Volume 39, 1993 AUTHOR INDEX - Clinical Chemistry

Volume 39, 1993 AUTHOR INDEX - Clinical Chemistry Volume 39, 1993 AUTHOR INDEX - Clinical Chemistry


pos. interference with the Jaff#{233} reaction by sulbactam(A), 1144 prelim. evaln. of an exptl. cm. chem. analyzer developed for space medicine, 37 quant anal. of the interaction between Ca ions and human serum, 202 quantg. Lp(a) particles containing various apo(a) isoforme by a monoclonal anti-ape(s) capture antibody and polyclonal anti-ape B detect. antibody sandwich enzyme imniunoassay, 1382 quant. 1147 urine chem. from rats and dogs(A), rate nephehometric assay of serum Lp(aXSN), 503 reported effects of hong-term storage on concs. of retinol, - carotene, and a-tocopheroh in serum or plasma summarized(SN), 1075 role of antibody valency in baptenheterologous immunoassays(SN), 879 selection of materials for interference studies(A), 1142 sequential ultracentrifugation micromethod for sapn. of serum lipoproteins and assays of lipids, apolipoprotein, and lipoprotein particles, 960 stability of intact hCG in serum, liq. whole blood, and dried whole-blood filter-paper spots: screening for Down syndrome by mess. of free -hCG subunit(SN), 1064 strength of signal, anal, variability, and predictive value of test reaults(L), 697 substantial urinary concs. of material resembling n-core fragment of hCG n-subunit in mid-menstrual cycle, 1857 testosterone conc. is increased in whole saliva, but not in ultrafiltrate after toothbrushing(SN), 519 total error assessment of 5 methods for cholesterol screening (SN), 297 transcriptional activn. of the estrogen receptor(S), 341 variability of lipid mess.: relevance for the clinician(S), 1495 within-and between-subject bioh. variations of PSI!, LI!, testosterone, and sex-hormone-binding 1723 globulin in men(SN), Vasculitis overtraining in neural networks that interpret chin, data(S), 1998 Vasopressin change in arginine vasopressin conca. with age(L), 2023 Ventricular arrhythmlas increased T4 into T3 peripheral conversion in patients with ventricular arrhythmias(A), 1165 Videotape review How to Use and Calibrate Liq.-in-Glaas Thermometers, 922 VIinfluence of vigabatrin on ALAT acty. meas.(A), 1142 Vicuses See also Hepatitis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus monitoring both serum amyloid protein A and C-reactive protein as inflammatory markers in infect. dia.(SN), 293 Vitamin A serum and amniotic fluid conca, of vitamins A, C, and E in smokers and nonsmokera(A), 1198 simult. deta. of vitamins A and E and carotenoids in plasma by reversed-phase HPLC in elderly and younger suhects, 2229 solid-phase eztn. protocol for isolating retinoh-d4 and retinol from plasma for parallel processing for epidemiological studies(SN), 2318 stability of vitamin A circulating complex in spots of dried serum samples absorbed onto filter paper(L), 1744 Vitamin B, anal. inaccuracy for folic acid with a popular comm. vitamin B15/folate kit(L), 2209 anal, of myeloma patients’ specimens by CEDIA, 701 automated chemiluminescent assay for vitamin B on Access immunoassay system(A), 1270 chemiluminascence receptor assay for vitamin B12, avidin bead capture(A), 1146 develop, of CEDIA No Boil vitamin B12 assay for Roche Cobas Micra(A), 1260 effect of light on serum Brs and folate stability(L), 913 enzyme assay for quant. of vitamin Technicon Immuno 1 system(A), B12 on 1250 evain. of automated folate, vitamin B13, and ferritin chemiluminescence assays of Ciba-Corning ACS-180 (A), 1215 nonisotopic vitamin B assay for Vista immunoaasay(A), 1263 performance evaln. of Baxter Stratus vitamin B12 and fohic acid aasays(A), 1206 Vitamin C serum and amniotic fluid conca. of vitamins A, C, and E in smokers and nonsmokera(A), 1198 Vitamin D comm. kits for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D compared 1086 with hiq.-chromatog. aasay(SN), detn, of vitamin D status by RIA with an ‘261-labehed tracer(SN), 529 vitamin D, Ca, and colon cancer(A), 1311 Vitamin E serum and amniotic fluid concs. of vitamins A, C, and E in smokers and nonsmokers(A), 1198 simult. data, carotenoids of vitamins in plasma A and E and by reversed-phase HPLC 2229 in elderly and younger subjects, X-ray crystallography revised structure of 8-aminolevulinic acid deriv.(SN), Xylitol 1867 specific quant. of xylitoh and r-xylulose with ketose Xyloe reductase(A), 1174 xyloee, anti-ghiadin, and anti-endomysium antibodies in adult celiac dis.(L), 1753 Zinc deta. of trace elements in blood serum of patients with Beh#{231}et dis, by total reflection x-ray fluorescence anal.(SN), 1037 lipid peroxidn. and trace element status in diabetic ketoic patients: influence of insulin therapy, 789 Zehiweger syndrome profiles of very-long fatty acids in plasma, flbrobhasts, and blood cells in Zellweger syndrome, X-linked adrenoheukodystrophy, and rhizomehic chondrodysplasia punctata, 1632 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 39, No. 12, 1993 2611

January:pages 1 - 178 February:pages 179 - 374 March: pages 375 - 558 April:pages 559 - 742 May: pages 743 - 926 June: pages 927- 1358 July:pages 1359- 1566 August:pages 1567 - 1758 September: pages 1759 - 2034 October: pages 2035 - 2218 November: pages 2219 - 2358 Beckman Special Issue: pages 2359 - 2452 December: pages 2453 - 2612

pos. interference with the Jaff#{233} reaction by<br />

sulbactam(A), 1144<br />

prelim. evaln. of an exptl. cm. chem.<br />

analyzer developed for space medicine, 37<br />

quant anal. of the interaction between Ca<br />

ions and human serum, 202<br />

quantg. Lp(a) particles containing various<br />

apo(a) isoforme by a monoclonal<br />

anti-ape(s) capture antibody and<br />

polyclonal anti-ape B detect. antibody<br />

sandwich enzyme imniunoassay, 1382<br />

quant.<br />

1147<br />

urine chem. from rats and dogs(A),<br />

rate nephehometric assay of serum Lp(aXSN),<br />

503<br />

reported effects of hong-term storage on<br />

concs. of retinol, - carotene, and<br />

a-tocopheroh in serum or plasma<br />

summarized(SN), 1075<br />

role of antibody valency in baptenheterologous<br />

immunoassays(SN), 879<br />

selection of materials for interference<br />

studies(A), 1142<br />

sequential ultracentrifugation micromethod<br />

for sapn. of serum lipoproteins and assays<br />

of lipids, apolipoprotein, and lipoprotein<br />

particles, 960<br />

stability of intact hCG in serum, liq. whole<br />

blood, and dried whole-blood filter-paper<br />

spots: screening for Down syndrome by<br />

mess. of free -hCG subunit(SN), 1064<br />

strength of signal, anal, variability, and<br />

predictive value of test reaults(L), 697<br />

substantial urinary concs. of material<br />

resembling n-core fragment of hCG<br />

n-subunit in mid-menstrual cycle, 1857<br />

testosterone conc. is increased in whole<br />

saliva, but not in ultrafiltrate after<br />

toothbrushing(SN), 519<br />

total error assessment of 5 methods for<br />

cholesterol screening (SN), 297<br />

transcriptional activn. of the estrogen<br />

receptor(S), 341<br />

variability of lipid mess.: relevance for the<br />

clinician(S), 1495<br />

within-and between-subject bioh. variations<br />

of PSI!, LI!, testosterone, and<br />

sex-hormone-binding<br />

1723<br />

globulin in men(SN),<br />

Vasculitis<br />

overtraining in neural networks that<br />

interpret chin, data(S), 1998<br />

Vasopressin<br />

change in arginine vasopressin conca. with<br />

age(L), 2023<br />

Ventricular arrhythmlas<br />

increased T4 into T3 peripheral conversion in<br />

patients with ventricular arrhythmias(A),<br />

1165<br />

Videotape review<br />

How to Use and Calibrate Liq.-in-Glaas<br />

Thermometers, 922<br />

VIinfluence<br />

of vigabatrin on ALAT acty.<br />

meas.(A), 1142<br />

Vicuses<br />

See also Hepatitis, Human<br />

Immunodeficiency Virus<br />

monitoring both serum amyloid protein A<br />

and C-reactive protein as inflammatory<br />

markers in infect. dia.(SN), 293<br />

Vitamin A<br />

serum and amniotic fluid conca, of vitamins<br />

A, C, and E in smokers and nonsmokera(A),<br />

1198<br />

simult. deta. of vitamins A and E and<br />

carotenoids in plasma by reversed-phase<br />

HPLC in elderly and younger suhects,<br />

2229<br />

solid-phase eztn. protocol for isolating<br />

retinoh-d4 and retinol from plasma for<br />

parallel processing for epidemiological<br />

studies(SN), 2318<br />

stability of vitamin A circulating complex in<br />

spots of dried serum samples absorbed onto<br />

filter paper(L), 1744<br />

Vitamin B,<br />

anal. inaccuracy for folic acid with a popular<br />

comm. vitamin B15/folate kit(L), 2209<br />

anal, of myeloma patients’ specimens by<br />

CEDIA, 701<br />

automated chemiluminescent assay for<br />

vitamin B on Access immunoassay<br />

system(A), 1270<br />

chemiluminascence receptor assay for<br />

vitamin B12, avidin bead capture(A), 1146<br />

develop, of CEDIA No Boil vitamin B12 assay<br />

for Roche Cobas Micra(A), 1260<br />

effect of light on serum Brs and folate<br />

stability(L), 913<br />

enzyme assay for quant. of vitamin<br />

Technicon Immuno 1 system(A),<br />

B12 on<br />

1250<br />

evain. of automated folate, vitamin B13, and<br />

ferritin chemiluminescence assays of<br />

Ciba-Corning ACS-180 (A), 1215<br />

nonisotopic vitamin B assay for Vista<br />

immunoaasay(A), 1263<br />

performance evaln. of Baxter Stratus vitamin<br />

B12 and fohic acid aasays(A), 1206<br />

Vitamin C<br />

serum and amniotic fluid conca. of vitamins<br />

A, C, and E in smokers and nonsmokera(A),<br />

1198<br />

Vitamin D<br />

comm. kits for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D<br />

compared<br />

1086<br />

with hiq.-chromatog. aasay(SN),<br />

detn, of vitamin D status by RIA with an<br />

‘261-labehed tracer(SN), 529<br />

vitamin D, Ca, and colon cancer(A), 1311<br />

Vitamin E<br />

serum and amniotic fluid concs. of vitamins<br />

A, C, and E in smokers and nonsmokers(A),<br />

1198<br />

simult. data,<br />

carotenoids<br />

of vitamins<br />

in plasma<br />

A and E and<br />

by reversed-phase<br />

HPLC<br />

2229<br />

in elderly and younger subjects,<br />

X-ray crystallography<br />

revised structure of 8-aminolevulinic acid<br />

deriv.(SN),<br />

Xylitol<br />

1867<br />

specific quant. of xylitoh and r-xylulose with<br />

ketose<br />

Xyloe<br />

reductase(A), 1174<br />

xyloee, anti-ghiadin, and anti-endomysium<br />

antibodies in adult celiac dis.(L), 1753<br />

Zinc<br />

deta. of trace elements in blood serum of<br />

patients with Beh#{231}et dis, by total reflection<br />

x-ray fluorescence anal.(SN), 1037<br />

lipid peroxidn. and trace element status in<br />

diabetic ketoic patients: influence of<br />

insulin therapy, 789<br />

Zehiweger syndrome<br />

profiles of very-long fatty acids in plasma,<br />

flbrobhasts, and blood cells in Zellweger<br />

syndrome, X-linked adrenoheukodystrophy,<br />

and rhizomehic<br />

chondrodysplasia punctata, 1632<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. <strong>39</strong>, No. 12, <strong>1993</strong> 2611

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