AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox


Permuted In dex memset: memory/ memccpy, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, operations. memccpy, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memset: memory memccpy, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memset: memory/ free, realloc, calloc: main memory allocator. malloc, shmctl: shared memory control operations. queue, semaphore set or shared memory id. /remove a message memcmp, memcpy, memset: memory operations. jmemchr, shmop: shared memory operations. lock process, text, or data in memory. plock: . . . . . . shmget: get shared memory segment. /memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memset: memory operations. menus. menu: display and accept . . user. shform: displays menus and forms and returns menu: display and accept menus. . . . . . . . . . sort: sort and/or merge files. . . . . . . . . files or subsequent/ paste: merge same lines of several . mesg: permit or deny messages. msgctl: message control operations. help messages. message: display error and help messages. message: display error and msgop: message operations. msgget: get message queue. or shared/ ipcrm: remove a message queue, semaphore set eprintf: send a message to the status manager. mesg: permit or deny messages. display error and help messages. message: display error and help messages. message: sys_nerr: system error messages. /errno, sys_errlist, mkdir: make a directory. special or ordinary file. mknod: make a directory, or a name. mktemp: make a unique file formatting documents. mm: the MM macro package for . . . documents formatted with the MM macros. /print/check documents formatted with the/ mm, osdd, checkmm: print/check formatting documents. mm: tlie MM macro package for view graphs, and slides. mmt, mvt: typeset documents, table. mnttab: mounted file system chmod: change mode. umask: set file-creation mode mask. . . . • . . . . chmod: change mode of file. . . . . . . . modemcap: modem capability data base. data base. modemcap: modem capability tset: set terminal modes. . . . . . . . . . floating-point/ frexp, ldexp, modf: manipulate parts of touch: update access and modification times of a file. utime: set file access and modification times. profile. monitor: prepare execution filter for crt viewing. more, page: file perusal . with "optimal" cursor motion. /screen functions track: track mouse motion. . . . . . . . mount: mount a file system. mount: mount a file system. mnttab: mounted file system table. track: track mouse motion. cp, In, mv: copy, link or move files. !seek: move read/write file pointer. formatting a permuted index. mptx: the macro package for /erand48, lrand48, nrand48, . mrand48, jrand48, srand48,j - 20 - memory(3C) memory(3C) memory(3C) malloc(3C) shmctl(2) ipcrm(l) memory(3C) shmop(2) plock(2) shmget(2) memory(3C) menu(3t) shform(l) menu(3t) sort(l) paste(l) mesg(l) msgctl(2) message(l) message(3t) msgop(2) msgget(2) ipcrm(l) eprintf(3t) mesg(l) message(l) message(3t) perror(3C) mkdir(l) mknod(2) mktemp(3C) mm(5) mm(l) mm(l) mm(5) mmt(l) mnttab(4) chmod(l) umask(l) chmod(2) modemcap(5) modemcap(5) tset(l) frexp(3C) touch(l) utime(2) monitor(3C) more(l) curses(3) track(3t) mount(2) mount(2) mnttab(4) track(3t) cp(l) lseek(2) mptx(5) drand48(3C)

operations. msgctl: message control msgget: get message queue. msgop: message operations. cp, In, mv: copy, link or move files. graphs, and slides. mmt, mvt: typeset documents, view mathematical text for/ eqn, neqn, checkeq: format definitions for eqn and neqn. /special character a text file. newform: change the format of newgrp: log in to a new group. process. nice: change priority of a . priority. nice: run a command at low nl: line numbering filter. list. nlist: get entries from name object file. nm: print name list of common hangups and quits. nohup: run a command immune to setjmp, longjmp: non-local goto. . . . . . . drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48,/ nroff: format text. format mathematical text for nroff or troff. / checkeq: tbl: format tables for nroff or troff. constructs. deroff: remove nroff/troff, tbl, and eqn nl: line numbering filter. sputl, sgetl: access long numeric data in a machine/ ldfcn: common object file access routines. dump selected parts of an object file. dump: . . . ldopen, ldaopen: open a common object file for reading. number entries of a common object file function. /line ldaclose: close a common object file. ldclose, the file header of a common object file. ldfhread: read of a section of a common object file. /number entries file header of a common object file. /to the optional of a section of a common object file. /entries section header of a common object file. /indexed/named section of a common object file. /indexed/named symbol table entry of a common object file. /the index of a symbol table entry of a common object file. /read an indexed the symbol table of a common object file. /seek to number entries in a common object file. linenum: line nm: print name list of common object file. information for a common object file. /relocation . section header for a common object file. scnhdr: information from a common object file. /and line number format. syms: common object file symbol table file header for common object files. filehdr: ld: link editor for common object files. . . . . . print section sizes of common object files. size: find ordering relation for an object library. !order: od: octal dump. . . . . . od: octal dump. reading. ldopen, ldaopen: open a common object file for fopen, freopen, fdopen: open a stream. dup: duplicate an open file descriptor. open: open for reading or writing. writing. open: open for reading or . wrastop: pixel raster operations for bitmap/ . . memcmp, memcpy, memset: memory operations. memccpy, memchr, msgctl: message control operations. msgop: message operations. - 21 - Permuted Index msgctl(2) msgget(2) msgop(2) cp(l) mmt(l) eqn(l) eqnchar(5) new form(!) newgrp(l) nice(2) nice(!) nl(l) nlist(3C) nm(l) nohup(!) setjmp(3C) drand48(3C) nroff(l) eqn(l) tbl(l) deroff(l) nl(l) sputl(3X) ldfcn(4) dump(!) ldopen(3X) ldlread(3X) ldclose(3X) ldfhread(3X) ldlseek(3X) ldohseek(3X) ldrseek(3X) ldshread(3X) ldsseek(3X) ldtbindex(3X) ldtbread(3X) ldtbseek(3X) linenum(4) nm(l) reloc( 4) scnhdr(4) strip(!) syms(4) filehdr(4) ld(l) size(!) !order(!) od(l) od(l) ldopen(3X) fopen(3S) dup(2) open(2) open(2) wrastop(3t) memory(3C) msgctl(2) msgop(2)

operations. msgctl: message control<br />

msgget: get message queue.<br />

msgop: message operations.<br />

cp, In, mv: copy, link or move files.<br />

graphs, and slides. mmt, mvt: typeset documents, view<br />

mathematical text for/ eqn, neqn, checkeq: format<br />

definitions for eqn and neqn. /special character<br />

a text file. newform: change the format of<br />

newgrp: log in to a new group.<br />

process. nice: change priority of a .<br />

priority. nice: run a command at low<br />

nl: line numbering filter.<br />

list. nlist: get entries from name<br />

object file. nm: print name list of common<br />

hangups and quits. nohup: run a command immune to<br />

setjmp, longjmp: non-local goto. . . . . . .<br />

drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48,/<br />

nroff: format text.<br />

format mathematical text for nroff or troff. / checkeq:<br />

tbl: format tables for nroff or troff.<br />

constructs. deroff: remove nroff/troff, tbl, and eqn<br />

nl: line numbering filter.<br />

sputl, sgetl: access long numeric data in a machine/<br />

ldfcn: common object file access routines.<br />

dump selected parts of an object file. dump: . . .<br />

ldopen, ldaopen: open a common object file for reading.<br />

number entries of a common object file function. /line<br />

ldaclose: close a common object file. ldclose,<br />

the file header of a common object file. ldfhread: read<br />

of a section of a common object file. /number entries<br />

file header of a common object file. /to the optional<br />

of a section of a common object file. /entries<br />

section header of a common object file. /indexed/named<br />

section of a common object file. /indexed/named<br />

symbol table entry of a common object file. /the index of a<br />

symbol table entry of a common object file. /read an indexed<br />

the symbol table of a common object file. /seek to<br />

number entries in a common object file. linenum: line<br />

nm: print name list of common object file.<br />

information for a common object file. /relocation .<br />

section header for a common object file. scnhdr:<br />

information from a common object file. /and line number<br />

format. syms: common object file symbol table<br />

file header for common object files. filehdr:<br />

ld: link editor for common object files. . . . . .<br />

print section sizes of common object files. size:<br />

find ordering relation for an object library. !order:<br />

od: octal dump. . . . . .<br />

od: octal dump.<br />

reading. ldopen, ldaopen: open a common object file for<br />

fopen, freopen, fdopen: open a stream.<br />

dup: duplicate an open file descriptor.<br />

open: open for reading or writing.<br />

writing. open: open for reading or .<br />

wrastop: pixel raster operations for bitmap/ . .<br />

memcmp, memcpy, memset: memory operations. memccpy, memchr,<br />

msgctl: message control operations.<br />

msgop: message operations.<br />

- 21 -<br />

Permuted Index<br />

msgctl(2)<br />

msgget(2)<br />

msgop(2)<br />

cp(l)<br />

mmt(l)<br />

eqn(l)<br />

eqnchar(5)<br />

new form(!)<br />

newgrp(l)<br />

nice(2)<br />

nice(!)<br />

nl(l)<br />

nlist(3C)<br />

nm(l)<br />

nohup(!)<br />

setjmp(3C)<br />

drand48(3C)<br />

nroff(l)<br />

eqn(l)<br />

tbl(l)<br />

deroff(l)<br />

nl(l)<br />

sputl(3X)<br />

ldfcn(4)<br />

dump(!)<br />

ldopen(3X)<br />

ldlread(3X)<br />

ldclose(3X)<br />

ldfhread(3X)<br />

ldlseek(3X)<br />

ldohseek(3X)<br />

ldrseek(3X)<br />

ldshread(3X)<br />

ldsseek(3X)<br />

ldtbindex(3X)<br />

ldtbread(3X)<br />

ldtbseek(3X)<br />

linenum(4)<br />

nm(l)<br />

reloc( 4)<br />

scnhdr(4)<br />

strip(!)<br />

syms(4)<br />

filehdr(4)<br />

ld(l)<br />

size(!)<br />

!order(!)<br />

od(l)<br />

od(l)<br />

ldopen(3X)<br />

fopen(3S)<br />

dup(2)<br />

open(2)<br />

open(2)<br />

wrastop(3t)<br />

memory(3C)<br />

msgctl(2)<br />


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