The Journey of Milk: From Cow to Carton

The Journey of Milk: From Cow to Carton

The Journey of Milk: From Cow to Carton


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Name:______________________<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Journey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Milk</strong>: <strong>From</strong> <strong>Cow</strong> <strong>to</strong> Car<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Louis Pasteur<br />

Chemist and Biologist<br />

December 27, 1822 - September 28, 1895<br />

Louis Pasteur (pahs TOOR) was born <strong>to</strong> a tanner, Jean Joseph Pasteur and his wife Jeanne in France<br />

in the ancient <strong>to</strong>wn <strong>of</strong> Dole. His father had been a soldier in Napoleon's army.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y sent Louis <strong>to</strong> a school in Arbois (Ahr-bwah) when he was six. He enjoyed drawing portraits <strong>of</strong><br />

his family and friends. At that time his skill seemed <strong>to</strong> be in the field <strong>of</strong> art without a hint <strong>of</strong> his<br />

future fame as a scientist.<br />

After he graduated he went <strong>to</strong> the Royal College in Besancon (bih zan SAH(N) where he earned his<br />

B.A. and then a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree two years later at the age <strong>of</strong> twenty. In 1847 he received<br />

a doc<strong>to</strong>rate degree and became a pr<strong>of</strong>essor at age twenty-six.<br />

He fell in love with and married Marie Laurent and they had five children, but only two <strong>of</strong> them<br />

survived.<br />

He began <strong>to</strong> study fermentation and how it related <strong>to</strong> alcoholic drinks. His research led <strong>to</strong> the<br />

process <strong>of</strong> pasteurization* <strong>of</strong> milk <strong>to</strong> kill viruses and harmful bacteria. <strong>The</strong> milk is not heated <strong>to</strong> the<br />

boiling point which would change the flavor, but is heated <strong>to</strong> a temperature sufficient <strong>to</strong> kill the<br />

bacteria which would cause it spoil easily or cause disease. It is then chilled and must be kept cold<br />

until used.<br />

He named the new science bacteriology* and suggested a new theory, <strong>The</strong> Germ <strong>The</strong>ory <strong>of</strong> Disease.<br />

He believed that diseases were caused by germs attacking the body from the outside.<br />

<strong>The</strong> raising <strong>of</strong> silkworms was a large industry in France at that time. People raised them in their<br />

homes or in large sheds. <strong>The</strong> silk worms constantly ate mulberry leaves, so the owners would even<br />

get up in the night <strong>to</strong> feed them. <strong>The</strong> silkworm would spin a cocoon and become a chrysalis.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the cocoons were put in a steam s<strong>to</strong>ve, dried in the sun and handed over <strong>to</strong> the weavers <strong>to</strong><br />

unravel the silk threads. Each cocoon would be composed <strong>of</strong> a single silk thread 1000-3000 feet<br />

long. A few <strong>of</strong> the cocoons would be saved <strong>to</strong> develop in<strong>to</strong> the moths which lay the eggs which<br />

hatched in<strong>to</strong> silkworms and start the cycle all over again.<br />

In 1849 the worms were hit with a disease and began <strong>to</strong> die. It first started in France and spread<br />

worldwide <strong>to</strong> every country except Japan. In 1865 at the request <strong>of</strong> the government Pasteur<br />

performed experiments <strong>to</strong> find the cause <strong>of</strong> the malady. Using the microscope he determined that<br />

corpuscles in the infected worms were causing them <strong>to</strong> die. <strong>The</strong> worms would infect each other. He<br />

helped the growers <strong>to</strong> find a way <strong>to</strong> isolate and then use eggs that were not infected.<br />

At the end <strong>of</strong> this arduous* task he suffered a stroke and paralysis. For several months he was<br />

completely paralyzed. He was only 45 years old. After two years he began <strong>to</strong> recover the use <strong>of</strong> his<br />

body.<br />


Name:______________________<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Journey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Milk</strong>: <strong>From</strong> <strong>Cow</strong> <strong>to</strong> Car<strong>to</strong>n<br />

His next task was <strong>to</strong> try and find the cause <strong>of</strong> disease in the body. He developed a vaccine for a<br />

disease in chickens, fowl cholera, and a disease in animals, splenic fever. After proving its success he<br />

began <strong>to</strong> prepare a vaccine for large numbers <strong>of</strong> animals and by 1883 the number <strong>of</strong> animals<br />

vaccinated against the disease called anthrax* reached nearly 500,000.<br />

Pasteur devoted the rest <strong>of</strong> his life developing vaccines for people against such diseases as cholera,<br />

diphtheria, tuberculosis and smallpox.<br />

<strong>The</strong> idea <strong>of</strong> immunization* with a weakened version <strong>of</strong> a disease was not new. As early as 1774 a<br />

vaccine for smallpox* had been discovered, and Edward Jenner before 1800 was vaccinating people<br />

against smallpox. He found that if he inoculated people with cowpox, they got the less severe<br />

disease which prevented them from getting smallpox.<br />

He is especially remembered for the case in which he vaccinated* a nine-year-old boy, Joseph<br />

Meister, who had been bitten by a dog that had rabies.* <strong>The</strong> boy recovered after receiving the<br />

vaccine from Pasteur. When he grew up he became a caretaker at the Pasteur Institute.<br />

Thousands <strong>of</strong> people since that time have received rabies vaccinations and been saved from getting<br />

the disease which is almost always fatal.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Pasteur Institute was founded in 1888 in Paris. When he died he was buried there in a fine<br />

<strong>to</strong>mb.<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> the facts in this s<strong>to</strong>ry were taken from the book, Pasteur: Founder <strong>of</strong> Modern Medicine<br />

(See Christian Book link below)<br />

Article taken from:<br />

http://www.garden<strong>of</strong>praise.com/ibdpast.htm<br />

2<br />

Louis Pasteur<br />

Chemist and Biologist<br />

December 27, 1822 - September 28, 1895

<strong>From</strong> Word Central's Student Dictionary<br />

by Merriam - Webster<br />

(Pronunciation note: the schwa sound is shown by ə)<br />

Name:______________________<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Journey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Milk</strong>: <strong>From</strong> <strong>Cow</strong> <strong>to</strong> Car<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Key words and pronunciation<br />

bacteriology<br />

Pronunciation: (")bak-"tir-E-'ahl-ə-jE<br />

Function: noun<br />

a science that deals with bacteria and their relations <strong>to</strong> medicine, industry, and agriculture<br />

pasteurization<br />

Pronunciation: "pas-chə-rə-'zA-shən, "pas-tə-<br />

Function: noun<br />

the process <strong>of</strong> heating a liquid (as milk) <strong>to</strong> a temperature high enough and keeping it<br />

at that temperature long enough <strong>to</strong> kill many objectionable germs and then<br />

cooling it rapidly without causing a major change in its chemical composition<br />

rabies<br />

Pronunciation: 'rA-bEz<br />

Function: noun<br />

a disease <strong>of</strong> the nervous system <strong>of</strong> mammals that is caused by a virus usually passed on<br />

by the bite <strong>of</strong> an animal already infected with it and is always deadly if untreated<br />

vaccine<br />

Pronunciation: vak-'sEn, 'vak-"sEn<br />

Function: noun<br />

a preparation <strong>of</strong> killed, weakened, or fully infectious microbes that is given<br />

(as by injection) <strong>to</strong> produce or increase immunity <strong>to</strong> a particular disease<br />

Word His<strong>to</strong>ry: Toward the end <strong>of</strong> the 18th century, Edward Jenner, an English physician, made an<br />

important discovery. He observed that dairymaids who had the disease cowpox did not get<br />

smallpox, a much more serious disease. Working from this observation, he injected a person with<br />

material taken from another person's cowpox sores. He found out that this injection protected that<br />

person against the dreaded smallpox.<br />


Name:______________________<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Journey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Milk</strong>: <strong>From</strong> <strong>Cow</strong> <strong>to</strong> Car<strong>to</strong>n<br />

anthrax<br />

Pronunciation: 'an-"thraks<br />

Function: noun<br />

an infectious and usually fatal disease <strong>of</strong> warm-blooded animals (as cattle and sheep)<br />

caused by a bacterium and transmissible <strong>to</strong> humans;<br />

also : a bacterium causing anthrax<br />

immunization<br />

Pronunciation: "im-yə-nə-'zA-shən<br />

Function: noun<br />

treatment (as with a vaccine) <strong>to</strong> produce immunity <strong>to</strong> a disease<br />

smallpox<br />

Pronunciation: 'smol-"pahks<br />

Function: noun<br />

a sometimes deadly disease that is caused by a virus, is characterized by fever and a<br />

skin rash, and is believed <strong>to</strong> have been wiped out worldwide as a result <strong>of</strong> vaccination<br />

arduous<br />

Pronunciation: 'ahrj-(ə-)wəs<br />

Function: adjective<br />

extremely difficult; an arduous climb<br />

4<br />

Key words and pronunciation

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