Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission

Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission

Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission


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Chapter-1<br />

iv)<br />

To make proposals regarding the administrative machinery best calculated to assu<br />

plan.<br />

iv)<br />

To make proposals regarding the administrative machinery best calculated to assu<br />

plan.<br />

v)<br />

To make any other recommendations which in the opinion of the Board will cont<br />

implementation of the plan.<br />

(c) Functions:<br />

i) To prepare future five year plans of economic and social development.<br />

ii)<br />

iii)<br />

iv)<br />

v)<br />

vi)<br />

vii)<br />

To make additions and alterations in the existing five year plan consistent with th<br />

country.<br />

To tender such technical advice and offer such comments on financial matters be<br />

be requested by the Ministries of Government.<br />

To stimulate and, where necessary, to initiate the preparation of schemes required<br />

economic and social fields.<br />

To examine development schemes, programmes and proposals with a view to the<br />

development.<br />

To maintain a continuous and constant review of the progress of development, th<br />

experienced.z<br />

To maintain a continuous review of the economic conditions of the country so fa<br />

development plans.<br />

viii) To submit such periodic reports as the Government may desire from time to time<br />

ix)<br />

x)<br />

To encourage the improvement and expansion of research (in particular economi<br />

investigations and evaluation needed to support effective planning and developm<br />

Generally to advise the Government on economic policies and problems in variou<br />

on the development plans.<br />

1.5 The Board accordingly prepared and submitted a five year plan <strong>for</strong> the period 1955-1960<br />

plan) which was approved in principle by the National Economic Council.<br />

1.6 In order to assist the further economic and social development of the country, and in par<br />

objectives stated in Sections 28 and 29 of the Constitution, a permanent <strong>Planning</strong> Board<br />

Economic Affairs Resolution No. 129(3)PP/53 dated 20th April, 1957.<br />

1.7 The Board was to consist of a Chairman and atleast two members one of whom was desi<br />

Minister agreed to assume the office of the Chairman of the Board.<br />

1.8 Mr. Said Hasan was appointed as the Deputy Chairman of the <strong>Planning</strong> Board with effec<br />

<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Commission</strong><br />

Page 3 of 13<br />

1.9 Subsequently, vide the Government of Pakistan Notification No. Cord(I)-<br />

8/84/58-I, dated the 22nd October 1958, the President was pleased to re-<br />

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