ACTION PLAN - University of Ulster

ACTION PLAN - University of Ulster

ACTION PLAN - University of Ulster


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their word choice, asking non-threatening questions about the reading, using class time as<br />

a reading period, preparing exam questions on readings for which the class was<br />

unprepared to discuss, and giving written assignments to those students who have not<br />

done assigned readings.<br />

Values Clarification Exercises:<br />

What are we doing?<br />

The CASS counselors have several values clarification exercises available to them. They<br />

include Simon, Howe, and Kirshenbaum=s Values Clarification, the Value Wheel, and the<br />

values assessment in DISCOVER.<br />

Current Research/Information:<br />

At Wheaton College in Norton, MA, on course is the Resident Hall Staff selection<br />

process in Development Issues for College Students. Three main issues addressed in the<br />

course are leadership style, values clarification and interpersonal skills.<br />

Charles Lauter in Values as Verbs, originally published in the Fall 2000 issue <strong>of</strong><br />

Lawrence Today, and available at www.lawrence.edu/news/pubs/values , discusses<br />

values education. He feels he is <strong>of</strong>ten more comfortable with values education than other<br />

educators is because he sees it as a process not a product. This fits with the saying<br />

AEducation is a journey, not a destination.@ Values education is not about indoctrinating<br />

people with isms, but rather Ahelping them learn the process <strong>of</strong> valuing, a way to arrive at<br />

and enact values, rather then the content <strong>of</strong> those vales.@ Values clarification is one<br />

educational process in dealing with values. Everyone comes to a university setting with<br />

values. Students are not blank slates and have had to choose from alternatives to reach a<br />

particular belief or value. The process <strong>of</strong> values education typically will include learning<br />

the following:<br />

!To choose from alternative - educate self about the myriad <strong>of</strong> alternatives.<br />

!To choose wisely - must know and understand consequences.<br />

!To understand - must inquire, analyze and criticize then recognize that the belief is a<br />

choice (to be embraced, prized and cherished).<br />

!To be effective - must put values into action.<br />

Kirshenbaum, Howard, 1992, A Comprehensive Model for Values Education and Moral<br />

Education, Phi Delta Kappan: v73 n10, outlines the history <strong>of</strong> values education from the<br />

1950s until the early 1990s. The 50s values education is characterized as inculcating and<br />

modeling with a consensus about parents, religions, and society regarding values, and<br />

morality. During the turbulent 1960s and 1970s new attitudes about human sexuality,<br />

religion, career options, lifestyles, and personal values were common and APower to the<br />

People@ was a popular slogan. Educators were now encouraged to help students Aclarify<br />

their own values, learn higher levels <strong>of</strong> moral reasoning, and learn the skills <strong>of</strong> value<br />

analysis.@ In the 1980s, views were Amore politically conservative, economically fearful,<br />

and socially disintegrating@ The yuppies= generation <strong>of</strong> the 80s might be characterized as<br />


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