AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox


Permuted In dex an archive/ ldahread: read the archive header or a member or tar: tape file archiver. • • maintainer Cor portable archives. /archive and library cpio: copy file archives in and out. varargs: handle variable argument list. • • • • formatted output or a varargs argument list. /print command. xargs: construct argument list(s) and execute getopt: get option letter from argument vector. expr: evaluate arguments as an expression. echo: echo arguments. • • . • be: arbitrary-precision arithmetic language. expr: evaluate arguments as an expression. as: assembler. • • • characters. asa: interpret ABA carriage control control characters. asa: interpret ASA carriage cfont: convert fonts to ASCII and vice-versa. ascii: map or ASCII character set. set. ascii: map or ASCII character long integer and base-64 ASCII string. /convert between number. atoC: convert ASCII string to floating-point and/ ctime, localtime, gmtime, asctime, tzset: convert date trigonometric/ sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2: help: ask Cor help. output. a.out: common assembler and link editor as: assembler. assertion. assert: verify program assert: verify program assertion. • • • • setbuC: assign buffering to a stream. terminal emulation program. async_main: vt100, b518 sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2: trigonometric/ cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2: trigonometric/ sin, floating-point number. atoC: convert ASCII string to double-precision/ strtod, atoC: convert string to integer. strtol, atol, atoi: convert string to integer. strtol, atol, atoi: convert string to wait: await completion or process. processing language. awk: pattern scanning and program. async_main: vt100, b518 terminal emulation ungetc: push character back into input stream. banner: make posters. modem capability data base. modemcap: terminal capability data base. termcap: between long integer and base-64 ASCII string. /convert (visual) display editor based on ex. /screen oriented portions or path names. basename, dirname: deliver arithmetic language. be: arbitrary-precision bdiff: big diff. cb: C program beautifier. jO, jl, jn, yO, yl, yn: Bessel functions . • • bfs: big file scanner. Cread, Cwrite: binary input/output. bsearch: binary search. • • • tfind, tdelete, twalk: manage binary search trees. tsearch, pixel raster operations Cor bitmap displays. wrastop: sum: print checksum and block count or a file. • • sync: update the super block. • • • • • • • space allocation. brk, sbrk: change data segment bsearch: binary search. - 2- ldahread(SX) tar(l) ar(l) cpio(l) varargs(5) vprintr(ss) xargs(l) getopt(SC) expr(l) echo(l) bc(l) expr(l) as(l) asa(l) asa(l) cfont(l) ascii(5) ascii(5) a641(8C) atoC(SC) ctime(SC) trig( 3M) help(l) a.out(4) as(l) assert(SX) assert(SX) setbuC(SS) async_main(lC) trig( 3M) trig( 3M) atoC(SC) strtod(SC) strtol(SC) strtol(SC) wait(l) awk(l) async_main(lC) ungetc(SS) banner(!) modemcap(5) termcap(5) a641(8C) vi(l) basename(l) bc(l) bdiff(l) cb(l) bessel(SM) bfs(l) Cread(SS) bsearch( SC) tsearch(SC) wrastop(St) sum(l) sync(l) brk(2) bsearch(SC)

� \ paste: paste buffer utilities. • • • • . . • stdio: standard buffered input/output package. setbuf: assign buffering to a stream. swab: swap bytes. cc - C compiler. . • . • cflow: generate C flow graph. • • • cpp: the C language preprocessor. cb: C program beautifier. lint: a C program checker. cxref: generate C program cross reference. cal: print calendar. de: desk calculator. . . • • . . • cal: print calendar. • • • • • . • • cu: call another UNIX system. data returned by stat system call. stat: . • • . . . . malloc, free, realloc, calloc: main memory allocator. intro: introduction to system calls and error numbers. Syslocal: local system calls. • • . • • • . . . . access,. tam: a library of calls that supports terminal to an LP line printer. lp, cancel: send/ cancel requests modemcap: modem capability data base. termcap: terminal capability data base. • . . pnch: file format for card images. . . • • • • asa: interpret .ASA carriage control characters. files. cat: concatenate and print cb: C program beautifier. • cc - C compiler. • . • • . cd: change working directory. commentary of an sees delta. cdc: change the delta ceiling, remainder,/ floor, ceil, fmod, fabs: floor, /ceil, fmod, fabs: floor, ceiling, remainder, absolute/ cflow: generate C flow graph. and vice-versa. cfont: convert fonts to ASCII delta: make a delta (change) to an sees file. pipe: create an interprocess channel. . . . . . . . . stream. ungetc: push character back into input • and neqn. eqnchar: special character definitions for eqn user. cuserid: get character login name of the /get char, fgetc, getw: get character or word from stream. fputchar, fputc, putw: put character or word on a stream. ascii: map of ASCII character set. . . . . interpret ASA carriage control characters. asa: . . . • • • _tolower, toascii: translate characters. / _toupper, • . • iscntrl, isascii: classify characters. /isprint, isgraph, tr: translate characters. directory. chdir: change working constant-width text for/ cw, checkcw: prepare text for nroff or/ eqn, neqn, checkeq: format mathematical lint: a C program checker. • . • • • . . . . systems processed by fsck. checklist: list of file formatted with the/ mm, osdd, checkmm: print/check documents file. sum: print checksum and block count of a chown, chgrp: change owner or group. times: get process and child process times. terminate. wait: wait for child process to stop or . . chmod: change mode. chmod: change mode of file. of a file. chown: change owner and group - 3- Permuted In dex paste(3t) stdio(3S) setbuf(3S) swab(3C) cc(l) cflow(l) cpp(l) cb(l) lint(l) cxref(l) cal(l) dc(l) cal(l) cu(lC) stat(S) malloc(3C) intro(2) syslocal(2) tam(3t) lp(l) modemcap(S) termcap(S) pnch(4) asa(l) cat(l) cb(l) cc(l) cd(l) cdc(l) floor( 3M) floor( 3M) cflow(l) cfont(l) delta.(l) pipe(2) ungetc(3S) eqnchar(S) cuserid(3S) getc(3S) putc(3S) ascii(S) asa(l) conv(3C) ctype(3C) tr(l) chdir(2) cw(l) eqn(l) lint(l) checklist( 4) mm(l) sum(l) chown(l) times(2) wait(2) chmod(l) chmod(2) chown(2)

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\<br />

paste: paste buffer utilities. • • • • . . •<br />

stdio: standard buffered input/output package.<br />

setbuf: assign buffering to a stream.<br />

swab: swap bytes.<br />

cc - C compiler. . • . •<br />

cflow: generate C flow graph. • • •<br />

cpp: the C language preprocessor.<br />

cb: C program beautifier.<br />

lint: a C program checker.<br />

cxref: generate C program cross reference.<br />

cal: print calendar.<br />

de: desk calculator. . . • • . . •<br />

cal: print calendar. • • • • • . • •<br />

cu: call another UNIX system.<br />

data returned by stat system call. stat: . • • . . . .<br />

malloc, free, realloc, calloc: main memory allocator.<br />

intro: introduction to system calls and error numbers.<br />

Syslocal: local system calls. • • . • • • . . . .<br />

access,. tam: a library of calls that supports terminal<br />

to an LP line printer. lp, cancel: send/ cancel requests<br />

modemcap: modem capability data base.<br />

termcap: terminal capability data base. • . .<br />

pnch: file format for card images. . . • • • •<br />

asa: interpret .ASA carriage control characters.<br />

files. cat: concatenate and print<br />

cb: C program beautifier. •<br />

cc - C compiler. • . • • .<br />

cd: change working directory.<br />

commentary of an sees delta. cdc: change the delta<br />

ceiling, remainder,/ floor, ceil, fmod, fabs: floor,<br />

/ceil, fmod, fabs: floor, ceiling, remainder, absolute/<br />

cflow: generate C flow graph.<br />

and vice-versa. cfont: convert fonts to ASCII<br />

delta: make a delta (change) to an sees file.<br />

pipe: create an interprocess channel. . . . . . . . .<br />

stream. ungetc: push character back into input •<br />

and neqn. eqnchar: special character definitions for eqn<br />

user. cuserid: get character login name of the<br />

/get char, fgetc, getw: get character or word from stream.<br />

fputchar, fputc, putw: put character or word on a stream.<br />

ascii: map of ASCII character set. . . . .<br />

interpret ASA carriage control characters. asa: . . . • • •<br />

_tolower, toascii: translate characters. / _toupper, • . •<br />

iscntrl, isascii: classify characters. /isprint, isgraph,<br />

tr: translate characters.<br />

directory. chdir: change working<br />

constant-width text for/ cw, checkcw: prepare<br />

text for nroff or/ eqn, neqn, checkeq: format mathematical<br />

lint: a C program checker. • . • • • . . . .<br />

systems processed by fsck. checklist: list of file<br />

formatted with the/ mm, osdd, checkmm: print/check documents<br />

file. sum: print checksum and block count of a<br />

chown, chgrp: change owner or group.<br />

times: get process and child process times.<br />

terminate. wait: wait for child process to stop or . .<br />

chmod: change mode.<br />

chmod: change mode of file.<br />

of a file. chown: change owner and group<br />

- 3-<br />

Permuted In dex<br />

paste(3t)<br />

stdio(3S)<br />

setbuf(3S)<br />

swab(3C)<br />

cc(l)<br />

cflow(l)<br />

cpp(l)<br />

cb(l)<br />

lint(l)<br />

cxref(l)<br />

cal(l)<br />

dc(l)<br />

cal(l)<br />

cu(lC)<br />

stat(S)<br />

malloc(3C)<br />

intro(2)<br />

syslocal(2)<br />

tam(3t)<br />

lp(l)<br />

modemcap(S)<br />

termcap(S)<br />

pnch(4)<br />

asa(l)<br />

cat(l)<br />

cb(l)<br />

cc(l)<br />

cd(l)<br />

cdc(l)<br />

floor( 3M)<br />

floor( 3M)<br />

cflow(l)<br />

cfont(l)<br />

delta.(l)<br />

pipe(2)<br />

ungetc(3S)<br />

eqnchar(S)<br />

cuserid(3S)<br />

getc(3S)<br />

putc(3S)<br />

ascii(S)<br />

asa(l)<br />

conv(3C)<br />

ctype(3C)<br />

tr(l)<br />

chdir(2)<br />

cw(l)<br />

eqn(l)<br />

lint(l)<br />

checklist( 4)<br />

mm(l)<br />

sum(l)<br />

chown(l)<br />

times(2)<br />

wait(2)<br />

chmod(l)<br />

chmod(2)<br />


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