Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission

Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission

Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission


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<strong>Manual</strong> For <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Projects</strong><br />

should be endorsed to the <strong>Planning</strong> and <strong>Development</strong> Division (5,copies), Cabinet Division and<br />

Finance Division and Finance Department in the case of provincial projects.<br />

6.42 While issuing administrative approval, the Federal Ministries/Provincial Departments should<br />

specifically incorporate the conditions, if any, imposed by the approving body so that the Project<br />

Director/Executing Agency should be fully aware of his responsibilities in complying with those<br />

conditions be<strong>for</strong>e, during and after the implementation of the project.<br />

Concept Clearance of <strong>Projects</strong> <strong>for</strong> Foreign Aid Negotiations<br />

Page 13 of 17<br />

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6.43 The <strong>for</strong>eign aid is an important element of financing our development programme. This<br />

assistance is pledged by various donors largely to meet the <strong>for</strong>eign exchange requirements of the<br />

projects undertaken by Government of Pakistan either through Federal PSDP or through provincial<br />

ADPs, depending on the agency <strong>for</strong> the implementation of the project. In view of paucity of<br />

domestic resources there should be effective utilization of <strong>for</strong>eign economic aid. It was decided<br />

that at the preliminary stage, where only a broad outline regarding the nature and scope of the<br />

project is known, clearance should be obtained from the <strong>Planning</strong> & <strong>Development</strong> Division even<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e the preliminary discussions with the aid giving agencies take place (Annexure-XXXIV).<br />

This is necessary to establish at the very outset whether the project fits in the priorities laid down<br />

in the Five Year Plan and the overall economic development policies of the government. A<br />

committee (a sort of mini CDWP) <strong>for</strong> concept clearance of <strong>for</strong>eign aided projects was set up in the<br />

<strong>Planning</strong> & <strong>Development</strong> Division. The Concept Clearance Committee is chaired by Deputy<br />

Chairman, <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> and provincial Governments have also been given representation<br />

in this Committee. Its composition is at Annexure-XXXV. A prescribed pro<strong>for</strong>ma <strong>for</strong> concept<br />

clearance has been devised (copy enclosed at Annexure-XXXVI). Sponsoring agencies are<br />

required to submit 50 copies of the project proposal on this <strong>for</strong>mat to the Aid Programming<br />

Section of <strong>Planning</strong> & <strong>Development</strong> Division. After obtaining the recommendations of the<br />

concerned technical section the project proposal is submitted to Concept Clearance Committee <strong>for</strong><br />

its approval. The approval of the Concept Clearance Committee is communicated to EAD and<br />

sponsoring agency <strong>for</strong> aid negotiations with the donors.<br />

6.44 Concept clearance is required <strong>for</strong> those projects only which have not been cleared by the<br />

CDWP/ECNEC. The project should, however, fit in with the priorities laid down in the Five<br />

Year/Perspective Plans and the overall economic development policies/ priorities of the<br />

Government. After Concept clearance has been accorded, the donor agency generally arranges pre<br />

appraisal/appraisal missions to discuss the project with the EAD/other agencies concerned. After<br />

appraisal of the project, sufficient data is available with the sponsoring agency to prepare the PC-I.<br />

The sponsoring agency are required to submit the PC-I to <strong>Planning</strong> & <strong>Development</strong> Division<br />

within a maximum period of one month after appraisal of the project by the donor agency <strong>for</strong><br />

processing through the relevant approving authority. It is necessary that the decision of the CDWP<br />

is available be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>for</strong>mal loan negotiation are held with the donor agency, so that loan negotiation<br />

con<strong>for</strong>m to the decision of the CDWP. Likewise, the loan agreement, etc. should not be signed<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e approval of the project by the competent <strong>for</strong>um or the anticipatory approval of the<br />

Chairman, ECNEC.<br />

http://hd2/pc/popup/ch6_p.html<br />


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