)<br />

greek(5)<br />

types(5)<br />

types(5)<br />

mmt(l)<br />

ctime(3e)<br />

ua(4)<br />

uahelp(l)<br />

uaupd(l)<br />

getpw(3e)<br />

ulimit(2)<br />

umask(2)<br />

umask(l)<br />

umodem(l)<br />

umount(2)<br />

uname(2)<br />

uname(l)<br />

unget(l)<br />

unget(l)<br />

ungetc(3S)<br />

drand48(3e)<br />

uniq(l)<br />

mktemp(3e)<br />

units(l)<br />

uux(le)<br />

uucp(le)<br />

uuto(le)<br />

unlink(2)<br />

umount(2)<br />

pack(l)<br />


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