Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission

Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission

Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission


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Chapter-7<br />

The Committee directed that the concerned Ministries should keep a vigilant eye on their projects and<br />

take corrective measures during execution (ECNEC decision dated the 4th August, 1982).<br />

National Economic Council's Decisions:<br />

7.33 On the basis of experience and insights gained through monitoring by the <strong>Projects</strong> Wing, a summary<br />

was submitted to the NEC at its meeting held on July 4, 1988 on "Improving the Efficiency of<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Expenditure Through Institution of Appropriate Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures".<br />

The summary focused on the factors responsible <strong>for</strong> delays in the implementation and consequent<br />

inefficient use of development funds. The NEC took decisions covering all stages of the Project cycle<br />

(identification, preparation, appraisal, implementation, monitoring and evaluation), with a view to<br />

improving on current implementation per<strong>for</strong>mance (Annexure XVIII). The NEC's decisions concerning<br />

specifically project monitoring/evaluation are reproduced below:-<br />

i) Training in Project Monitoring and Evaluation:<br />

Training in project preparation, appraisal, management, monitoring and evaluation should be instituted at<br />

all levels.<br />

ii) Strengthening of PME Cells/setting-up of a Computerized MIS:<br />

Project monitoring and evaluation Cells (PME Cells) should be strengthened/created and Computerized<br />

Management In<strong>for</strong>mation System installed.<br />

iii) Larger M & E Coverage:<br />

Page 21 of 26<br />

Selected federal/provincial projects costing Rs 100 million and above should be monitored by the<br />

<strong>Projects</strong> Wing. With the existing facilities, the <strong>Projects</strong> wing has been monitoring about 50 projects and<br />

can produce evaluation reports of 10 completed projects annually. A much larger coverage of at least 300<br />

projects <strong>for</strong> monitoring is desirable alongwith evaluation of 50 completed projects every year <strong>for</strong> which<br />

additional resources should be provided.<br />

http://hd2/pc/popup/ch7_p.html<br />


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