AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox

AT&T UNIX™PC Unix System V Users Manual - tenox


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Permuted In dex<br />

an archive/ ldahread: read the archive header or a member or<br />

tar: tape file archiver. • •<br />

maintainer Cor portable archives. /archive and library<br />

cpio: copy file archives in and out.<br />

varargs: handle variable argument list. • • • •<br />

formatted output or a varargs argument list. /print<br />

command. xargs: construct argument list(s) and execute<br />

getopt: get option letter from argument vector.<br />

expr: evaluate arguments as an expression.<br />

echo: echo arguments. • • . •<br />

be: arbitrary-precision arithmetic language.<br />

expr: evaluate arguments as an expression.<br />

as: assembler. • • •<br />

characters. asa: interpret ABA carriage control<br />

control characters. asa: interpret ASA carriage<br />

cfont: convert fonts to ASCII and vice-versa.<br />

ascii: map or ASCII character set.<br />

set. ascii: map or ASCII character<br />

long integer and base-64 ASCII string. /convert between<br />

number. atoC: convert ASCII string to floating-point<br />

and/ ctime, localtime, gmtime, asctime, tzset: convert date<br />

trigonometric/ sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2:<br />

help: ask Cor help.<br />

output. a.out: common assembler and link editor<br />

as: assembler.<br />

assertion. assert: verify program<br />

assert: verify program assertion. • • • •<br />

setbuC: assign buffering to a stream.<br />

terminal emulation program. async_main: vt100, b518<br />

sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2: trigonometric/<br />

cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2: trigonometric/ sin,<br />

floating-point number. atoC: convert ASCII string to<br />

double-precision/ strtod, atoC: convert string to<br />

integer. strtol, atol, atoi: convert string to<br />

integer. strtol, atol, atoi: convert string to<br />

wait: await completion or process.<br />

processing language. awk: pattern scanning and<br />

program. async_main: vt100, b518 terminal emulation<br />

ungetc: push character back into input stream.<br />

banner: make posters.<br />

modem capability data base. modemcap:<br />

terminal capability data base. termcap:<br />

between long integer and base-64 ASCII string. /convert<br />

(visual) display editor based on ex. /screen oriented<br />

portions or path names. basename, dirname: deliver<br />

arithmetic language. be: arbitrary-precision<br />

bdiff: big diff.<br />

cb: C program beautifier.<br />

jO, jl, jn, yO, yl, yn: Bessel functions . • •<br />

bfs: big file scanner.<br />

Cread, Cwrite: binary input/output.<br />

bsearch: binary search. • • •<br />

tfind, tdelete, twalk: manage binary search trees. tsearch,<br />

pixel raster operations Cor bitmap displays. wrastop:<br />

sum: print checksum and block count or a file. • •<br />

sync: update the super block. • • • • • • •<br />

space allocation. brk, sbrk: change data segment<br />

bsearch: binary search.<br />

- 2-<br />

ldahread(SX)<br />

tar(l)<br />

ar(l)<br />

cpio(l)<br />

varargs(5)<br />

vprintr(ss)<br />

xargs(l)<br />

getopt(SC)<br />

expr(l)<br />

echo(l)<br />

bc(l)<br />

expr(l)<br />

as(l)<br />

asa(l)<br />

asa(l)<br />

cfont(l)<br />

ascii(5)<br />

ascii(5)<br />

a641(8C)<br />

atoC(SC)<br />

ctime(SC)<br />

trig( 3M)<br />

help(l)<br />

a.out(4)<br />

as(l)<br />

assert(SX)<br />

assert(SX)<br />

setbuC(SS)<br />

async_main(lC)<br />

trig( 3M)<br />

trig( 3M)<br />

atoC(SC)<br />

strtod(SC)<br />

strtol(SC)<br />

strtol(SC)<br />

wait(l)<br />

awk(l)<br />

async_main(lC)<br />

ungetc(SS)<br />

banner(!)<br />

modemcap(5)<br />

termcap(5)<br />

a641(8C)<br />

vi(l)<br />

basename(l)<br />

bc(l)<br />

bdiff(l)<br />

cb(l)<br />

bessel(SM)<br />

bfs(l)<br />

Cread(SS)<br />

bsearch( SC)<br />

tsearch(SC)<br />

wrastop(St)<br />

sum(l)<br />

sync(l)<br />

brk(2)<br />


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